Author Topic: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures  (Read 33375 times)


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #180 on: November 11, 2007, 10:01:03 pm »
Yeah, it's stuff TIMViewer can pick up. Ditto for the TD; I never saw his textures during our earlier runs with TIMViewer.

I wonder what these 544-byte headers are preceding the character dialogue portraits?

Code: [Select]

00000000  10 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 0c 02 00 00 00 00 e0 01 00 01 01 00  ..............à.....
00000014  00 00 21 08 42 0c 43 10 43 0c 43 10 44 0c 44 18 64 10 45 0c  ..!.B.C.C.C.D.D.d.E.
00000028  44 1c 64 18 64 10 65 18 46 0c 65 10 65 20 65 18 66 14 47 10  D.d.d.e.F.e.e e.f.G.
0000003c  48 10 65 24 66 10 66 28 4a 10 86 14 4a 10 86 20 68 10 66 30  H.e$f.f(J...J.. h.f0
00000050  6a 10 66 34 6b 10 66 30 89 10 66 34 87 24 88 18 a7 14 4d 10  j.f4k.f0..f4.$..§.M.
00000064  87 2c 6a 10 89 10 6b 0c 87 34 6d 10 a9 14 aa 14 50 14 88 34  .,j...k..4m.©.ª.P..4
00000078  a8 28 6e 14 8d 10 a6 38 6f 14 a8 38 c9 14 ab 1c a8 30 cb 10  ¨(n...¦8o.¨8É.«.¨0Ë.
0000008c  a8 38 c9 24 52 14 ca 18 cc 10 ab 24 ad 14 71 14 c9 38 cb 14  ¨8É$R.Ê.Ì.«$­.q.É8Ë.
000000a0  cc 10 72 14 ca 30 c9 3c cf 14 73 14 ed 10 ea 24 ec 1c ec 10  Ì.r.Ê0É<Ï.s.í.ê$ì.ì.
000000b4  ea 3c 94 14 0c 19 ed 14 b2 18 eb 30 ce 20 95 18 eb 3c f0 10  ê<....í.².ë0Î ..ë<ð.
000000c8  0d 19 0d 21 0e 15 ef 14 eb 3c 2b 29 29 3d 2f 11 b6 18 2c 39  ...!..ï.ë<+))=/.¶.,9
000000dc  0f 19 f2 18 2e 1d 0c 41 2f 11 4d 25 2f 19 4f 15 2d 41 13 19  ..ò....A/.M%/.O.-A..
000000f0  50 19 4d 45 d8 1c 50 1d 6b 45 70 15 33 19 70 1d 4e 45 71 19  P.MEØ.P.kEp.3.p.NEq.
00000104  36 15 8e 2d 54 19 71 21 18 21 92 19 6f 49 55 19 92 19 19 21  6..-T.q!.!’.oIU.’..!
00000118  74 1d 76 19 93 21 75 19 b3 19 b1 31 90 49 39 25 96 19 b3 19  t.v..!u.³.±1.I9%..³.
0000012c  94 21 b0 4d 96 21 d1 31 b4 25 d4 19 d4 19 98 19 f5 1d d1 51  .!°M.!Ñ1´%Ô.Ô...õ.ÑQ
00000140  d5 29 b7 21 ba 19 f5 21 f5 2d b9 21 da 19 16 22 bb 2d f6 2d  Õ)·!º.õ!õ-¹!Ú.."»-ö-
00000154  f2 4d d9 25 f7 29 16 22 da 25 16 32 17 26 fb 19 14 56 db 31  òMÙ%÷)."Ú%.2.&û..VÛ1
00000168  fa 25 18 32 37 26 1b 26 36 36 19 2e 54 46 58 2a fb 39 3b 26  ú%.27&.&66..TFX*û9;&
0000017c  1c 1e 58 2a 3a 32 3c 22 1b 3e 75 4a 59 36 77 3e 79 2e 75 5e  ..X*:2<".>uJY6w>y.u^
00000190  5c 32 5c 22 3c 42 99 32 7c 32 96 5e 7d 2a ba 32 7d 4a 9d 36  \2\"<B.2|2.^}*º2}J.6
000001a4  9d 2a b7 62 ba 3a db 36 bd 3a bd 2e 9d 4a b9 62 bd 2e db 3a  .*·bº:Û6½:½..J¹b½.Û:
000001b8  bd 3a fc 42 de 32 bd 4e fc 3e fe 36 1c 43 fe 3e dd 5a 1c 3b  ½:üBÞ2½Nü>þ6.Cþ>ÝZ.;
000001cc  19 67 1d 47 1e 43 1e 3b 3e 43 3d 47 1e 5f 5e 43 5d 4b 5e 47  .g.G.C.;>C=G._^C]K^G
000001e0  5e 4f 7c 5b 7f 43 3e 6b 7e 4f 9e 57 9f 4b 7e 6f 9f 57 bf 4b  ^O|[.C>k~O.W.K~o.W¿K
000001f4  bf 63 bf 57 9f 77 bf 67 df 57 df 5f bf 77 df 63 df 6f df 67  ¿c¿W.w¿gßWß_¿wßcßoßg
00000208  df 77 ff 6b ff 73 ff 7b ff 7b ff 7f 0c 10 00 00 00 00 00 00  ßwÿkÿsÿ{ÿ{ÿ.........
0000021c  20 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 0e 1a 27 09 0e 14 14 14 14 13 13   .@........'........


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #181 on: November 11, 2007, 10:12:31 pm »
544 bytes is big for a header. At least from my limited experience. That's worthy of investigation. It's the same for all the dialogue portraits?

Do you recall if we have the TD's Dragon God form texture, Zeality? I think that one's on both the "dungeon" map in Terra Tower as well as in battle. Should be the same for the various colored Dragons. The Lavos form of the Time Devourer only appears in battle I think, so if we lack only the texture for that last boss, it would suggest that some bosses, at least, have different textures in and out of battle. How bothersome!


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #182 on: November 12, 2007, 12:06:03 am »
Seems like a redundant, bloated way of doing things in terms of data size...
It's redundant, but reduces seek time for loading stuff from several files located in different zones of the ISO. Instead, you have everything in 3 consecutive files, which makes CD loading really fast and organized.


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #183 on: November 12, 2007, 12:52:38 am »
Aha, I see.

Well, good news. I did my favorite hobby of feeding things into TIMViewer, and I've got two hunches now:

1) The rooms are in the same map order as listed in the debug menu / room modifier GS code.
2) The rooms each use three files with the following inside: A) Unknown B) Lighting textures C) NPC textures.

This is probably common knowledge, but I'm guessing A) could be the walk mesh. It's pretty fresh, and I'll know more once I weed out the TIMs and see if TileMolester knows what's left. For the Doc's house (Home), it's 1007, 1008, and 1009.

Okay, 1009's TIMs had no headers inside the file. Here are 1008's. Each is 12 bytes long:

Code: [Select]

00000bcc              00 00 00 00 6e 6d 31 31 04 00 4c 00 00 00 00 00  ....nm11..L.....
00000be0  6e 6d 31 30 04 00 4c 00 00 00 00 00 6e 6d 30 39 04 00 4c 00  nm10..L.....nm09..L.
00000bf4  00 00 00 00 68 69 6b 32 04 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 68 69 6b 31  ....hik2..$.....hik1
00000c08  04 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 6e 6d 30 38 04 00 4c 00 00 00 00 00  ..$.....nm08..L.....
00000c1c  68 69 6b 36 04 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 68 69 6b 33 04 00 24 00  hik6..$.....hik3..$.

Now let's examine the remaining files.

1007 - No idea.
1008 - 3,120 bytes remaining (including the TIM headers): Stars with "drp". Just has a lot of "hik3"s in it. The data has a lot of .......s.
1009 - No idea. I'm guessing it has NPC / enemy models and battle animations.

I've attached the resulting files; 1008 still has the TIM headers, but no TIMs of course.

Hey wait, you guys have subdirectories in your /Rooms/ folder? I just get Rooms, not GFX or other stuff.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 01:29:07 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #184 on: November 12, 2007, 12:20:31 pm »
The drp files are just archives. All those names you see inside them are the subfile names (4 chars each, no extension). In Yazoo's private tool package there is a program called DRP Decompressor or something like that, which can extract all the entries in a more or less accurate way (file size is wrong and dup files cease to exist).


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #185 on: November 12, 2007, 03:05:57 pm »
Oohh, I understand what all that was now...god, writing three papers is really killing me here...

Okay, yeah. From the amount of room files, 537 is the perfect number.

Well, guess that takes care of rooms until probably Thanksgiving, when classes will finally let up. The CF portraits also seem to have a big piece of something unrelated to the TIMs in them like the CFTs.