Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 505977 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4185 on: October 06, 2009, 04:33:29 pm »
somoeone is going to DIE today.
someone will die--
ooh! pretzels and yogurt!
nevermind!  :D


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4186 on: October 07, 2009, 01:12:57 am »
Sajainta: Eat their food!

Heh, I should.  I really should.

They watched Sex in the City all day.  Literally all day.  And then they watched the movie.  I am so glad I am me and not them.


The internet in my dorm is horrendous.  That frustrates me.  >_<  Also, the idiot kid in my French class asks stupid questions ALL THE TIME.  This was the last question he asked::

"Why do we say "Um" ?"



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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4187 on: October 07, 2009, 03:44:39 pm »

$%*!  :x

I have to do a presentation today in my philosophy class today.

I had to condense a 22-page journal essay of a Ph.D. on a subject (confidential) into a 2-page summary for each class member to hand out to, and I don't know if my presentation partner has done bupkis!

I hope to get graded on my effort and not just the content of the presentation.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4188 on: October 07, 2009, 05:18:51 pm »
Effort over content? I thought that, as a right-leaning libertarian, you were in favor of results-oriented education rather than feel-good education. Am I mixing you up with somebody else?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4189 on: October 07, 2009, 05:34:55 pm »

You misunderstand me, Lord J.

I said "not just the content" when referring to the addition of effort in the grading process.  I was implying that both should be given equal account when it comes to grading.

e.g. It's one thing that I try my hardest and get a "C", but not trying my hardest and getting a "C"?

Update: As it turns out, my presenation isn't until this Friday.

*Slams his forehead on the desk*  :x

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4190 on: October 07, 2009, 08:07:37 pm »
Ugh. Self-pwn today. I spent half the day writing a reply to someone in the Armchair Economists' thread, a reply that he would not even be likely to read, much less critically analyze. He and the rest of you probably won't get the chance to not read it, though, because I'm still only a quarter of the way done with it, and I don't have the time to spare on something like this! I've still got to find myself a job! There is no justification for me spending half of a waking weekday writing a pointless, novel-length argument to post on the Internet for the benefit of some intellectually enfeebled mook who won't even appreciate it, just so that I can say to myself that I was thorough and responsive. Ugh! I really screwed up my time management today. That's frustrating.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4191 on: October 07, 2009, 08:15:35 pm »
If you don't mind my asking J, how long's the job search been going? It seems that would be a great example of what's wrong with the economy; a solid example always hits to the gut, and sometimes works more efficiently than targeting the mind.

Yeah, I hate how my forum participation and getting physical stuff done in real life are inversely proportional. But when you remember that the Internet really isn't virtual anymore, but actually ingrained solidly into people's real lives, it takes the sting out of it. Sort of. Maybe the government should give out subsidies based on the quality of Internet posts...?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4192 on: October 07, 2009, 08:30:09 pm »
Quote from: Lord J Esq
There is no justification for me spending half of a waking weekday writing a pointless, novel-length argument to post on the Internet for the benefit of some intellectually enfeebled mook who won't even appreciate it, just so that I can say to myself that I was thorough and responsive.

You're welcome.  :lol:

Well, J, I'd like to say I feel your pain, but as you know, that would create a conflict of interest for me.

Perhaps if you actually made an explanation of why I am wrong and you are right without the stopping every 30 words to tell me why I/Conservatives/Republicans/Christians/What Have You are stupid/mooks/evil/What Have You, you might actually stand a chance of convincing me that I'm wrong or getting me to "see the light."

However, you do nothing like this. Instead, you post essay-length pieces that are at best 20% explanations and 80% insults. If I had any desire to analyze a piece of writing as thoroughly as you seem to want me to, I would do my English homework.

Also, screw your intellectualism. That shit's really starting to piss me off. The topic on hand of the Armchair Economists' thread at the time was "Is the economy getting better," "What caused it," and political cycles. It was not Lord J Esq.'s Treatise on Why Truthordeal is a Mook and Why All Conservatives Suck.

Finally, as a point on practicality, if your explanations are too grandiose that I can't appreciate them, then you're not going to be able to convince the teeming masses that Lord J. has all the answers.

Now, Good Day, Sir.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4193 on: October 07, 2009, 08:32:17 pm »
You're pathetic. Compared to my posts, Lord J's are dispassionate essays that strive to assign blame to the correct parties and explain the issues in clear, scientific terms. But it looks like if someone criticizes Ronald Reagan or something, you take that personally.

You're a typical example of the idiocracy in this country. Lord J goes to great lengths to provide facts, research, and thoughtful arguments. You go to short lengths to post a few sentences worth of ripostes without facts, research, or thought, because that's what you heard from the media and right-wing talking points, or your minister or whatever. You don't actually think.

Lord J Esq

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4194 on: October 07, 2009, 08:41:21 pm »
If you don't mind my asking J, how long's the job search been going?

Given that I lost my previous job three weeks ago (or is it four now?), and that I just mentioned that I still don't have one to replace it, you can imagine that the search does not go well.

It seems that would be a great example of what's wrong with the economy; a solid example always hits to the gut, and sometimes works more efficiently than targeting the mind.

I suppose one could make the argument that my current negative income problem is partly the result of misguided American economic priorities. Really, though, my individual situation has nothing to do with the bad economy.

But when you remember that the Internet really isn't virtual anymore, but actually ingrained solidly into people's real lives, it takes the sting out of it. Sort of.

No, it doesn't. It really doesn't. I have put much more deserving people than Truthordeal on hold in order to attend to other matters. Do you have any idea how big my e-mail correspondence backlog is? It would make a war-grizzled veteran throw up! And I still haven't responded to Uboa's post in the "A Reminder" thread. It's the greatest post anyone has put up on the Compendium in months, and nobody replied to it! Not even me.

Maybe if some good were to result out of it, I could rationalize the time I've spent preparing today's ill-fated post for the Armchair Economists thread, but any such good would be incidental and I know it. I've just got to grow up and stop allowing myself to engage with that kind of person. It's totally not worth it, and I should know better by this point in my life.

Maybe the government should give out subsidies based on the quality of Internet posts...?

Hah. I wish. I'd be in the upper middle class.

Well, J, I'd like to say I feel your pain, but as you know, that would create a conflict of interest for me.

Perhaps if you actually made an explanation of why I am wrong and you are right without the stopping every 30 words to tell me why I/Conservatives/Republicans/Christians/What Have You are stupid/mooks/evil/What Have You, you might actually stand a chance of convincing me that I'm wrong or getting me to "see the light."

However, you do nothing like this. Instead, you post essay-length pieces that are at best 20% explanations and 80% insults. If I had any desire to analyze a piece of writing as thoroughly as you seem to want me to, I would do my English homework.

Also, screw your intellectualism. That shit's really starting to piss me off. The topic on hand of the Armchair Economists' thread at the time was "Is the economy getting better," "What caused it," and political cycles. It was not Lord J Esq.'s Treatise on Why Truthordeal is a Mook and Why All Conservatives Suck.

Finally, as a point on practicality, if your explanations are too grandiose that I can't appreciate them, then you're not going to be able to convince the teeming masses that Lord J. has all the answers.

Now, Good Day, Sir.

Ah. This came in just as I was about to reply to Faust. I take great pleasure in whatever dissatisfaction you may have experienced as a result of being called out for your intellectually worthless blather. People like you cheapen conversation wherever they go, and never even realize the folly of it. They have contributed to the decline of our nation. But my contempt for that kind of ignorance doesn't belong in the Frustration thread. It belongs in the Hate thread, a sterling condemnation indeed.

As for the 20% explanations and 80% insults...whatever the actual ratio may be--and it's not nearly as imbalanced as you give me credit for--the fact remains that you never have the means to actually respond to whatever part of my arguments is substantive. All you can do is repeat your damned talking points. You always want to be a part of the discussion, and you always refuse to do the work necessary to earn your place. Maybe you'll figure it out someday that Fox News and talk radio are not representative of intellectual conversation and that, in intellectual conversation, you can't just bloviate your way to a better understanding.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4195 on: October 07, 2009, 08:45:38 pm »
I see what you post and what Lord J Esq. posts as containing the same thing, Z's is shorter though.

The guy is a ignorant dumbass.


Well its incredible that, given all the information presented to him, he still proves to be less skill the a normal mule.

See same thing. Words have value just like anything else the more in inthe circulation the cheaper they become. Its the reason Noble prizes in the sciences and likes have a three page limit.

As for the insults themselves, pishposh just ignore them. The argument will still hold and if not then what does it matter? Feelings, Hah!
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 08:51:01 pm by KebreI »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4196 on: October 07, 2009, 08:51:42 pm »
J, it's not the source of the job loss that interests me personally as much as the fact that this economy expects talented blokes to be circus acrobats, jumping through a nigh impossible obstacle course of flaming hoops. When I finished undergrad last year, I had my head high thinking I'd land a decent job for sure if I just searched hard enough, but after two straight months of nothing, I realized something was seriously wrong. Only connections seem to net results; but hopefully that doesn't ring true outside the Midwest. I'll make that my current frustration.

But I'm just distracting you. Hop to it, chop chop!
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 09:02:28 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4197 on: October 07, 2009, 08:57:12 pm »
You're pathetic. Compared to my posts, Lord J's are dispassionate essays that strive to assign blame to the correct parties and explain the issues in clear, scientific terms. But it looks like if someone criticizes Ronald Reagan or something, you take that personally.

You're a typical example of the idiocracy in this country. Lord J goes to great lengths to provide facts, research, and thoughtful arguments. You go to short lengths to post a few sentences worth of ripostes without facts, research, or thought, because that's what you heard from the media and right-wing talking points, or your minister or whatever. You don't actually think.

Eh, you had me for a moment there, Z, but unfortunately kicked right into old habits.

Fact of the matter is, I originally tried to bring in links and evidence to support my claims, but after a while I realized that neither you nor J really read them or gave them any weight, or just wrote them off as right-wing propaganda, xenophobic, etc., so I just stopped putting in the wasted effort. Its honestly not worth it to argue the way you do, simply because you have an ill-grounding contempt for anything remotely right-wing.

By the way, did I mention that I'm a Libertarian and that the furthest right I go is Bill O'Reilly? Probably did, but it got lost in all of your bullshit.

But, I do love how your only real comeback is that I'm concise and non-insulting. The worst that's happened is that I've made 2 or 3 factual errors in goodwill good faith in the past. Oh well. Get over it.

Quote from: Lord J Esq
But my contempt for that kind of ignorance doesn't belong in the Frustration thread. It belongs in the Hate thread, a sterling condemnation indeed.

OH NOEZ! Lord J Esq is going to put me in the Hate thread! The rest of my academic life is ruined!  I shall wallow and rot forever!!!

Quote from: Lord J
Maybe you'll figure it out someday that Fox News and talk radio are not...

*sigh* No point in repeating myself.

Quote from: Lord J Esq
...representative of intellectual conversation and that, in intellectual conversation, you can't just bloviate your way to a better understanding.

Eh, screw intellectualism. I've heard that word used way too much by arrogant, self-serving pricks who use the word to bash any sort of meaningful opposition and condemn them for "ignorance." For God sakes, nobody ever call me an intellectual, even if I do wind up a flaming liberal by the time I exit college.

However, as one human speaking to another, with no pretense of ideology, religion or intellectualism, I do say that I wish you luck on your job search. As such, I'll quit arguing with you for a while and stop wasting your time.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 08:59:47 pm by Truthordeal »

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4198 on: October 07, 2009, 09:03:31 pm »
Truthordeal, "intellectualism" can be the preserve of anyone. The only catch is that you have to play by the rules. You just don't get that. But I suppose at this point we're all just caught up in what might be called a kerfuffle. Oh well. Better here than in a dedicated thread.

*body-slams next poster*

Daniel Krispin

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #4199 on: October 07, 2009, 10:00:48 pm »
Truthordeal, "intellectualism" can be the preserve of anyone. The only catch is that you have to play by the rules. You just don't get that. But I suppose at this point we're all just caught up in what might be called a kerfuffle. Oh well. Better here than in a dedicated thread.

*body-slams next poster*

Frick, man, I wasn't posting, I was just passing through. You didn't have to crash into me like that.

But that's not my frustration... my frustration is that no one has yet tried to translate the cool Latin I wrote in the other thread!
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 10:02:52 pm by Daniel Krispin »