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General Discussion / Dissidia Final Fantasy
« on: August 25, 2009, 12:39:46 pm »

The picture is just a joke, and the quality is poor since the joke was made in 5 minutes going as fast as possible.

In all seriousness, who here is interested? I am. Not for Final Fantasy like we know SE is going to think but for the fighting system. That and I wanna try out Terra and Zidane badly, whup Magus wannabe Sephiroth all over the place :lol: .

General Discussion / Super Smash Flash
« on: August 19, 2009, 04:49:16 pm »
Crono is in it. Beat 3 minute man melee and you unlock him.

Easy strategy to do it. Jump up to the highest platform. Just keep jumping everytime you land. They're to stupid to respond.

He has the voice of Roy(his yells). And his moves are as follows.

P = Double Swing
P + Down = Vulcan Hit
P + Up = Spincut
P + Movement = Slash
O + Down = Downward Stab
He's one of the faster characters and I've found him to be pretty good. Figured since there was no info on this I'd put it up. Here's where you can find the game, it's a decent take on Super Smash Bros. Melee with a wide cast of characters. There are flaws, but it's still worth playing!

Fan Art / CE Musically Inspired Art: Fury Of The Prince
« on: August 18, 2009, 10:20:31 pm »
Still not finished but I'm in the middle of working on that. It just lacks color right now, what do you think?

Far from finished since the coloring is what I'm not as good at(specially shading). If anyone else is interested in giving the coloring a shot, be my guest!

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / NOOOOOO!!!!! Gone!!!!!
« on: August 11, 2009, 11:05:23 am »

I'd much rather not go into it now(the mere thought scares me apparantly when I'm on the drugs they have you on I get very violent, plus I loathe needles).
All I can say is I definetly won't be here tomorrow and it might be longer. I'm gonna try to get better from it soon(or sneak to a computer :P)and get on here as well as a few other places. But somehow I doubt that with all the bleeding I'll be allowed to move many places.

Submissions / Sprites I found.
« on: August 02, 2009, 01:50:23 pm »
I was going through some old pics and found some sprites you may be interested in. It's got Crono with 2 swords and Frog as Batman. It also has Crono drinking alchohol. Drunkard :P

General Discussion / Strange Charity Work
« on: July 23, 2009, 02:53:44 pm »
Charity is charity, I know that, but I don't understand how doing tasks makes money rather than the people just being decent enough to donate. What's watching a bunch of people running going to do to change your mind?

One second you think "I'm not giving away my hard earned money to starving kids their parents screwed up!" Next they decide "Oh! These people are running for them! That changes everything!" The fuck?

Maybe if the people in need actually did it it'd make sense but otherwise it just seems bizzare. And most recently I've heard of something even more bizzare. It's already a pretty crazy sounding job to be paid for playing video games but now I've heard of VIDEO GAMES FOR CHARITY! WATCH PEOPLE PLAY ALL THE FINAL FANTASY GAMES FOR DONATIONS! Now that makes even less sense to me... Seeing the people in their crappy lives doesn't make you want to help them, but seeing a group of guys playing all the Final fantasy games will?

It makes as much sense as those Sarah McLa-I can't remember how to spell it! So normally you wouldn't help an abused animal but because you see someone famous sponsering it now you will? You think you'll be like these people because you're doing what they do? If you're gonna donate, do it right damn it. Do it because you want to help. You shouldn't even have to see some odd ritual to change your mind about being decent, if even for just 5 seconds. You should be able to just do it!

I'm not complaining that this is wrong, if it's helping people who got screwed over, good. But, why is it we need to see activities that have nothing to do with those people in order to decide to donate money and help them?

Polling / What's the most memorable scene from Chrono Trigger?
« on: July 19, 2009, 01:47:49 am »
I feel as though this has been done before...
I searched the polls and couldn't find anything so I put this up.

I've been thinking lately as to games and if they have had cinematic scenes in which all who play won't forget. CT is loaded with them, but which sticks out the most to you?

I realize that this is a hard one, so I've allowed up to 5 decisions. But if you can, select one please! If not, no biggy!

And yes, I know... LOTS OF OPTIONS...

Me? I'd have to say through a very tough decision...
Crono's Revival when Marle is in your party. I shed a tear after all of that. Finally getting there, the deciet, followed by getting Crono and then the sweet moment between the two.
Only one close enough to the point of almost voting 2 options is the Canon Ending. I tear up watching them all leave happily ever after and with that music... IT'S THE DAMN MUSIC THAT DOES IT TO ME!

A thought.

Many games have sucked or went unnoticed and could've been even more well known and popular had they been released at a different time.

Had Conker come out earlier in the N64's life rather than a few months before the PS2 came out he would be one of the biggest names we know right now.
Soul Calibur Legends was bad, but only by today's standards. Had it come for the early Gamecube, PS2, Xbox generation it still wouldn't much better but it'd at least be going from say a 3/10 to a 6/10.

So I ask this, if Chrono has come out on a later system than it had, would you still take interest in it?

Personally I would since what attracted me was the whole time travel concept and even though it hasn't been used all that much and isn't a generic story we still don't see loads and loads of games with it allowing for what I've noticed only good games to wind up relating with time travel. Xbox, I'll admit simply cause of system I wouldn't have gotten the system for one game alone. Same goes for if it were today with 360 or PS3.

So what about you?

Submissions / Chrono The Panda
« on: March 29, 2009, 02:33:09 pm »
You must've heard me make this reference so many times. Well now I'm actually doing it.
Here is the first in a line of "screenshots" from Chrono Cuddly, the "game" of Chrono Trigger if everyone were pandas.

Crono loves his Spincut. Link I just had to do considering the way the picture looked.
yes, I know it's not THAT great but I needed to do at least one so I could focus and not just have this be another idea I had but never did. I made this in about 5 minutes. Crono's hair was a pain to put on and look good. It's still very far from great let alone perfect but, it's the first!

Whaddya think of the "game" so far?

Edt: I also now have this.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Chrono Reviews?
« on: March 02, 2009, 06:59:39 pm »
Sorry if this is in the wrong section but I need help.

Today I was talking with a friend on why Chrono Trigger is so good and they're arguing Kingdom Hearts 2 is dominant. Either I'm a bad explainer or he isn't good at picturing descriptions, so i figured that there is a lot of people here at the Compendium who are much better at phrasing things than me so I'm curious how you'd write up a review for Chrono Trigger. Preferably DS version but if you don't know it then SNES version is good too! one thing that really sticks out though is the message it delivers. Way I see it, CT delivers multiple messages but that(apparantly)isn't good enough so, any help?

Polling / What time period would you like to see?
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:16:55 pm »
So I got to thinking, Chrono Trigger covers the most recognizable time periods in gaming(well, for the time/RPGS anyways)but what if they made another time related Chrono game? What sort of time period would you like to see the most?

For me personally, it'd be the Roman/Greek era. Egpyt and Ice Age come close, but there's something about the towering statues and figures everywhere. Some sort of volcano nearby(Pompeii)would be pretty sweet. The buildings, the people, the war that could wage there between who knows what considering so many mythical creatures come from that age! That'd be magnificent!

General Discussion / Sick! As in Illness!
« on: February 03, 2009, 04:49:55 pm »
I haven't been on as much for a while cause I've been sick(which has clouded my mind of clear thought) and so it just came to me, what're some of your sick stories?
Doesn't have to be just "I was really sick" kind either, it can be how it was bad in the sense of even something little could've really messed you over.
Perfect example how yesterday had I not thought "I'm still a very little tiny bit sick so I'll rest today and get it all out of my system" I actually would've had an opportunity at a really awesome script writing for movies payed big bucks job!!!!
That ain't the worst thought. That's my second worst and keeping that at best since my worst isn't appropriate on all forums...

So, what's your worst? :?:

And if this is a bad topic, sorry just felt like I haven't been engaged in awhile and I'm bad at jumping in the middle of other topics... :mrgreen:

Submissions / Ultimate Game War
« on: December 29, 2008, 09:48:51 pm »
It's a little something me and some friends are working on(mostly me). It's a comic series(mature audiences for language and blood)aout, well, a video game war! One big contest once for fun now with rules being made by the more serious author Xavier(Author 3;I'm author 1;was reading a lot of X-Men lately)making the rules. You fight but if you've been losing too many matches, you face a grim fate!

It's a sprite comic and 3 Chrono characters are in it - Crono, Serge(Radical Dreamers), and Magus.

I've helped somewhat with the plot so far but I mainly make the comic itself and we have no set plans yet, just go along as we come up with the stuff. We do have our 100 fighters and around 30 leads who are each getting individual comics right now introducing them.

So any thoughts? Suggestions? And if you want you can comment even if you don't have an account over there, as the author on site I made that allowed of guests.  :wink:

Polling / Who are your leads?
« on: December 27, 2008, 12:41:13 pm »
I finished one of the new monster village sidequests about 3 weeks back and was shown three characters, but they weren't all the ones in my party at the moment so i got to thinking "These guys I had when I fought the monsters in the forest but they aren't my best guys, my best ones are right here after fighting that big boss battle!" And so now I'm interested in knowing, who are your three most used people in your team, the three you use the most and bring out for the toughest situations, your numero unos, your top three characters(you use in your party)!!!

Mine are Crono(surprise, right?), Frog(ooo, shocking...), and Marle(at this point many are shocked for real). I really like some of their combos like Double Cure, Arc Impulse is my favorite move in the whole game and I usually level Marle more than the other characters and give her many capsules so she winds up being one of my best anyways. I get in the 800s-900s on average with her Ice 2 attack, and her standard attack is in the thousands.

It's mainly because I level up my characters VERY early(right at the begining of the game I fight Hetakes until I'm in the 20s). Of course, Luminaire and Confuse, Frog Squash(I never heal Frog so marle's Life 2 also comes in handy), Aerial Strike, Two characters with cure 2 so in case one falls I still have a healer. All this plus Wrath Band on Crono, I have the worth of two healers and two fighters with three characters.

General Discussion / What's your favorite movie? (Explain yoself!)
« on: December 24, 2008, 09:17:19 pm »
I just got finished watching one that may possibly be my favorite now. POSSIBLY. I did JUST see it, might be a spur of the moment thing, it may last I dunno.
Mine is either
V For Vendetta
The Dark Knight
Step brothers(just saw)
Spiderman 2
or Elf
Not sure...

I don't want this thread to just devolve into people just listing names off, so I added that bit in parenthesis...It'd be nice if people would actually discuss things.

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