Author Topic: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?  (Read 1316 times)


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Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2009, 05:19:20 pm »
Indeed, there is no morality where there is hardly any sentience, but our sentience was developed overtime due to experience. You may have seen the horrors of war. War begins with hatred or selfish deeds. A mere insult could result in bloodlust. It all began with tribes seeking for their own gain, each having a leader, and each warring for survival. That neighbourhood war evolved into large scale with the help of technology. And the result? Devastation. Fear lurked with us before the birth of sentience, but it was THEN that fear and despair after sentience gave birth to morality. Religion also played a major role on that part. To minimize the "fear of living" the leaders decided to convince the masses to stop fighting each other, in some cases even proclaiming that causing fear or hurting someone is an act against God's wishes. Love was spread, and thus morality was spread.

Of course, the exactness of this might vary among places, but this is the truth. And perhaps this was why Lord J deems morality as invalid.

Whut? The snake knows no morals! What the snake DID was what it and its ancestors had experienced and learned since millions of years ago: to stealthily hunt for prey (in fact I'm writing a book on it). When an organism needs to survive it might go to many ends. However, SOME organisms survive on peaceful ends, but when those who survived the hard way tend to become carnivores. For instance, the bunny is peaceful and it doesn't wanna hurt no one. But the snake's learnt to live on meat. "Nothing personal, babe, but you're just so damn delicious." Does the snake feel guilty? No! The rabbit is just some... THING... for it. But what does the rabbit feel? Nothing but despair, fear and agony. Does the snake feel pity? Hell would you expect it to go eat grass?

It's a funny thing that despite being sentient mankind has similar ways of thinking as that snake, while some as that rabbit, but very RARELY a few that actually think every possibility there could be. Among all of the people in the world only 5% seem to thinking either rationally or open-mindedly. Perhaps it is because our progress on evolving ourselves is slowing down? Or perhaps we're not COMPLETELY sentient yet? Well, time will tell (perhaps when I die LOL).

As for the sick twisted bloke who posted that video, all he did was follow his malicious curiosity that developed even before he was born. Was he to blame? Partly yes, partly no. But tell you one thing: Mother Nature gives a pass on anything. It's what you give back to it is what you get in return. If you keep taking, you run out of resources. Technically killing is OK, but morally it is unjust. Like I said, the stronger and intellectual blokes hold the power. If you feel it's wrong, get a stronger power and oppose em. Sometimes the power is money, sometimes weapons, or sometimes just hundreds of people at your side. Unfortunately for the rabbit (dang I coulda saved it if I could) it had no option other than an inevitable death.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 05:23:46 pm by tushantin »

Lord J Esq

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Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2009, 06:02:39 pm »
I imagine moral relativism is an unavoidable aspect of human society.

I don't like to get too caught up in this supposed dilemma between moral relativism and moral absolutism, which I see as primarily a Christian convention used to disparage people who, as they might say, "make up the rules as they go, to best suit themselves." When we ask ourselves what absolute even means in this context, there are only a few places to turn: Do the laws of physics care how they are manipulated by sentient beings? No...I'm not aware of any care particle or decency wave. Do the materials of the world care how they are manipulated by us? No...anthropomorphism and aesthetics aside, rocks and metal don't have any known faculty for caring. What about the living things, then? Now we're on to something. Many animals, at least, do care about what is done to them. Part of their survival drive is an awareness of their own state. They have the ability to care; that's what sets them apart from the rocks and from lower forms of life.

But can "absolutism" be made to fit in such a small space? Especially when considering that, from a religious standpoint, the term moral absolutism is often used to refer to an authority that transcends the entire universe? And not forgetting that, with religion, there is this tendency to disparage the idea of moral relativism? "If something can only be true in certain cases, it is an inferior truth to that of THE LORD!!!"

That is a flaw in logic. I think the dilemma imposed between absolutism and relativism is a distraction, designed to serve those with a religious agenda (i.e., a distraction meant to soothe those who have a hard time getting over themselves). Let me lay it out clearly and neutrally: For a valid statement to be absolute, it must be capable of being delivered with no context, and no qualification, anywhere and at any time, and still retain its validity. This is because absolute validity results inherently from the quantity under consideration. Example: "Humanity possesses a highly evolved curiosity." All other statements are relative, their validity resulting from the relation between quantities. Example: "Curiosity is one of the most important cognitive traits...for humans."

Don't take the wrong message from my topmost paragraph. There are many absolutes out there--physical, philosophical, mathematical, and so forth. The message here is not that they are rare--because they are not rare--but that they are not opposed to that which is relative. The dilemma imposed between the two is meaningless. When tied to the word moral, absolutism and relativism are purely a distraction.

Aside: I base a good deal of my philosophy on absolutes, not moral absolutes but characteristic ones. This is because absolutes are good at tackling specific injustices. I'm opposed to sexism, for instance, because the practical results of sexism are to deprive females of many things whose pursuit or possession are common to the human condition. This is subtly but crucially different from the much more common, moralistic objection to sexism, which is that it causes suffering. Essentially the two statements reach the same conclusion, but mine is better because it describes where the suffering comes from and focuses on that--on the deprivation or abuse which results in suffering--rather than using the suffering itself as the grounds for objections, which is not only negligent in that it prefers symptom over source, but also vulnerable for that same reason. Sexism is a good topic for the introduction of absolutes, because it is such an absolutist form of discrimination.

(To what extent are those words interchangeable, moral and ethical?  Umm... J?)

Popularly, they are completely interchangeable. For me, however, they are entirely distinct concepts. I would never interchange them. To spare you the longer explanation, the short-short of it is that, in my philosophy, ethics are individual while morals are cultural.

In schools, children are taught that "character" is synonymous with "good behavior", but I wholly disagree.  Character is more akin to backbone, in my opinion, and you don't develop backbone through mere good behavior.  Good character is developed by confronting what is problematic and trying to make sense of it, or just trying to deal with it.

I think you're right.

I'm not sure if Lord J would lump empathy together with emotion...

Interesting you should mention that. You're right: Empathy and emotion are two completely different things. They're not even related, like ethics and morals are. They are totally distinct aspects of intelligence. Empathy is the condition of appreciating (accurately or inaccurately) the perspective and experience of some other person or creature. The only emotional part of it would be the attempt to recreate their (likely) emotions in oneself. Emotion, meanwhile, is an entire branch of intelligence--a state of being in which our awareness is colored by physiological responses, to ideas or stimuli, which we describe as the specific emotions (e.g., thrill, anger, etc.), which in turn affect our thoughts and intentions. (Indeed, in drawing a distinction between the other branches of intelligence, I call emotion "affective intelligence," and I think similar terminology is used by the professional psychological community as well.)

For example, the fact that the snake is just trying to survive and was confronted with a compatible food source mitigates the pain it inflicted on that poor rabbit. This is why we essentially give Mother Nature a pass on morality I guess. If we were reduced to the same means of survival, we might sink our fangs into live creatures too.

Aye. There is nothing wrong with killing. All life is built around the eradication of other life for its own survival. Even plants, who feed on sunlight, will mangle one another for the best soil or water. Unless you're prepared to become the world's worst cynic, a la Kefka, you have to reject our society's feel-good notion that life should always be preserved. That's not what life is, and it's not how life works.


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Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2009, 01:44:10 am »
Quote from: Lord J
I don't like to get too caught up in this supposed dilemma between moral relativism and moral absolutism, which I see as primarily a Christian convention used to disparage people who, as they might say, "make up the rules as they go, to best suit themselves."
I think religion deeply plays into what we're discussing, but to call it specifically "Christian" would make it seem like only Christians care about imposing some sort of universal law, and that people of other faiths have no such desire. Although I've read a bit of the Qu'ran and selections from other texts thanks to a college education, I can't really claim to know whether people brought up in other traditions look for a solid, universal moral rubric. But I have a sneaking suspicion that at least some do, and that religion, inasmuch as it is a cultural construct, reflects a deeply rooted desire to find some universal law and thereby eliminate all injustice universally.

Moreover, I have a suspicion that atheists aren't necessarily shielded from the desire to find a universal morality. When I read Sam Harris' arguments against religion, what jumps out at me and most demands my attention is what I feel to be his urgent sense that religion, by its nigh immutable nature, is actually hindering the human quest to find a more perfect morality. A more concrete example is Simone de Beauvoir's effort to build a universal model of morality based on the concept of freedom. That I could be misinterpreting the basic thrust of Sam Harris' argument and that Beauvoir is still being influenced by past religious heritage are fair charges that could be made.

But it seems to me that the quest to free human minds from religion, just as much as the quest to proselytize, reflects a fundamental concern for spreading ethical modes of action to others; this suggests that moral relativism is not okay to a certain extent. The question, for me, is what that extent is; it might be evil to foment conflict for the sake of destroying female genital mutilation...or would it?

Not that I would ever advocate solving moral disagreements through conflict; a pseudo-economic analysis would suggest in more cases than not the costs would be greater than the net benefit to humanity. But it could sure make for rich thematic material in literature, eh?

Quote from: Lord J
All life is built around the eradication of other life for its own survival. Even plants, who feed on sunlight, will mangle one another for the best soil or water. Unless you're prepared to become the world's worst cynic, a la Kefka, you have to reject our society's feel-good notion that life should always be preserved. That's not what life is, and it's not how life works.
Did you mean Kafka? Actually, it would be interesting for someone to roleplay Kefka in this conversation and see where we end up, hahaha! What a riot. I'm going to be embarrassed if I just need to brush up on my FF6...not that I don't need to brush up on Kafka...

Although it sounds absolutely silly on its face, I realize for sake of consistency (if the goal is to indeed find a fully self-consistent morality) that I should be prepared to label nature not only amoral, but immoral, for foisting upon living things the duty of destroying and inflicting pain upon other living things. It's not necessarily the cessation of life processes that gets me, but rather the screams of the poor animals being devoured live. And it's not the fact that I don't like to hear animals scream, but the fact that I don't want to feel pain myself - an empathetic concern - that gives this position at least a semblance of basis in reason.

There are always mitigating factors; the creature being put to death could have attacked the creature doing the killing, or the creature doing the killing must do so in order to survive. However, while mitigating factors will get the killing creature off the hook of responsibility from time to time, they do not erase the injustice of a sentient creature enduring pain.

Obviously there are flaws in using empathy as a universal basis for moral decisionmaking; the person trying to empathize may not be able to empathize with another subject due to some emotional or psychological disconnect (e.g., "dehumanizing" a victim before violence can occur). Although potentially rare, the person trying to empathize may be a masochist who enjoys having pain inflicted upon him or her -- "do unto others what you would have them do unto you" would not necessarily be recommended there. I'm sure other flaws could be pointed out given some time.

EDIT: For those interested in reporting the video I linked earlier, it's an uphill battle: Youtube is riddled with scenes like this. There's even scientifically valid animal studies that eclipse the horror I felt watching the first one I linked. If your username is Shee, do NOT watch this one.

Damn, I just can't...fathom the brutality of nature. I know I'm potentially doing a disservice by choosing horrible scenes involving fuzzy, harmless, and wuvable little creatures being victimized; an insect being killed, though it may not be able to vocalize its discomfort, should be considered just as much or just as little an injustice as the rabbits and chicks being devoured for all to see on Youtube.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 03:04:33 am by FaustWolf »


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Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2009, 05:42:04 am »
Quote from: FaustWolf
I think religion deeply plays into what we're discussing, but to call it specifically "Christian" would make it seem like only Christians care about imposing some sort of universal law, and that people of other faiths have no such desire. Although I've read a bit of the Qu'ran and selections from other texts thanks to a college education, I can't really claim to know whether people brought up in other traditions look for a solid, universal moral rubric. But I have a sneaking suspicion that at least some do, and that religion, inasmuch as it is a cultural construct, reflects a deeply rooted desire to find some universal law and thereby eliminate all injustice universally.

Moreover, I have a suspicion that atheists aren't necessarily shielded from the desire to find a universal morality. When I read Sam Harris' arguments against religion, what jumps out at me and most demands my attention is what I feel to be his urgent sense that religion, by its nigh immutable nature, is actually hindering the human quest to find a more perfect morality. A more concrete example is Simone de Beauvoir's effort to build a universal model of morality based on the concept of freedom. That I could be misinterpreting the basic thrust of Sam Harris' argument and that Beauvoir is still being influenced by past religious heritage are fair charges that could be made.

But it seems to me that the quest to free human minds from religion, just as much as the quest to proselytize, reflects a fundamental concern for spreading ethical modes of action to others; this suggests that moral relativism is not okay to a certain extent. The question, for me, is what that extent is; it might be evil to foment conflict for the sake of destroying female genital mutilation...or would it?

Trying to make sense of the concept of moral absolutism is just about enough to make my head spin.  While I have to agree with J that there is absolutely no way to pin down any moral absolute, issues like female genital mutilation make me want to try even harder to do just that!  Everything inside me wants to find that universal law, that natural constant that says, "That is never okay!"  

I want to spread my ethical mode which says that it is never okay, that the relative morality which says FGM is okay is in itself not okay.  Okay?  Am I allowed?  Heh, even so, is that a case for moral relativism being not okay?  The idea of moral relativism is scary in that it acknowledges the myriad of relative moral systems which collectively may allow for any conceivable heinous action.  But, is the remedy for this frightening prospect necessarily some degree of moral absolutism?  Moral absolutism probably seems like a great idea to a number of people, many of whom probably wholly disagree with my wonderful moral construct.

When we see an injustice somewhere, I think we all have the tendency to ask questions about the perpetrators of the injustice, like, "Can't they see that what they're doing is wrong?"  We want to believe that if they just tune into some universal constant which matches our wavelength, they will immediately understand that they are mistaken and stop.  The problem with this is, as J pointed out, there exists no such universal constant.  There is only the strong desire for that constant which is wholly ours.

The desire to end injustices, if it should arise from empathy and good understanding of what J calls "characteristic absolutes", is most beneficial.  I think that J's dislike for absolute moral systems arises in part from the fact that they can impede the development of proper empathy and understanding of human characteristic absolutes.  Indeed, in trying to pin down any absolute moral we run the dangerous risk of disconnecting from the more beneficial exploration of our human characteristics.  In trying to uphold and justify an absolute moral system we almost guarantee this disconnection in ourselves and possibly others as well.  People who understand this, and who have a better grasp of what our human characteristics are, thanks to meaningful and free exploration unimpeded by stunning moral systems, will necessarily want to put an end to the moral systems which restrict beneficial freedoms while allowing travesties like FGM.  Hence, an atheist like Sam Harris (who may or may not be inclined toward any idea of absolute morality -- admittedly I am unsure where he would stand on this issue) would want to spread his mode of action to cultures where such moral systems are the norm.

Simone de Beauvoir's concept for an absolute morality based on freedom seems more valid in light of the concerns which I presented above.  But, it is precisely because of these characteristics of human life that it does seem valid, which makes me want to side with J ultimately and ask why freedom must be called the basis for an absolute morality?  Why bring absolute morality into the picture at all?  Why can it not just be understood as beneficial?

Quote from: FaustWolf
Damn, I just can't...fathom the brutality of nature. I know I'm potentially doing a disservice by choosing horrible scenes involving fuzzy, harmless, and wuvable little creatures being victimized; an insect being killed, though it may not be able to vocalize its discomfort, should be considered just as much or just as little an injustice as the rabbits and chicks being devoured for all to see on Youtube.

I understand how you feel.  I was going home from work one morning and witnessed a very stripped-down deer carcass on the side of the road.  It looked like it had been caught by a pack of wolves during the night.  The sight was horrifying, and served as a good reminder for why I should not venture out far from any safe-havens at night.  

At the same time, savage as it may be for life to face violent death, or death at all, it's what has driven natural selection to produce amazing animals such as ourselves and those around us.  All the more reason, in my mind, for us to try to preserve the life around us to the best of our ability.  It would be a pity to let a great deal of the product of this perilous existence go to waste.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 07:47:16 am by Uboa »


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Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2009, 02:38:11 pm »
Fascinating. Yes, I understand that major hazards accompany moral absolutism, which is precisely why I started this thread seeking input from other minds. My own methodology seems to have developed into a (moral absolute) + (cost/benefit analsysis) approach, which essentially builds a limiting factor into the desire for absolutism. The practice of using characteristic absolutes still smacks of a certain universalism to me -- is the goal not to get everyone to think like the characteristic absolutist does? -- but it is interesting because it examines wrongdoing from a different perspective.

J, can you expound more on these characteristic absolutes, or is there a body of philosophical works you're drawing from that the rest of us could look up?

Also, I'm curious as to how others feel about how morality changes through time. Looking at how things work in nature and comparing that to Western society has led me to believe that moral capacity -- the abiility to do good or to commit evil -- is at least partly a function of technology and the courses of action it affords. A snake, which has no lifestyle choice, can be forgiven for sinking its fangs into a little critter and causing it pain. A modern-day man or woman could very well be punished on grounds of animal cruelty for the exact same action, precisely because other, "more moral", courses of action are available.

What this suggests to me is that as long as we make it our goal to advance as a species, the range of moral decisions available to us will grow. Where this becomes important is that different moral systems which were not in conflict in earlier times could come into conflict in later times. If a vegetarian scientist develops a perfect and widely available meat substitute one day, will the option to hunt and kill animals disappear, for example?

In this hypothetical, my personal [(moral absolute) + (cost/benefit analysis)] formula, filled with its various biases, would side with eliminating human consumption of animals, because the costs of eliminating the practice -- difficulty finding efficient protein sources -- would no longer be even close to outweighing the benefit, eliminating animal suffering at the hands of humanity. In many cases different moral methodologies happily coincide as to their results, but their shared outcomes could still diverge over time. Or maybe not; what would characteristic absolutes have to say about this hypothetical situation?

Quote from: Uboa
Why bring absolute morality into the picture at all?  Why can it not just be understood as beneficial?
I forgot to address this earlier. What I mean by universalism in moral standards is not trying to find something that already exists, but the attempt to build something that does not yet exist, and which should apply to all sentient creatures capable of playing by the same rules. I bring it into the picture not because I'm trying to artificially impose it where it doesn't belong, but rather because it's my opinion that it already flows ubiquitously through all our posts, although we might reject the very idea of it. I happen to think there is a certain ugliness to it as well. But when we say that female genital mutilation is a horrible practice and should be obliterated, we're already secretly wishing that our own standard be shared by other people. It's the "shared by other people" part that makes it an absolute, or universal, in the way I interpret absolutism and universalism. It's possible I've used a poor choice in terminology, and "absolutism" and "universalism" are not the concepts I'm trying to describe after all.

One might not call simple rational thought an absolute standard while labeling a strict empathy-based or freedom-based or religion-based model an "absolute." But in the end, we all share in common the fact that we're trying to produce some change in the very way other people think. When J says his system is "better", I take it to mean that others should try it out and see the benefits. The goal of getting everyone to think rationally is universal not because there's an immutable universal law according to which everyone should think rationally, but because we find its outcomes so beneficial we want everyone capable of doing it to do it.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 04:58:39 pm by FaustWolf »

Lord J Esq

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Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2009, 01:07:52 am »
I think religion deeply plays into what we're discussing, but to call it specifically "Christian" would make it seem like only Christians care about imposing some sort of universal law, and that people of other faiths have no such desire.

This presents a good opportunity to point out something which I think this thread has not yet appreciated. The very concept of “moral absolutism” and “moral relativism,” as we know it, is a construction of Christianity in the affluent West. Other places do have similar ideas, but those ideas are not important to those peoples on the scale that this idea is important to us, and they do not come from the same sources and they are not played out in the same ways. Our discussion here is not an Islamic one, nor is it a third-world one. It is a Christian one, because our discussion has turned on morality, and, regardless of the fact that many other peoples have their own systems of morality, the system we have been referencing here in this discussion was created by Christian to advance Christian thinking. We can legitimately say that other cultures (and other religions) also care about “imposing some sort of universal law,” and it would have been very easy for me to agree with you that this focus on the Christian factor can be misleading, but ultimately I think it gets closer to the heart of what we're trying to grasp in this thread if I use this opportunity to point out that what we have been talking about is specifically a Christian problem.

This is a point worth dwelling upon, because if we fail to appreciate the relationship between the object world, the concepts we use to interpret it, and the origins and reasons whence these concepts arose, then we are unknowingly shackling ourselves to the boundaries laid out by these concepts. I offered in my previous post that I reject the aforementioned not only the dichotomy between absolute and relative morality, but even the authority of morality itself. However, for whatever reasons, no one went along with me on those ideas. Perhaps I did not explain myself clearly. Perhaps I was simply not persuasive. Perhaps it was not central enough to the discussion. But it could also be that others were not critical enough in their thinking.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that … religion, inasmuch as it is a cultural construct, reflects a deeply rooted desire to find some universal law and thereby eliminate all injustice universally.

You needn't sneakily suspect. You are very close to the truth. The word “injustice” is mine; I think I was the one who brought it into the discussion. Many people wouldn't invoke the concept of justice if it wasn't suggested to them, and wouldn't be warranted in doing so even if they did, because much of what many people desire is unjust. “Good and Evil” is a more accessible catch-all, as is morality itself (which usually appeals to Good and Evil). But, yes, whatever concept the people invoke, it is a part of the human condition for us to recognize, establish, and be affirmed in, some universal system of judgment and behavior. That is, at least, a relic of our tribal heritage, which itself is a function of our sociable nature as a species. It could also be deeper than any of that, running far into our animal past, but I'm not qualified to say.

But it seems to me that the quest to free human minds from religion, just as much as the quest to proselytize, reflects a fundamental concern for spreading ethical modes of action to others; this suggests that moral relativism is not okay to a certain extent.

Very astute! Or, less charitably, I might say: “Well, duh!” =P

Seriously, though, what you're getting at is an important point. It is very hard to justifiably take an aggressive action without the support of a line of reasoning or faith which tells one that it is okay and perhaps even desirable for them to commit the action. “Moral relativism” when practiced consistently is a doctrine of passive interaction except in the case of defense. We in America are extremely poorly suited to that kind of worldview. We have always been exceptionalists. (And in large part we owe that quality in our national character not to Islam but to Christianity.) Some of it can be laid at the feet of our species itself, as per my comments earlier in this post, but, for the most part, the fact that you keenly want to come up with an effective universal law to impose on others is a testament to the culture into which you were raised.

On a personal note, if anything, I am even more repulsed by moral relativism than by moral absolutism. At least moral absolutism can occasionally be right.

The question, for me, is what that extent is; it might be evil to foment conflict for the sake of destroying female genital mutilation...or would it?

Define “evil” and you'll have your answer. By my definition, no, it wouldn't be evil.

Not that I would ever advocate solving moral disagreements through conflict; a pseudo-economic analysis would suggest in more cases than not the costs would be greater than the net benefit to humanity. But it could sure make for rich thematic material in literature, eh?


Did you mean Kafka? Actually, it would be interesting for someone to roleplay Kefka in this conversation and see where we end up, hahaha! What a riot. I'm going to be embarrassed if I just need to brush up on my FF6...not that I don't need to brush up on Kafka...

Nope. I meant Kefka. Let the embarrassment commence. =)

Although it sounds absolutely silly on its face, I realize for sake of consistency (if the goal is to indeed find a fully self-consistent morality) that I should be prepared to label nature not only amoral, but immoral, for foisting upon living things the duty of destroying and inflicting pain upon other living things.

Any worldview which sets up the wind and the waves as your enemy is probably a foolish one. Against nature there is no victory to be won other than the destruction of wildness. Morality itself, along with the very premise of war, as well as those of lesser deliberate conflicts, requires a home in the minds of sapient creatures. War is a device of the civilized, despite its tendency to savagery. Morality is a function of reason, despite its tendency to illogic. Other animals cannot conceive of either, to say nothing of lesser species and inanimate objects. It would make no sense to use a word like “immoral” where the recipient is incapable of retaining the description. Is rain ever moral?

It's not necessarily the cessation of life processes that gets me, but rather the screams of the poor animals being devoured live. And it's not the fact that I don't like to hear animals scream, but the fact that I don't want to feel pain myself - an empathetic concern - that gives this position at least a semblance of basis in reason.

Ah. I mentioned people such as yourself in an earlier post in this thread...although in an unflattering way, so you may not want to go back and reread it. =)

If your own discomfort as an observer is worse to you than the actual suffering and death of the animal, then I would suggest your perspective is unsatisfactory. The issue here is whether the manner of the rabbit's death constituted animal cruelty...not FaustWolf cruelty. If your own discomfort is your biggest objection, then you should simply not observe these kinds of things...and I'm sure you can see the problem presented by such a solution.

Obviously there are flaws in using empathy as a universal basis for moral decisionmaking...

Empathy is important, but to establish it as a “universal basis” for decision-making would be idiotic. From engineering to law, empathy-based decisions would undermine our civilization. Far more appropriate to affect empathy in order to better understand that which is then to be judged using other, more reasonable measurements.

This is also an opportunity for me to point out, once again, my problem with morality. In our culture it is quite popular these days to hold up “empathy” as the loftiest of lofties in human character, which is silly because there is so much else that is also important in determining character. Yet moral systems have given extra life to this foolish notion, and so there is always another person who thinks empathy is the one-word solution to all the world's problems. (An even more common variation on the same idea is “love.” Ugh.)

Damn, I just can't...fathom the brutality of nature.

Ah, then Illumination will elude you.

Trying to make sense of the concept of moral absolutism is just about enough to make my head spin.  While I have to agree with J that there is absolutely no way to pin down any moral absolute, issues like female genital mutilation make me want to try even harder to do just that!  Everything inside me wants to find that universal law, that natural constant that says, "That is never okay!"

I would encourage you, then, to look outside morality and outside this false dichotomy of relativism and absolutism. You can go a long way toward opposing injustice simply by remarking that many of these injustices willfully deprive people of that which, by human nature, would enable them to enjoy a higher material quality of life or a higher satisfaction with life. You can use the human conditions itself, our genes and our characteristics, to reinforce yourself as you ask villains and abetters the question: “What is the benefit of that which we now undertake?” Usually, their answer is rubbish. Many injustices could be defeated without appealing to any universal law, simply by forcing villains to justify their undertakings.

At the same time, savage as it may be for life to face violent death, or death at all, it's what has driven natural selection to produce amazing animals such as ourselves and those around us.

That is an excellent addition to this discussion.

J, can you expound more on these characteristic absolutes, or is there a body of philosophical works you're drawing from that the rest of us could look up?

Heh. Thank you. All of my philosophy, all of my economic theories, all of my politics, are homemade. People sometimes ask me questions like this. I consider it very flattering that they would think my thinking is drawn from higher learning, because I've done it all myself.

It is a bit frustrating, though, that people seem to expect that our intellectual thinking must necessarily be an expansion pack build onto someone else's work. I had a friend who independently conceived of the derivative, before ever taking calculus. I myself recreated significant swaths of classical Greek philosophy before ever learning about it formally. Of course, we all benefit from the contributions of those who came before us. The education and experiences which enabled me to create some of this stuff on my own, were obviously not my own doing. Yet, there is an important difference between creating a theory from first principles versus building upon the highly particular work of specific philosophers, economists, politicians, scientists, engineers, et cetera.

People should do more original intellectual work, I say! Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

When J says his system is "better", I take it to mean that others should try it out and see the benefits.

My system is better because it works as advertised and isn't filled with nearly as much rubbish and nonsense.


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Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2009, 02:24:06 am »
Quote from: Lord J
Quote from: FaustWolf on Yesterday at 12:44:10 AM
It's not necessarily the cessation of life processes that gets me, but rather the screams of the poor animals being devoured live. And it's not the fact that I don't like to hear animals scream, but the fact that I don't want to feel pain myself - an empathetic concern - that gives this position at least a semblance of basis in reason.

Ah. I mentioned people such as yourself in an earlier post in this thread...although in an unflattering way, so you may not want to go back and reread it. =)
Nah, I knew exactly what you wrote when I wrote the quoted bit. I'm not sure if it gets me out of falling into what you had in mind, but the nuance I was trying to convey is that it's the fact that one can commiserate with the animal's anguish that bothers me, and not the fact that I have seen an animal in anguish. If I stop looking at the Youtube video, that doesn't erase any of the pain animals are inflicting upon one another on a daily basis in the wild. "Out of sight, out of mind" does not equal "out of existence."

I don't worry enough to lose sleep over it because I know there's human suffering out there that outweighs it in importance, but it does concern me -- and the fact that I assign one being's suffering more importance than another's also gives me pause. The thought of drowning in a snake's stomach acid...I mean, jeez. It must be a horrid experience for the animal being devoured, if the animal being devoured is sentient enough to realize that it is experiencing a most unpleasant process.

The fact that a system fraught with pain and suffering has produced wondrous creatures does not necessarily make what happens in nature just. Humanity has developed things like eye glasses precisely out of what must be some desire to escape that rat race. We're about empowering the defenseless -- often times those who have been robbed of defensive ability -- and leveling the playing field; or we should be, I think. When we try to lord power over others, we are in a sense devolving back into a former state of wild being. Whether it's the state of wild being itself that is horrific, or the mere sliding back into it that is horrific, something horrific is occurring. Yes! This might not be your Illumination, J, and maybe it's an embarrassing Captain Obvious moment, but I think this basic realization is something I've been striving to derive since I lunged into this thread.

As a completely random application of what I think I've found in this thread, I now believe we should not, in fact, let the panda go extinct, if we can reasonably prevent this.

Quote from: Lord J
Nope. I meant Kefka. Let the embarrassment commence. =)
Damn. I'm going to need to play the game again or at least read the script and examine it very closely sometime.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 02:27:08 am by FaustWolf »

Lord J Esq

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Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2009, 02:31:21 am »
This might not be your Illumination, J, and maybe it's an embarrassing Captain Obvious moment, but I think this basic realization is something I've been striving to derive since I lunged into this thread.

Aye, and I hope you aren't discouraged from your strivings if I offer the occasional criticism. I think sometimes my tone of voice gets lost in the written word.


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Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2009, 02:48:51 am »
Nah, I think it's the point of good debate after all; though the participants may not evolve in the way each other wishes, the evolution itself, minor as it may be sometimes, might just be worth the process. I don't think anyone gets anywhere close to debating with you unless they expect to encounter a serious challenge. I thank you kindly for it.