Author Topic: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End  (Read 53522 times)

Katie Skyye

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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #90 on: September 03, 2008, 09:38:33 pm »
There is a boss in Final Fantasy VI which uses the move "Wallchange" wherein he changes his elemental weakness after being hit with whatever he happens to be weak to at the time. If you hit him with any other element, I believe he counters with some devastating move. So yea. That is Wallchange :)

Lots of bosses have that. It's almost a RPG standby now...

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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #91 on: September 03, 2008, 09:44:32 pm »
Oh mylanta!

I didn't know there was going to be so much new stuff (as in new tech's) in the game.

Oh la la!


Can't wait!


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #92 on: September 04, 2008, 03:13:26 am »
beautiful battle screenies and im lokking forward to the new techs


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #93 on: September 04, 2008, 07:32:56 pm »
Amazing Zakyrus, It's a hell of a work. I'm getting more and more excited to get my hands on it, I want new single techs for Marle and Kaeru so much it hurts  :(

Well, I think I'll screenshot every bug or typo I see when I play it, just to help you out  :). If I could say something on Kaeru, I think his most powerful weapon should be Masamune +(or Grandleon +, whatever). And it would be VERY interesting if one of his single techs would be Nirvana Strike.

Also, It's going to be possible to choose the nickname Ayla uses for Chrono, or the pic of Chrono and Marle in one of the endings?

I still got a couple sugestions, but I think it would be better if I wait until you release the demo 1.2. I'll PM you later, just in case  8)


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #94 on: September 04, 2008, 08:34:33 pm »
Amazing Zakyrus, It's a hell of a work. I'm getting more and more excited to get my hands on it, I want new single techs for Marle and Kaeru so much it hurts  :(

Once I start playing with jsondag's wonderful TechEditor, Marle & Frog will be the first to get new techs. Cure2 was litteraly pointless, as once you're high-leveled any basic healing tech will recover a huge amount of HP.

Well, I think I'll screenshot every bug or typo I see when I play it, just to help you out  :). If I could say something on Kaeru, I think his most powerful weapon should be Masamune +(or Grandleon +, whatever). And it would be VERY interesting if one of his single techs would be Nirvana Strike.

There's going to be a Masamune3 upgrade (eventually) also, I'm thinking of replacing Frog Squash with Nirvana Strike... (atleast until existing Techs can be expanded)
Also, It's going to be possible to choose the nickname Ayla uses for Chrono, or the pic of Chrono and Marle in one of the endings?

1.1 will come first, 1.2 is still pretty far off as that will have the "harder stuff" to do -- like importing new tilesets so we can make towns into live locations rather than simple "overworld towns" -- think Xenogears style with multiple entrances to a town...  sometimes, I never cease to amaze. 8)

I still got a couple sugestions, but I think it would be better if I wait until you release the demo 1.2. I'll PM you later, just in case  8)

Let's hear 'em anyways. Maybe I can incorporate them now? We'll see.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 08:52:36 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #95 on: September 06, 2008, 07:40:30 pm »
This is actually my most anticipated fan project of the year! I for one cannot wait till it comes out!
« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 11:10:28 pm by brifye19 »


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #96 on: September 07, 2008, 10:02:50 am »
Me neither! Really great job on this Zak, can't wait.

Oh, and I think you should keep ultimate weapons the same as in the original. (Except for Marle/Magus, like I said) Masamune++ sounds really cool, though, I have to say. However, I would like it if the original ultimate weapons for most other characters stayed... I don't know, I'd prefer that they keep their weapons from the original. Your new uber-weapons could have additional effects, though. (Sort of like how the Shiva Edge has 4x crit damage, but lower attack power than the Rainbow. Of course, the Rainbow crits like mad, so it's not really worth it, but you get the idea) Maybe some of them could cast random spells, (Oooh! Lightbringer for Glenn! You'd have to design a "Holy" spell, but it would still be cool...) like in a bunch of FFs. Or weapons that cause staus effects. We need more of those.

And yeah, Cure 2's pointless. I was curing through the roof with regular Cure by the end of the game.

But you don't have to listen to my inane ramblings. :) Have fun with this.


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #97 on: September 08, 2008, 07:20:22 pm »
Oh, and I think you should keep ultimate weapons the same as in the original. (Except for Marle/Magus, like I said) Masamune++ sounds really cool, though, I have to say. However, I would like it if the original ultimate weapons for most other characters stayed... I don't know, I'd prefer that they keep their weapons from the original.

You also have to keep in mind that everything's rebalanced. So some weapons won't be as strong (against enemies) as they were before, hence the Uber-weapons aren't really laying around in the open -- you do have to do ALOT to get them. For instance, you'll *never* find Marle's Artemis Bow unless you are really good at altering time.  :D Other items must be synthed. Atom Edge might take 8-10 hours or so to obtain, etc. etc. When you consider that, the "uber-weapons" are worth it to get.

Your new uber-weapons could have additional effects, though. (Sort of like how the Shiva Edge has 4x crit damage, but lower attack power than the Rainbow. Of course, the Rainbow crits like mad, so it's not really worth it, but you get the idea) Maybe some of them could cast random spells, (Oooh! Lightbringer for Glenn! You'd have to design a "Holy" spell, but it would still be cool...) like in a bunch of FFs. Or weapons that cause staus effects. We need more of those.

Already planning this. Crono's Tsunami Blade will have "Water Wave" attached (eventually), Reaper Scythe will drain HP from the enemy and give it to Magus. Masamune++ well, let's just say that Holy idea may not be too far off. (only the attached status would be wicked sounding like "Searing Light" or something to that affect.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 07:22:01 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #98 on: September 08, 2008, 07:24:59 pm »
Already planning this. Crono's Tsunami Blade will have "Water Wave" attached (eventually), Reaper Scythe will drain HP from the enemy and give it to Magus. Masamune++ well, let's just say that Holy idea may not be too far off. (only the attached status would be wicked sounding like "Searing Light" or something to that affect.

Maybe instead of searing light, Azure strike?  No, not saying that because of my sign in name, but because of when Glenn first breaks open the cave, a blue light comes down from the sky, and azure is a sky blue.


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #99 on: September 08, 2008, 07:28:21 pm »

Maybe instead of searing light, Azure strike?  No, not saying that because of my sign in name, but because of when Glenn first breaks open the cave, a blue light comes down from the sky, and azure is a sky blue.

That could work, but I was thinking of making golden animated sun rays emanating from the Masamune during battle. (once we start hacking graphics) Electric blue sparks of energy could work, but there's something to be said about gold light. Either way, we have plenty of time to dwell on this before we get to gfx hacking. (unless of corse, someone wants to help us)


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #100 on: September 08, 2008, 08:28:53 pm »
Nice! I'm really excited about the progress of this next release 1.1 and can't wait until it comes out. So the release date is not far off I hear. Are we looking at a... say, a late-October release?


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #101 on: September 08, 2008, 09:08:26 pm »
Nice! I'm really excited about the progress of this next release 1.1 and can't wait until it comes out. So the release date is not far off I hear. Are we looking at a... say, a late-October release?
Um...  The release date is based on many things.  Right now there are three or four of us hacking as much as we can to make areas larger.  Zakyrus is working frantically on new dungeons and other events, and well, with school starting up, and other real life stuff as well as some snags and corruption, stuff gets pushed  back.

I guess thats a long winded way of saying; "the only release date we can give is soon...  where soon is an undefined variable based on a lot of factors"

*cough*I swear I'm not a math person >.>


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #102 on: September 08, 2008, 11:53:07 pm »
I guess thats a long winded way of saying; "the only release date we can give is soon...  where soon is an undefined variable based on a lot of factors"

I actually think what most of us are wanting to know if soon means 2008 or not. School is starting back up in a couple of weeks and I understand that is when time is dwindled for doing this project! I'm just hoping 1.1 comes out before we all start fall classes!


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #103 on: September 09, 2008, 02:19:10 am »
Hey I'm new to the scene so I really don't understand how the rom hacking works completely. But I read the post describing the mod and it sounds really awesome. I was wondering if you had considered this idea. If Frog defeats Magus his curse is broken and he reverts back to human form? I was always annoyed that this didn't happen in the original. This way there is some kind of benefit to defeating Magus.


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Re: ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End Beta1
« Reply #104 on: September 09, 2008, 02:42:51 am »
Hey I'm new to the scene so I really don't understand how the rom hacking works completely. But I read the post describing the mod and it sounds really awesome. I was wondering if you had considered this idea. If Frog defeats Magus his curse is broken and he reverts back to human form? I was always annoyed that this didn't happen in the original. This way there is some kind of benefit to defeating Magus.

Z is considering this, but It wouldn't be any time soon. It would most likely make use of the hidden 8'th character that is still being worked on here in Kajar, along with new sprites needing to be done. That, obviously, would take a lot of time. It would be cool though wouldn't it?