Author Topic: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger  (Read 6443 times)

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2024, 05:04:33 pm »
Hey, Boo — I was posting sounding a little weird because my parents were visiting but they’re going back to their house tomorrow morning. I’m all set to just BINGE.LIKE.CRAZY lol —- Usually when I’m alone at the house sometimes I’ll enjoy gaming with a few beers lmao But shhh don’t tell anybody. ;)

I’m glad you’re back in tip-top shape. Ooohhh ok, I wasn’t too sure how things are going back in the US of A as I’ve been on the sticks and haven’t really had time to check the news on YouTube. I actually just went to the bank today (Mondays I think are safe to run errands) and nobody was really wearing a mask except the teller and securrity guard. shrug I’ve actually never gotten the flu in my life and I had to think back and the last time I got a cold was 5 years ago. Actually when the bug hits me I’m a total methhead and OCD clean my space like rubbing alcohol and Lysol wipes and everything. I used to kick it with a few guys who were like this (most were young dads) and they always ate my ass about my being a slob so it’s rubbed off on me. I’m not a freak about it my Mom used to clean the house once a week doing her Mom thing but I do try to sweep everyday and I’ll get up and just start cleaning stuff whenever I notice a stain or smudge or something. I used to catch the cold twice a year on the dot but the guys getting on me about my cleaning helped, a LOT.

I researched Harvestella and it seems like a Switch exclusive right now shucks. I am still on Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. I zombie-ly play it like a drone all day and I think of the most random of things but lighthearted games like this help me relax my mind and get me thinking about what next to play. I ordered some stuff like Nier (I heard it was good) for the PS3 and Little Dragons Café for PS4 you know I love games like this. =P I’m trying to get my trophies back and buy the games that were PS3 exclusives and must-plays but honestly after this I’m gonna move on to something else.

Some days I actually think about giving up video games altogether. It's weird; I rarely have time to play them (especially the older my kids get) and I just don't enjoy them like I used to. If I play for more than about an hour at a time, I think of all the other IRL responsibilities I have to do and think about what I'm missing out on. I dunno, just thinking out loud.
Boo, I’ve already thought of all this probably sometime around in high school I knew once I got a job, and got a family video games specifically 85-hr. RPGs just weren’t gonna be around so I almost kinda molded my life into what it is now where I can sustain myself and still have a free schedule where I can game. I honestly wonder how you working guys do it. I am sort of in monk mode though where it’s all I do and I kinda look at the Japanese otaku culture a bit too as well. In the US, I always thought my lifestyle was looked down upon and I was almost seen as a weirdo in society but maybe that’s my thoughts coming from how video games were like at my age and I was growing up. Sometimes I see the US markets video games as just for kids and you know Japan anime and games are more for adults. I think it’s just a difference in culture. Most Japanese working people that game usually do portables so they can play on the train on their commute so maybe you can try that? When it comes to kids, whenever it happens for me, I’m likely gonna bring them up on Survivor… and, maybe I can sneak off and doing my gaming thing in a dark backroom in the house or something. LOL

Well, I used to post at the Gaijinworks forum and got banned for talking about video games too much? Their people are wired. Last I heard the prez was hospitalized and stopped being active online. Oh, vell. Yeah they were the shit in the day but once I met the fans I was quickly just turned off. I wanna forget about that place, and to be honest it makes me not wanna play their games anymore specifically LUNAR. Their sense of “humor” is just whacked or it’s that typical white boy humor that NO ONE GETS.

I think you’re a whole section ahead of me in CT. I just beat Heckran I’m thinking I have to go to Denodoro Mountains? I’m playing it in between breaks of my Harvest Moon fiesta. Heckran is hilarious he looks like he’s acting scared and I found it almost kinda cute? I have to talk to everyone on the island before jumping to the Medieval Ages again.

Thanks again Boo I really found this place helpful to spit out my thoughts ‘sides writing in a journal this way everybody can read it. Take caaare

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2024, 11:12:04 pm »
Well, let's start this post off with some great news:

It's about friggin' time. I plan to buy it, even if I don't plan on playing it (at least not any time soon).

Well, I used to post at the Gaijinworks forum and got banned for talking about video games too much? Their people are wired. Last I heard the prez was hospitalized and stopped being active online. Oh, vell. Yeah they were the shit in the day but once I met the fans I was quickly just turned off. I wanna forget about that place, and to be honest it makes me not wanna play their games anymore specifically LUNAR. Their sense of “humor” is just whacked or it’s that typical white boy humor that NO ONE GETS.

This is a bummer. I mean, I do agree, that the humor is sort of lame by 2020's standards, but back in the 1990's it felt very on-par and right for the times. It's a bit self-aware. But I dunno, when you use pop-culture and humor that's sort of tied to the times, it becomes outdated sort of quickly. LUNAR (and pretty much all Working Design games) fell into this category. Anywho...

I haven't had a chance to play Chrono Trigger much this week, so hopefully that has given you time to get caught up. All I did was do the initial events in 65 Million BC, meet Ayla, and then spent time at the Hunting Range. Don't forget to find the Nu when it rains, here! In fact, you can Twin Charm him for the ULTIMATE WEAPON - a mop for Crono! Literally, a mop! I also lied, and it's his weakest weapon in the game, and totally just a goof. I remember when I first found out I was so excited, only to find that it was useless. Those were the days.

I also remember getting the Wolflobe Sword on accident, which I think I got from Twin Charm-ing the optional Yakra in 1000ad. I was so confused because afterwards I couldn't find the weapon in my inventory, and even when I reset the game and tried again, I couldn't seem to get it again. It was years later before I found out that it was a glitch. If you've never encountered this glitch before, it's here:

I researched Harvestella and it seems like a Switch exclusive right now shucks.

Bummer, I didn't know that. It must be PC and Switch exclusive, because I bought it on Steam. I also bought the latest Star Ocean game (Star Ocean: the Divine Force). I did beat Star Ocean: First Departure R, and I've been leveling in the optional post-game caves. I think my party is up to level 140-ish. The story for First Departure R is sort of lame, especially the last segment on the other planet Fargett. Meh.

Hope you're doing well, man! Keep healthy!

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2024, 11:31:20 am »
Hey, Boo—I took some time out of my nightly routine to really reflect on what I’m doing (since you had mentioned quitting gaming altogether I thought about it) and I’m really just happy. The neighbors are singing karaoke I’m inside with my dogs lying down just thinking about sorta what I’m doing? I actually got watery-eyed (the tears were hot) cause I think my gaming has a lot to do with how others saw me in the US: I was the weirdo neighbor kid. shrug It’s gotten me into a lot of trouble growing up people saw me as kinda of a living inside their room all the time sort of person, and even the police mentioned to me stuff like why are you at home when you’re 19,-20 years old? Gaming I realized was not really as normalized as I thought but I had already knew that and it wasn’t like I hid it from anybody? I’m cut from a different cloth. I prefer fighting metal dragons to crunching numbers as an accountant I guess. This is really looked down upon and I’m from a big city like San Francisco where weird isn’t seen as that weird but everyone my neighbors used this a lot against me. There was a bit of stalking involved which’s why I left America. The nasty neighbors and culture clash. They really shouldn’t know I lived in that house.

This’s in contrast to now where Corona happens and a lot of people are stuck indoors.

I also grew up on Survivor and have come to realized how Americans are like when it comes to money and modern day survival needs.

I think magic comes from the heart, it exists in your mind. It can help you make the right decisions for yourself. For me, for example… My favorite is when the hero is on his last legs, but finds the strength to carry on I think people can relate to that the moment of decision to keep going on the same path. I think a lot of people had doubts in me like what’re you gonna do with your RPGs? Well I see lifes as a RPG you can mold your life into what, whatever you want it to be I just want to learn more about video games just today I was admiring the skill of the people (I c-haven’t been able to articulate properly lately cause I’ve been so happy) who make these games I can never do it I just play their idea(s). I’m at thaet point in my life where I’m pretty set in my ways, nothing’s ever gonna change I’m just gonna look around the corner of the house to see if a new game was delivered.

I’m just happy to get out of the ghetto. My parents never realized how bad of a neighborhood we lived in, and just how bad the crime goes deep in San Francisco. I’m glad to take them to a place where they’re safe. Core Asian values stem from loving your parents, I hear Americans aren’t really as reverent to the two that brought them up. I’m actually really happy I didn’t go all the way with assimilating into the U.S. culture and stuck with being just Asian, sometimes I look forward to meeting RPG fans since it is a Japanese game to see if they like our shit? Japino is a term I’ve come across where people can’t differentiate between Japanese/Filipino.? I mentioned being turned off when I meet fans but really I sometimes think they don’t “get as much out of RPGs” as I do. I pay attention in class.

I don’t know if you like these long dialogues of mine but I’ll probably post again what games I’m testing out. I’m in the Denadoro(sp?) Mountains.

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2024, 03:57:27 am »
Hey, Boo-Boo. :) I’ve actually been taking it easy the last couple days just reflecting on what I’m doing for the most part and the heat zaps my energy so much here once the sun goes down I feel so lethargic by attrition, I want to game but something like my mind’s so zapped I just wanna lie down by the electric fan or turn the air-condition on.

Ok, anyways. I just beat Masa & Mune I’m not gonna lie the PS1 version is DEFINITELY slower than the CT I remember from SNES, going to the menu and getting through battles is rough but I’m not gonna let that deter from my enjoyment of the game. There’s enough battles so when you get to key storypoints it’s kinda exciting. The battles is kinda tough if you don’t know what you’re doing or haven’t played the game before for sure

So i promised an update of what games I’m playing: So I’m like a total sucker for “rare and collectible” games the bug kinda bit me and the Phils is a haven for purchasing say PS3 pick-ups so I watch YouTube videos where gamers say what’s rare and I go try to hunt em down and I picked up managed a few. Akiba’s Trip is hella weird you have to rip enemies’ clothes off expose them to the sun cause they’re vamps, def weird. I picked up Deception IV: Blood Ties think it’s related to Tecmo’s Deception for PS1 where you lay out traps for enemies to hit combos almost kinda like those boardgames where you had to make the props work like 13 Dead End Drive or Rat Trap, definitely weird but might put it lower on my play- list. I mentioned I beat Journey and got all the offline trophies and Harvest Moon: Light of Hope SU-per fun I’m such a basic human like it’s teaching me how to be self-reliant plus my whole farm thing IRL. The main game was like 30 hours i Didn’t even make it to Winter and the story’s over I found it interesting how getting married and having a child wasn’t apart of the main narrative and more of just extra(s) to do

I picked up Nier PS3 cause I read thru the grapevine its supposed to be pretty good you’re like this dad finding a cure for his sickly daughter. It’s interesting a Square Enix game. I’m trying to push getting into Resident Evil type games cause by now I still haven’t played RE and I feel I’m doing a disservice to the gaming community? The enemies are all shadows and abstract creepy which’s kinda ok and not scary compared to like crazy bloody zombies you have to cut in two. Oh vell. I still kinda want to fluff up my trophies so I might do ICO & Shadow of the Colossus /CatherinePS3 idky I care SO much. I like the silent recognition..

And that’s it for me just watching a episode of Survivor in the afternoon when it’s really hot during my break and maybe lounge in bed but usually i’m Play-testing a whole bunch of games

I’m also really interested in “cozy games” as they call it I really wanna check out Stardew Valley apparently one guy made the entire game almost kinda like Minecraft and they’re coming out with a pseudo sequel called Haunted Chocolatier where it involves making chocolate. Another one on my radar is Potion Permit where you heal villagers with medicines you make from resourcing materials reminds me of Trauma Center. Oh and I can’t forget about Undertale I have to find a physical if there is any

Aand das it for me Boo check you out later !
« Last Edit: January 28, 2024, 04:01:30 am by Chris Cruz »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #34 on: January 29, 2024, 12:43:31 am »
Hey, Boo—I took some time out of my nightly routine to really reflect on what I’m doing (since you had mentioned quitting gaming altogether I thought about it) and I’m really just happy.

And if you're happy, that's the most important thing! I don't think there's anything wrong with video games; I see it no differently than watching television or reading a good book. For most people, anyway. But I do think some people can use it as a crutch to escape the real world, but again, that can really be anything and doesn't have to necessarily be video games. For me, I just don't have the time for it like I used to... what little freetime I have I use for quality time with the wife and kids, and for working around the house. I've recently started to really enjoy cutting fire wood, for example. I dunno, it's a good, physical hobby and I enjoy it.

Gaming I realized was not really as normalized as I thought but I had already knew that and it wasn’t like I hid it from anybody? I’m cut from a different cloth. I prefer fighting metal dragons to crunching numbers as an accountant I guess.

The problem is that we have huuuuuge inequalities in America right now. House and rent prices are through the roof, and interest rates are high and not helping. There's a housing shortage, in fact. Not to mention how insanely expensive our health care is -- I pay $500 a month for health insurance, and they barely pay a dime until I hit my mandatory annual deductible, which is so high I sometimes don't even hit it every year. Our insurance gets worse and worse every year. Not to mention inflation and cost of living. I think everyone in America is strapped for cash right now and desperate, and I know I'm grinding because if I don't we lose our current standard of living. It seems that every year things feel worse as an American. I can barely make ends meet, and I have a master's degree and a great wage. The grind is real and it's not necessarily because I want to grind.

It's been a long time since we've touched on the subject, but if it wasn't for my parents, I'd very much be moving to the EU. Probably one of the Scandinavian countries. We almost moved to Japan in 2018/2019, but decided against it after my dad had a heart attack. We decided to stay here to help take care of our parents. Like your comment, there are a lot of cultures that focus on the family and taking care of each other -- I don't think that's an Asian value, as it exists in A LOT of the world... but yeah, it's not as prevalent in the United States. Obviously it's not everyone, though. I'm living proof of it.

I haven't really played games much the past few days. I did try out Harvestella a little and the graphics look like a PS2, maybe an early PS3 game, but it shows a lot of promise. It actually has a lot of time travel in it, surprisingly. For a farming sim, the story is pretty deep so far -- much deeper than I expected. I thought it'd be more like a Harvest Moon game.

As for Chrono Trigger, all I did was continue grinding for Hunting Range loot. I now have my entire party decked out in Ruby Vests and Stone Helms, and Crono / Lucca / Marle / Robo all have their gear. Now on to the Forest Maze and the Reptite caves to retrieve the Gate Key!

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #35 on: January 29, 2024, 07:18:46 pm »
Hey, Boo-I'm glad to finally have the house to myself. I'm thinking about partaking in a little beer later on tonight just because I've been kinda stressed? Not in anyway usual people are dealing with their regular, day-to-day lives but little things just irk me like how I have a annoying aunt? Lol! My dog is giving birth literally like right now-So I have to take care of her. I figure it's a farm so there's animals giving birth, dying all over the place!

Lol you remind me a lot of my Dad we never really used to talk but he just watches the news all the time and now that he got Twitter he's even worse. I actually don't ever watch the news so I tell him stuff I read on messageboards and he always has something to say, but the last thing he said to me was, "You're in the Philippines." So I all that awful stuff back in the U.S. I try not to think about. I'm just happy where I am right now.

Tbh, it feels really good to be here. I just know I'll be ok no matter what happens. And I really only have to take care of myself, really, for the most part.

Rn, I've been doing a BUNCH of games:
- Chrono Trigger, ofc
- Harvest Moon: Light of Hope, finished main story now I have to wife a female and have a kid etc. The usual Harvest Moon-stuff
- ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, I'm going through ICO right now you can beat the game in 2 hours so it's one of those Journey games that you can go through hella times and kinda master
- Nier, I just got the quests going so I'm doing that for now waiting for it to get good for the most part
- Akiba's Trip, I forgot to mention although the game is weird and the char art is just mid the voice acting is really good in this game. It's made by Xseed reminds me I have to do LUNAR: SSH but we'll see... lol!
- Whatever videogame RPG comes to mind to me the most... Lol!

Take care, Boos

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2024, 11:33:00 pm »
Hey broseph!

My dog is giving birth literally like right now-So I have to take care of her. I figure it's a farm so there's animals giving birth, dying all over the place!

Congrats on the dogs! How many puppies? What kind of dog do you have? We love animals -- we have both a dog and cats.

Lol you remind me a lot of my Dad we never really used to talk but he just watches the news all the time and now that he got Twitter he's even worse. I actually don't ever watch the news so I tell him stuff I read on messageboards and he always has something to say, but the last thing he said to me was, "You're in the Philippines." So I all that awful stuff back in the U.S. I try not to think about. I'm just happy where I am right now.

Haha, believe it or not, I don't watch the news at all. I hate the 24/7 news cycle and thing it's all bullshit. It tries to rile everyone up and makes money on making people angry. Any of my thoughts around some of the struggles of America is firsthand or just watercooler talk you'll find anywhere. America tends to think it's the best country on earth, and while it's certainly a good place to live (access to food/water, healthcare, lots of personal freedoms, etc), it's far from perfect.

Off topic, but I read today about how the northern Philippines is a beautiful, mountainous area. I thought of ya when I was reading it!

- Nier, I just got the quests going so I'm doing that for now waiting for it to get good for the most part

You're playing the original version, right? I played the remake/remaster when it came out a few years ago. It was a pretty solid game. I loved the characters and the soundtrack is amazing. I haven't played Nier Automata, but it's on my list and I want to check it out at some point soon. Kaine and Emil were great characters, and the storyline really made me stop and think.

I think I remember that the Japanese version has the main character (Nier) being the older brother of Yonah, but they were worried that the non-Japanese audience wouldn't care for him as a character, so they tweaked him to be an old, grizzled dude and Yonah's father. The remake has him as Yonah's brother like in the Japanese version, so that's how I'll always see him.

- Akiba's Trip, I forgot to mention although the game is weird and the char art is just mid the voice acting is really good in this game. It's made by Xseed reminds me I have to do LUNAR: SSH but we'll see... lol!

Dang, I've never even heard of this game. I'll check it out! I reached out to Xseed a while back and asked them to support a remake or port of LUNAR: Eternal Blue, and they actually responded, They said they they were just the publisher and that any game-making decisions would fall with Game Arts (who made LUNAR: Silver Star Harmony). I asked them forward on the request, haha...

As for Chrono Trigger, I'm not sure where you're at, but I've shot ahead. I finished 65 million BC and I've repaired the Masamune. I'm now in Magus' Castle. This is where the game really starts to vibe for me... Frog's scene when he uses the Masamune to cut open the mountainside to reveal the Magic Cave is just so badass.

Which makes me think... the PSX cutscenes have never really done it for me. Not that they're bad or anything, I just don't think they're anything special and they don't add anything that's not already in the game. I sort of miss when I was a kid and all the games were low or mid graphics, but in my head (with my imagination) they were so epic and gorgeous. Chrono Trigger has a lot of scenes that were like that, to me. Don't get me wrong, Chrono is a great looking 16-bit game!

Story time. When I first played Chrono Trigger in 1996, my first Chrono Trigger save was accidentally deleted. I remembered it well. I was back in 1000ad after having learned magic at the End of Time. I think I was in the Hekran Cave. I had stayed up late playing and couldn't get to a save point, so I left the SNES on all night and was going to pick it back up in the morning. My mom was helping me make my bed, and I asked her to be careful to not kick the SNES so it wouldn't reset (it was sort of wonky and if you barely tapped the console it would reset), and my mom said she would be careful. Two seconds later she threw the pillow off my bed and it landed on the SNES. I was mortified and turned it back on, only to find that it had corrupted my save and I'd lost it entirely. I wasn't mad or anything, but I was disappointed. Pretty sure this was on a Sunday night or maybe it was Monday morning.

Anyway, I didn't let it deter me and I just restarted the game with a new save. I don't think I spent as much time grinding the second go-round, but I got back to where I was.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2024, 02:32:10 am by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2024, 02:46:49 am »
Hey, Boo.

I sort of miss when I was a kid and all the games were low or mid graphics, but in my head (with my imagination) they were so epic and gorgeous.
I feel you on this. It's a thought that's always floating around with me but you said it perfectly. RPGs, even if the graphics is outdated, is never gonna be as fun as they were when we were a kid. It's that whole seeing the world through a child's eyes thing.

Anyway, Boo... I had an epiphany today or a revelation. Pretty much I've been alone at the farm to myself for a couple of days now and I've just had trouble getting right. I think I was so used to routinely gaming day-in-and-day-out and just basically living off coffee and meager dishes I would ask the cook to make me that I felt like puking thinking about it all. So I've been on a kindaof reverse-rehab where I dirty myself a little bit? Kinda like instead of cleaning the inside I've had a beer here and a beer there, and it almost kinda of puts me in this high-meditative mood and of course I excrete or just let everything out... It's weird, lol?

Tbh, I looked at my surrounding today and I've been kindofa living like a fratboy, with beer bottles out front and garbage bags and trash inside. But it's not anything too bad? Anyway, I'm here sitting with a small personal bottle of Emperador (brandy) and I'm mixing it with Coke. It's sooo hot here and I feel like getting a lit'l bit of alky in me + the hothothot heat of the Sun, will help me excrete all the toxins and poisons out of my body. EVERYBODY (aka the house staff/neighbors/friends/delivery people) have been telling me, "Kuya (brother) John, you've been losing a lot of weight..." so I've been getting excited. I haven't really been doing anything out of the ordinary just staying up more now that my depression doesn't have me lying in bed for 3 days at a time..

I haven't picked up where I left off on Chrono Trigger at all but I'm gonna put all my new games aside and just concentrate on one RPG, so I'll probably play for an hour or so later. Prob gonna farm the Ruby items. It'll be kinda funny playing thru CT inebriated. Now that I'm an Adult.

Anyway It's like close to 3 P.M. here in the Phils and I'm gonna roast in the Sun and just drink my fill... then, I'll go inside and enjoy the wonder of Chrono Trigger later tonight. It's fun just forgetting about my responsibilities for a little bit.

Oh, the dog. She only had one tuta (puppy) but unfortunately it didn't make it I saw when she gave birth to it and it looked pre-mature and lo and behold it had trouble breathing, the kids on the farm don't seem to care they treat dogs like they would a chicken or a horse and they're like kuya John don't worry about it it's just an animal. Tbh, I'm trying not to get so emotionally attached to this dog like I did my first German-Shepherd but she has me in her visor grip it's hard not to feel her presence when I go to sleep at night and she's on the floor and stuff. Yeah, the pupster didn't make it but Karla is 6 going on 7 years old so she's pretty old, I think---And it's hard to not let the dogs go at it when they're in heat I literally have to tie the other dog up for the whole time maybe months and he goes directly to the other dog. Oh, well. I keep thinking about how in the US we spay and neuter our animals but here all the vets closed since Corona (go fig) so I just let the dogs do what they want. Karla herself is okay though. :)

I'm trying to go in super stone cold farmer mode where animals birth and die on the farm but it's so hard sometimes. LOL I was really close to my previous dog and I get super sentimental sometimes. Oh well.

This's happened before where puppies don't make it sometimes. I'm actually gonna try to not let the dogs go at it again cause I'm afraid for the mother. I might post again later cause I'm in the mood!

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2024, 07:23:13 am »
Hey, BuBu

The dog is fine no worries she's just a little lonesome but she gets like that when separated from her puppies. All's good. So just wanted to update you on my spinner binge today before the Error hits me (if it does I'll just leave my post here qnd hit reply at 11:30 P.M.) so, pretty much with me I've just been cooped up, holed up in my room doing my God only knows why console RPG otaku thing... I went out into the sunlight today for a little bit of variety and lol. I just wanted to let you know getting through Trigger's pretty hard for me just because it's like THE JRPG of JRPGs we all played it when we were kids and it's just an epic feat. I might go to 65,000,000,000 B.C. tonight and check it out.

With me too my whole body's just been aching and stiff and I've tried everything sometimes I think it's my neck but pretty much what helps the most is not going to sleep so I'm gonna try that again plus this house was built by a small (size/stature) person with everything really low to the ground. Philipinos here are like the Japanese/Korean and they eat and sleep on the floor, so I've been trying to get a lot of the "down" energy & feng shui out now that I live here and it's my house. I like feeling up. #stayup Um, anyways that's neither here nor there. The only other problem I have is my annoying aunt I've been seeing her in my Mind's eye and with the booze and everything today I'm just totally blank and relaxed... lol.

So I managed to get through the boring afternoon and made my face shown in society by going to the store and stuff. LOL I'm back in my comfort zone. I realize I feel so uncomfortable if I don't watch an episode of Survivor each day. So ,yeah. I was kinda hoping we could telecommunicate like Illusion of Gaia HAHA in Dragon Warrior they talk about ESP and call it "Ghost-Speak" lololol. Anyway that's where my head's at hope to talk to ya soon

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2024, 03:12:30 am »
Holy shit! I just came back to Chrono Trigger after a few days and boy, does it bring back memories. It really is a trip playing this (CT) and going to a modern day game and comparing the graphics and everything to how we grew up and the games we had. It’s a trip, man!

I’m trippin’ out over Lucca’s helmet I keep on catching it and it makes her face look funny out of the corner of my eye I always thought it was like the visor thingy they use in Dragonball Z to tell power level.

I actually had left off just gotten whirlwinded up out of Denadoro Mountains so I had to go see Frog (I have actually always hated those stupid Cursed Woods and the flock of enemies that’s there. I always hated fighting them so I’d run and zig-zag through. What’s up with the Nu that’s there that you can chase and talk to?) again, go to see Melchior, and& now I’m finally at Mystic Mountain looking for the red rock. Ayla and this era has always been my favorite maybe why I love Survivor? People in rags, the simple way each communicate and I always thought it was interesting Ayla has no magic and magic was discovered or invented.

Edit(1): Oh my God, Boo I surely didn't want to quadruple post!

Harvest Moon is an evil little game. I just realized if you don't do any housework of course you're gonna be able to build a farm and your Field of Dreams. I just thought it was funny for a lifesim you don't have to do any housecleaning and the main farmerboy just plops into bed and wakes up in his overalls! So I woke up from my little binger,--It was so well-needed. I think I was just stressed out from doing my console RPG otaku thing and locking myself up in my room, you really do get stressed and all sorts of thought flood into your head but a little alky kindaof got rid of it! No more bad thoughts! #noworries I was looking up stuff on the Prisoner's Lifestyle and I came across "goshiwon"; it's like in Korea how they have super small, teeny-tiny apartments where students live for super cheap like $300/a month American. It kinda emulates the prisoner's life that I'm looking for when I'm doing my projects.

I remember I was in that Gaijinworks discord and they said they didn't want a "play by play" of my life. But I just wanted to thank you all for giving me a space to express my thoughts, I think it's better than writing in a private journal and keeping it to myself. It's like my Pandora's box is open!!! =P

I went back to my OCD Methhead overlycleaning bit and did my room and the whole house and even the front patio where I smoke, took care of the dogs's needs cleaned their bowls et cetra. It feels so good having a clean house "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" and I'm a- celebrate by having a few beers and playing games!!! I made veggie tikka masala and I've been eating that with rice it's one of the few cheap collegedays foods I remember helping me get by. Let me tell you-the housework-and being a single guy... I never realized. And after that I HAVE to do self-care, which you brought up, I have like clogged pores ever since highschool called sebum I dunno if everybody has it I think? So I do that and my basic routine is just washing-cleansing my face with Witch's Hazel which you can get from Walgreens. If I have time I have a whole routine with micellar water and toner, etc. But I think my face doesn't need all that. Oh, man!! I just wanted to tell you all that Boo---Like I look forward to getting projects done and coming on here to tell you all. :)

Hope everything's going good with you.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2024, 03:53:14 am by Chris Cruz »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2024, 12:44:57 pm »
Hey hey hey! Happy Monday!

EVERYBODY (aka the house staff/neighbors/friends/delivery people) have been telling me, "Kuya (brother) John, you've been losing a lot of weight..." so I've been getting excited. I haven't really been doing anything out of the ordinary just staying up more now that my depression doesn't have me lying in bed for 3 days at a time..

Glad you're keeping healthy, buddy. Mind, soul, and body all in equal parts. Keep losing that weight and getting fit, homeboy. Make that body last a long time, as it's the only one we get!

Oh, the dog. She only had one tuta (puppy) but unfortunately it didn't make it

Damn, dude, sorry to hear that. Animals become part of our family, and there's nothing wrong with getting attached. Dogs, in particular, love humans - and they usually love us unconditionally - so it's only natural we do the same. Sure, they're just animals... but they're also capable of feelings, even if they are simpler than what we humans experience. I dunno, every dog or cat I've ever had has been part of the family. We had one cat, in particular, named Willa and I still think about her and miss her to this day, and it's been probably 6 or 7 years since she passed.

I remember I was in that Gaijinworks discord and they said they didn't want a "play by play" of my life. But I just wanted to thank you all for giving me a space to express my thoughts, I think it's better than writing in a private journal and keeping it to myself. It's like my Pandora's box is open!!! =P

Not gonna lie, it sort of sounds like Gaijinworks fan's are assholes. It seems to attract a lot of bitter types, from the sound of things.

As for Chrono Trigger...

I actually had left off just gotten whirlwinded up out of Denadoro Mountains so I had to go see Frog (I have actually always hated those stupid Cursed Woods and the flock of enemies that’s there. I always hated fighting them so I’d run and zig-zag through.

ME TOO. And it's really hard to avoid the enemies in that little section.

What’s up with the Nu that’s there that you can chase and talk to?

I don't think there's a purpose... unlike the Nu in the Hunting Grounds. Actually, you can use him to farm TP and learn techs. I went back and did that so that everyone knows up to their level 2 elemental tech (Lightning 2, Water 2, Fire 2). I haven't beat Magus' Castle yet, but I'm going to go with Crono, Frog, and Robo.

I've always liked Robo because his Laser Spin is decent magic that hits all enemies, he has healing spells, and his physical attacks are pretty solid. He's a very well-rounded character outside of double/trip techs.

Who are your favorite party members in the game?

When not in Magus' Castle (where Frog is mandatory) I'm usually Crono, Magus, and Robo. Sometimes I swap Robo out with Ayla. I love Magus, although I do miss having as many double and triple tech options when he's in the party. When Crono dies, I usually make him leader of the party (and in the first position), and then once Crono comes back I drop him into the third position.

Keep up the projects and keep taking care of yourself!!!

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2024, 05:10:10 am »
Hello, Boo.

Well, when my first German-Shepherd died and I told my friends I got such a frosty reception w/responses like “It’s not like you lost your father!” and similar replies how it’s not the same thing as losing a loved one that’s a human being. It didn’t really sit well w/me and I broke off those relationships. The Gaijinworks fans loved to tell me that I would never be a natural born English speaker so maybe I just ‘didn’t get it’—it was one of those Facebook-ish moments when people try to say “Condolence” and I never understood it. It was genuinely the first time I felt sad in my life, followed by being fired from my first job which happened back-to-back and I do sometimes feel Conan’s presence and sometimes I call my German-Shepherd now by his name cause they both look the same.

Uhhhh… I still genuinely love Working Designs and live in those Golden Years where it was king, but a lot of love is lost whenever I go online and meet fans. I don’t have any other way of expressing it but the fans were very all-American, golden boy “white boys”—they talked about front yard work, ‘Merikka & white pick-ups trucks. You go into their Discord, which they know isn’t public, and they no. 1 make fun of Asians soo much. They would on a daily basis say “Asians are small” and I would just be kinda there and they had this attitude that all minorities have to be oppressed. I also had a stalking scare where one of them called the police station all the way out here in The Philippines and I have boundaries and just blocked all of them. Maybe it’s because I know their secret and they’re projecting onto me their heinous insecurities. shrug

Ok, so Chrono Trigger I made it out of the Forest Maze. Right now, I like Crono, Ayla, Robo. I started to not like Marle and by association Lucca I’ve been using them for awhile Marle for her healing but their attack is so weak and Robo has futuristic healing anyways. Funny story, I actually hated Magus as a kid and during that moment where Frog fights Magus I actually chose to kill Magus lol. Whenever I tell this the fans is like nooo John please don’t -just let him join you. Haha

I’ll- I have an idea of where my project is going basc. I’m in that SNES, PS1 RPG era and I was thinking about downloading Grandia III on PS3. I have Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth of PS4 which I have to finish and I can keep that trend going.

For PS3 I’m juggling-
Beyond: Two Souls

Little Dragons Café
Yakuza 0 picking up trophies

Basically I’m continuing the SNES+PS1 RPG train while playing other games here and there. I’ll try to get another post up

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #42 on: February 09, 2024, 10:28:44 am »
Hey, Boo!

I just beat Nizbel, so I’m like a step behind you right now I think. I had to switch in Marle for Aura Whirl as I didn’t grind tech points with the Nu at the Hunting Range so Robo didn’t have his all-curing ability but it’s fine. I’m starting to get kinda bored with using Marle and Lucca LOL. Marle is useful for Aura Whirl but I think Robo has a better single tech? It really takes me back to that placid childhood dreamy-like state I was in I haven’t played CT in a minute the graphics is still pretty @_@Whoa to me and I think it’s hilarious whenever you dance and Crono just chooses to spin around LOL. The slowness of the battles isn’t getting to me it’s almost kinda nice and relaxing in Wait mode I’m just worried for when you have to come back and fight that huge dinosaur or the Ocean Palace cause there’s a gangwad of enemies IIRC. ^_^;V lol

So I’ve decided to say bye to my PS3 for now since the console itself is like 18 years old. Yeah I could get back old trophies from a previous PSN or play the exclusives like Nier, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Folklore but I decided to just focus on PS4 gaming. ….. I was also thinking about my Switch which I haven’t been using but this frees up some space so to speak for other games. I’m solely gonna do Chrono Trigger on PS3 for our Let’s Play! :)

I’ve been kinda getting into Dragon Quest Builders - it’s my first try at building games or whateverz they’re called. I was hesitant to try Minecraft and Stardew Valley cause they seem like the mecca or their realm or genre but I might at some point. I picked up Life Is Strange, forgot about Sleeping Dogs, Horizon & MGSV is coming in soon too. I used to be pretty good at the Metal Gear Solid games way back when on PS2 and I kinda wanna see where the franchise ended up. I saw there’s a horrible survival game! - LOL

Moonlighter is kinda cool I’ve been learning about pixelart or cozy games - I dunno, as long as the game’s fun I’ll try it I’ve been keeping my eye on Coffee Talk and Potion Permit doe

So everything’s good in the hood. The last few nights I’ve been kinda zonked out on my bed but today I got like a spurt of energy and started burning everything! - lol I’m just kidding but I’ve been trying to get in these moods where I try to figure out how I’m really feeling, is my mental health cool? It’s kinda boring since I’m not doing anything but I notice the next day I feel really good my Dad is always like “Observe yourself.” LOL. I don’t really do that since I’m always busy all the time but in Survivor, yoga is a huge thing with the people since there’s no weights on the island and you kinda use your body weight and I sometimes get melancholy and drift off into maybe nostalgic reminiscing while I have a smoke, re-hydrate with tons of ice water, do calisthenics sit-ups and push-ups and I’ve been doing just regular stretches and even Downward-Facing Dog. - I rem. I took swimming & yoga in college and lost tons of weight.

I know you run and I’m getting in the mood to go back to it but my left knee is a little wonky cause I was like 350 lbs. before running on it. I do walking after every meal so I’m not being a lazy and the heat here really helps with targeting fat loss. I talk up my dogs and we kinda run around and play they love barking at the gate even though there’s no mailman. The heat is super magical it you can really literally feel it on your skin it kinda makes you feel like a human walking on this earth. I’ve come a long way with the weightloss and I’m concentrating on the vanity weight like the extra pudge we carry just to make my life more comfortable.

So yeah everything’s going great. I’ve stuck to my medication and I’m not sleepy at all (it’s for sleep!) so I might burn the midnight coil tonight just ruminating on lifes. …… I’ll see you when I see you!!! =p

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2024, 04:44:26 pm »
Uhhhh… I still genuinely love Working Designs and live in those Golden Years where it was king, but a lot of love is lost whenever I go online and meet fans.

I hate to cast judgment, but it sounds like those guys are losers. They're all probably our age (or older) and have shitty lives, so they project their insecurities on others and act out in what sounds like it flat-out racism. Fuck them. I have no room for people like that in my life, so you're better off not even hanging out on those forums or on their Discord.

I'm sort of at this point recently where I'm just fed-up with bullshit. A lot of people suck and if they do, I just don't have the energy of patience for them. I'll stick with the people are decent folk, and by my definition, are cool as fuck.

So I’ve decided to say bye to my PS3 for now since the console itself is like 18 years old.

RIP, sweet prince. I put mine in storage quite some time ago. I remember when it came out and MGS4 was one of the earlier titles (or may have even been one of the launch titles). My how things have changed!
Basically I’m continuing the SNES+PS1 RPG train while playing other games here and there.
I really haven't played any video games since last week. I've been slammed with work responsibilities. I am really starting to think that this Chrono Trigger playthrough may be my last gaming experience for a while. I'm not going to consciously just give up video games as a rule; and when my life slows down, I may pick them back up, but for this phase of my life, it's just not a priority. Maybe in ten years or something I'll have a bit more time...

...I say that, but with FF7Rebirth around the corner, I'm salivating at the thought of that game's release. Between that and Dragon's Dogma II, the very idea of giving gaming up is not one I cherish, haha...I dunno. Just don't be mad at me if I'm really slow getting through Chrono Trigger. My priorities are all over the place sometimes and today is one of those days I'm spent.

Moonlighter is kinda cool I’ve been learning about pixelart or cozy games - I dunno, as long as the game’s fun I’ll try it I’ve been keeping my eye on Coffee Talk and Potion Permit doe

I've bought this game and haven't played it yet. I have a soft part for pixel art. Kingdom / Kingdom Two Crowns are two of my favorites. The gameplay, the graphics, and the soundtracks are AMAZING. Check them out. They're super frustrating at times, but I love the heck out of them.

Anyway, today is the Super Bowl. I'm going to get shitfaced and stuff myself full of horrible food. Go, Chiefs!
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 04:47:05 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #44 on: February 13, 2024, 10:29:34 am »
Gaijinworks “bros”: I’d rather not be that person but you said pretty much what I was thinking, about them. I think they HAIL Working Designs for this length of time and were really hoping something was gonna come out of Victor Ireland’s new company, and I think they were butthurt that lo and behold he disappeared again. They kinda seem like live in the basement with a crazy uncle & a buncha cats types. shudder Tbh, I think me and them were worlds apart in terms of upbringing and state of life now—you know ,I’m kinda happy-go-lucky not a care in the world type and I find RPGs enrich and add something to my lifes and they seem super collecting serious and their life is about re-selling these super old games. I-It was weird! I’d honestly rather not talk about that “thing” in the basement…

Well I’ve gone back and forth on the PS3 I still fire it up to beat some old titles. Lols In order to save money I’m gonna refrain from buying a PS5, and stick to in and around PS4. I dunno if I’ve mentioned it but I don’t do pay-to-play at all and I don’t go on Steam: 1) bec I am not a PC person at all, 2) I like the sticks in my hands, and I’d rather not dl games onto my computer. I try to get physical if I can (I do sometimes think about re-sell value in the future, not gonna lie if I wanna just sell some games shrug) Philippines is super poor LOL and if I can help small video game businesses to boost the economy or get things going why not.

Boo, it’s alright I know I talk abt. my “console RPG otaku”-locking myself in my room gaming 24/7 thing but honestly right now I’M TAKING A BREAK FROM IT ALL. I haven’t picked up CT in a few days because I’ve been working on my self-care my medication has me feeling super AMAZIN’ and after waking up I take a walk and get exercise in and most of the time awake I spend watching streaming Survivor. I bought a few games recently triple AAA titles is a thing? like Horizon Zero Dawn I see it all everywhere and I got MGSV: Definitive Experience my friends know I’m an RPG whore but when I take breaks I practice on Metal Gear Solid it’s that quirky Kojima humor that I don’t make fun of and doesn’t bother me. He’s like doing his own thing now away from Konami with his new Kojima Studios and Death Stranding right? One of my former friends bonded we met in a mall parking lot one time and he let me borrow MGS4 and his PS3 like a drug deal? I still don’t know why he did that?

Yeah I wanna play Rebirth too but alas it’s on PS5 and I wanna kinda platinum the first FFVII Remake. I’m swamped w/new games and it kinda overwhelmed me so I took a step back mostly now when I wake up I pop in Harvest Moon just to kinda f around Little Dragons Café is hilarious and reminds me of working at Chipotle+WingStop and for some reason I’m playing Life is Strange and I’m finding it just eh It’s half in between an RPG with no monster encounters but not really quit a Visual novel shrug

Tbh, I know this’s contradictory but I just wanna concentrate on PS3 like my Catherine trophies, ICO+SotC, I really enjoyed the Deadrising with Chuck not the fat guy, and I have a couple VNs I wanna delve into and see if I even really like VN. It takes like an hour of hitting action and reading to complete like one chapter and I’m like eh Nothing on PS4 has really grabbed me besides Dragon Quest 11, FFVIIR & Harvest Moon shrug we’ll see