Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 491453 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1545 on: January 23, 2009, 10:05:01 pm »
Quote from: Chrono Eric
And Faust, I did not mean to imply that I don't think high school kids are emotionally mature enough to love - hell the first girl I loved was when I was in high school. It's just that most (or all?) high school kids start relationships out with ulterior motives due to raging hormones and whatnot

True enough. But I think kids need to be taught to experience love before they move into sex -- I feel a lot less needless screwing would happen in that case. There's a real problem in sex education. I mean, we're taught all the biological and hormonal stuff and the idea of "love" is sort of a tacky afterthought in sex ed classes. At least that's the way it seemed when I was in sixth~eighth grade.

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1546 on: January 23, 2009, 10:09:12 pm »
Yes, but I believe that would potentially be as pointless as an "abstinence only" standpoint in sex ed. Kids will just end up screwing regardless of whether or not they are in love or not. It should definitely be more heavily weighted though, if for no other reason than when girls get knocked up it could prevent their Romeo-to-be from running off to Mexico or something.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1547 on: January 23, 2009, 10:14:14 pm »
Wow, that felt really good. Now I know why all you guys keep ranting here.
were always happy to listen.

Yes, but I believe that would potentially be as pointless as an "abstinence only" standpoint in sex ed. Kids will just end up screwing regardless of whether or not they are in love or not. It should definitely be more heavily weighted though, if for no other reason than when girls get knocked up it could prevent their Romeo-to-be from running off to Mexico or something.
That's pretty much how things were done while I was in school. In fact they never covered protection until late highschool, and by that time there teaching 17-18 year olds!?!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1548 on: January 23, 2009, 10:16:24 pm »
How is it bad PR for the Compendium that one of its members smokes pot?
Well, V, according to the Compendium's policy:
Quote from: Rule 11; Code of Conduct
shall not post any illegal material, as well as anything that is self-incriminating or incriminates other members.

it's not looked highly upon talking about pot. :P

I've never actually seen or met a "furry" before. I suppose I'm curious as to why there is an extreme hatred of them, though -- it seems like nothing more than bigotry. Then again, that's just how I'm seeing it right now.
I wouldn't call my feelings towards them hatred.  It's more high level annoyance.  Fact is, how I see it, if you're walking around a public place that has no relation to the furry fandom wearing a suit you're only grabbing for attention.  You might as well strap a big neon sign to your head saying "LOOK AT ME!"

Now what sort of attention would an intelligent person hope to gain from dressing in a fursuit in public?  Nonchalant attitudes?  Admiration?  Conversion?  NO, the only reaction one could hope for is strange looks, questions about what the fuck you're doing wearing a tail around, and disdain from those who recognize the attention whoring ploy you're pulling off there.

It's not just furries, any form of attention grabbing on the basis of being different from mainstream humanity irritates me.  Like gay pride parades.  I have nothing against gay people, I've known, talked to, hung out with, and even considered many to be friends (Both male and female).  But you don't need a parade.  It's just stupid.  There's no straight parade, there's no gay parade, that is equality.

Wearing your differences on your sleeve doesn't make you stronger, braver, or more respected, it just makes you a show off.
If any group wants to have a party to celebrate who they are, I have no problem with it -- regardless if they stick out or not.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 10:19:15 pm by BROJ »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1549 on: January 23, 2009, 10:18:02 pm »
I have yet to take our school's health class. That teaches all about that stuff. I do believe that protection is the best way to go. You can still have fun and there's little risk of baby creatures.

My current gripe is my lack of enthusiasm for my writing. Oh. Spirit Plane. Fun. I'm stuck. Any suggestions, people?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1550 on: January 23, 2009, 10:18:23 pm »
Is the use of cannabis really that big of a deal? It's nothing to brag about, but it's a good, natural thing to partake in.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1551 on: January 23, 2009, 10:20:45 pm »
Hey Triforce.... can you edit that post so that it actually quotes Faustwolf?  KebreI quoted you but he was actually quoting Faust.. 

well whatever, just read it and was like "whoa deja vu.......oh wait"

EDIT:  damn looked at the wrong Compendium member's name lol
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 10:24:23 pm by Eske »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1552 on: January 23, 2009, 10:21:28 pm »
I've had a lot of friends that I've lost because they suddenly start thinking they're better than everyone, or at least me, at any rate. Nothing to prevent it from happening again because you can never be sure what goes through the minds of some people. But I do have to agree that the idea of someone losing their virginity and suddenly thinking they're cool is beyond me. Yeah, you're giddy about it, have a perma-grin on your face for about a week, but anything more than that is pure delusion. And I have to agree, he probably did suck at it. Most people their first time only last a couple minutes, which is really only good for the guy, because most women need about 20-30 minutes for good sex.

Also, people who put weed down for no reason, here's some information you didn't know: Marijuana is better for you than cigarettes or alcohol which are legal. I have in my hands right now a leaflet for medical marijuana that lists what it helps with:

Chronic pain
Muscle Spasms
Eating Disorder
Degenerative Disc Disease
Crohn's disorder
Multiple Sclerosis
Migraine Headaches
Chronic Nausea
Hepatitis C

Not on this list is:


Note that it doesn't heal these things, but it does relieve the pain for some and completely counters others. Along with that is the fact that besides screwing up your lungs by smoking it, which you're screwing up your lungs just by breathing fresh air these days, there is nothing harmful about it. Makes you act weird and appear stupid to people who aren't high, but that's about it. You enjoy yourself and have a good time. Alcohol, through drunk driving and alcohol poisoning, has killed millions, probably billions of people and counting. Cigarettes, too. These are our preferred ways of self-inflicted suicide, yet it is illegal to smoke a natural herb that grows out of the ground, with no harmful additives whatsoever, which has killed... well, how many people have you heard that weed kills? You can't overdose on it. Yeah I admit to there being some car crashes due to ignorant people smoking while driving or smoking too much and then trying to drive. But are you going to blame all potsmokers for the irresponsibility of a few?

Now, having said my piece on that, I won't say much more. If you're going to diss weed, at least be informed about it.

You're right, Tact, it's nothing to brag about, but at the same time, it's nothing worth lying about either, and as long as it remains illegal in the US, there's going to be a lot of talk about it.

frustration for today: not sleeping well.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1553 on: January 23, 2009, 10:22:13 pm »
Is the use of cannabis really that big of a deal? It's nothing to brag about, but it's a good, natural thing to partake in.
No, I have no problem with it. This is just not the place to discuss it.

Hey Triforce.... can you edit that post so that it actually quotes Faustwolf?  BROJ quoted you but he was actually quoting Faust.. 

well whatever, just read it and was like "whoa deja vu.......oh wait"
I didn't quote him!? :? Kebrel did. And it looks like the original post was screwed up.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1554 on: January 23, 2009, 10:24:39 pm »
... I guess weed won't help me then. I have Bipolar, and part of my form of Bipolar is depression. Sucks to be me, eh?

Again, I don't approve of your choice of drug, but it's your choice. Personally, I don't do any sort of drug. Except my medicine.

And I'm not taking that.

Depakote sucks, man.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1555 on: January 23, 2009, 10:26:52 pm »
Hey Triforce.... can you edit that post so that it actually quotes Faustwolf?  BROJ quoted you but he was actually quoting Faust.. 

well whatever, just read it and was like "whoa deja vu.......oh wait"
I didn't quote him!? :? Kebrel did. And it looks like the original post was screwed up.

Lol, sorry, apparently I have the worst memory in the world  :D   I fixed it.

Current gripe:  can't remember new korean vocab.....


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1556 on: January 23, 2009, 10:27:01 pm »
You know, my parents always talk about how, in the 70s, guys stayed with girlfriends if they became pregnant. It was like an honor thing. But I wonder if that was just middle-class culture and it never really existed as a social which case, I'll make that my gripe for this post.

Oh, snap, that's going to get lost in everything else. Well, uh, snap.

Whether you're into alcohol or marijuana, please do it in your own household, when you're certain you won't be operating any machinery afterward.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1557 on: January 23, 2009, 10:30:07 pm »
Exactly, be responsible about it.

chrono eric

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1558 on: January 23, 2009, 10:37:40 pm »
lol Eske, I think this is the first time I've ever seen you post in this thread, maybe. Time, Space, and Dimensions forum boring you lately?

Along with that is the fact that besides screwing up your lungs by smoking it, which you're screwing up your lungs just by breathing fresh air these days, there is nothing harmful about it. Makes you act weird and appear stupid to people who aren't high, but that's about it. You enjoy yourself and have a good time. Alcohol, through drunk driving and alcohol poisoning, has killed millions, probably billions of people and counting. Cigarettes, too. These are our preferred ways of self-inflicted suicide, yet it is illegal to smoke a natural herb that grows out of the ground, with no harmful additives whatsoever, which has killed... well, how many people have you heard that weed kills? You can't overdose on it. Yeah I admit to there being some car crashes due to ignorant people smoking while driving or smoking too much and then trying to drive. But are you going to blame all potsmokers for the irresponsibility of a few?

Idioms, I am always the first person on these forums to champion the personal use of recreational drugs. Hell, I had a whole discussion on the usage of powerful psychedelic drugs as a means of spiritual and personal growth. But I am also the first person to be fair, and the parts of this paragraph that I have highlighted in bold are not good arguing points - for future reference. First off, regardless of the amount of pollution in the air, I guarantee you that you are damaging your lungs worse by smoking anything due to exposure to heat and carcinogens (yes, anything charred via fire produces carcinogens - even weed). Granted, this damage is transient and there is typically no long lasting damage unlike with cigarette smoke. But you cannot compare smoking to breathing air.

In the second part I have highlighted it seems that you are using the "if it's natural, it is obviously good for you" argument. This is not so. Nature is ripe with as many natural things that are toxic for you as there are things that are good for you. Cocaine, heroine, and nicotine are all natural from their respective plants, and all are highly addictive substances (just to keep the discussion on drugs and not straight-up toxins). Hell, a friend of mine nearly died from accidentally overdosing on the scopolamine found in Datura stramonium. He's been on anti-psychotic medicine for two years straight now. Just because weed is natural doesn't mean it is harmless for you. It is relatively harmless for you because of the nature of the active ingredient in the plant, and that alone. Plus, the number of herbicides and pesticides that can be found on weed bought on the street these days is staggering. Excessive smoking can cause serious toxicity issues in that regard, despite the fact that the plant itself is harmless. You never know what you are getting unless you grow your own weed.

... I guess weed won't help me then. I have Bipolar, and part of my form of Bipolar is depression. Sucks to be me, eh?

Again, I don't approve of your choice of drug, but it's your choice. Personally, I don't do any sort of drug. Except my medicine.

And I'm not taking that.

Why aren't you taking your medicine? Modern antidepressants are godsends to people with depression and bipolar disorder. Do you not like the way it makes you feel? Different antidepressants have different mental side effects.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 10:42:00 pm by chrono eric »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1559 on: January 23, 2009, 10:44:31 pm »
It's a mixture of that I feel better off of it and MassHealth is still a dick. Until they stop yanking our chain, I can't get refills. And I'm out of Depakote. Also, I forget a lot in the morning. I have to get dressed, put away my bed, fix my hair, boot and log my computer, put on my coat, scarf, purse, and backpack, and head up to the bus stop in about fifteen minutes.

But... yeah. I know I should, but... eh.

Current gripe is my evil blood disorder. Yeah, I have some nasty health problems (can't see for shit, I'm Bipolar, I may also be Asberger's, and this nasty genetic thing of mine...). I have beta thalasemia. Or however you spell it. But what it does is it makes my blood anemic. Or close to. Depending on the day. Anemia is essentially an iron deficiency. Iron deficiency makes you tired. Thus, as I am always iron deficient, I am always tired.

Right now, I am exhausted. Can barely keep my eyes open and I can't get to bed right now.