Yes, and take a look at that and compare it to a 1000 A.D. or 600 A.D. map. As also stated on the Compendium, the map there is based on the 1000 A.D. map for simplicity and should not be taken literally for what it is, because the ruins in 2300 A.D. would not just magically appear to fit exactly along the confines of the new continents. Also, I suggest you take a look at where Arris Dome is relative to Truce. If you take the Epoch above Arris Dome and head to 1000 A.D., you'll see that Arris Dome would lie mostly underwater on your 1999 A.D. map, and the Sewer Access would be completely underwater. Also, Proto Dome, Bangor Dome, and Trann Dome are all missing from the 1999 A.D. map, along with Arris Dome, and all four would be observable in 1999 A.D. because nothing was built after Lavos destroyed the world except for Keeper's Dome, and that was built by Balthasar. That map is not accurate in any way, shape, or form to what 1999 A.D. would actually be like in the Chrono series."
EDIT: Excuse me, I misjugded the scope of that map. Proto Dome and Trann Dome would not be visible. My point still stands regarding Arris, Bangor, and the Sewer access, however.