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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2007, 01:50:12 pm »
Well, Crisis isn't really a 16-bit game, it will be much more. Mp3 sountrack, voice acting, cutscenes(?), etc. Also in terms of file size, last I've heard the game is planned to be 8 Go.


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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2007, 01:58:59 pm »
Eight gigabytes?! That's 2 gigabytes more than even Supreme Commander is, and that game is ridiculously massive! wonder so many people are excited for Chrono Crisis...I hope it turns out decent, though that map of 2300 A.D. I saw confused me...looked nothing like the 2300 A.D. we saw in the ruined future...the continents were all over the place...and what was up with that huge floating dome?


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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2007, 02:16:25 pm »
Never seen that thread, hopefully the links still work.
A great job you've done, especially for Walking on Sacred Forest.

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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2007, 02:04:11 pm »
I've never said that the game will be 8 GB so I'm not sure where you saw that, but it isn't true. I think at most it could be 1 GB but shouldn't be much more than that.

2300 AD looks the way it does for a reason, it's not the ruined future from CT, it's the new future though it still has many problems. As such, the continents are like they would be had Lavos not destroyed them. Also note that all of the world maps will be remade with more detailed graphics.


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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2007, 02:23:04 pm »
Of course it's not the ruined future, that much was obvious. I merely thought that the continents would at least somewhat follow the 2300 A.D. map from the ruined future. After all, roads and other ruins are shown along land that is ocean on your map, and the people of the ruined future would have no reason, or resources, or probably even the manpower to build such roads across the area. That was my only real problem with the map, that it seemed to ignore everything about the ruins in the ruined 2300 A.D.

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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2007, 07:22:55 pm »
In the ruined future of CT, the continents were completely warped, regardless of where roads are. The roads were where they were basically for mapping purposes. If you look at what's there of the world for 1999 in CT and look at 2300, you'll see a vast difference.


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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2007, 07:28:46 pm »
Yes, because the world in 1999--the one quarter of the map shown--is based on the 1000 A.D. map and thus cannot be considered to be as accurate, while the 2300 A.D. map again clearly shows the roads and ruins lying where they are. At most, Lavos' attack would destroy/sink land in places, hence why Genocidome is on a tiny island when before Lavos' attack it was probably part of Choras. I don't think Lavos' attack could shift entire continents into each other, especially not landing ruins in the process in the new order of the continents. That just doesn't make any sense.

Still, it's a fan interpretation of events, so in the end I'm just quibbling over a difference of opinion. It's not like it would affect my enjoyment of Chrono Crisis, in any case.

Chains Of Fate

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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2007, 07:34:08 pm »
I found this on the Compendium to show you what I mean.


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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2007, 07:39:39 pm »
Yes, and take a look at that and compare it to a 1000 A.D. or 600 A.D. map. As also stated on the Compendium, the map there is based on the 1000 A.D. map for simplicity and should not be taken literally for what it is, because the ruins in 2300 A.D. would not just magically appear to fit exactly along the confines of the new continents. Also, I suggest you take a look at where Arris Dome is relative to Truce. If you take the Epoch above Arris Dome and head to 1000 A.D., you'll see that Arris Dome would lie mostly underwater on your 1999 A.D. map, and the Sewer Access would be completely underwater. Also, Proto Dome, Bangor Dome, and Trann Dome are all missing from the 1999 A.D. map, along with Arris Dome, and all four would be observable in 1999 A.D. because nothing was built after Lavos destroyed the world except for Keeper's Dome, and that was built by Balthasar. That map is not accurate in any way, shape, or form to what 1999 A.D. would actually be like in the Chrono series."

EDIT: Excuse me, I misjugded the scope of that map. Proto Dome and Trann Dome would not be visible. My point still stands regarding Arris, Bangor, and the Sewer access, however.


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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2007, 07:48:12 pm »
I've never said that the game will be 8 GB so I'm not sure where you saw that, but it isn't true. I think at most it could be 1 GB but shouldn't be much more than that.

I was thinking about Lena Andreia's post, but she didn't say 8 GB either actually (no idea where I got that number from). She said it was going to be somewhere between 300 MB and 2 GB.

Lena Andreia

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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2007, 10:07:32 pm »
 Actually--the 1999 map and 1000 AD map aren't identical. There was some drift there too.


 The contienents were drifting closer to each other, but to have them totally crash into each other (and whole islands to dissapear) would require a lot of energy (continents coliding in 300 years would probably cause a calamity in itself). The way the ruins were sort of scattered around 2300 AD made it look a lot like the World of Ruin in FF6--like a sudden change had ripped the world a new one. Now, we don't know for sure what 2300 REALLY should look like, but if you remember the end of Chrono Trigger Robo and Atropos were sitting in the San Dorino mountains, which don't seem to be present in 2300 AD.

 As for where Aris and Bango are--that caused a lot of debate with us. Bango might be off the screen in 1999--I do know that Lavos popped out at Medina. I think the Sewer Access is part of some remnants of Truce, since it's at the fot of what looks like one of the Truce mountains.

 It's also possible that roads were actually built after the calamity. People might have tried to pick up the pieces of their world and were unable to since all the flora and fauna were wiped out (again, sort've like the World of Ruin). Again this can't go for Aris since we know it's a seperate facility.

 Anyway--it is a fan interpretation. I am redoing the maps since we've done some tweaking to that time period (we're forever tweaking...), but I still don't think I'd make the continents "collided". That'd cause some serious damage. I based a lot of our contiental drift on the drift amount between 600 and 1000 AD, since it's a similar amount of time. As for the locations of those damned Domes, well...

 ...let's just say that I hate the 2300 world map of CT now. XD I wish somewhere in Cross there was a picture of the future hiding.

 Oh and the floating dome is... Well...

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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2007, 02:37:55 am »
CT's various eras have remarkably inconsistent maps. Even the 600, 1000, 1999 spread are wildly inconsistent for a scant 1400-year interval. Those who would argue that a non-ruined 2300 should be based upon the ruined one have a pretty weak case. Artistic license is easy to claim here.


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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2007, 03:20:46 am »
Aw c'mon, Belthasar did not think to himself "I'd better build a road that no one will use across this newly-formed land bridge that came about after the apocalypse." Also, the chances of humans venturing out to connect two mutant-infested cities while placing them in a hazardous environment far from the nearest Enertron is remote. 1999 A.D. lacks the land bridge with the road and was never used as an official map outside a generic-looking area, so 2300 A.D. is canon for the state of civilization immediately preceding the fall. The burden's on us to reconcile fan works with it. I could be criticized for using Compendium-doctrine overanalysis here, but I'm really not; that's how it is in Chrono Trigger. If 1999 A.D. had ever been used in some official comparative capacity, we'd have an open case. But until I opened it in Temporal Flux and got a good look at it, I never thought much of the generic screen we get in the Day of Lavos recording.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 03:22:18 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2007, 08:57:07 am »
Yeah, looking at it again, it looks more based on the 600 A.D. map with the 1000 A.D. tileset.

But, in the end, we're just quibbling. I like quibbling over details so I went after you on it. My apologies if I seemed as if I was attacking Chrono Crisis, as I wasn't. Lord J esq is right, though...artistic license is easy to claim, especially considering the probable reason for the wildly shifting continents was Lavos' presence. With Lavos dead in 12,000 B.C.--from the planet's perspective--the continents wouldn't have shifted as much as they did before. Or at least that's what I'm going to hazard a guess about, anyway.

Lena Andreia

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Re: Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2007, 03:07:01 pm »
 Yeah. XD That's why I kinda wish Cross would give us some sort of "world map"--even seeing if there were marked differences in non-Lavos 1020 AD would help.

 But on 2300--

 Originally I was going to base our 2300 off of Trigger's, but I stopped myself when I realized that their world seemed to be rearranged after the disaster ('cept the Sunkeep, cause it's the only part of the world not on a moving plate, apparently). Again I liken it to the WoR from FF6--it's unrecognizable. Parts of it are just missing (lots of South Zenan, for one), and then there are new features (like the Sun Palace), and mountains have been added or are missing.

 I take 1999 to be canon since it's not just 1000AD with Domes instead of towns (which is what I thought it was until I overlaid it on top of 1000  in Photoshop--it's actually got its own seperate layout). It looks like somoene at least went through the trouble to build it and make it look a bit different. If they'd wanted to, I don't think it would've been that hard for them to take the 2300 map, apply some greenry, and use that instead if they'd wanted to.

 But I just think it's another instance in Trigger where it wasn't really meant to be analyzed that much. Since they probably weren't planning to do a sequel that would require showing the new 2300 world map. And in Trigger, they probably wanted the 2300 world to be alien and unrecognizable, so you couldn't pick out which Dome was which, and what exactly had happened. I'll still go with the thought that the Lavos calamity was what ultimately caused the world to take that shape--we don't know what exactly happened after the video shorted out, and it obviously did something catastrophic enough to blanket the world in dust for 300 years.

 Thus, those of us who do fan projects are forced to attempt to figure out what should have happened. I'm probably going to be updating both our 1999 and 2300 maps eventually once we've "set" world maps (mine were based purely on Trigger--Crisis has some even locations that need to be added or moved). 

 Y'know, I had a thought. Robots might have built that highway. Someone's sure upkept it. 300 years of neglect and I doubt it'd be very easy to drive on. LOL

 And EDIT: Whooaah--I just realized how out of date these maps ARE. o___O Sweet jesus, I need to do a locations update. ...all information... ...incorrect...

 EDIT 2: Please pardon our dust if you happen to visit the forums--we're updating the locations document now because it's actually heinously out of date... So hopefully we'll at least have some up to date information to debate about soon. XD
« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 03:22:57 pm by Lena Andreia »