Author Topic: Video Game Discussion Thread  (Read 258528 times)


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2280 on: September 17, 2012, 08:17:52 pm »
Now would you be interested in a Chrono Theatrhythm game?

I recently bought Theatrhythm and has been my favorite 3ds title so far.
A Xenogears/Trigger/Cross spinoff would make me puke rainbows.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2281 on: September 17, 2012, 08:30:06 pm »

I have been craving a hardcore fantasy title for a few days now. A long time ago I played the likes of Diablo 2 and Ultima Online (nearly a decade ago), and I'm craving that kind of "immersive" fantasy game (without it being World of Warcraft). I don't really care what style of game, although I am leaning against an MMORPG, simply due to the amount of time it would require. I can be swayed, however. I don't care if it's hack and slash, first person, third person isometric view, etc. I just want an old school RPG with a decent story and beautiful, hard fantasy locales. I'm talking dark forests, menacing caves, glowing mushrooms, fairies, and all the other things that make those hard fantasy games so great. I care first and foremost about the environment, I guess. :)

I'm leaning towards the old Icewind Dale games or Baldur's Gate. I have an old PC that can't handle the likes of Skyrim, Diablo III, etc., so that's something else for me to consider.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2282 on: September 17, 2012, 10:18:29 pm »

I have been craving a hardcore fantasy title for a few days now. A long time ago I played the likes of Diablo 2 and Ultima Online (nearly a decade ago), and I'm craving that kind of "immersive" fantasy game (without it being World of Warcraft). I don't really care what style of game, although I am leaning against an MMORPG, simply due to the amount of time it would require. I can be swayed, however. I don't care if it's hack and slash, first person, third person isometric view, etc. I just want an old school RPG with a decent story and beautiful, hard fantasy locales. I'm talking dark forests, menacing caves, glowing mushrooms, fairies, and all the other things that make those hard fantasy games so great. I care first and foremost about the environment, I guess. :)

I'm leaning towards the old Icewind Dale games or Baldur's Gate. I have an old PC that can't handle the likes of Skyrim, Diablo III, etc., so that's something else for me to consider.

The Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate games are pretty good. I wouldn't recommend Diablo III at all even if you could run it.

Seems like the game that's IN right now is Guild Wars 2 what with the free online and its other shenanigans. I've yet to give it a try.

Since you have an old PC I'd recommend Neverwinter Nights, I can run it on a very old laptop smoothly. The game had a decent story and I remember it being really fun. It also has like 2 expansion packs and a Map Editor similar to Warcraft III's, where you can design your own adventures. You can also download adventures other people have made, which is a super plus. You can also play with a friend on the internet. Like a couple of months ago I saw a bundle with Neverwinter Nights + all expansions and Neverwinter Nights 2 + all expansions for 30 bucks at GameStop. I bought it immediately.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 10:20:19 pm by Ema »


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2283 on: September 23, 2012, 01:53:29 am »
Has anyone played through (and enjoyed) the FFXIII games?

I've been amazed at the complex story and plot twists, but most recently now, they had announced the next (and last) title in the series. I got to say it looks mighty interesting, if one has been following the story.

I have not fully understood why they've received such mixed reception, but they must be doing something right if they can afford to create another game from the ground up.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2284 on: September 23, 2012, 09:31:07 am »
Has anyone played through (and enjoyed) the FFXIII games?

I've been amazed at the complex story and plot twists, but most recently now, they had announced the next (and last) title in the series. I got to say it looks mighty interesting, if one has been following the story.

I have not fully understood why they've received such mixed reception, but they must be doing something right if they can afford to create another game from the ground up.

I really enjoyed FFXIII and its sequel despite all the hate and banter you'll hear. FFXIII is a linear game - there really isn't many options for backtracking and exploration for most of the game. You go from point A to point B on a map, watch a scene happen, then continue on your way. However, if you don't mind that aspect of the game (it didn't bother me that much) and enjoy a good storyline, characterization, the anesthetic appeal of stunning graphics, then I think you will end up liking the game. I think another problem with people's dislike for the game is that they compare it to the tried-and-true formula of past final fantasy games.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2285 on: September 23, 2012, 11:05:19 am »
I've played all the way through FFXIII but not FFXIII-2.

FFXIII is a very linear game. There is a story line that naturally progresses from point A to point B to point C and that's it. There's no exploration and few opportunities to get off the beaten track. This was it's biggest flaw - half the fun of an RPG is exploration and FFXIII didn't really offer that element. That being said, FFXIII had an engaging (but sometimes boring) storyline; it wasn't the weakest in the Final Fantasy series, nor was it the greatest.

The graphics were great, the combat was great, the music was nice, and the locales were absolutely fabulous.

I'm agreement with both Magus22 and Eden110: the game is a good game when taken as itself. It didn't blow me away but the time I spent with Lightning and company was a good time. I remember first reaching the home of Vanille and Fang and just really felt absorbed into the story. It sounds like FFXIII-3 is borrowing a bit from Xenosaga, which is definitely a great thing!

I haven't played FFXIII-2 yet, although I'm looking forward to doing so. I just haven't had a chance. I'm a dad now and the time I get to spend on video games is very limited. :)


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2286 on: September 26, 2012, 12:43:39 pm »
Speaking of Baldur's Gate, there's always the possibility to go to its roots. That is, table top D&D (or Pathfinder, depending on the groups preferences). The great thing there is that it forces you to limit your time. Video games, especially ones good enough to recommend, have a tendency to be huge drains of time. But its hard coordinating schedules to get together a few nights a week, so pen and paper RPGs are great in that regard.

But if you really want electronified gaming, then I'd recommend Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, particularly if you can convince your spouse to play with you. It's couple's bonding time!


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2287 on: September 27, 2012, 08:38:34 am »
Speaking of D&D, my friend and I may finally have gathered a group able to play. Guess we'll see how it goes this weekend.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2288 on: September 27, 2012, 08:51:07 pm »
New Mana game!? That's great! Maybe it is a good sign?

We want a Chrono game! 

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2289 on: September 27, 2012, 10:06:17 pm »
Considering most of the recent Mana games have sucked, I'm wary. They seem to have gotten worse with each game since Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2).

-Secret of Mana was the second RPG I ever played (after Chrono Trigger) and stands as a great game. The iOS "upgrade" was great.
-Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3) was good, too.
-Sword of Mana (a remake of the original Final Fantasy Adventure / Seiken Densetsu) was pretty good, too.
-Legend of Mana was good, but it was barely a Mana game.
-Children of Mana = boooo!!!
-Dawn of Mana = boooo!!!
-Heroes of Mana = never actually played it (but would like to).

Ninja 4 Hire

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2290 on: September 29, 2012, 01:01:36 pm »
Right now I'm playing a couple of games:

Darksiders II
Super Paper Mario

I am considering getting WoW: Mists of Pandaria, but don't have the funds for it right now. That and I want to try to finish the games I'm on now before picking up more.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2291 on: November 25, 2012, 04:44:40 am »
So, I've been enjoying Resident Evil 6 lately.
-Leon's scenario was actually scary at quite a few points and had some interesting puzzles, which surprised me. I enjoyed it all the way through.
-Chris' scenario was much less enjoyable; some parts were cool (Such as the battles where you team up with Jake and Sherry) but for the most point I was disappointed.
-Jake's scenario was awesome. It had great moments of stealth (I especially liked the part where you used the remote bomb to distract the Ustanak; it was quite clever), and overall it was quite exciting. The Ustanak was no Nemesis, put it put quite a scare into me and its boss fights were awesome. Plus the plot wasn't half bad; I quite enjoyed seeing Jake and Sherry's relationship develop.

I'm playing through Ada's scenario right now, I'll let you know what I think later.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2292 on: April 18, 2013, 08:09:43 pm »
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy is being localized. 2014 is a ways off, sure, but it's nice to see Square Enix listening to their fans.

On a related note, anyone know why sometimes the European and North America release dates for games vary? I think I remember reading about it once, but I can't remember the details.

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2293 on: April 18, 2013, 11:18:25 pm »
Well, I'd guess there are a number of factors, like number of languages to translate the game to, edit certain content, or just plain wait if there is a re-release and save themselves from the redundancy.

Then again, that sounds like factors that would make it release after, but there are some games that do get released in Europe before North America so... I really have no idea when it comes to those cases.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #2294 on: May 05, 2013, 05:13:26 pm »
I just read a very thoughtful article on the relation between video games and other forms of media like film.  It is a question I have wrestled with a lot, as those who know me can attest, and I found James McTeigue's thoughts on the subject to be deeply encouraging and insightful.  (He directed the feature film "V for Vendetta" and has worked on various game-related projects.)