Author Topic: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?  (Read 21948 times)


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #90 on: December 11, 2009, 09:07:33 pm »
Akira Toriyama, to draw and animate it. If I were in charge of the situation, the last thing I would consider is stabbing the entire fanbase through the heart by making a crappy live action movie. Some things were never meant to be live action. Like DB Evolution. They tried, and failed. I heard Akira Toriyama literally cried after he saw the movie. And not out of happiness.

No wait, how about Miyazaki to animate it?


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #91 on: December 11, 2009, 09:14:36 pm »
I think Dane Cook should play Crono. We'll see how long Crono remains a mute.

John Noble as Belthasar is fucking perfect

I agree :D


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #92 on: December 30, 2009, 06:18:15 am »
Wow!  I can't believe I missed this thread!  I definitely have some ideas for the production and casting of a CT movie.  (This post is partially copied from a PM I sent awhile back on this very subject, with a few changes.)

One, it must be a combination of live-action and CG.  An all anime project wouldn't be taken very seriously, and the typical anime voice talent would be used if they went that route.  Instant fail.  Don't even consider anime.  Please...

Two, I envision a four-part film series - at least if you want to do it right and try and resolve Chrono Cross' ambiguous ending.  It could be done in three, but only by sacrificing a lot of potential.

And now to the casting.  I've scanned this entire thread, and I'm astonished at what names haven't been mentioned.  Obviously, Crono, Marle, and Lucca are the most important members of the cast, as they would have prominent roles in all four films (though Crono would be dead for most of episode III).  And those three should be played by:

Crono Lantree: Zac Efron
I have always pictured Crono (that last name is one of my own making) as something of a troublemaker, and something about Zac's mischivious grin just screams Crono.  Crono is a character with attitude.  That quality must outweigh all other considerations - aside from the essential chemistry he must have with Marle and Lucca.  Zac is also very popular right now, so casting him in the lead would garner instant notice.  Note in the personal life section of his wiki that he's a fan of manga and Dragonball Z, so the odds of him accepting this role are quite high.  It would also give him a chance to demonstrate his talent in a unique way.  Crono is a blank slate, so Zac can portray him pretty much however he wants - script allowing.

Princess Nadia "Marle" Guardia: Hayden Panettiere
How could anyone have missed a choice this obvious?  It falls into the category of "No, DUH!"  She's practically a Marle lookalike.  It's the part Hayden was born to play.  She has some experience under her belt now, so I think Hayden has enough depth to bring Marle to life.  Hayden has also attended sci-fi conventions, so she probably has at least a passing knowledge of Chrono Trigger.  She wouldn't turn down a chance to be in a four-installment film franchise post-Heroes.  That's an impressive thing to have on your resume'.

Lucca Ashtear: Nicki Clyne
Big names do not always translate into success.  Sometimes you have to take a chance on someone who is less well known who just happens to fit into her role perfectly.  The perfect Lucca, as of this writing, is clearly Nicki Clyne.  In any live-action adaptation of CT, Lucca is the most difficult character to get right.  Just finding a person that looks the part is hard enough.  Finding an actress that can evolve as her characer does is even harder.  And Lucca evolves quite a bit - starting as a witty sidekick and growing into someone who could possibly be considered the series protagonist after Crono exits the stage.  If the series intends to address Chrono Cross and its aftermath in some fashion, then Lucca's importance cannot be understated.  Nicki's role on Battlestar Galactica was initially minor, but she became a recurring character throughout the show's four-season run.  That doesn't happen unless you have some talent.  At 26, Clyne would be the oldest of the three leads (Zac is 22 and Hayden is 20), so a production would have to start very soon for her casting to be practical.  But there is zero chance she would turn down the role.  It would be the biggest thing she's ever done.  For those of you with doubts, here's a recent video of her at a sci-fi convention:  Put some glasses on her, and the likeness would be almost scary.  Purple hair could be done in post-production - important because I envision that as a story element.

With strong leads, you have some options for the supporting cast.  Due to the nature of the supporting characters, three out of the four will probably be CG creations - so great voices are a must.  Here are my top choices:

Frog/Glenn: Patrick Stewart or Liam Neeson (V.O.)
Unlike the three leads, Glenn, by necessity, will be a CG creation, so there is some flexibility to casting him.  But if Glenn speaks in archaic English - as he should, frankly - than he should be voiced by a Shakespearian actor that knows how.  Glenn's age is indeterminate in his amphibian guise, but he is an experienced warrior and veteran soldier who speaks with authority.  His voice needs to reflect that as well as the profound pain he carries.  Both Stewart and Neeson have the depth to pull that off.  It's simply a question of preference.  Picard or Qui-Gon?

Robo/Prometheus: Hugo Weaving (V.O.)
Let's forget that he voices Megatron in Transformers.  He's far more memorable as Agent Smith, Elrond, and V.  Robo is a challenging voice role because his voice should evolve subtly from one film to the next.  In Episode I, when he is first found, he should speak with very little inflection - being a robot with no real memory of what he was.  As the series continues, his inflections should grow as he spends more time around humans.  By Episode IV, his voice should be almost indistinguishable from a human's.  Weaving is qualified, and I can't really picture anyone else voicing Robo.  Since he already voices a robot in Transformers, Weaving might be reluctant to voice another - though Robo is a much deeper role than Megatron.  It's unknown if there will be any more Transformers films, but a third seems likely, so there may be commitment issues for Weaving.

Ayla: Uma Thurman (probably V.O.)
For those of you that have seen Avatar, you know that some pretty amazing things can be done with computer animation now.  I just can't see Ayla being handled in any other way.  Her martial skills are such that it would look less than convincing if performed by a live actress - even Uma, who has no small amount of experience kicking ass on-screen.  Uma is the name that most comes to mind when I think of Ayla, though there is some flexibility in casting her.  I envision Ayla as being somewhat older than the leads, so an older actress would suit the part best.

Magus/Janus Zeal: Zachary Quinto
Let's face it, Magus will be hard for anyone to pull off.  He is a terrible adversary, yet not exactly evil.  Magus is a tragic character that requires a great deal of subtlety from the actor portraying him to show that he hasn't fallen completely to the dark side.  Everything he has done has been in the hopes of reuniting with his sister and taking revenge on the being that destroyed his life.  We all know Zachary Quinto can play a dark part.  Sylar is deliciously evil.  We also know he can be subtle.  Spock has to be.  There's no question in my mind that he's the perfect Magus.  The only real question is if he'll be available.  With commitments to Heroes and Star Trek, signing him to a multi-film deal presents a huge challenge.

And some of the rest of the cast:

Melchior: Ian Holm

Belthazar: Ian McKellan

Gaspar: Christopher Lee
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. ;)

Empress Zeal: Sandra Bullock

Princess Schala Zeal: Ellen Page

General Dalton: Jim Carrey or Johnny Depp
Being one of the main villains of the series, this supporting role might get the attention of either Carrey or Depp.  Their comic backgrounds would be a great asset to the character.

Taban Ashtear: Mark Harmon
Originally thought of Christopher Lloyd, then realized he was too old for the part.  Intrestingly, Harmon has a background in carpentry, making him a good choice to play the elder Ashtear.

Lara Ashtear: Kate Mulgrew

This list is far from complete, but I think I've addressed the most important characters.  Now we can all weep from the knowledge that this movie will probably never become reality, even if the perfect cast exists at this moment.  :cry:  (sorry for the colossal post guys)

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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #93 on: December 30, 2009, 03:07:32 pm »
Almost that whole list seemed good to me.  Except I'm not quite sure about Zac Efron.  I mean he could probably do it, but I just have a hard time seeing him play Crono and do it well.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #94 on: December 30, 2009, 08:26:46 pm »
I like it. I thought of Hayden at some point as Marle, but looking back, it seems I never posted it. Oh wellzies, good idea either way!

And I could care less for Effron, but you defend your choice well.

I STILL think Mark Hammill would make a great Dalton and Summer Glau would make a sweet Schala.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #95 on: December 30, 2009, 08:51:25 pm »

@Lennis: Sorry about not responding to your PM.  Christmas and all was the main reason why.  As such, I'll be to examine your casting decisions in this context.  I won't do it all at once, but break it down bit by bit so each critique is weighed properly from as many voices wishing to... well, voice their opinion as well.

With that, let the ordeal begin.

Zac Efron?  No dice.  Here's why:

You ever hear of typecasting?  It’s where you cast (a performer) repeatedly in a kind of role closely patterned after that of the actor's previous successes.  This can have a potentially negative effect on actors and actresses.  Such examples include Bruce Willis, Mark Hamill, Robert Englund, Jaleel White, and now Zac Effron.

All people are gonna say when they see him is, “Hey, look!  It’s Troy Bolton (or That Guy from High School Musical)!”  Him being a fan of manga won’t change him from being widely associated with a trademark Disney character.  It’s gotta be someone else, especially someone a bit built and can display innocent passion for his chosen art (swordsmanship, in this case).

In the beginning, you described Crono as "something of a troublemaker, and something about Zac's mischivious grin just screams Crono.  Crono is a character with attitude."  At the end, you describe him as a blank slate.  Which is it?  Finally, there's the whole issue of him portraying an array of emotions.  I mean, can you honestly see Mr. Efron pulling this off?

I certainly can't.  Being bred as an actor in the Walt Disney company (as the company presently stands) leaves him with little to no ability to express that level of anger as portrayed in the above picture.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #96 on: December 30, 2009, 09:53:01 pm »
I STILL think Mark Hammill would make a great Dalton and Summer Glau would make a sweet Schala.

Mark Hammill as Dalton = GENIUS

But I agree with most of your choices Lennis, expect Sandra Bullock for Queen Zeal, and Efron, for the reasoning Genesis One gave earlier in a very nice and articulate way.

But I agree 100% in your Gurus, specially Ian Holm as Melchior, well... all three of them fit perfectly with the way I see the Gurus in my head.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #97 on: December 30, 2009, 11:27:22 pm »

On another note, I'd like to see Jeremy Irons be at least one of the gurus.  He deserves it given his film credits (He was in the remake of The Time Machine, for crying out loud.  How obvious of a clue do you need to see him in the CT movie?)

Then there's Rodney Taylor, who could fill the role of Belthasar (yes, the Time Traveler from the 1960 version of The Time Machine).  Isn't it obvious?  He even looks the part with just proper facial hair additions.

As for Mark Hamill... well, he too suffers from Typecasting.  Case in point?

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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #98 on: December 30, 2009, 11:36:06 pm »
Well... he hasn't done anything in a lot of time, so yeah, a lot of people will say "that's Lewk!", but the ones that do recognize him will be glad to see him doing something else, and the ones that don't wont bother.

Zach Efron is a big star right now, and has been doing a lot of youth roles, he needs to dial down before he can move to something else, kind of what happened to Jude Law in 06, he did spend some time in the shade, and now he's back and as I understand he's doing a pretty good job as Watson.

EDIT: And Jeremy Irons is awesome, but I don't know... he looks a lot younger than the rest of the Gurus, that's not saying he couldn't pull it off, just that to me he has the "Old Retired Knight" look rather than "Elder Wiseman". But I would gladly see him in any movie, he's one of those top notch actors that simply don't get the recognition they deserve.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 11:41:48 pm by Dapifer »


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #99 on: December 31, 2009, 04:28:42 am »
@GenesisOne:  Sorry about the confusion regarding Crono.  By "blank slate", I was referring to Crono's muteness in the original game.  That gives whatever actor who portrays him some latitude; more latitude than for other characters.  But the script would call for Crono being a risk-taker and occasional troublemaker, so the actor would have a general boundary on where he could take the character.

As for Zac Efron, I must admit I was considering his looks more than his acting ability.  I haven't even seen anything he's been in, truthfully.  :oops:  The trouble is, I can't envision anyone else in the role at present.  It would have to be someone fairly young; someone who can look like a teenager rather than a twenty-something.  If Zac Efron "dialed down", then he would be too old for the part when he came back, and we would have to look for someone else.  How many popular young stars don't come out of the Disney factory nowadays?  Casting an unknown in this part would be risky.

Jeremy Irons is an excellent actor, he just doesn't look the Guru part as well as the Lord of the Rings alumni do.

I chose Sandra Bullock for Queen Zeal in part because of her age.  A couple of years ago, I wouldn't have considered it, but her star seems to be rising.  An insane queen would certainly be a different role for her.  Sigourney Weaver might also be a good choice, but she's 15 years older than Bullock and would be hard to sell as the mother of a young prince.  Do we want an older queen or a younger queen?

So I guess next we should analyze Hayden Panettiere's suitability to play Marle.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #100 on: December 31, 2009, 04:49:37 am »
Hayden looks Marle enough, and she has some roles under her belt, I think she can pull it off.

Sigourney Weaver would be a better choice for Queen Zeal IMHO, I prefer an older Queen, and Sigourney mainly because I think she can pull off the amount of crazy the role needs.

EDIT: Sharon Stone has the crazy eyes, I don't think she would go for the role, but her career needs some play, if she would commit to the role, I think she would do a great job. I don't know... because of the important part Queen Zeal plays, and the requirements of such a role (Female over 40, needs to be able to portray the crazy without being terribly over the top, whiling to commit to a role like this, etc.) I think this would be the hardest role to cast, along with Crono, as a leading man, I would prefer a relative unknown, but the problem with that is if this person could be up to the task.

On that same note... maybe Michelle Pfeiffer?

EDIT 2: Or Famke Janssen? She played Jean Grey, so maybe she wouldn't mind playing a videogame character... I really don't know...
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 05:05:07 am by Dapifer »

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #101 on: December 31, 2009, 05:15:33 am »

On another note, I'd like to see Jeremy Irons be at least one of the gurus.  He deserves it given his film credits (He was in the remake of The Time Machine, for crying out loud.  How obvious of a clue do you need to see him in the CT movie?)

Christopher Lloyd as either Belthasar, the Chancellor, or Doan.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #102 on: January 01, 2010, 02:54:39 pm »
Christopher Lloyd as Doan would be perfect!


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #103 on: January 03, 2010, 12:45:20 am »

Hmm... the CT Movie, starring Hayden Panettiere as Marle Guardia?

Well, you lucked out on this one.  Hayden doesn't fall prey to typecasting like poor Mr. Efron does.  Given that Heroes will eventually wrap up, she has the potential to be open for casting.

As for her alleged "passing knowledge" of Chrono Trigger?  Well, it would be ideal for all performers auditioning to do background research the character he/she wishes to try out for.  I mean, it's great that CT got a lucky break as a passing line on Heroes, but it's incidental at most.

I say she has lots of promise and potential as Marle.  In the meantime, perhaps you can pull up some other dirty blondes currently out there. (Is Hayden a dirty blonde?  I've only seen her in the series.)

Update:  Christopher Lloyd as one of the Gurus?  Well, he's not that much of a victim of typecasting.  Even so (just to be funny)...

"Hey look!  It's Doc Brown!"
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 12:49:09 am by GenesisOne »


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #104 on: January 03, 2010, 11:34:44 pm »
I know Hayden best from Heroes, obviously.  She also had another cheerleading role in "Bring it On: All or Nothing".  Other than that, her resume seems pretty varied.  To address the issue of possible typecasting, the character of Marle is also something of a cheerleader in places, but unlike Claire Bennett, Marle is far from defenseless.  Hayden would probably welcome the chance to kick some tail after spending 4+ years as the Heroes scriptwriters punching bag.  (I really wish Claire would learn some martial arts and put her regenerative abilities to practical use.  Is she supposed to be a hero or not?)

Next up is Battlestar Galactica's Nicki Clyne as Lucca Ashtear.  This is arguably the most important and riskiest role to cast in a four-episode arc.  Get Lucca wrong, and the whole series falls apart.  After Crono "dies" at the end of Episode II, Lucca shares the protagonist's role with Marle in Episode III, then effectively takes it over in Episode IV when her future becomes an integral part of the plot.  Again, this assumes that Chrono Cross will be dealt with in some way.  Evolving Lucca from third billing to first over the course of the series is unconventional to say the least, but killing off the main character of the game (Crono) wasn't conventional either.  The question is whether Nicki Clyne can handle that kind of transition.  I say yes.  She stepped up in Battlestar in a way no one really expected.  I sure didn't.  She has just the right combination of sweetness and fire to bring Lucca to life.  The only real negative to Clyne is her age - being 10 - 11 years older than the character she would portray.  But in film, the issue of age can be fudged by simply not bringing it up in the dialogue.  So long as the three leads look close enough in age, it can still work.  Aging Lucca a few years as a plot device in later installments is also an option.  (Episodes I and II will - and should - follow the game very closely.  Episodes III and IV not so much if we want to resolve the ending of Chrono Cross.)