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Messages - MitchelHunt

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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Power Meal
« on: June 15, 2005, 10:18:51 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Wait, are you trying to say it replenishes all HP? Because that's wrong, it's random...Or were you clearing up that it's for all the party's HP?

- Power Meal (aka Deluxe Lunchbox)

In the General Information for the Power Meal, it says that it randomly heals HP, MP, or both...This, I'm not so sure of...I thought it was only HP.......

hmm...when i play it says "All HP Healed" :?

Submissions / Marle CTM Concept Art
« on: June 15, 2005, 03:35:29 pm »
Quote from: saridon
you watched anime since you were three! wow i started watching letsee when i was 7 and was watching stuff like evangelion (subbed and uncut) at 8.

but for 13 your quite good at drawing anime and besides the things i listed before it looks quite good just in need of a few touch ups.

oh and are you using a tablet for drawing? if so i guess your drawing is better on paper since those things are damn hard to draw with

yeah im using a tablet. lol. i would just draw it on paper but i still haven't found a good enough scanner to maker the coloring smooth when i scan. whenever i DO scan, the coloring gets all screwed up with white dots :x

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Power Meal
« on: June 15, 2005, 06:07:34 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Causes a set-random amount of HP to one or all of your party...I think it's all...Maybe it's or...Whatever something around nothing or 1HP to 999HP I'm sure someone has the exact numbers here...

it's all hp ;)

Quote from: Zaperking
Yeah, Thats what I ment. They had Japanese names of some chinese legendary people or something.

Nice explanation on the Fates part, Daniel ^^

And alrighty, I'll say this. There are languages in their own right in the Chrono Universe, just that it depends on the language that you understand of the version of the game that you're playing XD. I think the Ayla thing is kinda like a plot hole. Is her language reptite or what? Is she the founder of the 1000AD language? Weird.

hmmm. it seems that here KIND is the founder, other than the reptites. but im obviously going to have to go with english due to the audience watching, and the other characters in the game.

Submissions / Marle CTM Concept Art
« on: June 15, 2005, 05:50:03 am »
Quote from: saridon
it seems a very american style of anime.
for one fix the eyes and add some light reflection to them also why are the lines around the edge of the character so damn thick and draw the pictures larger than what they should be so you can easily add more colour shades then resize the image, and have the face curve in then out a slight amount since you should take bone structure into account.

no offence but i can't really see a ct movie with that kind of artwork .

but for a fourteen year old (you are fouteen arnt you?) it looks preety good im only fourteen and im not that good sincei screw up so much.

finally how long have you been watching anime i assume you watch it since watching from a early age helps alot.

watching it since i was 3 ;) the first anime i ever saw was little nemo. (just letting you know)

thanks for you critique, and actually, im 13. the lineart isn't going to be thick in the movie. i just feel like putting thick lineart around the character when i didn't draw a bg, because then i feel like i haven't completed it.

ill take what you said into consideration, and in fact, i am in america, therefore american anime just comes out :P. in my opinion my anime is better than any american anime I'VE ever seen, because I HATE american anime so much. (no offense to anyone, just that i love japan alot ;))

Site Updates / OneUps Volume 1 On Sale
« on: June 15, 2005, 04:00:06 am »
good point. *buys*

Editorials and Features / Poll Ideas & Editorial Ideas
« on: June 15, 2005, 03:59:42 am »
Quote from: Radical_Dreamer
When my investments in lottery tickets pays off.


my suggestion is favorite tech, or maybe favorite magic element?

Submissions / Marle CTM Concept Art
« on: June 15, 2005, 02:34:07 am »
will do :wink:

Kajar Laboratories / CTM Concept Art (Better)
« on: June 14, 2005, 09:20:20 pm »
Quote from: Claado Shou
Quote from: MitchelHunt
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
Quote from: MitchelHunt
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
So... you're actually going to draw 120,000 of these?

no. my main artist is the one that's going to draw most of the movie. he's a very good artist. (much better than me, to assure you).

But... still. 120k? If each drawing only takes 1 minute for each, that would take... 2000 hours. Divide that by two people still yields 1000h each. That's 3h 7 days a week for an entire year. If each takes only five minutes, it's five years work. I'm still not sure how you're going to manage that. But wait: how long will it be? My estimates were based on a 100min movie.

yes around there. im aware of how long it'll take. and im aware of...everything.
btw if you're referring to me saying "i drew 6 pics of him and they all vanished", the only reason that's my excuse is because im making them really detailed right now for the concept pics. some clothe disigns/clothes wont be there, and most of it will just be alot simpler do to the time it will take and time we expect to finish it. also we don't have the whole team yet. i go to an arts school, so im going to post flyers around for open possissions. thats probably mostly where i will find my artists. im hoping to have at least 10 artists on the team so it will go even quicker.

What school?  Is it in Florida?

The SAE. California.

Submissions / Marle CTM Concept Art
« on: June 14, 2005, 06:03:29 am »
I think this one is alot better than my crono concepts  :roll:

General Discussion / Kingdom Hearts
« on: June 14, 2005, 12:21:11 am »
im assuming that zizzlebop is reffering to the c&d letters.

Kajar Laboratories / CTM Concept Art (Better)
« on: June 14, 2005, 12:12:07 am »
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
Quote from: MitchelHunt
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
So... you're actually going to draw 120,000 of these?

no. my main artist is the one that's going to draw most of the movie. he's a very good artist. (much better than me, to assure you).

But... still. 120k? If each drawing only takes 1 minute for each, that would take... 2000 hours. Divide that by two people still yields 1000h each. That's 3h 7 days a week for an entire year. If each takes only five minutes, it's five years work. I'm still not sure how you're going to manage that. But wait: how long will it be? My estimates were based on a 100min movie.

yes around there. im aware of how long it'll take. and im aware of...everything.
btw if you're referring to me saying "i drew 6 pics of him and they all vanished", the only reason that's my excuse is because im making them really detailed right now for the concept pics. some clothe disigns/clothes wont be there, and most of it will just be alot simpler do to the time it will take and time we expect to finish it. also we don't have the whole team yet. i go to an arts school, so im going to post flyers around for open possissions. thats probably mostly where i will find my artists. im hoping to have at least 10 artists on the team so it will go even quicker.

Chrono Trigger: The Movie / News About The Rescent Concept Art
« on: June 13, 2005, 03:50:02 pm »

Kajar Laboratories / CTM Concept Art (Better)
« on: June 13, 2005, 03:48:00 pm »
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
So... you're actually going to draw 120,000 of these?

no. my main artist is the one that's going to draw most of the movie. he's a very good artist. (much better than me, to assure you).

Kajar Laboratories / CTM Concept Art (Better)
« on: June 13, 2005, 03:32:14 am »
He looks a little fat...but okay, the reason this sucks is because i drew 6 pics of him, and my computer was messing up and they all vanished.

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