Author Topic: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?  (Read 23435 times)


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #120 on: May 17, 2010, 11:38:34 pm »
I think Dane Cook should play Crono. We'll see how long Crono remains a mute.

John Noble as Belthasar is fucking perfect

I agree :D

Phuck yes!  :P


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #121 on: May 20, 2010, 09:33:27 am »

Taylor Lautner, you say?  Hmm...

Well, Magus doesn't have a bow staff.  He has a scythe, and the weapon dynamics involved with a scythe are different... but probably nothing Lautner can't learn with instructor's guidance.

Slap on the costume and make-up, and maybe (just maybe), you have a working Magus character.  What says you, Lennis?

Up next: the minor characters with a MAJOR presence in the story.

I don't know much about Taylor Lautner, but he looks much too young to play Magus.  However, he might make the perfect Serge.  If the character makes an appearence in the later installments, why not use Lautner?  His bo staff experience would closely mimic Serge's fighting style.

On the subject of a dedicated Chrono Cross film, I really don't think it would be manageable.  Even if you pared the cast down to only the most essential characters, you'd still have the problem of the convoluted plot.  I'm planning to address this somewhat in my upcoming "Project Unity" fan fic in its later stages, though being 100% true to Chrono Cross canon probably won't happen.  That's one reason I'm reinventing certain aspects in my version of Chrono, though the core story remains faithful to the original.

On the subject of minor cast members, the most important by far is Schala - even though she doesn't get a lot of screen time.  Schala's fate basically determines the fate of the whole Chrono universe.  Save her, and we have a happy ending.  Don't save her and everyone's pretty much screwed.  The audience needs to know why we should care about her so much.  I envision Ellen Page playing Schala.  What say everyone else?

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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #122 on: October 20, 2010, 08:52:08 pm »
Ellen Page or Jenna Malone, but I'd say Page would be a better sarcastic, witty Lucca than a broken-will, dough-eyed Schala. Malone has been typecast in almost that exact role, but is still (pretty much) unknown.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #123 on: March 20, 2011, 08:00:03 am »
Sean Faris as Crono, just because once I hear someone suggest him as a possible Goku and I thought he looked ok for that  :P Um, A younger Drew Barrymore as Marle. Ashley Massaro as Ayla. Um... ummm I can't decide for Lucca. I got it, I want Amber Tamblyn as Lucca (naybe I just watch too much House MD....  I like how she can look both pretty and awkward in the show, plus she plays a girl genius who nobody can take seriously  :P )

Ok I know this might make everyone upset but seriously with makeup I think Taylor Lautner might be good for Magus.

I think Taylor's face is too boyish for Magus. If I was to pick someone from the Twilight movies I would say Alex Meraz for Magus. But contrary to everybody, I don't really imagine him looking that young, I would say Ralph Fiennes.

I think Robo would be better as an animatronic puppet. And frog I can only imagine him as CGI... as for his human form, not sure, I guess it really depends on if he is going to be based on the long haired glenn or the green haired vegeta .

How about a Chrono Cross movie? I know there are 43 characters to fill, but we could focus on the more important/popular characters.

Maybe a well shaved Tom Welling as Serge. Ashley Benson as Kid(and Harle...and Schala). Karen Gillan as Leena. If I could I would bring a younger Tom Selleck from the past and have him as Fargo  8)

Also this dog as Poshul. Nuff said

EDIT: tsk, changed my mind. Not about Poshul of course
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 01:43:50 pm by Licawolf »

Manly Man

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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #124 on: March 20, 2011, 02:23:35 pm »
David Bowie as Guile/Magus/whatever other incarnation he happens to be.

Patrick Stewart as Viper.

Dave Keuning (guitarist for The Killers) as Pierre.

Mark Stoermer (bassist for The Killers) as Nikki.

Tim Curry as (voiceover for) Lynx.

I don't know who would be the actual actor, but they should dub over Grobyc's voice with a slightly manipulated Michael Bell.

Ewan McGregor as Karsh (hey, he's well built, has the eyebrows and his scowling face would fit Karsh really well).

Tobey MacGwire as Norris (this is a maybe, really).

Brian Hughes Warner (Marilyn Manson) as Doc.

I could probably list off more as i went on, but it would take way to long.


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #125 on: March 20, 2011, 07:45:58 pm »
Also this dog as Poshul. Nuff said

...As always, I end up taking my own jokes too seriously... I started thinking about dog breeds that could possibly play Poshul in a movie adaptation (I know I know I'm so pathetic why im writing this dammit :picardno). I think that if we respect the silly cartoony design of Poshul, in a live-action she would end up looking like a muppet, so I was thinking, If she was an actual breed of dog (ignoring her impossibly ridiculous hind legs and the two tails...) I want her to be of some big bulky breed, with cute puppy face if possible... and paint her pink...this is the worst idea ever

My first thought was "Old english shepherd!"

...but I'm not convinced, too fluffy and the regular bobtail has the eyes hidden, I want to see Poshul's cute puppy eyes.

Other breeds I thought about:

Bearded collie: what I like about this one is the way the hair covers all the dog giving it a strange look, all the bizarre  impossible anatomy of poshul could be ignored. It's all there just behind that hair, I swear!:

Polish Lowland Sheepdog: Another dog that suffers from lack of eyes.

Terranova Dog: This one is different, but it's bulky and has a cute face. d'awww look at that face.... there's also a possible  coloration with white parts but I couldn't find a good photo.

Tibetan Mastiff: Big bulky dog, cute puppy face. They are very strong too. Also they look awesome when they get angry, but that's neither here nor there.The red coloration actually exists, and it's like the most expensive dog in the world or something... now imagine the price a of a pink one!

This is my most retarded post yet...I'm sorry... I just really like dogs...


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Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« Reply #126 on: March 21, 2011, 12:22:26 am »
This is my most retarded post yet...I'm sorry... I just really like dogs...

That's totally fine, I got to overdose on the cute that is your post.