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Messages - ONSLAUGHT

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Fan Art / Re: New webcomic
« on: November 15, 2009, 09:16:32 pm »
Wow.\I didn't think of that for Slurp Cut. Now I'm gonna think twice before I use that move. Or slurp for that matter.

I think it has to do with each of their jobs and functions. Robo was to study and examine the humans as he states when you first awaken him so his group's color was gold.
Then in the factory they seem to act as security droids so they appear to be blue.
Then Atropos was pink because she was a head at the facility of the Geno Dome.

As for Robo being a higher rank, that seems very likely since unlike the others, he also has a name like Atropos, Prometheus. the Mother Brain(their leader of course)seemed to only try and make herself have a personal connection with Atropos(since she states she had "mother" give her an examination or update or whatever, like it was personal rather than just a factory line assembly). And since Robo is referred to often as the same field as Atropos one can assume that Robo has the same deal occuring so I suppose that theory can also work that they're colored based on rank although that also plays in part with my theory of their jobs/functions.

Time and age could be a possibility, but I think based on all of the other droids that exist, plus the fact they're highly intelligent robots they only would need the serial numbers to determine the time they were developed. Not to mention all of the other models, having similar functions but at lower levels and the weaker the robot, the weaker their functions and the less they can do so I think this idea to be the least.

It'd be very easy to tell what the case with this is if they had at least one other class from the R-Series, like a different color and what kind of robot they are. If we had that then this could be determined instantly.
And no, the monster arena Robo recolor I do believe would count toward this.

I liked the episode enough yeah...
But the biggest thing for me(and strangely as always) seems to be your song choices. Now I can't stop singing Awesome Town.

I have for years.

By this I mean letting people know about Chrono and recommending it.
Along with this plenty of other games as well. For years now, as in ever since the game came out, no one's really bothered to care. But now, with the DS release AND the fact it's been out long enough for the prices to hit pretty low, everyone I know seems to be taking up interest in this game, following up with realization that if this game was good my other suggestions would be good. In my own area I'm slowly becoming a Guru of Gaming!

I must say, it feels pretty awesome knowing everyone around me is starting to take a turn from saying I'm an old crotchety gamer with a bug up their butt, and only interested n nostalgia, finding barely any interest in their games of today(shooters, simulations, party games, etc.)into the god of magi-er-games...yeah...
Five fake bucks to whoever can get what that last part was a reference to.
It also happens a lot with animes I suggest.

So, here's my point of this topic, have you ever suggested something for someone, they took your advice and turned out to really like it and very appreciative of your advice?

General Discussion / Re: Crazy theory? (/theories)
« on: November 09, 2009, 06:27:05 pm »
I am Gaspar?
I caught myself in an awkward situation today...
I was wearing an overcoat, a bowler cap(bowler caps rule!), had me a cane. And I was waiting for a bus. Bus shows up and someone has to wake me. I wake up to a popping noise. I had me a disgusting snot bubble, and was leaning heavily into a lamppost only not falling over thanks to my cane.
Quite ironically also the person asked me what time it was. I know it was kinda rude but with all the signs there I either had to burst out laughing like I was insane, or do what i did and tell them as I boarded the bus "It's the end of time!"

Fan Art / Re: New webcomic
« on: November 05, 2009, 10:05:56 pm »
You actually bothered to draw the thing.
I have more respect for you now.
How much?
However much there is in that comic's length.

General Discussion / Re: Crazy theory? (/theories)
« on: November 05, 2009, 10:02:51 pm »

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: 1 Year I've Been Here
« on: November 03, 2009, 08:08:43 pm »
Congrats on the one year status!

Longer than me!
(6 days, soon to be 7)

You get a high five!!!
sorry, I have no fun picture...
There ya go.

General Discussion / Re: Loss.
« on: November 03, 2009, 08:05:28 pm »
I believe I've actually had something of a sort(I believe, chances are even if it's similar it's not the EXACT same thing)happen to me before.

Best advice I can give is don't let him know how pained you are. I haven't let my harm bringer know for years. And it took quite a long time, I mean real long, longer than anyone could want, but eventually they started to crack. Last I saw them they were shaking me demanding why I wasn't bothered, their faces extremely confused. Twisted as it may have been, I laughed.

Wish you the best of luck however you handle your situation.

General Discussion / Re: Fuck Suicide
« on: November 03, 2009, 07:57:23 pm »
I can give you the background of my friend.
Their life was fine. Good job, good friends, everyone who knew him liked him, he had plenty of things going on for him, his life was just fine.

And if you're forced into an unfair situation either you push through and fight it against the odds, or you start to play unfair yourself. It isn't weakness, not saying that. But I do say it's cowardly. Running from your issues. When it's suicide, you're all responsible for the death(hence why it's suicide). There isn't anyone to put the blame upon bu the person themselves for their own actions.
YOU have the choice in your life. Far too often people simply think they have to abide by certain ways. When they can't, this happens. And it's not a legit excuse at all that your life was hard, unbearable, etc. You can easily keep going on. When you're faced with a problem, and every angle looks like it's absolutely impossible, does that mean you should give up?
Saying yes is suicide.
Saying no is pushing on.
When life gets tough, when life faces you with it's strongest difficulties, does that mean you should give up? Or should you take into account everything you DO have and just aren't bothering to use because you have too much damn pride to accept assistance or you just can't bear to push yourself further even if the pain seems absolutely unbearable.
I can tell you as a true life experience, imagine being in your early teens, like 13 years old. Get beat up every day, starve, you were just stabbed. No one likes you, you have no assistance, no friends, everyday is life and death. This was me...well, let's just say many years ago. Very situation. I could have given up. Killed myself, which I considered, I know what the suicidal side is like. But as you already read I decided, fuck that. I kept going.
Majority of the people as bad s their lives are, nowhere near that level, and have many sources they can use. They just don't, why? Because while pride is good to keep yourself going, instead people use it to do things on their own and then they can't dare admit when they're on edge, wanna kill themselves and they need serious help. And so when they can't admit they need the assistance they go through with it sometimes.

I'm done for now, need to vent.

Well, now that I think about it, we also have to take into account such...

That Capcom's staff IS on their forums(shocker, something most companies don't do)which is why more often than not this stuff happens and why they seem to listen to their fans more. The fans on their forums decide.
And y'know, I paid a visit to some SE forums today and have found, technically, they listen to their fans. The problem is that the only hardcore loyal fans they have on their forums and comprising their members etc is Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest fans. So maybe they'd listen to their other series as well, if perhaps they had those other series' fans amongst them on their own turf rather than floating about their own fan made forums(like we do).

First of, Breath of Fire. Capcom hates it. And therefore, they fail.
I don't think they hate it. At least not for bad reasoning. The latest game as I said was a massive failure. Ever since Microsoft jumped into the game scene, business revolves a lot more around money so when they see it not do well, they have to decide between another poor selling BoF, or a high success Resident Evil.
Plus not only was BoF5 not a success, but BoF4 wasn't that big and same goes for BoF3. The series after 2 was heading in a massive plummeting downhill.
Third, Capcom makes a million Mega Man and RE games and SF games because they sell well, not because they are paying debt to their fans. And Mega Man stopped being good after X3.

In my eyes, firing Keiji Inafune would solve at least 2 of the above problems...
I have to say I'd strongly disagree there. Alright, yes sales have a lot to do with those series but it's for good reason. They sell well generally because they work with those series diligently. They don't make as many games in those series as you'd think. Sure, they make a lot but it's nowhere near a massive quantity(specially Resident Evil). After X3? I definetly disagree there. So the games haven't been as good, that doesn't instantly make them bad. X4-6 and 8, Battle Network, Legends, I don't think you realize just how many Megamen you're marking off here.

And firing Keiji Inafune wouldn't solve the problems at all. Because then if Street Fighter and megaman weren't getting spawned, some other series would. Most likely Devil May Cry. Not to mention, we certainly can't assume once these classic game creators die their creations go with them. That's like assuming Mickey Mouse and Disney just went straight to hell the moment Walt Disney passed away. He died, and his stuff was still great for a great many decades afterward! Someone else would get hired is all!

But if they really actually cared about all of there fans there would be a Megaman Legends 3 by now.
Well actually I can't remember where I read it but I do know for a fact that the creator WANTS to do another one, and has for a very long time. But just as with the Chrono team, he can't really get everyone from the originals into the spirit he's in of working on another. Plus time constraints, Megaman not hitting very high notes lately(just because there IS loads of megaman games doesn't mean they're doing that great, he's still around unlike Breath Of Fire because he's the mascot. If he weren't he'd be dead as well!)

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Your first RPG?
« on: November 03, 2009, 07:20:56 pm »
Well, going by that or not, I can't remember which one but I know A Final Fantasy was my first.

Let's see, first game MM2, so it was after that...FF2 or 3(technically IV or VI). But I believe it was FFIV. I could be wrong but I think that's it.
I know afterward I actually bothered to look up the previous entries(unlike most who saw FFVII N64 games with 64 in their title and for some reason assumed it was just a name like Fantastic Four not once considering there may have been games before it).

General Discussion / Re: The "WTF? Check this link out!" thread!
« on: November 01, 2009, 05:05:38 pm »
Gurren was recently brought up. I was looking up Drill Dozer and I found this hell yes picture.

General Discussion / Re: I DON'T UNDERSTAND
« on: October 31, 2009, 10:56:54 am »



Second only to this.

Submissions / Re: The first French Chrono community
« on: October 30, 2009, 11:59:41 pm »
Sweet! I may ahve to join up. I do know MANY languages, and French is one of them!(one of my stronger ones in fact). Although I must warn, my translating is about as good as a translator. Been a few years since I've used it... I'll try to polish up but without a teacher of any sort, I make no guarentees. But I just checked it out, and I like it! It's like a French Compendium!

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