Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 490351 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5700 on: April 09, 2011, 04:04:45 pm »
I'm frustrated with being partially blind without my glasses. Imagine how I managed to work at the cafe without being able to read or notice anything (I oould still recognize people's faces, thank you). Good thing you can't see me type. The way I'm looking at the screen, just for a few minutes to read my mail and some news, is embarrassing.

Why can't you use your glasses right now?

Current frustration is a bit... odd... It involves a typewriter, Red Sox, a violin bow, and one very VERY angry police officer.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5701 on: April 09, 2011, 05:23:50 pm »
XD It broke.
Current frustration is a bit... odd... It involves a typewriter, Red Sox, a violin bow, and one very VERY angry police officer.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5702 on: April 09, 2011, 07:09:17 pm »
Current frustration is a bit... odd... It involves a typewriter, Red Sox, a violin bow, and one very VERY angry police officer.
Well, basically we went on a grand adventure to Hartford, where we poked around some shops (and my older brothers picked up a typewriter and a really old violin and bow). We went to lunch, and they were showing the Red Sox and Yankees game. Sam is a somewhat-big Red Sox fan, and my father (a police officer) is a big Yankees fan. They got into a bit of a spat, and at one point Sam threatened my dad by saying that if he didn't shut up about the pitcher guy (I didn't catch his name, I was watching hockey players beat each other up) and how he let up a big run then he would impale him with said violin bow.

It was an... interesting day.

The good news in all this is that I managed to get Sam interested in Chrono Trigger. He just started today and got up to the Cathedral thing.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5703 on: April 09, 2011, 08:32:17 pm »
I'm frustrated with being partially blind without my glasses. Imagine how I managed to work at the cafe without being able to read or notice anything (I oould still recognize people's faces, thank you). Good thing you can't see me type. The way I'm looking at the screen, just for a few minutes to read my mail and some news, is embarrassing.


I'm legally blind without my glasses/contacts, but see it more like a character-shaping burden than a frustration.

Unless they're lost. If I can't see six inches in front of me then how am I supposed to find my glasses? I can't recognize people, can't read, can't drive, and can't do anything useful unless it's right next to my face. It's a powerless feeling, and yeah. Embarrassing is the right word. My parents wondered why I fell asleep with contacts in all through high school.

I want laser surgery. But again, my glasses give me character. Alas, my vision is so bad I'd actually still need glasses after lasic, just not for every waking second.

Anyway, I can relate, tush.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 08:35:18 pm by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5704 on: April 10, 2011, 05:57:42 pm »
@Bekkler: Just an opinion, take it or leave it (it's hard giving advice these days). I'd avoid lasik at all cost and prefer simply relaxing my eyes and letting it relax and adjust to the environs in time. Some doctors jump the gun into recommending surgery to patients just because they get something out of it, which is why it's always useful to research. While Lasik improves vision it has complications, and after the age of 40, it starts to hurt bad.
"Before undergoing a refractive procedure, you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits based on your own personal value system, and try to avoid being influenced by friends that have had the procedure or doctors encouraging you to do so."[41] Consequently, prospective patients still need to fully understand all the potential issues and complications, as satisfaction is directly related to expectation.

An alternative would be Orthokeratology contacts. :) This also has some sideeffects, but not as bad as Lasik. Still, I'd recommend research and consult your doctor.

Gah!! I've been learning for the past few months, devouring so much knowledge at a given time and trying to think things over rationally, that I forgot how to think stupid! I'm incapable of thinking silly, stupid things! x_x I have forgotten the joys of being an idiot...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5705 on: April 10, 2011, 09:51:57 pm »
It's way too hot outside.  It's 80 degrees and it's early April.  The worst part is everyone I know is all "OMG OMG OMG IT'S SO HOT YAY I AM SO HAPPEH WINTER SUX LOL".  I know you love this summer weather bullshit because you've been complaining about winter for the past four and a half months, so stfu.  I get it.  You don't need to squeal every two seconds.

One of my friends has a friend who lives in Wyoming whose school has two exchange students from Greenland.  Can they send me there in exchange for those two students please?  :/


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5706 on: April 10, 2011, 10:03:15 pm »
I dunno, man, I'd be happy to see 80 degree weather here. We almost got hit with a snowstorm a couple of weeks ago. Apparently a couple of schools were closed up in Massachusetts. I just want YAY THE WORLD IS ALIVE AGAIN instead of this whole bleak 'It's not winter anymore, but the trees didn't get the memo' thing.

Current frustration: Alex is messing with Sam. Sam is whining. That is one noise you should never EVER hear, the sound of a 21 year old whining because his big brother is picking on him.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5707 on: April 10, 2011, 10:06:24 pm »
If I were to get eye surgery of any kind it would have to wait a long time til I've graduated school, secured a steady career, and actually been able to save money. Right now I cook part time at a restaurant and go to school full time with 2 weeks off a year til I have a bachelor's degree. Paycheck to paycheck, happiest days of our lives, etc.

I guess I'm frustrated with myself, I'm 25 and haven't finished this crap yet.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5708 on: April 11, 2011, 09:01:36 am »
Yeah, I'm legally blind without my contacts / glasses as well.  I don't think I'd ever get surgery though.  It's not a hassle for me to wear contacts (or my glasses if need be).  It can be irritating at times, like "Grrr, I want to spend the night here, but that would require having nowhere to put my contacts."  But other than rare irritants, I really don't mind having extremely poor vision.  It doesn't bother me at all.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5709 on: April 11, 2011, 11:27:20 am »
I'm legally blind without my glasses too (mmm, I'm noticing a pattern here?  :lol: ), I have considered eye surgery, but I'm not yet convinced it's really worth it. Any of my doctors recomended it, but they did not discouraged it if asked.

But again, my glasses give me character.
I believe this too  :wink: and my friends think that I would look weird without glasses, anyway.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5710 on: April 11, 2011, 02:31:10 pm »
If I don't remember where I put my glasses before, say, hopping in the shower, I can't find them.  Yikes...

Tried to end my limbo yesterday...pretty sure I deserved at the least...a response?  Evenif it were to be a no...seriously...after all that...

Also found out my roomie's moving out.  We got along well, and the current prospect of being alone in this house with just chickens is not a thrilling one.  Especially after that other nonsense. 

Coupled with this shitty keyboard where the space bar never works and a mild hangover and we've got ourselves a Monday!!!  8)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5711 on: April 11, 2011, 03:57:39 pm »
Oh boy, we're all blind! I'm the only one in my family who (regularly) wears glasses, and without them I can't see things. My mom used to say that in two weeks from getting my glasses, I went from a vague confusion as to what the hell was going on with the world to having a 3rd grade reading level.

I'm frustrated at my own temper. Being a senior, I get to leave school early. However, because of this, the lunch ladies won't let us pay them tomorrow for a hamburger today. I only had enough for half a lunch, and I threw a bit of a fit when they wouldn't let me buy lunch. They like me, and I'm usually a really nice kid, unlike those kids who treat the lunch ladies like shit.

Remedy for this: Realize that I should remember to bring money with me EVERYWHERE so that I can buy food.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5712 on: April 11, 2011, 04:59:51 pm »
I have considered eye surgery, but I'm not yet convinced it's really worth it.
*cough*notworthit*cough* Ortho, k?

Remedy for this: Realize that I should remember to bring money with me EVERYWHERE so that I can buy food.
Money makes the world go round, kid. And for some, money is all they can trust. :roll:

...Ah, screw it. Let's burn the banks!  :franky

@Shee: Gahahahahahahaifeelyourpainbuddyreallyidooheyletskickitoldschool!

@Saj: Ya know, when I saw your picture the other days you looked pretty, but I didn't give much after thought. But now that you mentioned you wear glasses, I try to imagine and somehow you seem like a younger version of my Godmother. XD (Don't misinterpret me; I meant it as a complement) She's pretty and is highly knowledgeable/wise. I already know your brilliance knowing your love for history and sorts, especially the French revolution, but though your personality differs from her's, the physical appearances seems uncanny.

Weird stuff happens. Another friend of mine got into trouble by the cops. This time, they got arrested.

Friend and his girlfriend had been on a date, and they decided to take a walk before dinner. It was close to a mall and a garden that things got intimate and the girl kissed him. One thing led to another and they began cuddling (but not TOO much of it). They weren't even foreplaying, let alone making love. Just an embrace, you could say, and it lasted only for a minute, not more.

The cops came up to them and arrested them on the grounds of indecent behavior. Okay, I'd understand if they'd do things that kids shouldn't be watching, but hugging someone is an indecent behavior? It was a good thing his father's some big guy so they got off easy.

But it's really funny how paranoid our society is today. I remember my grandfather once told me that when he was young he actually started flirting with a pretty stranger he saw at the street, in public at broad-daylight, and often teased her when she left home. Back then he didn't even know her name, and then that girl became his wife (thus, my grandmother). My friend laughed when he heard the story, and said that maybe in the future flirting will be THIS dull (in a robotic accent):

Boy: Hello, my name is Boy. Here is my ID card, and I am no sex offender.
Girl: Oh, hello. My name is girl.
Boy: I would like to date you, and have sex with you in my room.
Girl: Verily. Let me ask my mother first. Until then, please sign the contract here.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5713 on: April 11, 2011, 07:04:05 pm »
My family has nagged me for years about not wearing contacts or getting lasik. Glasses are my style. I don't care if I am utterly useless as a human being when I lose them, dammit!

I actually think Lucca influenced this opinion: I remember distinctly being proud of my glasses for the first time when I played CT because Lucca had them, and Lucca is awesome. At least in the 90s, glasses had a very negative connotation otherwise. (Not helped by the fact that all the choices I had for kid's glasses were of the coke bottle variety.)

And there's that tiny risk of blindness through lasik. I realize the risk is negligible, but I can't bring myself to gamble like that with my sight. I have heard a number of people tell me they made dramatic improvements through eye exercises, though I have yet to research them; I understand they're controversial, but then again, any so-called 'natural' method seems controversial by default for some. Anyhow, rant over.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 07:14:09 pm by Syna »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5714 on: April 11, 2011, 09:11:56 pm »
@Saj: Ya know, when I saw your picture the other days you looked pretty, but I didn't give much after thought. But now that you mentioned you wear glasses, I try to imagine and somehow you seem like a younger version of my Godmother. XD (Don't misinterpret me; I meant it as a complement) She's pretty and is highly knowledgeable/wise. I already know your brilliance knowing your love for history and sorts, especially the French revolution, but though your personality differs from her's, the physical appearances seems uncanny.

Does she have pink hair too?  XP

My family has nagged me for years about not wearing contacts or getting lasik. Glasses are my style. I don't care if I am utterly useless as a human being when I lose them, dammit!

My boyfriend's the same way.  People ask him why he doesn't get contacts all the time but, like you, glasses are just his style.  Imagining him without them for an extended period of time is just strange to me.  He looks handsome in them (not that I'm biased at all) and doesn't want to get rid of them.  He loves the way he looks in glasses and never wants to change them for anything.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 09:16:08 pm by Sajainta »