Author Topic: Abortion: This Should Be Fun  (Read 10793 times)


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2009, 01:24:27 am »
Biophilosophically speaking, the child is an extension of the mother's body whilst in the womb.

A fetus is as much as part of a womans body as Ivy is a part of a tree... its not >.>

...from my point of view *shrug*


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2009, 01:30:00 am »
see this is why i tend to stay away from these things in general. you guys talk too fast for me to respond to in general lol.

okay... where to start...
i dont think i said that all women who get abortions are stupid bimbos. and if i did, i apologize, because that is quite frankly not true.
as for religious people, the only people ive seen who oppose abortion due to a religious nature also contradict many rules in their own books or whatever. like its not cool for you to get an abortion even if the child is highly deformed yet you can go out for shrimp cocktails (even though one of the passages in the bible says that thou shalt not eat shellfish), or its not cool to perform homosexual activities yet you can sell your daughter into slavery and take gods name in vain.

true, i have no experience with embryology. and yes, human 'life' begins at conception. but when does thought begin? for the first few years of our lives we are simply animals, going on instinct. babies cry, poop, eat, sleep, and mess around with toys. when do they start thinking 'hey im gonna play with the green ball instead of the blue ball!' or 'hey what do i want to wear?' or 'hey where the hell did i come from?'

and for that comment about the circumstances, how can we prove that it was rape? many women dont come forward in rape cases because of shame. will we know if the child is that ill early on? will we know if its going to endanger the woman? people lie. we cant escape that.
and with that, im leaving this topic. im not good at this kind of debate.

and dammit stop talking while im trying to post!!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 07:06:28 pm by ZombieBucky »


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2009, 01:44:50 am »
It's fascinating how quickly Islam can get out of the abortion debate, for all the other difficulties conservative societies like to impose through that religion: life begins after the first trimester in the Islamic point of view, at least in certain schools of thought. However, I wonder just how "universal" the opinion regarding preservation of the mother's life is in conservative Islamic societies. Have they really managed a better track record than Christian societies in that regard, or is it about the same?

Actually, FW, I had to read a book for English this past Winter about a former American mountain climber turned humanitarian in a primitive Pakistani village. It's called "Three Cups of Tea," by Greg Mortenson, a great book and probably a must-read for most college English classes from what I've heard.

Anyway, one of my favorite anecdotes from the novel was about a man whose wife had had the placenta not come out with the baby after giving birth. The narrator/author, Greg Mortenson, who had a background in medicine, was allowed by the husband to reach into the woman and pull the placenta out. It is something practically unspeakable in the Muslim faith for a man to be allowed to touch the wife of another man, however the husband put this aside for the sake of his wife's health.

Now, the story leads one to believe that this is a far more progressive and accepting village than some in Pakistan, but the general idea is prevalent throughout Pakistan as a whole. This is what the reader is led to believe, anyways.

So what you're suggesting may be entirely possible. However, in America, the idea of having a doctor touch a man's wife  in order to save her life isn't so much as an afterthought. So my guess is that the Muslim community might be a bit behind in this regard.

as for religious people, the only people ive seen who oppose abortion due to a religious nature also contradict many rules in their own books or whatever.

Then you need to meet more religious people, rather than people who call themselves Christian. You'll find that many of us do follow the teachings of the Bible that are universally moral, i.e., not selling children into slavery. In all honesty, I think God's reasonable enough to punish those that eat shrimp far more lightly(if at all) than those who sell children.

But to dismiss the entire Religious Right(and Left, as there are plenty of Christian libs) as opposition for hypocrisy, based solely on the people you've met, is extremely short sighted.


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2009, 02:05:04 am »
But to dismiss the entire Religious Right(and Left, as there are plenty of Christian libs) as opposition for hypocrisy, based solely on the people you've met, is extremely short sighted.

Imo... the whole political party thing is an entire scheme in which no matter which one is elected, the same things will be carried out, which the president is really a puppet of a group conspiracy in which controls the US by giving them the IDEA that they're free.


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2009, 02:09:06 am »
Pakistan and especially Afghanistan were definitely what I had in mind there. Looks like Three Cups of Tea even has its own Wiki! I'll have to pick that up sometime.

Quote from: IAmSerge
A fetus is as much as part of a womans body as Ivy is a part of a tree... its not >.>

...from my point of view *shrug*

Analogy is always useful for analysis. However, I question whether the typical Ivy plant is a perfect or close-to-perfect comparison to the human fetus. Wikipedia doesn't seem to help much in this regard judging from a quick glance; anyone know if Ivy nourishes itself through its own means, or if it directly sucks nutrients from trees it happens to grow on? Certainly an Ivy plant might use a tree as a prop to help it reach sunlight, but the human fetus isn't just sitting on its mother's shoulder. The fetus shares his or her mother's very blood supply.


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2009, 03:21:54 am »
Quote from: IAmSerge
A fetus is as much as part of a womans body as Ivy is a part of a tree... its not >.>

...from my point of view *shrug*

Analogy is always useful for analysis. However, I question whether the typical Ivy plant is a perfect or close-to-perfect comparison to the human fetus. Wikipedia doesn't seem to help much in this regard judging from a quick glance; anyone know if Ivy nourishes itself through its own means, or if it directly sucks nutrients from trees it happens to grow on? Certainly an Ivy plant might use a tree as a prop to help it reach sunlight, but the human fetus isn't just sitting on its mother's shoulder. The fetus shares his or her mother's very blood supply.
Mistletoe then...


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2009, 03:57:49 am »
The analogy was merely trying to state that, IMO, a fetus is a parasite, whos host is the mother.

And from what I know, Ivy CAN suck its nutrients from a tree.. but also can live without (as there is a strand growing up one of the brick walls outside our house).

So yes, Mistletoe... or, perhaps, this extremely strange flower that is 100% dependant on a host...

Of course, a fetus eventually is birthed, and leaves its parasitic stage for good.. (lest you count the teenage years of it as being a parasite on your ATM account)


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2009, 04:08:54 am »
Biophilosophically speaking, the child is an extension of the mother's body whilst in the womb. If she is said to exercise control over her own body, then she must be able to exercise control over the fetus that is just as much a physical part of her as her right arm. Despite Roe v. Wade's foundation on the legal question of privacy as a philosophical underpinning, it seems to me the biological question must take precedence; I can't think of any more convincing rationale to explain why a fetus should lack a right to life whereas the freshly born child immediately gains some legal status at the moment of separation from the mother.

Sounds reasonable, FaustWolf.  However, embryology has shown that the fetus is not actually part of the mother's body. The fetus is a separate being, complete with its own circulatory system and a DNA sequence unique from the mother.

As for Roe v. Wade, believe it or not, Norma McCorvey (aka "Jane Roe") released a public statement many years later stating that she was wrong in her decision. Nowadays, she is working to overturn that Supreme Court decision.

I find your rationale to be baseless on the grounds that every living person has the right to life, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.  Giving that unborn child an unborn in basically denying them that right  After all, the right to life is one of the most important principles of law within a free republic.  

Wouldn't you agree?

Lord J Esq

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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2009, 08:06:29 am »
We just had the latest eruption of this never-ending debate barely a month ago. Argh! Don't you people have anything better to do with your lives than try and control women? And to justify yourselves by invoking the rights of "people" who aren't even people...what cheek!

Controlling female sexuality and the sexual access to females is the foundation of all sexism. All you pompous pricks who want a piece of that pie should forget about abortion and go to therapy. What fool decided to create this thread? Was it the topic creator, or was this the result of a topic split and thus the action of some idiotic moderator or admin? I want to know who to STERNLY REBUKE!

Here, read just three of the Compendium's previous excursions into this subject:,1725.0.html,5259.165.html,7769.0.html

I promise you there are more than three (use the search function), but those three are pretty substantial, wouldn't you say? Do we really need a whole other thread so absurdly soon after the last one? Is it that important to you to get your dehumanizing slime comments out to the general public? What personal degradations and deprivations have you endured in your wretched lives to make you feel so entitled to be dictating the most basic aspects of other people's lives, all on the word of some make-believe faerie lord in the sky?

You people are sick. Sick in the head. You need help. You are delusional. You don't have the foggiest idea about abortion or anything else you claim to know about, because if you did then you wouldn't be so damn screwed up about it. You are a danger to society. You are an offense to decency. You need to reeducated, drugged, or locked up. What a load of disgusting, self-indulgent, ignorant, domineering, assholish, contemptible, obscene, hypocritical, BUFFOONERY!

Edit: Edited out the unkindlier bits, for a more wholesome America.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 10:40:09 am by Lord J Esq »


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2009, 09:06:41 am »
Yes, the ability to have a safe abortion should be a right.  Debate ethics all you want, but at the end of the day no woman should be driven to potential suicide over the desperation of an unplanned pregnancy.  That's barbarism.


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2009, 10:13:05 am »
We just had the latest eruption of this never-ending debate barely a month ago. Argh! Don't you people have anything better to do...?

I agree. This very topic is an abortion. :P

Again I say, abortions for some, miniature American flags for others~!!


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2009, 11:34:49 am »
Well, J, perhaps it was better to have an actual thread about the topic rather than it diverding the Eff Sexism thread or any other thread so often.

And perhaps it was a good thing for a change to have others share their input in the debate other than yourself, Daniel Krispin and Zephira, the three people that seem to always resolve the topic.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2009, 11:53:02 am »
In other words, you don't like being in the minority. Cry me a river. Knowledge is power. If you haven't got the power, then shut up. My entire political existence is that of a minority; the only reason I can tango with the best of them is that I've had to spend so much time tangoing with the worst of them. On many forums, your side is the bigger faction, and what willingness you Jesus-smoochers show to allow your opponents to even speak is usually measurable in ANGSTroms per micro-giveshit (ANG/µGS).

I know how this works. When you're in the majority, you're cruel and extreme in your statements. When you're in the minority, you're cautious and try to be moderate, even as you whine that others wash out your arguments with "length" or "rhetoric" or whatever else you can think of. But I can just imagine some of the stuff you say on other forums, forums where your side of the debate is dominant.

Here at the Compendium you get to spout off all you want, as this thread attests. Don't expect to earn many plaudits for your blithering blabbery, but if crapping all over women is what you want to talk about, then talk away. I just hope somebody with spare time and good sense has the energy to put your arguments into the ground whenever you get the itch to make them, because this damn sexist marginalization of the female half of humanity is really getting old, and it's time for it to stop. If steamrolling over the likes of you and this topic creator is the price of that, then I'll pay triple whenever I can, and I hope others will too, because I just haven't got the time or the patience today to re-argue something that already completely played out on this forum just one friggin' month ago!!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 11:54:42 am by Lord J Esq »


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2009, 12:05:25 pm »
A shame this got turned into an abortion thread, rather than the ideal society thread as it seems to have started out as (at least, the first two posts seem to imply that). I say a shame because there was a thread just like this a few weeks ago. Heck, it's still on the front page! It was last posted in on Thursday last. Thanks to J for even providing the links, which shows more effort than I would have put in.

Ah well, what are you going to do? Invent a time machine, go back, and change the past? Well... this IS the Chrono Compendium, so I guess that isn't too far-fetched.

Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads...

what if it were to be born into a world where he/she couldnt be acurately taken care of?

That's a really bad argument; essentially you are saying that it is better to have never lived than to have lived in poverty. And, furthermore, even if one were to suppose that such is a true statement, there is still the nasty subject of society deciding this for another person without their consent. If these are concepts that society should hold to be true, what should stop us from solving the homeless problem with chemicals?

like you shouldnt get an abortion every few weeks (haha like thatll ever happen)...

To be fair, that link doesn't contain the whole story, but rather the one that the individual in question wanted to put forward.

Since it was brought up, early gnostic sects of Christianity actually routinely employed both contraceptives and abortion practices. ... Course, supposedly they also ate semen, menstrual fluid, and aborted fetuses. The validity of this information is dubious, though it is accurate in that historical sources claimed this.

I wonder if there are other religious rationales that could support abortion rights.

I am reminded of the "debate" against the use of anesthetics during childbirth. Curiously, most of the objections to the use of ether came from medical doctors, not the clergy or lay-individuals. However, a few arguments were put forward very early (and very early addressed and subsequently dropped) that stated that labour pains were the result of humanity's fall, and so attempting to subvert them was like attempting to subvert God's will. These arguments were addressed by merely pointing out that, by that logic, any labour saving device was likewise attempting to subvert the will of God.

But I bring this up because one might be able to extrapolate a basic argument from it to use for the advocation or defense of abortion on religious grounds. One might object to abortion on the grounds that it violates a perceived divine order in the universe. However, one might in turn object to this objection on the grounds that imprisonment as punishment for a crime is in turn a violation of a perceived divine order. The OT generally states two kinds of punishment: death or fines. Forcibly restricting the freedoms of another individual, however, is not included.

It is a weak argument, admittedly, but that is because the religious arguments against abortion are likewise weak. Objections to abortion seldom rest entirely on religious grounds (though certainly the concept of ensoulment does come into play), but rather human nature itself. Human's have a basic instinct to protect our children, and we have an imagination. Put the two together and people can perceive a fetus as a child and thus have the desire to protect it. Often, arguments against abortion tend to be founded in a sense of wrongness that cannot be attributed to any logical argument. People feel that it is wrong, as they feel that ranch dressing on peanut butter chocolate chip pie is wrong, and they search for justification after the fact.

The concept of ensoulment does provide difficulties for the Christian pro-choicer, but given that few Christians are well versed on the concept of ensoulment, that can't be the cause of people's stance.

Biophilosophically speaking, the child is an extension of the mother's body whilst in the womb. If she is said to exercise control over her own body, then she must be able to exercise control over the fetus that is just as much a physical part of her as her right arm.

I am curious, if a woman wanted to cut off her right arm, provided that there was not a medical threat to her wellbeing emanating from the arm, would we allow her to do it or would she be directed to seek psychological help? Or let us extrapolate that further, suppose a woman wanted to reject a part of her body necessary for life (her heart, let's say): would society allow her to? This, of course, gets into the topic of euthanasia. As a society we hold that no one has complete control over their body, and thus it is now a question of where we draw the line of who much control a woman has. Not enough control to kill herself, and perhaps not enough control to maim herself, but enough control to eject what is essentially a parasite? A parasite that, though it inhabits her body, is not entirely hers (unless we have a case of virgin pregnancy, of course).

While I am generally in favor of abortion as a right (and I try to use the word "right" very sparingly, as it is much abused in modern discourse), I do find the concept that a person has exclusive dominion over their own body to be a curious one. That which is merely within the body does not fall under such jurisdiction (such as in the case of drugs specifically ingested with the intent of later regurgitating), and likewise that which is supplied by and dependent on the host body isn't entirely free to the individual's decision (as there can be court orders forcing individuals to get treated for various medical problems). If we have control over our bodies, it is a very shaky control. Perhaps the abortion issue might thus be helped by establishing first a human's relationship to their body, and then extrapolating that concept uniformly across concepts?

Such an approach would be inherently biased, however. It assumes dualism where dualism may not (and probably doesn't) exist. But at the same time, I believe many modern individuals are dualists, and so addressing this philosophy might in turn help the abortion debate.

... also contradict many rules in their own books or whatever. like its not cool for you to get an abortion even if the child is highly deformed yet you can go out for shrimp cocktails (even though one of the passages in the bible says that thou shalt not eat shellfish)

Curses, if only Christians believed that something or someone had come along and replaced the old religious code with a new one. This would, of course, be transmitted to us via a testament, of sorts. A "New Testament," as it were.


To be fair, Christians are rather selective in what they choose to hold as still valid from the Old Testament. For example, murder is still bad, but I can wear a shirt that's 50% cotton and 50% polyester and not worry about sinning. Often, however, this is because of various classifications of the laws found in the OT. Certain laws were fundamental, others were circumstantial. Of course, even such classifications are artificial; they aren't found within the text itself. But this is also a religion based on the concept of a messiah, which isn't found explicitly in the OT either. We have a history of “interesting” interpretations.

...or its not cool to perform homosexual activities yet you can sell your daughter into slavery and take gods name in vain.

I'm just curious, what Christians are selling their daughters into slavery?

Imo... the whole political party thing is an entire scheme in which no matter which one is elected, the same things will be carried out, which the president is really a puppet of a group conspiracy in which controls the US by giving them the IDEA that they're free.

Would this group conspiracy be run by a select organization known as the Pentavirate, which meets tri-annually at a secret mansion in Colorado known as "The Meadows." And would this group be comprised of the five wealthiest people, including: The Queen, the Vatican, the Gettys, the Rothschilds, and Colonel Sanders before he went tits-up?

Sounds reasonable, FaustWolf.  However, embryology has shown that the fetus is not actually part of the mother's body. The fetus is a separate being, complete with its own circulatory system and a DNA sequence unique from the mother.

Yet at the same time, it is possible for my right hand to have a DNA sequence unique from my left hand. An individual can be their "own twin" as it were. It is called Chimerism.

Now, may I be selfish for a moment and return to what appears to have been the original topic, an ideal society?

1. A small government would exist, but its primary purpose would be to manage the pooled resources of the community and direct it towards necessary large scale projects. Laws would be unnecessary as no one would behave in a manner un-conducive to the prosperity of the whole. Likewise taxes would not exist as individuals would willingly and happily provide to resources for the greater good.

2. A free and easily accessible educational system in which human development is emphasized. Math and science would have important places within the curriculum, but because they are fields of study worthwhile in themselves to be studied, not because they are perceived as keys to desirable jobs later in life. Thus, philosophy, english, history, and various forms of art (music, painting, sculpting, woodworking, etc) would be highly emphasized as well. Physical education would be largely unnecessary as individuals would be naturally introduced to a wide range of physical activities by their parents. Sports in general would be well honored, but not obsessed over. Teachers would get "paid" far more than athletes.

3. Everyone would engage in activities as best suits the society as a whole and their own personal interests. Undesirable activities which are necessary but which no one desires to perform would be handled by robots. If an individual desired to till land, then they would be well welcomed to do so, but if no one desired to, robots would fill in the activity.

4. Robot uprisings would not occur as at no point with the machines be given an intelligence sufficient enough to lead to sentience. A robot citizenry might be created, but these groups would be kept strictly separate.

5. And since it has been mentioned here, abortion would be a non-issue as there would be no need for it; no woman would ever become pregnant unless she so desired, there would never be medical complications, and the child would also be healthy and viable.

Of course, such a society totally can't exist, but no one ever said these had to be viable.
And now, for our robots in the audience, a binary solo!

01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100100 01100101 01100001 01100100


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Re: Abortion: This Should Be Fun
« Reply #29 on: August 17, 2009, 12:18:24 pm »
We just had the latest eruption of this never-ending debate barely a month ago. Argh! Don't you people have anything better to do with your lives than try and control women? And to justify yourselves by invoking the rights of "people" who aren't even people...what cheek!

Controlling female sexuality and the sexual access to females is the foundation of all sexism. All you pompous pricks who want a piece of that pie should forget about abortion and go to therapy. What fool decided to create this thread? Was it the topic creator, or was this the result of a topic split and thus the action of some idiotic moderator or admin? I want to know who to STERNLY REBUKE!

Here, read just three of the Compendium's previous excursions into this subject:,1725.0.html,5259.165.html,7769.0.html

I promise you there are more than three (use the search function), but those three are pretty substantial, wouldn't you say? Do we really need a whole other thread so absurdly soon after the last one? Is it that important to you to get your dehumanizing slime comments out to the general public? What personal degradations and deprivations have you endured in your wretched lives to make you feel so entitled to be dictating the most basic aspects of other people's lives, all on the word of some make-believe faerie lord in the sky?

You people are sick. Sick in the head. You need help. You are delusional. You don't have the foggiest idea about abortion or anything else you claim to know about, because if you did then you wouldn't be so damn screwed up about it. You are a danger to society. You are an offense to decency. You need to reeducated, drugged, or locked up. What a load of disgusting, self-indulgent, ignorant, domineering, assholish, contemptible, obscene, hypocritical, BUFFOONERY!

Edit: Edited out the unkindlier bits, for a more wholesome America.

How about I debase that entire (misguided) argument by saying that if men could have babies too, I would still be standing where I am.