Author Topic: Any Metroid fans here? If so, awesome-looking fan remake of Metroid II inside!  (Read 9970 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Although... TNG season 1 level rough? I really hope you're exaggerating... But the whole fungus-based teleportation thing sounds dumb enough to qualify.

Hahaha, okay, you're right, it's not THAT bad. I will say that you should give Discovery a chance. But stick with the entire season before you give it a full discussion and review. I didn't enjoy the first half, but loved the back half, and the final two episodes or so were my favorites.

If anything, I would have liked some more down time during the show. It goes along at breakneck speeds. War, then mirror universe, then back to war. There's never any breathing room.

As for the spore drive and all that... cool concept that they actually handle pretty well (despite the initial concept itself being odd). But it needs to be bookended. Where they leave it in season 1 is just a huge plothole and I do think they will patch it up in the future. They left a lot of breadcrumbs in season 1 for plot points of season 2 and/or beyond.

I guess with Sybok being an exile and Michael being a mutineer, the case could be made that Spock is just too ashamed to talk about them... But really, it's the writers who should be ashamed.

The thing is, Michael's mutiny is expunged from her record in the final episode for having saved the Federation from committing war crimes against the Klingons and for finding a peaceful solution to end the war. Someone pointed out that Spock has a line somewhere in Trek lore where he says there's never been a mutiny on board a Starfleet ship, and apparently he is basing that solely off of current/active service records, not expunged ones.

I'm still not satisfied with how they handled the relationship and don't know if I ever will be, but Trek has always had a ton of stuff that is iffy. There's so much of it that there are bound to be good things and bad things (or rather things I like and things I don't like).

All in all, Discovery was good television. Not great, but good. I have high expectations and hope that season 2 takes a more Trek-like approach to optimism and exploration. If it does, I'm on board.


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My fav has always been Super Metroid. I bought Metroid other M a few years back (as it serves as a sequel to Super Metroid) and although the game was good, it definitely lacked in gameplay.

I also took a look at to check out some mods. For the life of me I could not get the patch programs to apply correctly to the ROM, and therefore have yet to play any of them. Metroid Eris piqued my interested.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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I was horribly disappointed that Metroid Prime 4 wasn't at e3. Here's hoping that Nintendo will show more at their next solo conference, which I think is within a few months. Maybe in August?


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Guess I'm late to the party but cool, Metroid 2 in color! And there's more than 4 colors opposed to my Super Gameboy!

I'm an old school metroid fan. Of every game ive played in my whole life, Chrono Trigger/Crimson Echoes tie for 2nd, as Super Metroid is my favorite. It was once listed by some survey as the best game ever made, and I still agree. Its just fun.

I hope this Metroid 2 remake is cool. When I found that 'metroid zero mission' game my first thought was Aw they put a map in it for the pussies. Granted by modern gaming standards, Metroid (the first one) is too hard, as is Ninja Gaiden, for millenial gamers, so I see why they had to make it easier, like the CT remake, and most every other remake, excluding Crimson Echoes which was like Zelda Parallel was harder and JUST for the fans of the original.

And as the original game shows, Samus is a redhead! wooo! When did she dye her hair? There is a massive shortage of attractive red heads in the world, Samus you rinse that peroxide out of your hair!

PS The Eris mod was good, as was Darkholme hospital.


  • Architect of Kajar
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Guess I'm late to the party but cool, Metroid 2 in color! And there's more than 4 colors opposed to my Super Gameboy!

I'm an old school metroid fan. Of every game ive played in my whole life, Chrono Trigger/Crimson Echoes tie for 2nd, as Super Metroid is my favorite. It was once listed by some survey as the best game ever made, and I still agree. Its just fun.

I hope this Metroid 2 remake is cool. When I found that 'metroid zero mission' game my first thought was Aw they put a map in it for the pussies. Granted by modern gaming standards, Metroid (the first one) is too hard, as is Ninja Gaiden, for millenial gamers, so I see why they had to make it easier, like the CT remake, and most every other remake, excluding Crimson Echoes which was like Zelda Parallel was harder and JUST for the fans of the original.

And as the original game shows, Samus is a redhead! wooo! When did she dye her hair? There is a massive shortage of attractive red heads in the world, Samus you rinse that peroxide out of your hair!

PS The Eris mod was good, as was Darkholme hospital.

Finally someone else with the same views as my own    :o
I'm not sure if it was my outdated PC, the patch program I used or what, but I couldn't for the life of me get any of the SM mods to work. If I had time I would totally do a SMILE mod of my own, but alas no time.

I also assume the blonde hair came into play to make it more mainstream. Blondes are the more acceptable "sexy hair colour" at least in today's pop culture. Red is definitely busting out, but blonde is still on top.


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I had a dream, probably 12 years ago maybe more. In it, I saw on like a 100 inch TV a game called 'metroid 4'. it was in a 4000 resolution and the graphics i saw in my dream were amazing, it was like in deep focus and jumping through a luminescent cave I saw half the planet, it blew my mind. The funny part about this was that this actually came true. This was before any metroid 4 and before the now called 4k tvs. The graphics were sharp, an evolution based on Metroid 3, NOT prime, ie I feel are an evolution of N64 graphics and junk like TF2. This was more like the ultramarines movie, no perfect rounded surfaces to show pixel shading, it looked 'real' but with blues and purples to make it like a vivid cave, it videogames should. So I'm stoked that I saw the future that will coalesce. If I have any dreams about Lavos I will be sure to tell you guys so we can prepare for it.

As a game Metroid 2 was fun, tho I first played it at age 5 on the ol black and white gameboy. I think im gonna go replay it now.