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Messages - Mr Bekkler

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Chrono News / Re: Chrono Сross Modification
« on: March 23, 2016, 04:49:59 pm »
Awesome I'll take a look. I didn't know all that info was on the Compendium after the CnD.

Chrono News / Re: Chrono Сross Modification
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:39:52 pm »
I can help out with some texture repainting. I'm good with art but totally new to Chrono Cross hacking. How can I export character textures in an editable format? What tools are needed? I've been trying to find this out anyway. If you can help me get the files, I'll help you change what you want changed.

Chrono News / Re: Chrono cross modification
« on: March 16, 2016, 05:16:54 pm »
What do you mean by saying "replacing Serge"? That sounds interesting but I don't understand.
Change Serge to another character. As Relief as a Charm,  just everywhere.
Cool, so you're not stuck with Serge, you can make your own party. I like it!

Chrono News / Re: Chrono cross modification
« on: March 15, 2016, 03:18:33 pm »
What do you mean by saying "replacing Serge"? That sounds interesting but I don't understand.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: CT/CE/RD/CC/CB fan remake megagame
« on: March 13, 2016, 04:20:27 pm »
Just try using your imagination to arrive at a similar place by different means. Some examples:
If you combine Lucca and her dad or Lucca and the gurus you get a new character Dr. Smartypants or Professor Foureyes or something, and he or she has been building a time machine but doesn't mention it's broken until after the player uses it.
If everyone's an animal them a fun twist might be a prince who used to be a frog but was turned into a person and desperately wants to be a frog again.

I don't expect you to use my ideas but I hope it helps spark some creativity for you while you think about your idea. Obviously I'm just one person with just one opinion, so what I'm suggesting isn't necessarily the mass consensus. Everyone who has tried to remake one of the Chrono games had gotten shut down by Square Enix. Most fan made games have either been cancelled, shut down by Square Enix, are really short, or take years to complete (which is where my project is right now). If you flesh out an original idea, taking heavy inspiration won't get you sued, and in the event that you complete it, you can sell and distribute it as you please. If you really want to make it a fan game I'll reiterate you should keep it private until it's ready, keep it low key even after release, and make your story fit into established canon rather than try to change too much that's already been done, regardless of what you like or don't like about it. If the intent is to please fans, don't reinvent the wheel.

Most important is figure out the story you want to tell and figure out how to do it effectively. Use your imagination, have fun, and again, good luck.

Thanks, I just now noticed it's out of the Dead Sea :) looks like an admin got The Mage's message.

I might as well take this time to let anyone interested know we got permission from Roetaka to use some music that was originally intended for Chrono Crisis and Chrono Ark to augment our own already-large original soundtrack. This brings our number of composers who contributed to 4 and our number of songs up to exactly "a lot".

Kajar Laboratories / Re: CT/CE/RD/CC/CB fan remake megagame
« on: March 12, 2016, 06:02:11 pm »
Are anthropomorphic animal characters overdone though? I can't name anything of the top of my head except some Disney movies.
I feel my greater point is being ignored so I probably won't reply again, after this last attempt. A new art style, new plants and animals and a brand new world, new eras, new events, different gameplay mechanics, this all sounds like an original idea. I think you simply renamed the few remaining elements of the Chrono Trigger universe you want to use and call them something else, you'll have an entirely original property to do with as you please. What you're describing doesn't sound bad but doesn't sound like Chrono Trigger or Cross. It sounds like it's inspired by the series, maybe. But it just doesn't sound like it fits as part of the series. Not to me.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: CT/CE/RD/CC/CB fan remake megagame
« on: March 11, 2016, 07:08:29 pm »
It just doesn't sound like Chrono Trigger to me. An art style like Adventure Time, Serge and Marle escorting a weakling Tata to get the Masamune, and generally trying to "improve" a game most think is already perfect by mashing it together with 2 other official games, 1 fan game, and whatever Chrono Break was supposed to be, all sound to me like missteps. By making a bunch of changes to canon you'll anger fans of the franchise, but by insisting to use the existing characters and story (and presumably the same graphics and music) you'll get a cease and desist quickly unless your project is completely underground, potentially causing you to lose years of work. If you really want to make a Chrono fan game, and you're serious about finishing it, my best suggestion would be to create something new that takes place in the same universe without rehashing what had already come before. Come up with some characters, a story, and a way to fit it all in somehow. Not every idea is a good one, different doesn't always mean better.

Good luck with your project, I hope you put a lot of thought into it before deciding to legitimately work on it. I don't mean to sound like I hate all your ideas, but I'm not a fan of what's been shared so far.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: CT/CE/RD/CC/CB fan remake megagame
« on: March 11, 2016, 04:45:45 pm »
I won't cry "Blasphemy" but I would suggest you alter your idea into something original, with all the changes you seem to be planning you might as well avoid any legal issues.
Unfortunately I'm not particularly interested, because you haven't really conveyed much of what you plan to do except combine some but not all elements of existing games into one fan made game and substitute Serge for Chrono. I think it would be better to bring something new instead of rehash what others have already created.

PSZ, did you not read the actual post? He states right up front he's not planning a rom hack.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: So the panther demon...
« on: February 29, 2016, 11:55:07 am »
EgyLynx, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Here's the evidence/analysis/conjecture: both games have a cat that is a background character, who is important to the plot because of an association with a boy who has blue hair and is emotionally close to Schala. I suggest that Alfador is no cat, but is a sort of cat demon, or cat god, similar to Spekkio, and can shapeshift.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: So the panther demon...
« on: February 23, 2016, 10:51:10 pm »
I think it was Alfador.

Well, I'm still working on Chrono Shift, and in my hiatus, some of the other Shift team members were still working on it. The team is small now, but the work is flowing, and will eventually be done. My vote is for that, obviously (a full RPG Maker game).

However, I recently re-posted a small shooter game Epoch Battle, in the "Submissions" section if anyone wants to play something new/different in the franchise any time soon.

And one thing I'd really like to eventually learn to do (or just to see completed) is work with Chrono Cross and change just a few small things, very similar to Magus Unmasked, but with a few more characters tweaked visually (and no big changes at all to story or gameplay). If anyone who reads this could help me figure out how to do this please PM me.

Submissions / Epoch Battle Redux
« on: January 31, 2016, 09:28:40 pm »
I'd like to resubmit this. I was going through some old files and found this scrolling shooter game I made in a class a few years ago on Game Maker 7. I called it Epoch Battle. You just use the arrow keys to move and the space bar to shoot. It had a few bugs from being made out of the class tutorial, I think I've fixed them all. Let me know if you experience anything funny. The only link to it was in this forum a few years ago to Since that site's gone, it's been unobtainable until now.

Get it here: Download Epoch Battle

Chrono Shift RPGMaker Project / Re: Chrono Shift General Progress Thread
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:37:22 pm »
Hey all, I'm back on this project after a long... well, let's call it a Sabbatical. A long time away. Hopefully we'll get some more progress within a few months.

And Mage, showing that stuff off was totally ok! Lol anything to prove we're not all just dead.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Bekkler's Return...
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:30:58 pm »
Hey all,

It's been a while. Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I am sorry I've been gone for a long time, I used to be so active here. I see the site got a facelift in my absence!

Well, I hope to see some familiar faces and names (and new ones of course) and I may not be on nearly as often as I once was.

 :cry: I missed you guys.

Btw, I'm married now, my band is dead, and Chrono Shift lives. That is all.

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