Author Topic: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma  (Read 90664 times)


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2008, 04:42:54 am »
I don't think I ever owned up to it, but I guess since it looks like he's gone now, I might as well...The craziness that was ProjectoR was totally my fault. *heh heh* I met him on some Chrono-related Facebook group and at some point told him to check out the Compendium...he kept sending requests for really stupid sounding groups and I eventually deleted him, I, yeah, sorry about that...V_V


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2008, 05:01:07 am »



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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #47 on: April 13, 2008, 01:22:56 pm »
Uh....well, that was weird.


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #48 on: August 14, 2008, 01:43:40 pm »
Lol, this topic is funny and rather pointless. Eventually i'll be making videos of the programmers ending. I have a gameshark, so i'll mess around while recording. That way it can be settled once and for all.


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #49 on: August 16, 2008, 03:58:45 pm »
While I can't really contribute to any progress in this discussion, I can say I do remember having some small part in that FAQ. It's so long ago, however, that I can really only remember one thing with any clarity. I may or may not have still been on Connectix Virtual Game Station at the time, which really brings me back.

Back then, I was almost certainly still using GameHack for RAM searching and the like. At that point I'd had some experience with hex editing (cut my teeth on Daggerfall) and searching for RAM values. The whole topic of additional hidden content seemed pretty interesting to me, and I thought to myself, "Hey, why not cut to the chase and open the damned door directly?"

So eventually I put together some memory addresses through trial and error. I started by opening other doors in the same map screen and figured out the values for opened and closed. Eventually I found an address that opened *the* door. To my disappointment, it led nowhere.

.... Well, I guess that last sentence could well sum up the whole thing :)

So I passed along those addresses and the values they held when a door was opened or closed. While they were useless directly (being memory addresses of the emulator application), I figured that'd give Zelda Dude and company a good head start to finding equivalent GameShark codes, and it seems they did find them.

And as for some of those jumbled notes in that FAQ, I have a dusty CCrRooms.txt file that matches those contents exactly. I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I *think* I'm the source of "CC90 Start to just before leave for VM w/Guile" through "8 None (also the "room" used from new game until Serge and friends come up the elevator)"

CC90 and such were my .mem save files. Since I tend to keep rather than reuse old ones, I started at CC99 and worked down so that when I had to create/choose a new memcard file I wouldn't have to scroll to the bottom to find it. (Yes, I realize numbering my saved games in reverse chronological order starting at 99 may also be a sad comment about this FAQ's authorship.)

If I'm piecing things together correctly, I probably realized that if the door triggered anything, it would have to involve another map location. So I took advantage of the room location code (once I discovered the equivalent address to my emulator's memory space) to track my location as I started a replay of the game, recording the *decimal* value for the rooms as I went. (Again, GameHack...and being too lazy to convert the number at every turn.)

I probably figured any gaps could be filled in later once all the "ordinary" rooms were clearly labeled. (Yes, I said "clearly." The irony's on the house, folks.) However, I probably did not consider the possibility that an "ordinary" location might have a hidden area, or that a special cutscene could take place in it, which would easily render my efforts useless. But, hell, what's the freshman year of college for if not completely wasting your free time?

Obviously, I got bored in disc 2. Happens every time I replay Chrono Cross. Same thing with disc 4 of FF8. Sorry ;)

Now, I don't want to risk claiming someone else's work by accident (since the file has no author information of any sort), but seeing CC90 through CC83 listed like that, still having a zip file containing CC99 through CC91, and seeing that list of doppelgangs, it strikes me as the sort of scratchpad I'd use during an in-progress game. The doppelgangs, especially, as I always keep a list of acquired ones somewhere. (Honestly, you should see the spreadsheet I'm using to track Veldt encounterables and rages obtained in FF6. I'm a very sad, sad man.)

So, yeah, there's my small part. Helping find the code to open the door and a halfhearted effort to create a comprehensive list of room IDs as I replayed the game. The first contribution was shaped up nicely before it hit the FAQ. The second was pasted directly in. It doesn't really help that CC90 through CC83 actually look like GameShark code values :)

Now the wonderful part: My address was canceled through non-usage over a year ago. So here I am, smiling at the awe-inspiring beauty of it. I'm trying to contribute a shred of truth to a morass of rumors and outright lunacy, and I can't even confirm I'm not some random nut just pretending to be Saracoth and adding fuel to the fire. At least you can rest assured I am, regardless of name, a random nut. Word of honor.

EDIT: :shock: Anyone see Zelda Dude's *walkthrough?* "Inspiring?"


Anyway, it confirms I was using GameHack and, also, that I am a very, very, very wordy bastage, as you see here. (Also an incredible suckup.) It also means it's much more likely that anything I've said here could have been made up by a passing stranger. Whee! Game rumors are fun :)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2008, 04:18:12 pm by saracoth »

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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2008, 05:20:48 pm »
Wow.  I can't believe I hadn't come to this forum before, despite being a Chrono Fan since the game came out... what, ten years ago now?  Fourteen?  I still play my original copy...

Anyways, all I can say is this is the most awesome forum of all time.  In depth discussions on where sprites came from, shaving threads, and a poster who is so incredibly awesome that they've devised a way for the developer's room to be a nest of conspiracy theory of riddles more vast than the magic bullet.

I love this place and whatever drugs it's on.


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #51 on: October 26, 2008, 07:42:12 am »
Oh goodness! That FAQ!! I helped to do it! (My name is right there in the acknowledgments) hahaha how awesome memories. I spent so much time in the developers room and in the GameFAQs message boards discussing this. I was perhaps the one who encouraged the most the author to do a FAQ about our findings and helped him compile the data from the different threads. I know it looks almost laughable nowadays, but it was a lot of work and passion put in there, it was all so exciting and wonderful back then. The white wedding dress thing started as speculation on what other outfits for Kid there would be and which one would be the one that triggered the next event (hopefully the giving out the key) in the game. I cannot tell when did that start to be taken as a fact hehe.

In my opinion there IS something going there in that room. There are just to many cryptic clues/random possible actions (and the fact that there's something actually changing, by following some steps) to believe there's nothing else there. Now, I don't know much about game programming myself and I know that there's nothing "physically" behind the door, but what if the goal is not actually going into the (nonexistent) room beyond the door, but the action of opening the door (correct me if I'm wrong but I think there IS an animation for the door being opened) which triggers the next event? (Here I'm obviously talking of opening the door by following all the necessary steps creating a string of unique code, as opposed to simply finding the code to open/close doors) I remember one of my pet theories back then was that after opening the door you'd appear back at the start of the Developer's ending but now, some elements of the puzzle would change and make sense.


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #52 on: December 23, 2008, 12:58:15 am »
All of you are trolls, it's the only logical answer


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #53 on: January 28, 2009, 03:51:03 pm »
I just wanted to bump this post as I think it is a very fun idea and worth keeping alive.  It was actually this fascinating idea that introduced me to the site many moons ago.  Hopefully someday someone will find true enlightment by opening that door... or go mad trying :picardno


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #54 on: January 28, 2009, 03:53:46 pm »
ProjectoR was the only reason to keep this thread and isn't she/he/thing banned now?

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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #55 on: January 28, 2009, 03:54:20 pm »
I thank you for reviving this thread, Lorenz, or I would not have discovered the post by "ness" above you.

All of you are trolls, it's the only logical answer

No, it's not. We're all our own people, whether we get along or not. That doesn't make us all Trolls.

ProjectoR was the only reason to keep this thread and isn't she/he/thing banned now?

What was ProjectoR banned for?


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Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #57 on: January 30, 2009, 08:57:42 pm »
Couldn't view it. FAIL rank killed the attempt.


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #58 on: February 01, 2009, 06:11:50 am »
...Well, at least the Dopplegang code is very interesting and does not fail in any way!
It just tends to have ugly effects on other allies, when you transform into monsters you normally couldn't. (I, for some reason, mentally refer to them as "illegal dopplegangs"...)
Small question that's only on topic far s this code goes: Is Cupoid normally an obtainable Dopplegang? As much as I once swore it was, I can't seem to pick it up legit anymore, but what throws me is that "illegal" dopples have no element grid, with only two exceptions I've noted. Cupoid itself...and Radius. o_O That is, first Radius (tutorial version) - I don't recall the second one having a grid, but it's likely he just shares it with Tutorial version, given all duplicates seem to do that, even if seeming (but I won't swear to it) having the "advanced" versions stats. I've only occasionally, if more than once or twice, used "illegal" dopples in the Grand Slam. Anyway, Radius has a very odd (to me, at least) Elemental Grid setup (and I'll be glad to list it, if no one has ever bothered with said code and thus no one knows what that setup is), but of course no "Dopplegang" tech. However, Cupoid DOES have the "Dopplegang" tech - along with a seemingly completely normal (for a Dopple) Element Grid setup.. Maybe it was supposed to be a Dopplegang, but the flag or whatever that lets Sprigg obtain a dopple is never set? And/or it was removed, for whatever reason? I remember because it had HolyHealing and SlashAll (that couldn't even be multi-targeted!), and possibly HolyLight and Purify stuck somewhere.

As for the "FAQ/Guide/Crap/Whatever/Thing" itself on this Programmer's Door...what can I say that no one else has? I agree:
  :picardno   *insert Price is Right fail sound effect*
Facepalm, as only Cap'n Picard can do it.
I tried to look into this once...I DID finally figure out on my own a way, ages ago, to get that damn room modifier code to work with the variables listed, after shoving in random 0s into the variable I believe, but it's been too long for me to remember, and I'm sure nobody really cares too much anymore, heh heh. Anyway. I'm more interested, personally, in any Dopplegangs left unexplored, "illegal" or not. What WOULDN'T be to like about changing into the Criosphinx, waltzing up to the REAL Criosphinx, and shoving his horns back at him where the sun don't shine? Heh heh...
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 06:18:33 am by Bohepans »


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Re: Chrono Cross Ending Enigma
« Reply #59 on: March 08, 2009, 08:32:31 am »
Hehehee. Oh man, ProjectorR is truly funny. I don't think he was stupid or anything (Most dumb people would not be able to keep up with Chrono Cross). He was just insane, and lived in a fantasy world. Maybe he had a hard life or something. I know a girl in this forum you all know too well who has similar issues as him.

Anyways, the developer's door will only work in the new Chrono game. It will use the serial number of your legitimate copy of Chrono Cross, kinda like Golden Sun the Lost Age. Believe it. >_>