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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Sorry to eat and run but Beta stuff
« on: February 17, 2010, 12:18:02 am »
Yeah gotta go fast, no time to explain but check this out.
We don't have all of these things, such as a pic where it looks like the intro except only Taban's in it and the world is gone(WTF)

Sorry, I am SO sorry, but apparantly you guys DO have this. Sorry in a rush. Multi tasking between about 15 things right now, hard to concentrate :lol: :oops:

General Discussion / Arc Rise Fantasia
« on: January 17, 2010, 01:32:48 pm »
I liked the looks of it for a long time.
Then I heard Yasunori Mitsuda did the sound and soundtrack for it and got really hooked.
It has a strong feel of if Skies Of Arcadia, Chrono, and Code Geass all got together and had an amazing child.

The graphics are amazing, specially since Wii gets so much of a bad rep for not being the graphics system. The gameplay is very old school with a small touch of new, that makes it feel like a pretty new experience.

I'm listening to the soundtrack. While not the best work of his, it's still very good. Has a very dramatic feel to it from a lot of the tracks. Of course, I can't find any sources with the FULL thing yet. But from what I've heard, I love it.

At first I thought the lead protagonist was reminding me of Cloud Strife. Then after looking him up on Google, I found he was actually giving me a strong vibe of Cloud's sword, Lelouch's(Code Geass) design, and Renton's(Eureka 7) color scheme. It's not just me, if you know all 3 of the characters' designs, you'll notice it too!

I don't the story yet, since I'm still in training at translating japanese. I'm best at in person conversation, not translating text or video, but from what I've read, it sounds like a pretty strong theme of love exists in here. War, terrorism, at least from what I'm going by. It's got my attention I know.

The game apparantly comes out June 2010 and is from the same group as Sands Of Destruction as well!

So, anyone's thoughts on the game?

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Who noticed?
« on: January 12, 2010, 06:24:42 pm »
I've been gone. A loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. I said I was leaving shortly before the holidays, and half through the month AFTER the holidays I return!

Yeah... So I'm back!

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Latas...
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:58:56 pm »
Yeah, I know come Monday I'm gonna be heading out to see family, and as for me, yeah, I'm not gonna be on for awhile anyway since believe it or not my gifts for the day have actually left me in the position to be either

A.) Be playing Marvel VS Capcom 2.
B.) Be doing ridiculous amounts of research(gift cards to older places, since I'm the old school type like 1940s & earlier).

So yeah... I'm gonna be busy with that. Til then...

Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanuakah!
Happy Kwanzaa!
Merry Ramadan!
Happy New Year!

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Back after temporary disappearance
« on: December 07, 2009, 04:13:25 pm »
Not sure how many noticed, sorry!
I just realized just now I had kinda vanished for...well quite awhile. And without warning so I figured I shoud do this...

Yeah, I like to participate in theater. I was multiple leads and had a very hecktic schedule. It's finally over and I can finally get back both my internet life and my social life! YAY!
As for the play, "The Skin Of Our Teeth". I won't say my roles, but I will say I did very well(or at least I was told that). I've got some catching up to do. :shock:

I have for years.

By this I mean letting people know about Chrono and recommending it.
Along with this plenty of other games as well. For years now, as in ever since the game came out, no one's really bothered to care. But now, with the DS release AND the fact it's been out long enough for the prices to hit pretty low, everyone I know seems to be taking up interest in this game, following up with realization that if this game was good my other suggestions would be good. In my own area I'm slowly becoming a Guru of Gaming!

I must say, it feels pretty awesome knowing everyone around me is starting to take a turn from saying I'm an old crotchety gamer with a bug up their butt, and only interested n nostalgia, finding barely any interest in their games of today(shooters, simulations, party games, etc.)into the god of magi-er-games...yeah...
Five fake bucks to whoever can get what that last part was a reference to.
It also happens a lot with animes I suggest.

So, here's my point of this topic, have you ever suggested something for someone, they took your advice and turned out to really like it and very appreciative of your advice?

General Discussion / Fuck Suicide
« on: October 30, 2009, 04:54:09 pm »
Yesterday, someone I knew, not very well, but well enough killed himself.

Fucking hell.

Being a friend I ought to feel sympathy, but I can't feel any due to the fact I feel suicide is the weakest way to go out. If your life is at such an extreme(which his wasn't, in fact it was a pretty good one)that your own life doesn't matter, then being afraid of the law, consequences, etc shouldn't matter when it comes to your problems. You should be able to do something about your problem with no fears, no regrets, nothing since apparantly your life isn't worth it anymore. Taking the easy way out of your problems, unacceptable.

It doesn't matter who it is, how much I respect them or how close I am to them, any way of dying is better than suicide.

How about you? How do you feel about it?

General Discussion / Personal Thing Stolen?
« on: October 15, 2009, 08:30:56 pm »
It bugs me, so i was gonna put this is the hate thread, but...

1.) this goes beyond hatred. Beyond loathing. Beyond an existing word.

2.) I'm curious how many people this has happened to before, since I've found it to happen quite often. Share experiences of this. Something of your own, amongst you and your friends whether it's a joke, a style, something your own and then someone else thinks they're cool but copying it, but messing it up completely and then spreading it to everyone to become a fad and what you once treasured you now can't stand.

Everyone's got their own inside jokes. And some inside related stuff are so great that it lasts forever. Or at least it ought to.

See, it's great when others can discover the joke if it's something others can access, but generally no one discovers it. However, this is only, if known how to be used properly. Me and my friends have had something going(too inappropriate for here, nothing illegal, but generally it'd be taking ridiculous stuff and making fun of it and making references in everyday situations). Now, some little kids have picked up on it. Alright, so they pass it on to next generation what's wrong with this right?

They have no clue what they're talking about. They're making it public and rather than subtley hint it so they get the joke no one else does, it's dead obvious how to find it, and it's getting exploited. We all know what happens when things get exploited. They turn to crap. You know, like how The Dark Knight's joker was amazing at first, who didn't love it? You wanted to be him for Halloween. You got the entire costume, down to the tiniest detail, work hard to be original, and then suddenly everyone else is Joker for Halloween. Only they didn't put effort in. Teeny Bopper girls are "cool" because they have the face make up, and nothing else. Everyone's putting their own spin on it to be unique when it's resulted in everyone being a drone, clones of one another, just a fad that everyone's overusing, doing wrong, and killing the fun of what it once was.

This is the one advantage I see to Final fantasy being seen by everyone and not Chrono. Chrono is cared for and gently petted while as Final Fantasy is the dog that gets all stiffened up, worked up, and turned lifeless to win a trophy that'll rust quickly, and interest in the prize dog will vanish a week later.

So, ever had your own personal group that was stolen?

Polling / Which Of Toriyama's Works Would You Want In Game?
« on: September 20, 2009, 05:31:23 pm »
As most know, either the artworks or screenshots came first, but either way there were plans for those screenshots to be part of CT. So my question to you is, which of the pictures would you have most wanted to see happen in the game?

As much as the snowy area's sprite sheet looks amazing and incredible, I think had they made an ancient Mystic City for you to battle Magus in would be the best. How much more epic culd it get than Medina 600 AD, Magus flying throughout the city you battling him and his fishbowl hand. :lol:

But seriously, that would be an intense battle and certainly a location I'd visit much more often than anywhere else.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / SHA-ZAM EGM Chrono before Prerelease
« on: September 20, 2009, 12:06:50 pm »
Pardon the title but I feel very happy about this find. Alright, title fixed. There's the prerelease. And then there's this as well. Just yesterday as part of my B-Day present my grandparents bought me a box full of well over 100 old gaming magazines and this happened to be in EGM Number 7. The cover shows Eternal Champions CD, but I feel THIS is the real treat.
Here you go. 2 pages of fun.
Right off the bat, newbie in the second screenshot of Crono, rather than be a 2 handed sword fighter he fought one handed? Possibility of maybe more than one weapon like Glenn in CC?
Frog has a different blocking sprite, looks like he could send the enemy back.
The Giga Gaia scene looks even sweeter here than in what actually happens I think. Frog knocked out, Marle and Crono fight.
Also, Crono didn't always live in the town was originalyl Stoal.
That's the new stuff I noticed from this page.
The first screenshot should be familiar to EVERYONE here. Marle I guess WAS supposed to be a fire magic caster! Arc Impulse!
What's this? Crono, Robo, and Ayla seem to have a different Triple Tech. I know this much since Ayla has a new magic summoning sprite(Ayla had magic?! WTF?!!!). It looks like some sort of seismic wave I'm guessing. And it looks like they're fighting on eof those bat like enemies somewhere other than the Black Omen as well. The forest in fact. It actually looks like a forest area from the DS(another level they had planned and left out? Or possibly Singing Mountain?)
Looks like the battle with Queen Zeal. Except she wasn't a face and hands, but a vampire! Who could've seen that coming?
Truce appears very different. A lot mroe forest than before(go green!). The village is either larger or much more compacted than before. In particular though I spot a new building, a church. I also notice, the bridge to Porre isn't even there! In fact, a lot of stuff doesn't even seem to exist yet! Not even the fair! But as you could read on the first page they had the story already! Festival was all there was so maybe something else was supposed to happen! Maybe the festival wasn't next door but at the castle?! Leave it all to speculation I suppose.
The Epoch's initial take off scene is slightly different, but generally the epoch is the same.
The campfire scene more similar to the artwork. Only Crono, Robo, and Ayla are there and monsters surrounded them(including the prerelease ape!)
I don't know. The bat thing in the church is just bizarre. In fact, it looks like the same location where you fight Yakra for the first time...was that thing supposed to be originally the first boss, or maybe some random Mystic that decided to move in when the place was cleaned out?
The courtroom. it seems darker with the king sitting right overhead the judge. Also notice Crono isn't wearing the same orange around his neck(forgot what they're called) but it's more like some sort of elastic band now, or a belt?(y'know how SE loves putting ridiculous numbers of belts on characters).

This is everything I noticed in the pics. I did multiple tries, this is the best quality you can get unless you get the magazine yourself. I'm on magazine #12/100 something right now, so I may find even more early stuff given to magazines to tease us in the past! It makes me so happy thinking I could find more!!!!!!!!

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / IZ MAH B DAY
« on: September 18, 2009, 07:46:16 am »

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Debug room in Chrono Cross
« on: September 09, 2009, 07:08:46 pm »
It looks awfully similar to a room in Radical Dreamers...

The puzzle room? I'm having trouble finding a picture. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Other Topics and the Prerelease / Unused Prerelease Music For Chrono Trigger
« on: September 09, 2009, 06:43:24 pm »
It sounds like Boss Battle 1, it never even made it to the album! Would've loved to hear this.
Comparisons of the tracks in the final version and for the prerelease. Very small changes, but they're there. They sound more like they're just unfinished versions of the songs.

I have no clue how he got the songs for the second one, the first I downloaded(sorry, not around anymore I already checked).

Edit: I DID check that the Compendium has songs up but I posted these in case these weren't what you had and something different.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / PARADISE LOST
« on: August 28, 2009, 12:12:47 pm »
For about a week.

I'm taking a trip. And I'm not sure if I'll have access to a computer while on it. Where you can swear they replaced the real water with Gatorade. :lol:

Down in southern tip of Florida practically out of states but still in. Don't know the name, but I'm finding out.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Magus - Magil
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:26:26 pm »
I tried looking it up in multiple ways, each time a ridiculous amount of other topics pop up so I'll just ask in case no one else has...

In the new Time's Eclipse area, Magus I just noticed a few days ago is actually called Magil instead. Do you think this has any importance or is it just or a name, or has this already been discussed? :?

And no, I haven't done the Time's Eclipse yet with Magus. Just Crono, Marle, Frog(Frost Arc that punk).

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