Magus, Frog, and Crono, in that order.
Now that I am trading, I seem to have an endless supply of Wooden Spoons. JP NOTE: Sorry not sure what the bug is, is the person not taking the wooden spoon when they should be or are you worried people will go through the trading quest and sell the spoons for infinite supply or money?
I'm not sure who is supposed to take the Wooden Spoon, but Johnny won't stop giving me Moldy Bread.
The Diablos also are a mystery. Robo's Laser Spin does say it's doing damage, but after doing about 8 spins, they never die. They only die after I hit them a couple more times physically. Do they really have 1200 HP each (that's about how much I did to each one if you count Laser Spin). JP NOTE: I remember them being very difficult, JP NOTE: they have 550 HP, i killed them with only laser spins.....can you repro?
No, not anymore. They are gone.
Also, s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-show stopper! Instead of running up and to the left like last time, it now puts your party together, and you cannot ever move after the battle there. You can control the camera, and move it around about 3-10 pixels in any direction. JP NOTE: Sheesh you and that fight!! Can you repro this regularly? It looks like robo, crono, marle in that order? Did you trigger from the top or something? I tried several times and couldn't make it freeze
I believe my party the first two times were Marle, Crono, and Robo. Not sure on order. To try and reproduce it this time, I went to 605, and Frog wants me to kick some Mystic ass, but won't let me add a 3rd character. Fighting that battle with just Magus and Frog, it did not freeze.
OmniShield was broken originally? I see it has changed now. JP NOTE: nah it wasn't broken, the animations are updated thanks to FW. You like it?
I do.