Author Topic: Made some slick CT character avatars for anyone to use  (Read 699 times)


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Made some slick CT character avatars for anyone to use
« on: January 02, 2009, 02:00:22 pm »
So, I figured out the "random avatar" trick and couldn't resist trying it, as you all can probably see.  Of course, where there is a random avatar script, there must be many, many avatars.  To that end, I've been churning them out all day (and the previous night).  I am so pleased with my work that I think I'm going to be keeping this setting for a long, long time.  I know I'm kinda stealing teaflower's thunder since she was already doing the random trick, but, I figure as long as my avatars are more awesome, I'm justified.  Sorry teaflower.

Aaaaanyway, I made so many that I  ended up with quite a few extras that I didn't want to use because, although visually pleasing, they failed to properly represent me as a person. (That's not to say that some of the avatars in my *ahem* current rotation are perfect representations of who I am, but they are each moderately better in some way that most likely only makes sense to me.)  So, I'm giving them away.  Here they are:







Do not hotlink them.  They are stored on personal webspace that I pay for, and I will not leave them up there forever.  If you want it, copy the image to your hard drive and upload it to one of those free image hosting sites, of which there are many.

For those wondering, I obviously did not create the original images these avatars are made out of.  Every single image here and every image in my own rotating avatar came from fanart that was on deviantart.  Every single image I used required significant cropping and resizing, and in most cases I ended up playing with layer filters to improve the color of the final image (the two images of Flea above, for example, are the result of two different, but equally nice, filters).  You will note that none of these avatars are based off of fanart stored at the Compendium or; this was intentional.  I wanted to show people a taste of how much good art was being missed. (Edit Jan 27 2009: My point was made, so now I'm using material from those sources as well to further increase the avatar library.)  And these were just the ones that made for good avatars!  You should see some of the stuff that's too big to fit in a 100x200 pixel frame.

All of the avatars contain a comment that gives credit to the original author of the image, and includes a link to the original image.  The comment was added through the program known as GIMP, which, I believe, uses a different comment tag than the one Windows Explorer is used to looking at.  As a result, you may or may not have to load the image with GIMP (a free program) to see the comment, but, whatever; it's there. (Edit Jan 27 2009: Avatars made from images in Y-E's pixiv gallery do not credit the original image creator, as Y-E did not copy that information along with the images themselves.)

I actually have a few more avatars I was going to give away, but alas, I cannot; they are made from images on a different site that explicitly forbids their use without permission.  And since the artist there speaks Japanese and I do not, I don't think I'll be able to ask permission properly any time soon.

Additional note: While I am giving the above avatars away, I would appreciate it if no one used any of the avatars that are in my current rotation (don't worry, there aren't duplicates of them in this post).
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 10:50:49 pm by hiddensquire »


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Re: Made some slick CT character avatars for anyone to use
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2009, 02:12:50 pm »
If I may ask, hiddensquire, where do you "shop" for your avatar artwork? Do just peruse deviantart, or just comb through the entire Internet? I see several in there I haven't come across before, and I suddenly realize I must be losing my edge as a Chrono fanart connoisseur.


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Re: Made some slick CT character avatars for anyone to use
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2009, 02:24:23 pm »
As I said, every single image I have posted in this thread, as well as every image in my current avatar rotation, is based off of an image found at deviantart.  I know what you mean, though: some of the images I used were only produced within the past two years, so, there's a good chance deviantart has buffed its stock a great deal since the last time you did a painstakingly thorough search through it.  Additionally, the DS release is inspiring more fanart; a number of images I found said it was the reason they made it!

Glad to hear you appreciate my taste  :D

Edit 1/27/09: Big update.  Added 15 new avatars, bringing the total to 21.  Made use of some of the images found in Y-E's Webcrawl Treasure Haul.  Also caved and started using fanart that has already been submitted to the Compendium, as well as some cutelucca fanart.  I'm pretty sure it's clear at this point how much awesome CT fanart isn't on the Compendium now, so, there's no longer reason for me to hold back.  That being said, I'm probably not going to be adding a great number more than this unless I get some kind of indication that they are actually wanted.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 10:53:03 pm by hiddensquire »


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Re: Made some slick CT character avatars for anyone to use
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2009, 04:13:34 pm »
Hmm, that Flea reminds me of Aerith from FFVII. I guess that's because the color.
Great job so far.


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Re: Made some slick CT character avatars for anyone to use
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2009, 07:04:22 pm »
Wow, some of those are pretty neat...The only ones I would use though would be the first Crono & the first Magus (I have a problem using female avatars because they're...avatars and I'm not female...>_>), but I'm not going to...