Author Topic: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures  (Read 34785 times)


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #150 on: October 23, 2007, 11:38:03 am »
Hey Gemini, do you have any info about the file format the CLUT-less TIMs are in? I assume they have a .TIM header, but without CLUT data I suppose. You wouldn't be able to post an example of one of the pre-rendered background files your viewer found, would you, either as raw data attached to a post or a snapshot of one of the file headers in hex?

Also, provided you used the dump.exe to get at the CLUT-less TIMs, could you tell us which directory they get put in? Not in CD\ obviously, but perhaps in Rooms\ ?


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #151 on: October 23, 2007, 12:26:24 pm »
Zeality will probably release the new textures as a Compendium download, so stay tuned.
Isn't that illegal? Textures are copyrighted material after all.

Also, provided you used the dump.exe to get at the CLUT-less TIMs, could you tell us which directory they get put in? Not in CD\ obviously, but perhaps in Rooms\ ?
Rooms\Disk 1\XXXX\GFX.


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #152 on: October 23, 2007, 12:44:59 pm »
Thanks Gemini! Zeality will have to decide about the textures, I suppose; maybe it's a good thing I didn't post them publicly myself.


Rooms\Disk 1\XXXX\GFX.

Oh, hey, Gemini or anyone else - I assume you have to use a roomdecompress.exe to get that directory structure? Where IS roomdecompress.exe? Is it available on the Compendium?


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #153 on: October 23, 2007, 02:26:10 pm »
I know it's in Nemesis's improved Chrono Cross Translation Tools, with the .bats that no one's figured out yet. I tried the main dumping program again last night to no avail.

If I heard correctly, Yazoo's main dumping program produces some junk TIMs? Then we should really get Nemesis's CC Translation Tools working...

This entire website is illegal, right down to the core. Almost all fan sites are...The textures would be a very small drop in the ocean. We just don't host ROMs, since that's asking for trouble. We don't really host the videos either.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 02:46:14 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #154 on: October 23, 2007, 03:45:44 pm »
I still haven't had a chance to take a good look at Nemesis' tools, though I've got them extracted properly I think. It may be a matter of putting the CD image in CD1\Image Avant and running the main Chrono Cross.exe wth the right dump, etc. arguments. The CD image may have to have a certain name too.

In Yazoo tools news, I've found a "roomdecompress2.c" and "roomdecompress2.src"

I've tried compiling the C file with Miracle C Workbench, but no go because cctools (Yazoo's stuff) seems to be missing an "lzss-dec.h" file, which may be the key to getting the room decompression tool to work.

I'm attaching both the roomdecompress2.c and roomdecompress2.src for the perusal of any Computer Science wizards who happen along. Is there any way we can create an executable straight from the src source file?

Also, Gemini, if you happen along can you post a copy of your roomdecompress.exe if you've got one?

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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #155 on: October 23, 2007, 03:59:44 pm »
If I heard correctly, Yazoo's main dumping program produces some junk TIMs? Then we should really get Nemesis's CC Translation Tools working...
I said that already twice, but here it goes one more time: those TIMs are totally fine, but compressed. You can still get the actual images decompressing all the "junked" files.

Also, Gemini, if you happen along can you post a copy of your roomdecompress.exe if you've got one?
Unfortunately, no. But since you have the original source, you can create a working room decompressor. First of all remove that #include "lzss-dec-h" line or whatever it was, then compile again and look at the error log. It should say something about a wrong instruction. IIRC, commenting it and recompiling everything should produce a working room-decompressor.exe.


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #156 on: October 23, 2007, 04:27:24 pm »
Okay, I'm giving this a try.

Here's the things I removed from the .c file, with black boxes around them. My compiler didn't like the extra "string.h" line, so I deleted it as well:

When I compile, I get the following message: line 44: Parse Error, expecting `SEP'
'short int valeur'
aborting compile

Line 44 of the .c file looks like this:

Any ideas on how to proceed, or am I doing things totally wrong?


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #157 on: October 23, 2007, 04:43:51 pm »
I don't get the error (SEP?) at line 44. And for string.h, you need that header, so you are missing it. I'd suggest you to change compiler at all or to get the whole SDK (I dunno what you are using, so I can't tell you exactly what you need in your case). I had not such a problem with Visual Studio.


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #158 on: October 23, 2007, 04:46:32 pm »
Okay, thanks Gemini. I'll try out a few different compilers and update my SDK runtime environment and see if I can get anything to work.


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #159 on: October 23, 2007, 07:18:55 pm »
Okay, I'm giving this a try.

Here's the things I removed from the .c file, with black boxes around them. My compiler didn't like the extra "string.h" line, so I deleted it as well:

When I compile, I get the following message: line 44: Parse Error, expecting `SEP'
'short int valeur'
aborting compile

Line 44 of the .c file looks like this:

Any ideas on how to proceed, or am I doing things totally wrong?

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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #160 on: October 23, 2007, 08:26:46 pm »
Once again, Ramsus saves my sorry arse!

EDIT: Ramsus, it appears that the decompressor cuts out for me after reaching room #503. Stack overflow, perhaps? But I'm just tossing around computer terms.

For what it's worth, I'm linking to some headers of the files this decompressor produces. The first few bytes would suggest that they are TIMs of some sort, which lead me to believe these are Gemini's pre-rendered environments. My Irfanview is associating itself automatically with these as .RAW files. They don't open up in PSicture at all; looks like it might be a job for Tile Molester perhaps. But if there's no CLUTs...

The other images in the GFX\ directory are regular .TIMs that we've already seen from what I can tell.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 08:31:28 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #161 on: October 23, 2007, 08:38:12 pm »


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #162 on: October 23, 2007, 08:55:18 pm »
The one you were looking for was "buffer overflow." I'll debug it later if I get the same result. The input room data is probably just shorter than expected for some reason.

Anyway, after looking at the source, it looks like the decompression routines are only used on the room's script, and maybe a few things that weren't finished. Also, the CLUT information should be stored in ".act" files. Later I'll read a bit about the TIM format and look at the output to see for myself what's going on, and maybe modify the room decompressor to just put the CLUT information in the TIM files it dumps. In the meantime, you can try inserting the contents of the .act files (assuming they're even there, but I'm just going off the code...) in between the start of the TIM header and the image block.


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #163 on: October 23, 2007, 08:59:16 pm »
Thanks. If we're lucky, the maps will be stored individually as "giant TIMs" like the guy on QHIMM might have suggested.

Leads me to wonder, for Nadia's Bell, there was the huge palette in VRAM Viewer that the main stuff used, but the plaque required a different, smaller palette way off to the right. Happens with overlay in other locations, too. I wonder if that'll complicate things.


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Re: Okay, Chrono Cross Textures
« Reply #164 on: October 23, 2007, 09:02:43 pm »
I just received another room decompress util from Sephiroth 1311 at

Still dumping; will report.

EDIT: This one gets to room 536 before cutting out. Blargh. All the tools Sephiroth emailed to me are attached.

EDIT: And there's .act files as Ramsus predicted. Each room folder has its own .act in Rooms\####\Code. Some rooms have more than one.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 09:23:15 pm by FaustWolf »