Ok, so AcaciaSgt pointed this out to me on the Discord, and I have to say, I am highly amused, but I also have some serious questions.
Mia is a character from Dragon Quest XI, with strong personal connections to one of the player characters. I could go on about how she is coincidentally some sort of tragic sister character yada yada yada its not important and nobody needs the spoilers.
What does matter is her
very curious appearance.

Everyone has questions about Chrono Cross, its ending, and its definition of "Daughter-Clone", and it looks a bit as if even Akira Toriyama is asking questions

It's not just the hair color, but the fact that she even has the face of one combined with the hairstyle/outfit of the other.
Coincidence or not, I laughed for a good half-an-hour today due to this. Thanks AcaciaSgt