Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 491420 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2865 on: May 13, 2009, 05:59:45 pm »
Hmmm...I guess we just don't post in the same forums here. Whatever though, post well, good to see you, etc, etc.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2866 on: May 13, 2009, 06:59:53 pm »
I hate alcohol. It's ruining my life, my girlfriend's life, and all of those who drink it's lives.

Recently, I've been drinking a lot and allowing my girlfriend to drink. It's just something to do on occasions for me, but for her.. she is seriously letting it throw her life down the drain. All she ever wants to do now is get drunk and I'm so sick of it. Earlier today she called me as she was just finishing a water bottle full of Vodka. She was completely wasted, so I hung up on her. Now she's bitching at me in text messages asking me what the fuck my problem is. I tried to explain to her that I'd rather not watch her throw her life away for alcohol, but she'd rather make a big deal out of me being angry with her. This is complete bullshit.

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2867 on: May 13, 2009, 08:19:05 pm »
I hate alcohol. It's ruining my life, my girlfriend's life, and all of those who drink it's lives.

Yes, there are much better drugs out there  :D.

But I feel the same way, which is why I drink only occassionally, and when I do I only drink enough to get buzzed - not wasted. Alcohol is one of the worst recreational chemicals that you can ingest, and I have seen it destroy countless lives - both from those that consumed it and those that didn't. One of my ex-girlfriends OD'd on a fatal combination of alcohol and prescription pain killers. My best friend nearly died from alcohol poisoning not once, but twice. Ask nearly anyone and they will tell you that their family either knows someone that died or was directly affected somehow by the actions of a drunk driver.

That's why everyone should just stick to psychedelics  8). You can't drive a car if you don't know what the hell a car is while you are tripping balls, melting into your living room floor while listening to Pink Floyd and watching the undulations of your lava lamp.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2868 on: May 13, 2009, 09:50:03 pm »
The 'shrooms will do it to ya, bro. Although, I'd prefer Ketamine, PCP, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide, or Acid.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2869 on: May 13, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »
I personally love alcohol, but find it best to consume in quantities that are self-limiting, i.e., there's really not much in a wine or champagne bottle, especially if you share it with someone. And it's best to set ground rules for yourself, like you'll only consume alcohol after all the day's driving is complete. That means no bars, though, unless you've got a designated driver.

I read that a rapper ate someone else's lungs while he was on PCP. I'd...stay away from that.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2870 on: May 13, 2009, 10:18:30 pm »
I wish I could somehow replicate the gene in me that determined I'd have no desire to even drink alcohol or try recreational drugs.

It's the same thing that makes me wonder about Modafinil, though...

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2871 on: May 14, 2009, 12:07:46 am »
I hate alcohol. It's ruining my life, my girlfriend's life, and all of those who drink it's lives.

Yes, there are much better drugs out there  :D.

But I feel the same way, which is why I drink only occassionally, and when I do I only drink enough to get buzzed - not wasted. Alcohol is one of the worst recreational chemicals that you can ingest, and I have seen it destroy countless lives - both from those that consumed it and those that didn't. One of my ex-girlfriends OD'd on a fatal combination of alcohol and prescription pain killers. My best friend nearly died from alcohol poisoning not once, but twice. Ask nearly anyone and they will tell you that their family either knows someone that died or was directly affected somehow by the actions of a drunk driver.

That's why everyone should just stick to psychedelics  8). You can't drive a car if you don't know what the hell a car is while you are tripping balls, melting into your living room floor while listening to Pink Floyd and watching the undulations of your lava lamp.

I only drink a little bit but I can relate to Laith in that my girlfriend drinks like a fucking fish.

I used to like psychedelics until this one time I was drunk (go figure) and this guy at a party offered me acid via Sour Patch Kid. I bought it and ate it before thinking, because if I was thinking, I would have realized I had to be at work in a matter of hours, and I ended up driving to work still tripping. It was pretty horrifying, not to mention I had missed a meeting I set up to get a friend hired the day prior, so I was tripping while getting an hour (or maybe it lasted a couple months) long lecture from my boss's boss on how disappointing I was. Fuck that. Plus I had done it quite a bit within the year and acid and shrooms are not things you want to be doing every month or even every two months. You gotta space that stuff out.

"You don't need meth and you don't need speed, cause everything is better with a bag of weed." -Brian Griffin

PCP is scary shit, I will never touch it. Same goes for heroin, crack, meth, and some other stuff. I'd have to say ketamine and ecstasy (while probably incredibly dangerous) was my favorite drug combination I ever tried. So I only tried it once. Not trying to get an addiction here, I already had like three friends go to rehab and I can't stop smoking cigarettes so if I learned if I like it enough to call it my favorite, it's probably something I should stay away from.

And fuck cocaine. I've never spent money on it but I've tried it (while drunk, go figure) and I've seen former friends disappear off the face of the earth because of it. Either because they resorted to stealing from their parents or they end up on the run from cops or dealers they owe, IT IS NOT WORTH IT.

Dextromethorphan is incredibly dangerous in most cases, because it's almost always paired with acetaminophen (Tylenol). And to get any effect from it you essentially have to OD on it. So no thanks.  Tried it, didn't like it. It's cough medicine. Robitussin, Robotripping, Triple C's, Corcidin Cough and Cold, DXM, and Robitussin Cough gel caps. I won't even take it when I have a cold anymore. Well, maybe Nyquil. But never at threshold level!

My advice, if you're thinking of doing drugs: don't. Dabble maybe, see what your body is capable of feeling and thinking to the extreme, broaden the mind, feel the music, but don't just do drugs to do drugs. That's stupid and can get you addicted and killed.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 12:11:32 am by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2872 on: May 14, 2009, 12:11:02 am »
...see what your body is capable of feeling and thinking to the extreme, broaden the mind, feel the music...
ZeaLitY teaches us to do that while completely sober. Hahaha! The Springtime of Youth is our anti-drug.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2873 on: May 14, 2009, 12:14:10 am »
...see what your body is capable of feeling and thinking to the extreme, broaden the mind, feel the music...
ZeaLitY teaches us to do that while completely sober. Hahaha! The Springtime of Youth is our anti-drug.
Well, ideally you should be doing that while off OR on drugs/alcohol. But if that's not how you're thinking, and you start doing drugs, you'll probably end up addicted, depressed, and broke.

What I mean is this; most people who choose to use have depression or angst as their motivation. This makes drugs an emotional experience, and once they become associated with an emotion, especially positive emotions, the user will fall into the mindset that thinks to get that emotion again, just get that drug again! It doesn't work well, and eventually a tolerance is built up, and the user finds they've been on a "slippery slope".

Those who choose to take an experimental approach are usually more conscious of their body and mind, and try to avoid any placebo effect to find what happens exactly. Intent is the name of the game.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 12:23:14 am by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2874 on: May 14, 2009, 12:20:01 am »
My frustration: People that think you can't experience life to its fullest or broaden your mind without drugs. There are many activities that are much more stimulating than drugs, without any of the negative side affects.
Also, weed smells really, REALLY bad. It might feel good for the person smoking it, but no one else in the vicinity is going to enjoy it at all.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2875 on: May 14, 2009, 12:28:08 am »
My frustration: People that think you can't experience life to its fullest or broaden your mind without drugs. There are many activities that are much more stimulating than drugs, without any of the negative side affects.
Also, weed smells really, REALLY bad. It might feel good for the person smoking it, but no one else in the vicinity is going to enjoy it at all.

My frustration: Just because someone mentions they have tried a drug anyone who hasn't deems them some kind of 1. idiot 2. junkie or 3. plebian.

And I know lots of girls who don't smoke weed but love the smell. My girlfriend included.

You can't experience life to the fullest without trying new things. Drugs were a very small chapter in my life, and I've done much more than experiment with chemicals. A little weed on occasion is much safer than alcohol and who cares if it smells bad? People who smoke weed don't hurt anyone.

Now people who sell drugs, those are the ones you have to watch out for. Also, actual addicts. They can really just steal a bunch of your shit without even realizing it. (Don't believe me? Sit in on an NA meeting and they'll tell you what they used to do instead of coming to meetings.)

And if you have never experienced a waking hallucination, just don't talk about tripping. Cause you don't know. I thought I knew. I was wrong. I still think I know, and I'm probably still wrong. The mind is a curious computer indeed.

I'm not endorsing drugs by any means. I'm saying close-mindedness is close-mindedness.
If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and flies like a duck and swims like a duck, it's clearly either Huey, Dewey, or Louie, right?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 12:32:51 am by Mr Bekkler »

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2876 on: May 14, 2009, 12:34:26 am »
I've said it before and I'll say it again - drug use is fine, it's drug abuse which is bad. It appears to be part of the human condition to seek out mind altering experiences. It has been going on since the dawn of recorded history  (and no doubt much longer than that), and I imagine it will persist in some way, shape, or form until the very last day humanity exists.

Plus I had done it quite a bit within the year and acid and shrooms are not things you want to be doing every month or even every two months. You gotta space that stuff out.

That's good advice for anything, but especially with psychedelics and entheogens. One shouldn't do them for "fun", and it shouldn't be more than once every couple of months at best. Gotta give your neurotransmitters ample time to regain homeostasis.

I'd have to say ketamine and ecstasy (while probably incredibly dangerous) was my favorite drug combination I ever tried.

I'd be extremely skeptical that you actually acquired ketamine and ecstasy. Real "special K" is rare - almost all of it is stolen from veterinary clinics and most of what is passed off as K on the streets is a variety of different chemicals - most notably 2C-B. Likewise, half of all MDMA pills are straight methamphetamine or a mixture of methamphetamine, MDMA, and dextromethorphan.

And without chemically testing any substance you acquire it is impossible to safely determine what you have before trying it on yourself. For all you know it could be warfarin (although that wouldn't be good business practice for drug dealers  8)). Which is one reason why chemicals contained within natural plants / fungi are so much safer, assuming one can identify the correct species. Several fungi that look nearly identical to Psilocybe cubensis are actually poisonous, for example.

And if you have never experienced a waking hallucination, just don't talk about tripping. Cause you don't know. I thought I knew. I was wrong. I still think I know, and I'm probably still wrong. The mind is a curious computer indeed.

Now this is the understatement of the century. Only people who have tripped know what it is like to trip. It is insane what the brain is capable of doing once it is stripped even partially of the base function of survival. It's always refreshing to talk to someone that has undergone similar experiences.

This reminds me of something I heard a professor say during a lecture on 5HT serotonin receptor agonists. He clearly had never done any of the chemicals that he was "expertly" lecturing on, and he was attempting to explain to the audience what it felt like to experience synesthesia. He said it was like the old comics, where when someone punched someone else and the words "POW!" appear in the frame. He was attempting to equate an auditory stimuli overlapping with a visual stimuli in the only way he knew how - by relating it to the closest thing in his mind that he had experienced. I remember thinking, "if he only knew what synesthesia was truly like, this lecture would be about a hundred times better".
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 12:45:17 am by chrono eric »

Mr Bekkler

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2877 on: May 14, 2009, 12:49:47 am »
I've said it before and I'll say it again - drug use is fine, it's drug abuse which is bad. It appears to be part of the human condition to seek out mind altering experiences. It has been going on since the dawn of recorded history  (and no doubt much longer than that), and I imagine it will persist in some way, shape, or form until the very last day humanity exists.
Some people think the reason there is conscious thought in the first place is because some advanced apes ate hallucinogenic mushrooms. After trying them, I can see where they may get that idea, but I don't know if it holds any water. How could you tell, really?

I'd be extremely skeptical that you actually acquired ketamine and ecstasy. Real "special K" is rare - almost all of it is stolen from veterinary clinics and most of what is passed off as K on the streets is a variety of different chemicals - most notably 2C-B. Likewise, half of all MDMA pills are straight methamphetamine or a mixture of methamphetamine, MDMA, and dextromethorphan.
All the more reason for me to never seek it out again. (It was definitely ketamine, at least it came from a vet and Erowid seemed to agree, but I do wonder about the roll. Either way, it felt like being sober, but out of my own body. Special K is a very strong disassociative, and in combination with a drug that's supposed to heighten the senses, right when the two mixed, it was like a click and suddenly I was basically controlling myself with a clear mind and a remote control from inside a tunnel five feet away.)

And without chemically testing any substance you acquire it is impossible to safely determine what you have before trying it on yourself. For all you know it could be warfarin (although that wouldn't be good business practice for drug dealers  8)). Which is one reason why chemicals contained within natural plants / fungi are so much safer, assuming one can identify the correct species. Several fungi that look nearly identical to Psilocybe cubensis are actually poisonous, for example.
Yet another reason not to seek it out.

It's always refreshing to talk to someone that has undergone similar experiences.
Yes it is. Be they drug experiences or not.

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2878 on: May 14, 2009, 01:06:22 am »
Some people think the reason there is conscious thought in the first place is because some advanced apes ate hallucinogenic mushrooms. After trying them, I can see where they may get that idea, but I don't know if it holds any water. How could you tell, really?

Never heard that one before. Sounds like something a subculture evangelist would say  :D. And besides, define "conscious thought". I imagine the definition you are using is actually that of higher cognition, since the vast majority of higher animals are clearly conscious and can think in some manner and I would suspect that the vast majority of lower animals are as well.

It seems doubtful to me that such a behavior could influence selection and the development of the brain. Although the behavior is not without precedent. Many animals have been observed consuming psychotropic plants / fungi, presumably for enjoyment since it temporarily decreases their fitness by making them more vulnerable to predation.

All the more reason for me to never seek it out again. (It was definitely ketamine, at least it came from a vet and Erowid seemed to agree, but I do wonder about the roll. Either way, it felt like being sober, but out of my own body. Special K is a very strong disassociative, and in combination with a drug that's supposed to heighten the senses, right when the two mixed, it was like a click and suddenly I was basically controlling myself with a clear mind and a remote control from inside a tunnel five feet away.)

Most psychedelics are dissociative if taken in a high enough dose, and especially if insufflated as ketamine usually is. That said, this does sound like a ketamine effect as profound hallucinations are usually part of the package once the dissociation begins with other chemicals (like 2C-B). Veterinarians are starting to phase out ketamine now that the next generation synthetic dissociative tiletamine has been created. It is even safer than ketamine for use in animals, and it has the added benefit of raver kids not knowing what the fuck it is so they won't try to break into clinics to steal it. I disagree with its use on animals, however, and I will not administer it to an animal myself without first experiencing the effects. From what I've read of the several people that have self-experimented with it on Erowid, the subjective effects are very undesirable compared to ketamine. I imagine it is the same for other species. I've seen a dog trip balls on tiletamine while undergoing a minor surgical procedure. It was not a pretty sight at all.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #2879 on: May 14, 2009, 01:15:42 am »
Some people think the reason there is conscious thought in the first place is because some advanced apes ate hallucinogenic mushrooms. After trying them, I can see where they may get that idea, but I don't know if it holds any water. How could you tell, really?

Never heard that one before. Sounds like something a subculture evangelist would say  :D. And besides, define "conscious thought". I imagine the definition you are using is actually that of higher cognition, since the vast majority of higher animals are clearly conscious and can think in some manner and I would suspect that the vast majority of lower animals are as well.

It seems doubtful to me that such a behavior could influence selection and the development of the brain. Although the behavior is not without precedent. Many animals have been observed consuming psychotropic plants / fungi, presumably for enjoyment since it temporarily decreases their fitness by making them more vulnerable to predation.

Evangelist!  :lol: Sorry, by conscious thought, I meant free will, coming up with the question "why am I?" and thinking that useless junk and leftovers just laying around can be used as tools and weapons. I kinda lumped it all together there. You get what I'm saying though. From the "subculture evangelist bible": "First there were apes. Then there was an idea. The idea was to be human. They taught the idea, and the idea spread, until the apes and the humans were very different from each other."