I read a review of the movie, it apparently really really sucks. And not just in a "hey it doesn't follow the manga" way, it literally is a non-sensical heap of shit.
And a Zelda movie? I'm pretty sure that was just last year's April Fool's (you're a day early, by the way).

How would you know? The movie hasn't even been released yet! Also, they've spent heck of a long time and effort with it. Also, I've read certain things, and other than a few "differences" the entire thing (except for Goku's personality) seems fine. Even Master Roshi has his pervy personality in the movie!
You do know a lot changes in Live Actions, and the amount done so far is just as much as DeathNote Live action movie, or even Detective Conan's. Fans are just paranoid it may not go well, because its predecessors haven't either. Well, that feeling's understandable. xD
You do know that if they even managed to have the exact kind of movie in Live Action it may just be... crap? I mean, seriously, try thinking of it! Certain things need to be altered to have a change of scenes. Like they decided to have Bulma's hair as her actress's original hair color, and not blue, because otherwise it would look unrealistic. That, too, is quite understandable, and I'd have taken the same decision myself. But that doesn't mean they haven't tried. I've even read reviews of how they shot the film and all.