Me neither! Really great job on this Zak, can't wait.
Oh, and I think you should keep ultimate weapons the same as in the original. (Except for Marle/Magus, like I said) Masamune++ sounds really cool, though, I have to say. However, I would like it if the original ultimate weapons for most other characters stayed... I don't know, I'd prefer that they keep their weapons from the original. Your new uber-weapons could have additional effects, though. (Sort of like how the Shiva Edge has 4x crit damage, but lower attack power than the Rainbow. Of course, the Rainbow crits like mad, so it's not really worth it, but you get the idea) Maybe some of them could cast random spells, (Oooh! Lightbringer for Glenn! You'd have to design a "Holy" spell, but it would still be cool...) like in a bunch of FFs. Or weapons that cause staus effects. We need more of those.
And yeah, Cure 2's pointless. I was curing through the roof with regular Cure by the end of the game.
But you don't have to listen to my inane ramblings. :) Have fun with this.