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Topics - Mr Bekkler

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Dream Splash IV - Radical Dreamers [2011] / The Signal
« on: September 06, 2011, 10:50:49 pm »
This is a short prose piece in the form of audio journal transcriptions by a certain character in our beloved series.:

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. It wouldn't stop.

Since I arrived, I've been able to cobble together basic survival supplies. There is garbage everywhere, and the wind bites cold. It's a strange wind. An empty wind.

Luckily the technology here has an easy learning curve, and most of it still works when it actually has a power source. Such a waste, really. A single blackout and everything in a 50 mile radius is junk.

While it has been less potent lately, my magic has helped me a great deal. I only hope that my decrease in power is a reflection of my age and not caused by a more immediate threat.

Journal sign off. June 6, ????


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Tell me about it.

I've had a run-in with the natives of this place. They don't understand the concept of a "year" but they know there was a time of joy and a moment of apocalypse. The story doesn't die. Also, they have a remarkable economic system, all things considered.

I've also found out that the large dark window in the shelter I've taken is a sort of storage device for information, like a book. It's called a computer, and it works just like most of the other technology here. I know the year now (or at least the approximate based on the computer's internal clock, which could have stopped or been reset) I've been using it to help me re-design a vehicle based on what I can find around here. The terrain outside is harsh, and the rain actually burns to the touch.

My magic is still in tact, though for how long I could not estimate. I feel like my energy is fading exponentially with each day.

Journal sign off, June 13, 1999


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I get it.

This signal has been driving me insane. I built a device that would find the same magical properties here that were once in Zeal. This has been key to my construction of several devices. I finally got that water purifier working. Drinking water from rusted pipes with remnants of what looked like quicksilver was not ideal. Had to wash it down with some alcohol I made from the rotting plants outside just to be sure I wouldn't die of some foreign infection.

Anyway, this device has been beeping incessantly about a location I can't reach. The signal is strong but only once my hovercraft is complete can I stop the noise. I haven't slept much in the past week, but it's almost done.

Journal sign off June 20, 1999

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Today is the day!

Finally, my Golbird is complete. Catchy, eh? It's my new all-terrain vehicle, and can even go through water. The hovering didn't work well so I had to use treads and make it air-tight. Now I can follow the signal and finally know what Zeal remains are left here. I made sure to add a drill and plenty of storage space.

I have a scanning device that will detect and identify life-forms, and a decent supply of tonic. I don't expect to find anything incredible, but perhaps something edible on the way.

Journal sign off June 27, 1999


No more beeping. It's stopped. I can't work. I can't sleep. I'm an emotional wreck. The remains were not Zeal technology or anything particularly useful. The remains were in a coffin. They were human remains. The gravestones had been destroyed but the yard was maintained in a dome with a computer, which held records. The names. They don't make any sense. Nothing makes sense anymore. What do I do?

The names. This will keep me up at night. I knew they would all be dead, but her? How could she go through all the torture and the abuse and still end up like that? It couldn't be her, but the beeping stopped. IT STOPPED.

Journal sign off June 28, 1999


New estimated year. I think these computers have been out of order for about three hundred years. I have been meaning to redact these dates in these entries, but I just haven't had any time. Have to keep busy. I can only keep one or two appliances on at once now, my magic is fading quickly, so I've been working more with this technology. I fixed a power generator, and it's been running the dome I'm in, but I know it's running out of juice. I have to find more power. I have to do something.

I decided to look more deeply into these remains. I connected the computers to a sort of network and was able to find all information on these NAMES. I got a death certificate and a marriage certificate. Nothing more. I've been looking for more Zeal remains. I may be able to finish the Sylbird. Golbird now rests at the bottom of a river, I forgot to put the parking break on. Now I'm all about the Sylbird!

I've found a Nu. It was left over after all these years, still operational! Just buried. Finally something to keep me sane!

Journal sign off June 30, 2300

I've been able to construct what I believe is a Time-Egg. I will attempt to use it tonight, and if what I've theorized is correct, the timeline will change, and I may be swept away with it, or I may be restored to my home. I may even forget this ever happened. I have to do SOMETHING. I just have to concentrate on these names while I activate it. Serge Wazuki. Schala Zeal-Wazuki.

Basically this is Belthasar going crazy in the ruined future and finding Kid's remains from Radical Dreamers. He uses a homemade time-egg and goes crazy drinking water with mercury in it.

Kajar Laboratories / 3dRad
« on: August 26, 2011, 06:49:37 pm »
Is anyone here familiar with this program? Did anyone know this kind of thing existed? 3-D Game Making for free?

Their website is a mess but I've been toying around with it and it seems quite capable.   8) Obviously I'm not going to spout out intents for a project that may never even exist but ideas are a-plenty. (there's the link)

If anyone here has any experience with this, please let me know!

Chrono Shift RPGMaker Project / Let's Play Chrono Shift
« on: August 08, 2011, 02:25:06 am »
Somebody is making/made a let's play of our demo without permission!  :D


And I can't wait to see more! He seems to really know his stuff about the Chronoverse and the fan-game itself, while being consistently hilarious. I highly recommend subscribing to this guy!

I think we might end up doing polls for CS, this is a test run to see how many people are interested and want to give input. The poll will be open for two weeks, then the results will be shown. If it goes well you might see more.

Edit: I should also mention that 8-directional movement is significantly more difficult to implement and will take more time before we can release anything new.
And that both options will be complicated and are not compatible with each other, hence no "both" option. I think I'll add a "neither" though.

General Discussion / Health / Exercise / Diet & Animal Rights
« on: June 24, 2011, 07:06:15 pm »
I hold the value of an animal's life the same as my own

I don't. Put it this way, if my house was on fire and I was likely to die if I went inside, but my dog was inside, I'd try to get him out but I wouldn't risk my life for a slim chance of saving him. If he lives but I die, he is now a homeless dog and will get hit by a car, starve, get attacked, or taken to the pound and put to sleep. But if I live I can get another dog who doesn't have a home and I can go on to be a productive member of society. We are not equal. He is not a person.

If eating meat is so bad, then we have a problem. Thousands upon thousands of animals are EVIL. They must be punished! I know! I'll eat them! Peta doesn't have to lift a finger, those pesky carnivores are taken care of, and I'm well-fed, all with one stone!

I do love my dog. And most animals. But survival instinct says if it's gotta be either him or me, I'll make sure it's me.

Besides, Peta's methods are ridiculous, they have become a parody of their own message, and because of this, nobody listens to them.

General Discussion / SPOILERS Portal Conspiracy Theory
« on: May 12, 2011, 03:49:33 pm »
This thread is for discussion on Portal and Portal 2. If you haven't played the games, and don't like spoilers, then RUN FO YA LIFE!

The comic at is considered canon and takes place before and between games.

So in Portal (1) in the beginning, Chell wakes up and GlaDOS is glitching. I replayed it after I beat 2 and found a lot of things really weird.
When you wake up, you weren't in a bed. You're next to some kind of egg-shaped chamber.
GlaDOS teaches you how to walk, which can be chocked up to game mechanics but I think it's deeper than that.
Then she tells you it's "Bring Your Daughter To Work Day"
Then she jokes you about being adopted.

These were all just quirks of Portal til the sequel came out.

In Portal 2, we're introduced to Cave Johnson and Caroline through their recordings. We find that Cave Johnson injected Moon dust into his body (I forgot why, I think because he wanted super powers or didn't have willing test subjects) and as he says, "turns out it's pure poison!" so he starts dying.

Even as GlaDOS, even as a potato, Caroline gets riled up every time she hears Cave speak. It's like an intense infatuation. He mentions in one announcement "sorry fellas, she's married. to science."

If you found the portraits of Cave scattered around, one of them has Caroline by his side. She was high up in the laboratory ranking, probably, so this one can be discounted.

When you see all the science projects, with the potato batteries, and there's one that's mutated and grown gigantic, straight up into the ceiling and ducts and stuff (and potentially the cause of all the plantlife in aperture) if you crouch down and look at the cardboard centerpiece behind it, it says in plain English "by Chell".

GlaDOS mentions these were from a past "Bring Your Daughter to Work" Day and in that particular experiment, the daughter must have "used something from her dad's office".

"The Surprise" is that there are no parents waiting for you, GlaDOS says they gave you up.

Later Wheatley jokes you about being adopted, and GlaDOS defends you.

The ONLY last name in the entire game spoken out loud is "Johnson", you never hear Caroline's or Chell's. the comics from tell the story of the ratt man, and how he chose to wake up Chell in the first place, because she was rejected from the test group. Also, it makes a point that Chell's last name has been redacted from aperture's database. ALSO GlaDOS tells ratt man that if you fail the testing process, you will be cloned with consent, and that failing the testing process IS giving consent.

The plot comes full-circle when you shoot a portal to the Moon (where the dust is poison, remember?) this may be a stretch, but the writers included the Moon specifically, I don't think they'd use that plot device more than once unintentionally.

In the end, GlaDOS can't kill you. She even "deletes" Caroline, but something in her decides to let you go.

So what it all boils down to is a story that you're never told about the test subject and what went on behind closed doors at aperture. I think it means that:

Caroline and Cave were intimate, at least once. I don't think they were married, and I don't think Cave knew about the pregnancy, she hid it from him, and put the child up for adoption.
Alternatively, he COULD have known, and forced her to put the child up for adoption. Either way, somebody at aperture ends up adopting Chell and she ends up following in her "father"s footsteps, willingly or not, as a test subject.
Cave dies before they can put his personality in a computer, but they follow his orders and put Caroline onto a computer instead (she may have died during the transfer, or GlaDOS may have just killed her outright).
She obviously didn't want to, they had to force her to be in charge of everything based on Cave's orders. Even after attaching a bunch of inhibitors (so many it doesn't know it's Caroline anymore) GlaDOS still kills everyone with neurotoxin.

Before that, Chell gets rejected from being a test subject because she's so tenacious she never gives up, apparently even if a test is unsolvable. Once everyone is dead, all that's left is the ratt man and one of two things. Either test subjects in suspension, or dna in a database for clones.

Chell is "woken up" (cloned) on "Bring Your Daughter to Work" Day by her mother (GlaDOS) some time in the future, and the first Portal plays out. You kill her, which she doesn't like very much, but there are still several robots and computer cores running independent of GlaDOS (turrets and Wheatley) and you get caught at the end and dragged back into the facility, to be put in stasis, where you wake up for Portal 2.

I think the bed in Portal (1) where you wake up is not a bed, but an artificial womb from which Chell is cloned. This would also help explain her not talking, not knowing how to walk, etc. Again, maybe just game mechanics, but they took time in the second one to explain walking and jumping "because you have brain damage".

So what do you think? I feel like a conspiracy theorist here, but I think it's a fairly legitimate conclusion to take from a game that's literally spun around conspiracy.

General Discussion / Steam, PSN, Smash Bros, XBox Live
« on: April 24, 2011, 05:21:01 am »
Looking for Steam friends with Left 4 Dead 1 or 2, Portal 2, etc. My name's addiesin. On PSN it's DigitalAdd. I have ModNation Racers. Feel free to add me, but say so here, and Lance and I have already played Smash Bros Brawl on Wii together, let us know if anybody's interested in that. I don't have an XBox or a 360 but don't let that stop you from friending each other there too!

General Discussion / Anime Suggestions Thread
« on: April 10, 2011, 02:25:25 pm »
Anyone who knows me pretty well knows I'm generally not a fan of anime. As such, I am quite ignorant of what's out there. However, I am familiar with DBZ, Sailor Moon, and some others that came on cartoon network years ago, and I don't like them very much. I remember enjoying Robotech, but tried to watch it again in sequence on Netflix and had to stop.

It's just that I don't like stuff taking place in a seemingly entirely fantastic fictional world,  then suddenly including a lot of overtly japanese cultural references for the sake of the japanese audience. This is because I'm not japanese, and just don't get it. I don't think it's stupid, I will recognize it as simple cultural differences.

What I'm looking for is anime in the vein of Full Metal Alchemist/FMA:B, Gurren Lagann, and Cowboy Bebop. Something made for American and Japanese audiences equally, with engrossing storytelling. To specify, each of these series features a minimal (or specific to the series) amount of japanese weirdness. For example, Robotech, Gundam, Voltron, etc are all just giant robots. Gurren Lagann is giant robots that look like faces, which makes it different from "typical" anime.

So I'm creating this thread in hopes you Compendiumites can give me good suggestions for what to tackle next. The more like Full Metal Alchemist or Chrono Trigger the better, but make sure you include reasons the series you're suggesting isn't just typical schoolgirls, giant robots, and nosebleed fare (don't just write a list). No, forget hope. I'm CHALLENGING you to think of anime someone like me may enjoy.

PS. Films are ok too, I've seen Akira already. Watching Appleseed as I type. Also feel free to use this thread to discuss what you like or don't like about anime in general or specific franchises.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Quarter-Life
« on: April 07, 2011, 12:58:44 am »
I'm 25! How the eff did that happen?

Site Updates / Chrono Shift Demo Release Day!
« on: March 19, 2011, 05:57:48 pm »
Hello, Chrono community! Mr Bekkler here, and I am pleased to announce the demo for Chrono Shift, the fan-made RPG Maker Chrono prequel, is available for download!


Jam-packed with Chrono Trigger-style, this demo shows the first chapter, dungeon, and boss, of a much larger adventure. Plug in your USB controller, sit back, and enjoy some good old 90's RPG nostalgia!

To install/play: download, unzip file, open folder. double click RPG_RT.exe (use this file if you make a shortcut)

With keyboard:
Up, down, left, right arrow keys move.
Select/Continue - Space Bar.
Menu/Cancel - (x, c, v, b, n, pretty much that whole row works)

With USB controller:
It's just up, down, left, right, and 2 buttons.
Plug in and install controller BEFORE starting game, and you don't have to do any setup.

A common problem with RM2k3 is strange or blocky fonts, the way to fix that is to install the RTP or the whole RPG Maker program,
go into C:\Program Files\rpg2003\fonts,
copy the fonts,
and paste them into C:\Windows\Fonts
That will install the fonts that I guess the RTP doesn't install fully.

Edit: The game has been approved on!
The game is also being hosted on, but the site's downloads take a few days to approve.

I'd prefer if you download from the link above, but if you have any problems with RMN or Megaupload, download from here:

Any bugs found can be reported in this thread:,9137.0.html

Played the demo yet? Liked it? Hated it? Found bugs? Talk about it here!


EDIT: Here's the link to the video walkthrough with Director's commentary.

Soon to come: Achievements.

Chrono Shift RPGMaker Project / (Old) Chrono Shift Demo Announcement
« on: March 03, 2011, 04:03:35 pm »

I'm very happy to say the Chrono Shift demo will be released very very soon. The demo will have significant changes to the plot toward the end to keep things suspenseful for the final product, yet satisfying in its own right. Once the demo is released we'll be in full steam to get the game finished, so there will not be many more news updates until everything is finished.

Expect the next update to have a link to a downloadable showcase of what we've been working so hard toward!

Chrono Shift RPGMaker Project / Questions/Suggestions
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:52:32 pm »
While the outline is set and the story is in place, that doesn't mean there's no room for improvement. I want to hear any suggestions to make the game shine, or any questions about what, exactly, it is that we're doing!

This is your chance for input, Compendium! Tell us what YOU want!

So lay em on me! Either a team member or I will answer (no spoilers, sorry) as soon as possible!

Chrono Shift RPGMaker Project / Introduction to the Game and the Team!
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:41:31 pm »

Welcome to the introduction thread for our RPGMaker project. Chrono Shift is a fan-made non-profit game currently in development. It is intended to be a stand-alone game that can also serve as a prequel to the Chrono series. It takes place in the Dark Ages on the Chrono planet, fifteen years before the events of CT.

In keeping with Chrono Trigger's style with the Dream Team (and with the understanding that the developers of Shift have other things going on in their lives too) we shall be known as the Day-Dream Team:

MrBekkler: Co-Director, Co-Writer, Story Developer, Spriter, Mapper, and creator of 'The Demo'
Boo the Gentleman Caller: Co-Director, Co-Writer, Story Developer, Mapper, Quality Control
TheMage: Spriter, Mapper, Level Designer
MagusMage: Programmer, Scripter, Debugger, Mapper
Master-of-Mayhem: Mapper
LadyMarle: Character Artist
Tushantin: Scenario Artist
Tuberz McGee: Music Composer
Eluryahn: Music Composer
Jormungand: Music Composer

And the team would also like to thank:
Alfador: Quality Control and Occasional Revisions
FaustWolf: Consultant/Forum Guru
Zeality: Concept Contributor (Calaspera)
LanceVII: Consultant

Chrono Shift is a fan-made non-profit game currently in development. It is intended to be a stand-alone game that can also serve as a prequel to the Chrono series. It takes place in the Dark Ages on the Chrono planet, fifteen years before the events of CT.

Some features you can expect:
  • Customized sprites (not all are totally original but I don’t think even a single one has gone unedited)
  • An all-original, never-before-heard soundtrack
  • Experience the story with an all-new playable cast (though you may recognize a few eventually)
  • Contains several ties and nods to the official Chrono games
  • Utilizing Atoa’s Custom Battle System with the Chrono Plug-In
  • Raziel’s Chrono Custom Menu System
  • All-New spells and battle animations
  • 3-Person caterpillar system with 8-directional movement just like the official games
  • Tons of minigames and 20+ hours of gameplay
  • Multiple endings and New Game +
  • All-new Alchemy item creation system
  • An expanded and more diverse world to explore with more secrets than you've seen before
  • Epic and meticulously-planned story that expands the mythology

Like the demo, the game will be and was always intended to be free. We would never charge for it, if you pay somebody money for it, they scammed you, get your money back.

The team continues to grow and work toward completion. Bare with us and wait patiently while we work and rather than release news updates, we’ll release a finished game.

*Disclaimer: The engine for the game has gone from the demo using 2k3 to the full game using XP. The reasons are numerous, but at the end of the day the upgrade allows us to make a better game. The decision was that simple.

Chrono News / Epoch Battle (Game Maker 7) Fan Game
« on: January 04, 2011, 08:01:29 am »


Dalton has escaped with Belthasar's plans
for the flying time machine, the Epoch!

Now he's gone to the future and returned with
an army of flying time machines, each built
with one evil robotic pilot.

Take out the evil robot flying time machines
before they take YOU out and destroy the
world in a paradox of the ages!

Destroy Golden Neo-Epochs for
powered-up lazer cannons!

Click here to download Epoch Battle, my simple but addictive Galaga-style shooter that was basically a step-by-step assignment that I had to follow. It had to be a scrolling shooter, it had to have a high score at the end. I set the speeds and the graphics and specifics and sounds and whatnot. I won't claim credit for the code, but I did put the epoch stuff in there so it's at least related to the Chronoverse. TheMage beta tested for me.

Anyway, it's fun to play, and we're at a lack of Chrono inspired games that are finished. This is finished. Have fun.

The same link as above:

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