Author Topic: Why would Serge and Kid get married?  (Read 24993 times)

Daniel Krispin

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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #75 on: August 17, 2005, 03:39:41 pm »
Quote from: Shadow_Dragon
Seeing into the future isn't such a big thing, just as seing tons of gray clouds in the sky and guessing that a storm's coming isn't such a big deal; everything we do forces others to act in certain ways in a giant chain-reaction...

That's what one calls wisdom, and keen wisdom is in fact a rare thing. It requires a knowledge of the ways of things, to predict the future based upon the past. Of course, there are limits, but if one knows human nature, and history, I think a remarkable amount of the future can be predicted.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #76 on: August 20, 2005, 04:53:26 pm »
Quote from: CatchRBFivy
Seeing into the future isn't such a big thing, just as seing tons of gray clouds in the sky and guessing that a storm's coming isn't such a big deal; everything we do forces others to act in certain ways in a giant chain-reaction...

Wait a minute.  Our brains would have to be fused with every other brain on the entire planet and have teh calculating abilities of NASA's most expensive computers to be able to successfully realize the consequences of each split in a chain to follow the right path and correctly fortell teh future?  Get it?  Each choice makes a split in the chain (kinda like the dimension split) and each choice leads to more choices, then you add in EVERYONE ELSE'S choices and you get this whole mess or links and chains and crap.  All in all, wrong theory about human knowledge.

See, in what I was explaining, there aren't any choices. There's always one path through that whole mess or links and chains and crap. For example, what I'm typing now influences what you'll type in response, if at all; you have no 'choice' in the matter technically, for your past experiences and environment force your decisions. I guess you weren't really saying otherwise, but I'm just trying to say that it wouldn't require making a whole branching tree of events (that's how I think of it, though I think there's a better phrase for it), and would just require making one path...

V_Translanka: I said that 'abstract ideal' thing because, as far as I'm concerned, whether Kid was Schala reborn or her clone really doesn't impact me that much; Kid and Schala SHOULD combine or however you'd like to phrase it, because Kid is the 'good' side and Schala is the 'bad', and both are incomplete without each other, so Kid DOES 'use' the 'good' side and, because of it, appears to be 'bad' to us (with things like revenge) since she has no opposite to balance it out. The reason why I think, despite what the game says, or what is agreed on here, Schala and Kid SHOULD reunite is irrelevant, but I thought I'd explain it; anyway, I'll move on. I'm really too lazy to try to understand any lessons or morals or anything from whether Schala and Kid actually do reunite despite their need to, so whether it's decided on that they do or don't has no real impact on in guiding my thinking... However, I do believe those 'abstract ideals' that I stated, and, to me, the Schala/Kid reunificiation is just what happens in a video game; basically, if someone shot down what I said at first I'd be fine with, for it's just a video game and the actual scenario is all in fantasy, but I was expecting people to shoot down the 'abstract ideals' because I actually believed in them, as opposed to my nonexistant belief that Schala and Kid are real and reunited in real life. Ugh.. I talk too much... Basically, no one expected what I said at first to be concrete, but some poeple ignorantly believe only 'concrete' things and then shrug off anything they don't want to believe by calling it abstract, and I guess what I said was just a warning.. kind of.

Daniel: Wow, until I read your reply, I never thought there was any sense behind predicting the future based upon the past, and I thought it was just people who liked to believe that history repeated itself... I never even thought that what I believed was basically using the past to predict the future.. however, I think of it in more of a personal history way, not human history way because I feel like if one (it seems weird for me to use 'one', and I normally try to avoid using 'one' or 'you' at all, but I can't find a way around it now, so don't think that I'm mocking or anything) knows human nature, there's no need to know history; human nature predicts what happens in history, as far as I'm concerned

Ugh, I really have to go read Lord of the Flies.. <_<


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #77 on: August 20, 2005, 06:14:46 pm »
Quote from: Shadow_Dragon
Kid is the 'good' side and Schala is the 'bad'

Based on what did you decide this? Everything else you said, I half-understood, mainly stemming from the fact that I don't understand this at all.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #78 on: August 20, 2005, 06:49:45 pm »
If anything, it should be the other way around. Ignoring the fact that they're both complete individuals with both, and have no business merging together whatsoever.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #79 on: August 20, 2005, 08:38:22 pm »
Saying that undermines game evidance.

The game has stated that Schala sent her good side, her compassion, her conciousness into Kid, but Kid is a baby. So basically all of Schala's compassion has been wasted because it has never been unlocked, and Kid simply focused on her own revenge etc.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #80 on: August 20, 2005, 08:48:45 pm »
I reread that part of the script, and it says that Schala cloned herself before her mind was completely taken over by hatred... I have to rethink my position now... <_<


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #81 on: August 20, 2005, 08:51:31 pm »
I reread that part of the script, and it says that Schala cloned herself before her mind was completely taken over by hatred... I have to rethink my position now... <_<

EDIT: Zaperking, I'd like to argue that her 'compassion' or 'good' side wasn't wasted, and that it was her 'good intentions' that caused Kid to want revenge


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #82 on: August 21, 2005, 01:22:08 am »
No, it said she made Kid with the last acts of her compassion. Totally different. Kid was supposed to work towards Schala's freedom, not to preserve her goodness.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #83 on: August 21, 2005, 03:03:10 am »
  Before the destructive mind-
   set could become dominant,
   she cloned herself and sent
   her copy into this dimension.

Technically, without Belthasar, Kid really wasn't supposed to have any role in rescuing Schala, or at least the script doesn't mention it

And, by the way, I thought, before, that the script had said that Schala sent her good side away as Kid, but finding what I did has made me doubt my position on the subject, and I'm not so sure if schala and kid really should've combined now


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #84 on: August 21, 2005, 08:03:08 am »
Forget all those quotes and please just explain why the diary starts with Kid's story then ends with Schala's thoughts and is signed Schala 'Kid' Zeal.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #85 on: August 21, 2005, 12:50:41 pm »
I always felt that, since they're genetic clones, Schala and Kid have the same "root personality" at childhood, but here's the thing. Schala had to be a hoity toity princess and constantly subject to her mother's whims, while Kid could do whatever she wanted. She was a free spirit. Kid is merely what Schala would be if she were able to express herself freely. Y'know, except the theiving and holding hostages and stuff >_>

Now, at the end of the game, Schala is freed, timeline merged, etc. Now, since the DBT is a seperate dimension, altering it effects the past, present, and future of that event. By removing Schala from the DBT, everything that happened because of her influence never happened. For example, Wazuki's trip to Marbule was safe and sound, and thusly, Serge never had to become Arbiter. It's not that the timelines literally merged, but that they never split in the first place. However, this also means that Kid was never born. Bummer.

Now check this shit out! Schala is still Schala, but now she's a free spirit, and doesn't have to subject to anyone. She can be herself, which is alot like Kid, but she still retains all her wisdom and compassion's Schala, y'know? So anyway, she then adopts Kid's name as a nickname as homage or thanks or something.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #86 on: August 21, 2005, 05:06:16 pm »
And she also decides to dress exactly like her? :?


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #87 on: August 21, 2005, 07:45:30 pm »
I don't think Schala's personality would change into Kid's or anything. Schala was raised this way, she is already like 17. She probably likes being polite, because in the japanese version, she is polite to everyone lower than her for no reason, whilst Zeal and Dalton make them all sound cute and pathetic.

Also, after the merging of the dimensions, the game makes it seem that FATE wont exist anymore, the Dragon God's are Dead and pretty much they have the whole back history (FATE being in 7600BC, Dragon God's once existing) but once Serge wakes up, it's all gone...

And yeah, Either way, the ending scene proves one thing.
We know that Kid doesn't like dresses. Yet in the ending scene, the scene imply's that this is Kid. She's standing at the same beach. She has the same hair (Schala didn't have a pony tail when she came out of the DBT) but she's wearing Schala's dress. This almost imply's that Schala has simply adapted Kid's personality, when they merged. Like they were never different people, but that compassionate side got to experiance revenge and anger for itself, and now that part goes back to Schala. Like 2 entity's in one, even though Kid and Schala have the same soul, this is very likely.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #88 on: August 21, 2005, 11:11:10 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Ok, call me an idiot (don't really), but I don't understand what would make anyone think they got married...


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #89 on: August 22, 2005, 12:44:16 am »
Quote from: Hadriel
Quote from: V_Translanka
Ok, call me an idiot (don't really), but I don't understand what would make anyone think they got married...

That is the best reasoning this site has seen, I smell an article.