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Messages - neo-fusion

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Chrono Apocalypse / Re: Episodes and Updates
« on: December 26, 2012, 02:31:28 am »
I'm trying to motivate myself to possibly get an episode done before January 10th. It would only happen if I bust ass though.
I got everything ready though...

The story, libraries, music... etc.

It's all lined up, I just gotta put it into action. The plan was for 20 episodes originally. It is looking like it could possibly go anywhere from 15-20 depending on length of episode or whatever.

Two problems...

Real life and motivation.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Long time no see
« on: October 08, 2012, 09:01:11 pm »
How have you all been?

Chrono Apocalypse / Re: Episodes and Updates
« on: October 08, 2012, 08:59:48 pm »
To get removed from NG would require one of the following:

1) Posted Something Illegal (in this case I mean a flash you stole from someone else, or hate crime promoting flash)
2) Illegal behavior on the forum
3) Start a fight with an admin

I HEAVILY doubt it was case 1, which really only leaves 2 and 3. This would be consistant with the fact that his account has also been banned, which serves as the deletion date for all his movies along side his ban. If Square-Enix had went on a CT-Sprite Movie takedown tirade, I would have also been hit movie wise (but both of our accounts would still be up). I don't know exactly what he did, but judging from the way he'd sometimes textually scream at people on NG who gave him negative reviews - or sometimes just criticism - I'm going to guess he finally screamed at someone he didn't realize was also a mod.

The preceeding was only a guess, but it is based on having been a long-running member of the NG community with an account dating back to 2001.

Interesting theory, but not entirely correct.

I had Wade delete my account and all my subsequent movies.

I still have them archived on my computer. Hmm.... Maybe I will pick it back up some day soon, I've been bored lately. I believe I had a total of 6 episodes including a prologue I did.

Submissions / Chrono Apocalypse 6
« on: October 24, 2011, 02:00:42 pm »

I never posted that and it's been almost more than a year.

Sorry about that... if I did post it, then I couldn't find it when I searched it so... that's why I am posting here.

If I could get a list by any chance... That would be awesome.  :D

Kajar Laboratories / Chrono Apocalypse Reenvisioned?
« on: March 14, 2011, 02:43:39 am »
I have become a better animator in the past years and have actually improved exponentially since the latest CTA episode.

I have a question.

Should I redo the current episodes of CTA as a reenvisioning with the story "how it was meant to be told" in full and with a much improved animation process and overall presentation?

Compare CTA Episode 1 to CTA Episode 4 or 5.

You can easily see the upgrade in animation. Now imagine that upgrade, but to the latest episodes, but multiplied by at least 10.

Shall I do it?

No at the time I meant Aya. Check your inbox I replied to your earlier one.

Any news on this matter?

Submissions / Chrono Apocalypse VI On Newgrounds
« on: December 25, 2010, 08:56:32 pm »

I honestly hope it's not at all.

I was really hoping the 3rd Birthday would close it out maybe. Kyle and Aya live happily ever after, Eve turns out fine so on and so forth.

Oh well I feel like Square is just trying to ruin series at this point.

Seriously... she is the main focal point especially with her Mitochondrial power and to just kill her off would be really shitty.

So, I decided I would spoil myself because I am not entirely warm to the idea of buying a PSP just to play The 3rd Birthday.


The 3rd Birthday is the 3rd game in the Parasite Eve game series and I was extremely excited when it was announced.

I recently watched a playthrough in Japanese on Justin.TV.

I don't understand Japanese, but unless there is a huge twist that I couldn't understand (Timeline in the game changed 5 or 6 times I believe) I think Square just killed Aya Brea as the ending to The 3rd Birthday. If this is true I am actually quite pissed. This shouldn't really affect me, but after growing up with Parasite Eve 1 being one of my favorite games... just to see the ending of the 3rd game kill her off would piss me off quite a bit.

So if anyone understands japanese and would like to shed some light on what happenned at the ending you can watch the final video of the playthrough here:

If anyone could do it as a favor to me that would be wonderful as well because if what I am seeing is true then I am severely pissed now...

This will end up being based on the poll

This is a rather important question. It's been going in and out of my head since school started.

I am 18 years old, I have finally gotten a job (thank the lord!), and I have plans to go to college to become an ultrasound technician or a radiologist.

Life is fast approaching me and I have been listening to Chrono Trigger/Cross/FFXIII music as I have been working on Episode VI tonight, so I started thinking of the series.

The idea of this series is to make somewhere near 20 episodes before finishing it.

Granted I only have around 14 more to go (6 is about 90 percent done) the current speed of the project is kind of slow.

So, there is a strong likelihood that I will never make it to episode 20. Life is approaching. Oh sure, maybe one day, but I want you all to experience it before you become disinterested, which I can easily see happenning and I can also see it is the possible case with several of us.

The question of this thread is should I release the entire story after episode 6 is released. So you know how my vision ends? It won't be detailed scripts, but basic outlines. Rough drafts. The story in it's finality, but not in detail.

I am not quitting, but I think if the story is released then once I do my disappearing act again, you guys won't have to wonder. I do plan to finish the series and this doesn't mean it's over, what it means is you guys get to know what happens now and you can enjoy episodes in the future to.

Kajar Laboratories / Newgrounds Officially Cracking Down on Sprites.
« on: December 16, 2010, 01:30:33 am »
Taken from a recent news post by Newgrounds founder and CEO Tom Fulp.


I want everyone who creates content to read this post very carefully and take it very seriously.

The next time you are inspired to make an animation about a cool song you heard on the radio, DON'T, unless you are comfortable with the idea of only sharing it with yourself and a few close friends. Otherwise, take that inspiration and find a song you have permission to use. There are thousands of artists in the Audio Portal who are available for that sort of thing, as well as independent artists across the web who can be contacted for permission.

The next time you need art for your game or movie, DO NOT image search Google and grab something from the results. Many of those items are registered with enforcement agencies that will levy strict penalties for unlicensed use.

I know the web and Newgrounds have been like the wild west, but times are changing.

Newgrounds will be a better place if everyone here learns to work together instead of turning outward for resources. If you need a background, song, title screen, etc., someone here can help you with it. We will continue to work to make that easier, because there is no alternative.

If you are starting a project now and hope to be featured on NG when you're done, keep this post in mind. Content featuring original art and audio will be king. Parodies are still fair game and part of our culture, but you've probably already noticed only a handful of sprite movies have made front page this year.

Also dicks are still ok.


If worse comes to worse, I would hope the Compendium would be happy to host my work.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: So is neo-fusion still active......
« on: December 08, 2010, 04:08:59 pm »
I might need that.

My computer recently decided to go in "suspended animation" with my vital art files.

If you are still interested in helping then I have a job for you.

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