
What do you think is the worst rpg ever to be programmed & released to the public?

Beyond the Beyond (PS1)
0 (0%)
Quest 64 (N64)
4 (23.5%)
Lagoon (SNES)
1 (5.9%)
Shadow Madness (PS1)
0 (0%)
Other (Please Specify)
12 (70.6%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Author Topic: Worst RPG Ever  (Read 35686 times)


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Worst RPG Ever
« on: August 14, 2009, 04:26:25 pm »

There's always a talk about the greatest RPGs every made for our generation, but you never hear about RPGs that you would do well to steer away from.  The poll just lists the most widely known examples of terrible RPG production.  If you've had a terrible RPG experience that didn't make the list, more power to you for posting your two cents worth on it.

I personally think it's Quest 64, mostly because at the time, the Nintendo 64 had no RPGs in its library.  So much for that ray of light.  The game itself has no cut-scenes or even any puzzles to solve. 

One would know better than to toss aside these two important elements that are present in almost any RPG you pick up and play.


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 04:52:48 pm »
idk...a completely negative thread...? What kind of precedence does bashing certain games set? People put a lot of their time and work into making these games hoping people would play and enjoy them. Do we really have such a superiority complex that we need to put them down for said work? Its basically the opposite of a "Favorite..." thread (which I find equally distasteful)...


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 04:57:14 pm »
Eyed hafta pick that there Chrono Trigger. Eet's the worst game eeeeeever!


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2009, 05:52:51 pm »
idk...a completely negative thread...? What kind of precedence does bashing certain games set? People put a lot of their time and work into making these games hoping people would play and enjoy them. Do we really have such a superiority complex that we need to put them down for said work? Its basically the opposite of a "Favorite..." thread (which I find equally distasteful)...
It tells us which games deserve a MST3K-style run, complete with snarky commentary.

I voted "other" and say it's actually a tie between FF2 and FF7, but (1) I haven't played a whole lot of RPGs and (2) this has more to do with that I just don't enjoy either one than that they're necessarily bad.


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2009, 06:03:53 pm »
I liked Quest 64; the spirit system was interesting. Certainly, not the best RPG ever, but a fine first effort. Too bad it remained a first effert.

Course, a truly horrible game is the one that you stop playing and forget about, so one wouldn't expect it to be listed here anywho.


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2009, 07:00:44 pm »
Haven't played any on the list, but I do recall playing the Lunar game for the DS for about 3 minutes and wondering how anyone could bear owning it.


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2009, 07:17:00 pm »
I think the game you're referring to is either Lunar Knights or Lunar: Dragon Song.  What exactly was it that got you so turned off of this game?  IMHO, just sticking the word "Dragon" in the title doesn't automatically make it a super RPG to play.

For the record, I didn't intent for this to be viewed as a "negative thread".  This thread is simply for the purpose of looking back at examples of RPGs that were less than stellar in your own opinion for any number of reasons (storyline, characters, battle system, menu system, and so on).  Heck, it doesn't even have to be an RPG.  It could be any game, for that matter.

Though if it were the worst game you could think of, that would defeat the purpose of this thread just being restricted to RPGs.  Hey, if this topic can be renamed "Worst Game You Ever Played", I'd do it in a snap.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 07:19:13 pm by GenesisOne »


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2009, 07:48:11 pm »
Haven't really played too many RPGs I haven't liked. I very much enjoyed Quest 64, underrated. Sure, it's different, but it is not bad. It just has unique taste, like Radical Dreamers. Worst I know of would be Timestalkers on Dreamcast. I like the game cause it has a good story and it relates to time travel(one of the reasons I love Chrono). But the gameplay is very simple. It's the most literal form of RPG gameplay there is. You attack, I attack, you attack, I attack, you attack, I attack, etc. It's a matter of who has more guys on their team, and who's the higher level. And that's the game's main draw back. Every time you enter a dungeon, no matter how late in the game you start off at LV.1. And it isn't a random encounter system, it's like Chrono so there is no respawning enemies so in order to be able to beat the boss you have to go around the dungeon aimlessly looking for enemies. And unfortunately at LV. 1 you can only stock 4 items with you so you can't even at least prepare yourself for the enemies which unlike you seem to get tougher as the game goes on. You can permanantly upgrade your stats sometimes... for an insane amount of gold. This all means as the enemies get tougher you must raise your level up higher each time. So eventually you will be expected to go from LV. 1 to LV. 60 in just one dungeon. You can save in the dungeon, but only to have the game shut off and when you come back later your save disappears. It doesn't keep track of your level for one specific dungeon either. Whatever the reason, you leave a dungeon and you drop from LV. 88 to Lv. 1 again. You think it's hard leveling up in DQ games? Think it's hard to get to LV. 99 in CT or CC? Those are all nothing compared to having to level up to LV. 99 every time you play a level. This includes sidequests, which you have to do if you want decent items so in the later levels you don't get slaughtered.

Timestalkers has a good story, great graphics, great everything. They just horribly messed up with the gameplay mechanics. maybe if you could keep your level it wouldn't be as bad. But the worst RPG ver, I tried typing it on Google, not many good opinions to follow. People just seem to name the big popular names and it's just they tried and didn't like it. Mostly got Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy XII, and Chrono Cross. After seeing the third one I alreayd lost faith in them. Bastards. Although now that I think abotu it XII was pretty bad...

If you're talking EVERY GAME...
ET for Atari 2600.
Superman 64 for N64
Ninjabread Man for Wii
Shaq Fu(still have it AND the CD :lol: ) for Genesis and SNES
Charlie's Angels for Gamecube
Big Rigs Over The Road Racing for PC
Spawn The Eternal for PS
Anubis II for Wii(now Anubis I is a different story lol)
Back To The future for NES
Need I go on? :lol:
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 11:26:50 pm by ONSLAUGHT »


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2009, 08:30:49 pm »
Quest 64 was sauce...I was so pissed when I rented that turd!  Granted, it's been eons since I played it. 

But Shaq Fu!?!?!?!?!?  Not exactly an RPG, was it?  Been a whiiiile since I played that one...almost as bad as Michael Jordan: Chaos In The Windy City or some garbage like that where you save the world with basketballs.  A game about saving the world with basketballs and I didn't like it, need you know more?

I think that the fact Shaq Fu even existed is enough to enshrine it in some sort of Commemorative Hall.


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2009, 09:00:34 pm »
If strategy RPGs count, I would probably pick Kartia: The World of Fate...although for all
I know, it might have been a decent game if it had been properly translated. As it was,
I kept on expecting one of the characters to suddenly exclaim, "All your base are belong
to us!" (Yes, it was so badly done that wouldn't have been out of place.) This broke immersion
so badly for me that I gave up on the game about four or five battles in.

Otherwise, the first Persona and Unlimited Saga would pretty much tie, as I found both
immensely tedious to play, with an honourable mention going to Final Fantasy VIII for
having produced characters that I hated and a plot that often hinged on those
characters being adolescent morons.

Of course, I haven't played any of the games on the list, so my picks might very easily
not be the crappiest ever.


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2009, 09:51:05 pm »
So it basically boils down to video game discussion that could go in any one of the video game discussion threads in the General Discussion forum...>_>

Lunar: Dragon Song got better once you got around to the questing which helped out with getting moneys a bit (though you were still going to be doing that weird double-grinding)...

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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2009, 11:01:28 pm »
I hate Earthbound's battle system, and yet I love the game ever so much.

Also, I'd put FF Chronicles on the list for the load times. Only the PSX version, but still. It was that bad.

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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2009, 11:32:01 pm »
Worst RPG?  Maybe Paladin's Quest.  Or Secret of the Stars (or whatever that awful game was called).

Worst translation?  Having recently been playing Legend of Dragoon, I must say... The translation is horrific.  Fun story (quite cliche, however), fun graphics, fun battle system... But horrid translation.


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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2009, 01:19:48 am »
Has to be Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest for me, hands down. A stain on the FF franchise. Godawful in every department. Graphics, sound, writing, gameplay, you name it.

Of the options listed, I would vote for Lagoon.

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Re: Worst RPG Ever
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2009, 01:30:15 am »
The Secret of Evermore, the Illusion of Gaia, and Terranigma all count as some of the worst RPGs I've personally played.