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Messages - teh Schala

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My girlfriend and I have discussed using the name Jullinar (not videogame, but it's the main character of my book...  Jullinar is an angel)...  And as far as videogame names, I think I could pull off Lucca.  It's just an alternate form of Luka, which I believe is a fairly normal name anyway.

I should get my friend Kether in on this...  She has 5 kids, 2 of which are named Sairi (Kairi?) and Aidan (suspiciously similar to Aden, the main continent in Lineage 2)...  And her whole family has weird names.  Course, she doesn't know JACK about videogames, LOL!  She just happened to pick those names.  She'd probably take a lot of inspiration from the Final Fantasy names though!

I can see naming a daughter Celes...  Hmm...  And yeah, it WOULD be cool to know someone named Samus. :D

I canNOT see naming a girl Tifa though...  #1, it's just a little too far.  #2, what if there are still FF7 fanboys when my daughter gets older?  (Sounds crazy, but look how old CT is and here we are!)  Because of the name Tifa, she'd get made fun of by boys in school if her breasts don't turn out humongous... :shock:

Crimson Echoes / I'm back
« on: October 10, 2005, 02:33:23 am »
Who put it on hiatus and for what?

Crimson Echoes / I'm back
« on: October 09, 2005, 11:14:08 am »
Hey everyone, first of all, let me apologize deeply for my absence.  Several things have gotten in the way of me getting here regularly to do anything at all.

First, my workplace has cracked down on Internet use, and I used to do a lot of Compendium-browsing at work.  So that's hindered me.

Second, Hurricane Rita.  My girlfriend/almost-fiance Katie lives in Houston and needed a place to stay that week, so of course she came up here.  She also just needed some emotional support as she continues on with some new plans in her life...  She finished high school early (finished last week actually) and started to attend massage therapy school...  Which puts her on track with her plans to move up here around January.  So I've been spending a lot of time with her, either in person or on the phone.

On top of that, there's the CT Remake Petition and all that jazz; plus a friend of mine recently suggested starting a private server of Lineage ][, so I've been checking into some numbers on that...  (By the way if anyone would like to help out with donations to get us up and running there, my PayPal address is  Bigger donations will also net you more power in the game when we get launched ;))

So now, hopefully I will have a little more time for this place. :)  I'll just have to discipline myself to keep coming here and check on things and all that. :)  (Previously I was having to discipline myself NOT to, because I knew if I came here I'd be sitting and making replies for 3-4 hours!)

Who's ready to work?

Crimson Echoes / Things to do. Now with slightly updated action!
« on: September 11, 2005, 08:41:48 pm »
The only thing I'd like to comment on is the Chronopolis overworld...  I'm not sure exactly what ZeaLitY had in mind, but my understanding was that since the party is only allowed to explore the high-security area of Chronopolis, the player would be limited to, say, 3 to 5 different rooms, so a full overworld wouldn't be needed.  Did I misunderstand something here?

Crimson Echoes / Just a little something...
« on: September 11, 2005, 06:44:16 pm »
Yeah, I guess Daniel's right...  As much as I love the name "Nadia," even King Guardia called her Marle in one of the endings.  (I've always tended to think it was a mistake though.)  I believe it was the ending where Crono is dead, and Epoch is not destroyed.  (The king hangs Nadia's Bell instead of letting her do it, and when he is left hanging, he says "Marle?  Where did you go?")

Crimson Echoes / Improving on CT's sound
« on: September 11, 2005, 06:30:01 pm »
Quote from: teh Schala
this project's point is to demonstrate all that TF can do with CT ROM hacking

Other Topics and the Prerelease / Priority questions for Masato Kato
« on: September 09, 2005, 07:09:42 am »
This is where one of those GameFAQs theories comes in handy... :lol:  He got sucked into the DBT and had his way with Schala before Lavos arrived and pwned his @$$. :shock:

(Note: That's not an actual theory and does not reflect my opinion or (hopefully) the opinion of any random idiot on GameFAQs.)

Kajar Laboratories / Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« on: September 09, 2005, 07:05:22 am »
Since I'm no longer the director, I don't TECHNICALLY have the authority to say this, but I would SUGGEST that anyone who auditions for Magus from here on, PLEASE audition for someone else too.  Magus auditions so far have outnumbered everyone else probably 2 to 1.  EVERYONE has been auditioning for Magus. >_<  That's not to discourage you from taking a crack at it, but for God's sake...try someone else too, people! =P

Crimson Echoes / Standards of communication and testing
« on: September 08, 2005, 11:02:21 pm »
DDK: These guidelines are a bit old, and I don't *think* these forums are closed off anymore. They might be, but I forget. Oh well. In any case, we're still following these guidelines, except with an extension of leaking powers to me, understandable with Jake's absence.

Seeing how a lot of the plot is posted in that 35-page thread and the final pieces of the plot will be revealed to the Dream Team soon, I need for each of you to remember a few things as we go about the production.  Some of these have to do with plot, others with beta testing.  In any case...

Keep quiet about what's going on, and handle public relations through interviews or "press" releases
This includes plot, advancements made in technology (such as managing to implement the MP3 support I've discussed in another thread, or if we manage to implement Schala as a PC), etc.  This forum is closed off for a reason.  While I will intentionally leak VERY small hints at something in a setting other than a press release, I should be the only one doing the leaking.  Cool?  Good.  Moving on...

-Be ruthless and unforgiving when beta testing
You know those games where you play them intentionally the wrong way just to see if you can break them?  Go where you're not supposed to.  You'll know what (not) to do.

-Explore every possible opportunity available
While this goes hand-in-hand with what I mentioned above, it needs to be underscored.  Every time the game turns your Explore Mode on, get out of wherever you are so you don't trigger the next event, and go explore the whole world that's available to you.  Does an town NPC say something that should be changed in the context of where the storyline is at this time?  When you exit and re-enter the area where the storyline is taking place, does the storyline start up as if you had never been in the room before?  (In other words, do certain events repeat?)

-Publicize on the forum and subject to peer review every development, to include any modifications to the ROM or alterations to the plot, to ensure the entire project is a collective effort and not a fragmented tug of war.
There are a multitude of reasons for this.  One of the foremost, as I just stated above, is to keep everyone moving in the same direction.  Another major reason for this policy is because we do have a limited amount of space in which to convey our vision of Chrono Break.  Therefore, we will need to watch out for unnecessary maps and areas.  If we keep those to a minimum, we won't have to reduce the size of a major dungeon or anything like that.

Crimson Echoes / Improving on CT's sound
« on: September 08, 2005, 04:45:50 pm »
I don't necessarily want to take this thing out into C++ and all that.  To that end, we'd be crossing the line into remakes.  And since this project's point is to demonstrate all that TF can do with CT ROM hacking, we need to stay in the realm of emulation.  I just would like an emulator that can play MP3s instead of SPCs and give us a broader sound.

sdlvx, I REALLY don't want MIDIs...  MP3s would give us a lot of capability to make the sound precisely how we want it, and it would let us do a broad, overwhelming orchestral sound if we need to.  It would also give us the ability to do voices, though *IF* that were to happen, I don't think voices would be anything more than, say, a cool laugh for Ozzie, a new kick@$$ roar for Lavos, that kind of stuff.

By the way, who are you and how did you get in here? o.O

Crimson Echoes / Chrono Trigger Changelog
« on: September 07, 2005, 01:37:28 am »
Wait...  What?  I'm not sure I've heard of the Flood Guardpost, but I DEFINITELY haven't heard of the Fiona's Forest mini-dungeon.  Was this in the plot somewhere?

Crimson Echoes / So, where the hell are we going?
« on: September 06, 2005, 12:01:44 am »
Yeah, I saw the suggestions in the plot thread.  It'll probably require a lot of custom graphics, though maybe not.  We'll see.  I meant just planning where each room is and how they are interconnected.  A couple of those you just mentioned are areas I thought should be the same room, such as the Temporal Catch and Dispatch Chamber.  I also was thinking of possibly a separate room for Melchior (he'd be like CE's Spekkio :lol:), but anyway...

Kajar Laboratories / 3d Chrono!
« on: September 05, 2005, 09:36:02 pm »
It's 600 AD, so he likely doesn't have implants...unless they're magic.  Considering Flea is a magician, this makes it pretty likely that he would at least have the appearance of breasts when his shirt is off.

Crimson Echoes / So, where the hell are we going?
« on: September 05, 2005, 09:33:48 pm »
Regarding the variables, Dag, the Changelog is there for just that reason...  And it's actually meant to be as in-depth as you're saying: which variables are being used for what, so that we know what's been changed and other TF users won't overwrite a change that's already been made.

I will be coming up with a layout for Chronopolis tonight.  I need to know who all our key TF users are so I can contact them individually to construct it.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Does anyone have screenshots of...
« on: September 05, 2005, 05:37:52 pm »
Hey, I never got to the Bend Of Time in New Game+ on CC, so I never saw or fought Ozzie, Flea, and Slash on there.  How did they look?  Did they translate well from 2D to 3D?  Does anyone have screenshots of them in the field screen and battle screen?

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