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Messages - Boo the Gentleman Caller

Pages: 1 ... 241 242 [243] 244 245 ... 288
Oh man.  I forgot all about the hologram/clone versions of Crono and friends within the bowels of the Black Omen...

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you hate
« on: June 02, 2008, 09:12:11 pm »
I am currently temporarily living in Europe (Scotland) and it has only strengthened some of my opinions concerning American politics.  Particularly those I hate (not to say that Great Britain doesn't have it's share of problems, too).  It's the whole world...

When I first fought Magus I was just in awe.  As I walked up the corridor, the torches lit with my approach.  And there he was.


Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Green!
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:37:27 pm »
Saying it's both is good enough for me!

Submissions / Re: Serge MS Paint
« on: May 31, 2008, 04:10:30 am »
nice work, especially considering it's ms paint!

I gonna leave a rating and comment on the video, but you disabled both...  Ah well.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Ghetz's Shirt
« on: May 28, 2008, 02:21:26 pm »
This thread sucks.  Just everyone drop it.  If the flamefest continues, I ask Translanka to get involved and lock this thread.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« on: May 28, 2008, 02:18:05 pm »
or the RPG in question is 'Rapture'.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Died in Radical Dreamers
« on: May 28, 2008, 02:12:56 pm »
The only time I died was on accident against those damn piranhas cause I didn't know wtf was going on...

Exact same thing with me.  I was just so dern insistent upon sticking around and killing those buggers...

Although I am going to disagree with you on this one, one time I did read a "History of the Masamune" essay that connected CT and FF7 and I found it completely intriguing (granted, that was years ago).

On a side note, I once read that one of the creators of FF7/FF10 said that he believed the two worlds were most likely one world, just thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years apart....

Darkness Beyond Time - Dead Project Discussion / Re: Here it goes!
« on: May 28, 2008, 02:07:50 pm »
A long time (to ensure that it is up to Chrono par).  Just be patient, my friend.  It will be worth it in the long run.

Looks BEAUTIFUL!  I can't wait to see all the hard work come to fruition.

Godspeed you black emperors!

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« on: May 26, 2008, 06:43:04 pm »
You know, I've always had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that Square Enix is intentionally stalling on a new Chrono game.  Obviously they have their eyes on us, the fan community.  They are constantly watching us and if something gets out of line (in their eyes), such as both Chrono Trigger 3-D remakes, they shut it down.

So that much we know: Squeenix is watching us.

But we're a very fervent and sometimes aggressive crowd, and we are (for the most part) extremely protective over all things Chrono.  I wonder if good ol' Square Enix hasn't been hesitant simply afraid to create something that would anger us (the buyers, the money spenders).

But most importantly we're so fervent in our passions for Chrono that we have reached the point where we ENTERTAIN ourselves.  Not only are we beyond fan art and fan fiction, but we are in the midst or creating our own Chrono games.  If we are capable of entertaining ourselves, why would Square Enix feel the need to make another game?

Not saying that any of the above is true, but it's all things that have passed through my mind.

General Discussion / Re: The too much needed Final Fantasy thread!
« on: May 26, 2008, 06:35:47 pm »
I'm extremely surprised that they didn't do a prequel featuring young Auron, Jecht, and Braska. All the character models are there, so maybe fans will do it someday.

You know, that thought has never crossed my mind until now.  Not a bad idea, though.  Final Fantasy X-0!

General Discussion / Re: The "Where you're coming from" thread.
« on: May 26, 2008, 01:48:45 am »
it's harry potter!

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