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Messages - Bohepans

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Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: January 01, 2010, 06:30:49 pm »
Well let me say this. Princess Nadia is a sweet girl; bit of a loud mouth, arguably, but a sweet girl. I just don't think I could keep up with her energy. That's really the only thing, for me. She deserves someone who could keep up with her. And not give her the silent treatment 24/7. (I'm looking at you, Crono! There's a cure for Mute - it's called an Echo Herb! Or Echo Screen, depending on where you hail from.)

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: December 11, 2009, 05:53:59 pm »
Trust me, I was reading one. SO bad. So god awful, eye bleeding bad. Around 12 chapters long, I was 6 chapters in wondering what was happening(already a sign of bad)and when it hit me...
Well, it's a bit inappropriate(not to mention I'd rather not remember too much). Even for words and what's allowed. All I'll say is that it involved a Nu, Queen Zeal, and Melchior.
The idea alone scars me for life. X_X
I can't say I've read any particularly bad ones involving Chrono Trigger/Cross characters. And mentioning others, however briefly, would likely be considered too far off topic, so I'll keep my mouth shut... *sweatdrop*

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: December 11, 2009, 02:36:05 pm »
D.) Bohepans is all too correct...

Fanfiction. Search it. Be scarred for life.
*bows* And that is all!
(Okay okay, not all fanfiction, but some really push the boundaries...)
Someone agrees with me?  :shock: So I'm NOT the only one who thinks so! I KNEW I wasn't crazy...

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: December 08, 2009, 10:47:07 pm »

Why is it that when it comes to first things first in marriage, the bedroom is always the first thing to come up?

I can understand it in real life, but fantasizing about getting into bed with a fictional character?  :shock:

I've heard of suspension of disbelief, but this is asking too much for me to believe.
... Fanfiction. Search it. Be scarred for life.
*bows* And that is all!
(Okay okay, not all fanfiction, but some really push the boundaries...)

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: December 07, 2009, 06:19:18 pm »

A single New York Times edition featuring nothing but obituaries for all who suffered?

The headline would simply be "Queen Zeal Loses It!" followed by all who died by her wrath.

Kudos to whoever wants to Photoshop the speculative front page story and post it on here.
I second that motion. Photoshop. MS Paint. I'll take fanart, even. Somebody that's artistically or at least imaginatively inclined get on that! I'd love to see it.

Queen Zeal Loses It!
Hundreds Perish; Several Buildings Destroyed
'A real Zealian tragedy; something clearly hit the fan.' ~ Anonymous Guru"

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: December 07, 2009, 06:08:02 pm »
Or the she-bitch from Hades himself? :P
And I figured that'd more likely be Princess Nadia on her period...hohoho. *cough*

If that's Princess Nadia on her period, then I can't imagine what Queen Zeal would be while on the rag.
An entire New York Times-sized obituary. Plus they probably had to rebuild a few important buildings several times from her having a "bad day". *ahem* If I were any of those Gurus, I'd be -grateful- for banishment - sure beats a needle. Er...whatever method of execution they'd have had back in that day. Or just a good old fashioned Hallation+Bitch Slap combo. That'd work for a death sentence, I imagine.

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: December 07, 2009, 05:59:49 pm »
Or the she-bitch from Hades himself? :P
And I figured that'd more likely be Princess Nadia on her period...hohoho. *cough*

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: December 02, 2009, 08:07:00 am »

Kind of makes you wish that you could visit Schala when she's just herself and not under lots of stress.
I second that.

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: November 27, 2009, 11:28:12 pm »
"In this world, there are many the living room caught on fire is one of them. No, officer, I really do not know!"

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: November 27, 2009, 11:24:10 pm »
I just can't help but think humanFrog would be a bit too old fashioned, the kind of guy that wants to keep his woman jobless and in the kitchen. Sure he's polite, a knight, and fairly good looking, but what's the point of being with a guy if marrying him is pretty much where your life ends?
...Wow. I never would have thought of him as being that way. (I was only thinking of his interactions with Queen Leene - that is, the polite knight part.) Now I feel kinda bad. ^_^; Sorry.

Although the thought of Guile 'accidentally' using Fireball on his living room gives me a hilarious mental imagine. XD

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: November 27, 2009, 09:59:05 pm »

I wasn't implying that they weren't deserving.
Oh! Geez, I'm sorry; I wasn't meaning to imply I was thinking that you were implying such a thing. ^_^; Yeah, I'm TOTALLY not a fanboy of Lucca and Schala. *cough* >.>

The ladies should like, totally dig CT Glenn. Er, post-returning-to-human-form, at least.
Although, nevermind that he's a Mystic, I think Slash is a pretty cool guy...

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: November 26, 2009, 06:25:11 pm »
I think Schala and Lucca deserve a good chunk of the votes. A gentle soul, and the coolest nerd ever. How are they -not- deserving? Yeah~

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: November 01, 2009, 09:10:37 pm »
Phew! So I'm not totally crazy to be thinking "When did he have -any- green whatosever in his hair...?". Thank God someone relieved me of worries of insanity. Thank you!

(And I always pronounced it May-gus, myself. Always made me think of the Gargoyles series, except I think that guy was Meh-gus, but still, I figured they'd have to be pronounced at least similarly. Perhaps the British accent notwithstanding, they -are- pronounced the same...hmm, who knows.)

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: September 19, 2009, 06:48:15 pm »
...Awesome!  :D *shot* What? <.<;;

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: September 18, 2009, 10:47:20 pm »
... There is actually one pairing among all those that I can live with/secretly support. I won't name names, though.

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