Author Topic: Should I play FF7?  (Read 22418 times)


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #90 on: September 22, 2005, 03:52:00 pm »
I think you should play FF7 because I think you would enjoy it and it has a very good story line that is pretty deep in some spots of it.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2005, 04:16:07 pm »
The opera scene was great for it's time simply because no one had ever done anything like that in a game before. There are other publications and fans that'll say the same thing, it was a great scene. Yea the lines were cliche but it was still memorable.

And I never really liked Zidane. I mean he never really was that interesting besides the fact that he was always trying to get in Princess Garnets' pants.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #92 on: September 22, 2005, 04:18:27 pm »
Quote from: Hadriel
Locke/Rachel and Aeris/Cloud are basically the same thing in terms of their behavior towards one another.

I do NOT see how you compare them.  Locke and Rachael were ENGAGED, and against her parent's wishes (at least it seemed they didn't like him very much, and probably NOT just because of the accident), whereas Aeris/Cloud was more like her hanging off his arm every so often with a shallow infatuation.  Rachael was tagging along with Locke, whereas it was more like Cloud was hanging with Aeris (though it went both ways at times).  And Locke went to INCREDIBLE lengths to revive Rachael, and Cloud... it just wasn't anywhere near the same thing.

PLEASE explain how you see their relationships as anything similar???


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2005, 04:43:59 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka
1) In the first 3 disks all Zidane is is a goodie-two-shoes for no reason but "It's the right thing to do, boys & girls!". Lame.
2) Unless I'm mistaked, Zidane's limited to a 9999HP damage cap whereas Locke is not.
3) The Locke & Rachel/Pheonix scene in the WoR is one of the most touching scenes in RPG history.

Oh man, totally agree with you there. :)


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2005, 04:52:34 pm »
Shallow infatuation, eh?  As opposed to what?  

Their relationships are similar because of their function in the plot; the ladies die and provide impetus for the heroes to do what they do.  Aeris and Rachel are pretty much exactly the same.  There are also a plethora of reasons why Aeris is unrevivable; Phoenix Downs only work if the character is knocked unconscious.  Notice if you will, on the Status screen, if a character has 0 HP they are listed as "KO" not "Dead."  Phoenix Downs can heal anything from gunshots to severe medical trauma, but Aeris just outright died.  If this were not true, Locke could have simply used a Phoenix Down on Rachel.  For that matter, every dead character in Final Fantasy could be resurrected.  As this is not the case, one is forced to go to outrageous lengths, such as Locke did, and even that didn't sustain her for more than a few minutes.

Compared to Sephiroth, the characters are also exceptionally weak at that point in time.  Him stabbing Aeris was the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb to get rid of an anthill.  If that doesn't kill you, nothing will.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #95 on: September 22, 2005, 05:10:17 pm »
Quote from: Hadriel
Their relationships are similar because of their function in the plot; the ladies die and provide impetus for the heroes to do what they do.

Rachael died BEFORE the story of FFVI, whereas Aeris dies DURING FFVII.  Locke's life changed because of the accident AND the aftermath of the imperial attack, and his focus towards fighting the Empire changed as a result.  He was radically changed by the loss of the love of his life.  But because we didn't WITNESS most of the relationship doesn't mean it was any less real.  And despite what happens sometimes these days, getting engaged is NOT a minor thing, especially for two such as them.

But Cloud & Co. were ALREADY going after Sephiroth when Aeris died.  They were half-chasing her, and half-chasing HIM.  It really didn't change their direction at all.  And somehow I doubt Cloud was completely changed in the way he did things by Aeris's death.  Affected him?  Definitely.  She was a close friend (at the least), but completely change his direction in life?  Not at all really.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #96 on: September 22, 2005, 05:22:35 pm »
It changed the way he pursued his goal, though, and the way he thought about it.  Sephiroth used to be his hero, but then he did something really, incredibly despicable toward Cloud.  It would be basically the same situation as if George Lucas went apeshit and decapitated all my friends.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #97 on: September 22, 2005, 07:55:22 pm »
Quote from: Hadriel
It changed the way he pursued his goal, though, and the way he thought about it.  Sephiroth used to be his hero, but then he did something really, incredibly despicable toward Cloud.  It would be basically the same situation as if George Lucas went apeshit and decapitated all my friends.

Yes but you aren't on a death stalk of Lucas already are you? (I hope you're not)  They've been chasing Seph since he killed Pres Shinra in Midgar.  And they eventually found out he was trying to destroy the world too.  Basically BEFORE he killed Aeris they were after him.

And Locke wasn't really "after" the empire UNTIL they killed Rachael.  And it impacted THE REST of what he did too, as he went after Terra because she had no memory, etc.  I just see Rachael's death as a non-trivial influence on Locke's life as a whole, whereas they would have kept going after Sephiroth whether or not he had killed Aeris, and basically the rest of the story STILL would have happened either way.  It was more of a "shock event" rather than a story event, whereas Rachael's made Locke be PART of the story.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #98 on: September 22, 2005, 08:11:58 pm »
Actually, Cloud didn't decided to go after Sephiroth until AFTER the Shinra President incident.  Why?  They thought he was dead until then.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #99 on: September 23, 2005, 03:22:39 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
Actually, Cloud didn't decided to go after Sephiroth until AFTER the Shinra President incident.  Why?  They thought he was dead until then.

Exactly.  "Since that incident" they've been after him.  Yes they didn't know he existed before then, but basically they were after him from the moment they knew he existed.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #100 on: September 23, 2005, 03:26:07 am »
Quote from: Hadriel
I was speaking of relative damage capacities. HP is a different issue; every game has a different cap. I'm pretty sure that 9999 is the HP cap in VI, anyway.

Zidane's Max damage=9999HP<Locke+Offering+Gengi Glove

That's the cap I was refferring to. There are no multiple hit moves in IX so the max of any character (excepting maybe Vivi w/his Double Black overdrive thing which would just be x2) would be 9999HP. Locke can quadruple Zidane's damage capabilities and all w/o having to do it Desperation style.

As for Locke & Rachel and Clod & Aeris...You can compare them, sure...But they're only truly similar in a very general sense. They are different characters from one another and to simplify them like that seems ludicrous to me. Clod had only just met Aeris after all...It's like comparing love to infatuation. Sure they come from the same place, but they have entirely different meanings behind them.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #101 on: September 23, 2005, 01:35:19 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Offering+Gengi Glove

I was always a magic-centric person at end-game, so I was always a fan of Gem Box + Economizer (anything in 2nd slot really), then Ultima + Quick, then Ultima + Ultima, and Ultima + Ultima.  5x9999 to all on the screen for 6mp.  Then get Gogo to mimic it.



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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #102 on: September 25, 2005, 02:12:39 pm »
Offering+Genji Glove+Atma Weapon+Illumina=Complete ownage.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #103 on: September 26, 2005, 01:19:14 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
Offering+Genji Glove+Atma Weapon+Illumina=Complete ownage.

I could never figure out the colliseum.  My characters always did completely idiotic things.  So I never bothered trying to get illumina.


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Should I play FF7?
« Reply #104 on: September 26, 2005, 07:23:48 pm »
I used the Imp combo. You send an Imp in to battle, who can only attack, with the offering and genji glove attached, and all the Imp armor and weapon.