Author Topic: Why would Serge and Kid get married?  (Read 24941 times)


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #90 on: August 22, 2005, 05:41:52 am »
What? Her C (stretching?) cups? Bah...

Oh, and about earlier stuffs, when I said...

Quote from: That Guy Who's Better Than You
And she also decides to dress exactly like her?

What I was referring to was, also in the ending FMV, we see Kid (clearly Kid in her whole getup and everything) on a boat (Korcha-style) in the middle of w/e body of water...


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #91 on: August 22, 2005, 10:06:38 am »
And she also decides to dress exactly like her?

No. It's Schala dressing as....Schala >_>;

I don't think Schala's personality would change into Kid's or anything. Schala was raised this way, she is already like 17. She probably likes being polite, because in the japanese version, she is polite to everyone lower than her for no reason, whilst Zeal and Dalton make them all sound cute and pathetic.

Schala can still be polite as well as being free to do as she wants. I somehow got the feeling that Schala (if she did become like this) doesn't use Kid's language outside the privacy of her own home. Or atleast tries not to.

Also, after the merging of the dimensions, the game makes it seem that FATE wont exist anymore, the Dragon God's are Dead and pretty much they have the whole back history (FATE being in 7600BC, Dragon God's once existing) but once Serge wakes up, it's all gone...

That's incredibly stupid. >_> Why would they just poof? That must make monumentally huge borkings in the timeline. Not to mention that FATE's nonexistence in El Nido would mean that the islanders can bork up time some more by changing history, now that they're not bound to El Nido. You might as well say the Time Crash never happened, but Schala was compassionate enough to build El Nido herself and poof the people there with false memories. (which WOULD explain why she has to erase Serge's)

She has the same hair (Schala didn't have a pony tail when she came out of the DBT)

So Schala can't change her hairstyle now? Jackass XP

We know that Kid doesn't like dresses.

Good thing it's Schala. Phew.

Yet in the ending scene, the scene imply's that this is Kid.

How? The pendant, or what?

This almost imply's that Schala has simply adapted Kid's personality, when they merged.


Like they were never different people, but that compassionate side got to experiance revenge and anger for itself, and now that part goes back to Schala.

Even worse!

Like 2 entity's in one, even though Kid and Schala have the same soul, this is very likely.

Kid and Schala do not share a damn soul! They are not fated to merge, nor can they even logically do it since they're both complete individuals! This is not freaking Yugioh! (although it would be funny tro have Schala be in Chrono Break, and have her switch off with Kid every now and then. I'm suddenly thinking of that Paranoia Agent episode)


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #92 on: August 22, 2005, 10:20:46 am »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Quote from: SomeoneMoreAwesomeThanAuraTwilight
And she also decides to dress exactly like her?

No. It's Schala dressing as....Schala >_>;

Like someone just said...

Quote from: SomeoneEquallyAwesome
What...(that awesome guy)...was referring to was, also in the ending FMV, we see Kid (clearly Kid in her whole getup and everything) on a boat (Korcha-style) in the middle of w/e body of water...


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #93 on: August 22, 2005, 11:06:53 am »
Quote from: Chrono'99
Forget all those quotes and please just explain why the diary starts with Kid's story then ends with Schala's thoughts and is signed Schala 'Kid' Zeal.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #94 on: August 22, 2005, 11:10:55 am »'s telling both of their stories! Yeah...that sorta makes sense...booya...!...?...w/e...


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #95 on: August 22, 2005, 04:14:01 pm »
But wait, if Kid and Schala merge and they alternate which personality's in control, then do they both lose their virginity or just one?  (Note that I'm assuming that Kid isn't the type to mount everything in sight.)


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #96 on: August 22, 2005, 06:28:25 pm »
Kid took over Schala's compassionate side. So if they remerge, It's be more like Schala simply sometimes haveing outburts in Kid's way, and other times Schala would act herself. It's Schala's body after all Oo.

@ AuraTwilight

If FATE and the Dragon God's were to exist, the game would be a continuouse loop hole...


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #97 on: August 22, 2005, 11:17:08 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking
Kid took over Schala's compassionate side. So if they remerge, It's be more like Schala simply sometimes haveing outburts in Kid's way, and other times Schala would act herself. It's Schala's body after all Oo.

@ Jack-A-Roonie.

If FATE and the Dragon God's were to exist, the game would be a continuouse loop hole...

  • From the perspective of the time-line, once Serge defeats the Time Devourer, it is as if it never existed.
  • When Belthasar warps from Zeal to the new timeline, he does not discover that Schala had been absorbed by the TD, and he does not start Project Kid.
  • In 2400 AD, FATE and Chronopolis were never built, the Frozen Flame lays dead on the bottom of the ocean, and the counter-time experiment does not take place.
  • Lavos does not create a temporal distortion connecting Chronopolis to 10,000 years in the past, and the planet does not do the same for Dinopolis from the Reptite dimension.
  • In 7600 BC, Chronopolis and Dinopolis do not fight and the Dragon God is not split into six parts by FATE or absorbed by the Time Devourer.
  • Because the temporal distortion surrounding Chronopolis acts like a GATE, the Chronopolis residents appear in the Sea of Eden due to TTI and terraform and colonize El Nido as if FATE and Chronopolis still existed.  The same goes for Dinopolis.  In 2400 AD, the people who would have worked at Chronopolis mysteriously dissappear due to Time Bastard.
  • The Records of FATE never work, except perhaps according to preprogrammed instructions.  Elements may or may not be developed.
  • Serge is born in 1003 AD.
  • Schala does not create Kid, but she may appear in 1004 AD due to TTI.
  • Whatever happened to Guardia in 1005 AD hopefully doesn't occur.
  • In 1006 AD, Schala does not create a magnetic storm, and Serge does not go to Chronopolis.  Wazuki does not become Lynx and Miguel is not imprisoned in the Dead Sea.
  • In 1010 AD, Wazuki does not attack Serge and he does not drown.  The dimensional split does not occur.
  • In 1015 AD, Lynx does not attack Lucca's Orphanage (if it exists) or abduct Lucca.
  • In 1020 AD, the new version of Serge disappears due to Time Bastard.  The original version of Serge (protected by TTI from warping to the DBT) is sent to Opassa Beach by Schala.  Serge's dimension crossing adventure does not occur.  What happens to Schala and/or Kid is anyone's guess.[/list:u]


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #98 on: August 23, 2005, 03:39:25 am »
Or can it possible that if something was destroyed in both dimensions, they don't have a chance of coming back. FATE was destroyed in both dimensions (Dead Sea), The Dragon God's were already devoured and they crossed dimensions and got killed.

Because the Time Split occured like in 1010, then shouldn't the past be un affected, but when the dimensions unite, anything that is missing wont exist? And the future of that reunited dimension won't have Chronopolis, FATE, the Flame anymore or anything. So Belthasar pretty much goes to a world with the central regime.

But I don't think the 1005AD war was unavoidable Oo


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #99 on: August 23, 2005, 10:51:36 am »
Wow. You're all making this needlessly complicated. The way I've always thought about it, the Time split never happened, and since Serge never becomes the Arbiter (Schala's influence, like Kid, the magnetic storm etc. don't exist now) FATE never has to corrupt Wazuki, the Dragons never have to be killed, and FATE can continue controlling everyone's lives juuust enough to keep us from borking up time. Everyone's happy. Wee.

As for the Dragons, I just thought of something. The general consensus is that thee Dragon God was assimilated by the Time Devourer when it was broken up by the Frozen Flame and the Six Dragons are temporal projections. Well, if the Time Devourer is destroyed, and as some people put it, "denied existence" or something so it never did exist in some kookie....whatever, what happens to the Dragon Gods at that point in time? Do the Dragons become corrupted still and sealed way, and if they join together it's not the Time Devourer, or do they simply get devoured by the void? O_o


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #100 on: August 23, 2005, 06:52:23 pm »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Wow. You're all making this needlessly complicated. The way I've always thought about it, the Time split never happened, and since Serge never becomes the Arbiter (Schala's influence, like Kid, the magnetic storm etc. don't exist now) FATE never has to corrupt Wazuki, the Dragons never have to be killed, and FATE can continue controlling everyone's lives juuust enough to keep us from borking up time. Everyone's happy. Wee.

But if you look at it that way, wouldn't Serge be dead? I agree w/GrayLensman...


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #101 on: August 23, 2005, 06:55:13 pm »
No, because without Schala's interferance, he makes it to Marbule and gets cured >_>


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #102 on: August 23, 2005, 10:18:04 pm »
I think that Schala caused the interference because she knew that they would NOT make it to Marbule in time so yeah, Serge probably would die.


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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #103 on: August 24, 2005, 03:04:37 am »
Exactally, and besides the point that the peolpe on Marbalue are like dead or those ghostly things anyway >.>

Basically, in 1020 everything get's merged again. It split in 1010, and get's merged in 1020. Anything that happened before 1010 is the true past history. Anything that happened between 1010-1020 I'm not sure about. Since once the dimensions reunited, and alot of things were missing like FATE was dead, Lynx, The Dragon God's etc., they would not exist in the reunited time line. But the history that FATE existed should be there, just that in the future, it's un determined if they ever attempt another Chronopolis, since it won't work anyway because they don't have the flame.

Also, I think the Chrono Cross would exist in the reunited time line, since there's no more Tear of Love or Hate, they did merge into one, and since one dimension doesn't have the CC and one does, that should mean that the CC get's put into the reunited world.

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Why would Serge and Kid get married?
« Reply #104 on: August 24, 2005, 03:47:41 am »
The people of Marbule aren't dead or ghostly for two reasons:

A.Those are dream spirits which are the Black Dragon's "nightmares" and have nothing to do with the Marbuleans, hence the fact they're only in Home World.

B. In Home World they're just slaves.

And Serge may or may not have been saved. It all depends on if the Sage would agree to have Serge healed. I say yes, the sight of a dying baby in the hands of his heart-broken father would touch the Sage, and he would have Serge healed and then kick them out of Marbule. Schala meddled because SHE wanted to heal Serge, not lead him anywhere. She didn't know who Serge was or why was he sick at that point. She just heard a crying baby, and wanted to save him.

As for Aura's Dragons' question... No, because they just woulden't be sent to the Tesseract. They woulden't be split. The DG would remain in his Dimension, watching how the Lizards lay eggs for the rest of eternity.