Author Topic: Your Dreams  (Read 3554 times)


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2008, 09:19:51 am »
It is my chief desire. I would not care to become the emperor of the universe if I had no special person to share my happiness with. Love validates me and gives me meaning, and to the one I love, I offer my entire universe as well. There are other types of relationships that pass for "love" in this world, such as ones born out of firey physical attraction without substance, economic necessity, conditioned affection, etc. and that's not what I aim for.
:lol: Can't deny that, I feel the same. However, being the emperor... no, GOD of the multiverse has no value to me when I don't have anyone to share my happiness with. But I'm going to follow it nevertheless, for I don't want to be so weak consumed by my own emotions.

Thought, Tact and Zeality: One thing for you to keep in mind. Love might be love, no matter how intense, but with pain it's not worth it. But ones you see how you can have as much fun as possible with it (suppose ya fall in love with someone who has a boyfriend but wouldn't care and still flirt in a such a way she'd enjoy, as well as you) that would be worth it indeed.  :lol: I don't really mind that, since I'm not looking for any kind of relationship at the moment. But hey, fun makes ya happy! No fun and yer letting yerself go emo and pain strikes you right where ya live! I've experienced that.

As for physical attraction, don't count on it. Just because it seems bad doesn't mean it it. Unconditional love also does at one point hold lust, and it's all a part of mutual enjoyment. With a man and woman, it starts with the eyes, and a warm welcoming smile, friendship, a cheerful laugh, a little fun, holding of hands, then back to the eyes, there she's to embrace you, and then a kiss, cuddle, and after that is where things spice up. Purely physical tendency often is rejected by those with higher moral value and self respect. But when you love someone truly, and have as much fun as possible, it's obvious you'd want to spend time with em more. And when the feeling goes stronger it tends to enter the physical enjoyment side. It ain't bad!

Edit: Thought, whadya mean?  :lol: First cometh the dream, then cometh the goal and then enterth the dawn of reality!


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2008, 10:49:45 am »
Thought, Tact and Zeality: One thing for you to keep in mind. Love might be love, no matter how intense, but with pain it's not worth it. But ones you see how you can have as much fun as possible with it (suppose ya fall in love with someone who has a boyfriend but wouldn't care and still flirt in a such a way she'd enjoy, as well as you) that would be worth it indeed.  :lol: I don't really mind that, since I'm not looking for any kind of relationship at the moment. But hey, fun makes ya happy! No fun and yer letting yerself go emo and pain strikes you right where ya live! I've experienced that.

You might find the book The Gift of Pain to be an interesting read. It largely deals with the misconception that since pain is unpleasant that it is also bad.

But as for your general statement, "with pain it's [love] not worth it," I would argue that either the love is worth it or it wasn't love. Love is inherently a communal affair; if you love someone and that love isn't returned, then that isn't really complete love; it is half-formed. That is another reason why I would say that love isn't an emotion. An individual feels an emotion, but with love, two people experience and share it. Therefore, if there is an excess of pain and it outweighs the "love," then that is a sign that the "love" isn't love at all.

For your example (flirting with a woman who is supposedly committed to someone else), I would point out what seems to be a flaw in your thinking. In your example, one falls in love first and then communicates (aka, flirts). Pish posh. First one communicates and then love grows between the two. Love from afar is not love, it is obsession with an image that exists only in an individual's mind. Flirting is carnal, it is physical and material. Sure, love might flirt, and but flirting isn't love nor is it necessarily an expression of love.

Additionally, I would strongly attempt to disillusion you as to the notion that love is "fun" or "happy." Love can include those things, and the best love will be quite fun and happy as a side effect, but take those emotions away and love still remains. If one takes fun and happiness away and discovers love isn't there, then it wasn't there in the first place. Love transcends such base concepts as fun and happiness; it will often be those things, but to say that love is (that is, its nature is:) "fun" and "happy" is like saying that water is powerfully wet stuff -- we define the latter based on the former, not the other way around.

As for physical attraction, don't count on it. Just because it seems bad doesn't mean it it. Unconditional love also does at one point hold lust, and it's all a part of mutual enjoyment. With a man and woman, it starts with the eyes, and a warm welcoming smile, friendship, a cheerful laugh, a little fun, holding of hands, then back to the eyes, there she's to embrace you, and then a kiss, cuddle, and after that is where things spice up. Purely physical tendency often is rejected by those with higher moral value and self respect. But when you love someone truly, and have as much fun as possible, it's obvious you'd want to spend time with em more. And when the feeling goes stronger it tends to enter the physical enjoyment side. It ain't bad!

Has anyone said that physical attraction is bad? There seems to be a lot of "love transcends physical attraction," essentially stating that it is a greater thing that doesn't need the lesser, but I don't recall anyone saying it is bad.

And no, Unconditional love does not, at one point, hold lust. It can, but it doesn't always. The two aren't inclusive, but neither are they exclusive. The best example of this is the love of a (good) parent for their child; the love is unconditional, but good lord, lust is so very absent. If lust was present, even in the smallest part, that is what we call "perverted."

The problem with physical attraction and sex is that it is dessert but humans seem to try to make a meal out of it. Love is the meal, the meat and potatoes, where we get our sustenance, our vitality, our energy, etc, where life, conversation, and intimacy happens. Sex is the dessert; it is tasty, something to look forward to, maybe to have coffee over, but if you make a meal out of it, then you are missing out on all the nutrition you need to survive and be healthy.

Edit: Thought, whadya mean?  :lol: First cometh the dream, then cometh the goal and then enterth the dawn of reality!

What do you mean, "whadya mean"? I've said a lot of things, some of which I am sure is in reality probably bunk, but you'll have to identify what the question is in reference to before I can tell you what I mean.


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2008, 11:44:04 am »
Thought, Tact and Zeality: One thing for you to keep in mind. Love might be love, no matter how intense, but with pain it's not worth it. But ones you see how you can have as much fun as possible with it (suppose ya fall in love with someone who has a boyfriend but wouldn't care and still flirt in a such a way she'd enjoy, as well as you) that would be worth it indeed.  :lol: I don't really mind that, since I'm not looking for any kind of relationship at the moment. But hey, fun makes ya happy! No fun and yer letting yerself go emo and pain strikes you right where ya live! I've experienced that.

You might find the book The Gift of Pain to be an interesting read. It largely deals with the misconception that since pain is unpleasant that it is also bad.

But as for your general statement, "with pain it's [love] not worth it," I would argue that either the love is worth it or it wasn't love. Love is inherently a communal affair; if you love someone and that love isn't returned, then that isn't really complete love; it is half-formed. That is another reason why I would say that love isn't an emotion. An individual feels an emotion, but with love, two people experience and share it. Therefore, if there is an excess of pain and it outweighs the "love," then that is a sign that the "love" isn't love at all.

For your example (flirting with a woman who is supposedly committed to someone else), I would point out what seems to be a flaw in your thinking. In your example, one falls in love first and then communicates (aka, flirts). Pish posh. First one communicates and then love grows between the two. Love from afar is not love, it is obsession with an image that exists only in an individual's mind. Flirting is carnal, it is physical and material. Sure, love might flirt, and but flirting isn't love nor is it necessarily an expression of love.

Additionally, I would strongly attempt to disillusion you as to the notion that love is "fun" or "happy." Love can include those things, and the best love will be quite fun and happy as a side effect, but take those emotions away and love still remains. If one takes fun and happiness away and discovers love isn't there, then it wasn't there in the first place. Love transcends such base concepts as fun and happiness; it will often be those things, but to say that love is (that is, its nature is:) "fun" and "happy" is like saying that water is powerfully wet stuff -- we define the latter based on the former, not the other way around.

As for physical attraction, don't count on it. Just because it seems bad doesn't mean it it. Unconditional love also does at one point hold lust, and it's all a part of mutual enjoyment. With a man and woman, it starts with the eyes, and a warm welcoming smile, friendship, a cheerful laugh, a little fun, holding of hands, then back to the eyes, there she's to embrace you, and then a kiss, cuddle, and after that is where things spice up. Purely physical tendency often is rejected by those with higher moral value and self respect. But when you love someone truly, and have as much fun as possible, it's obvious you'd want to spend time with em more. And when the feeling goes stronger it tends to enter the physical enjoyment side. It ain't bad!

Has anyone said that physical attraction is bad? There seems to be a lot of "love transcends physical attraction," essentially stating that it is a greater thing that doesn't need the lesser, but I don't recall anyone saying it is bad.

And no, Unconditional love does not, at one point, hold lust. It can, but it doesn't always. The two aren't inclusive, but neither are they exclusive. The best example of this is the love of a (good) parent for their child; the love is unconditional, but good lord, lust is so very absent. If lust was present, even in the smallest part, that is what we call "perverted."

The problem with physical attraction and sex is that it is dessert but humans seem to try to make a meal out of it. Love is the meal, the meat and potatoes, where we get our sustenance, our vitality, our energy, etc, where life, conversation, and intimacy happens. Sex is the dessert; it is tasty, something to look forward to, maybe to have coffee over, but if you make a meal out of it, then you are missing out on all the nutrition you need to survive and be healthy.

Edit: Thought, whadya mean?  :lol: First cometh the dream, then cometh the goal and then enterth the dawn of reality!

What do you mean, "whadya mean"? I've said a lot of things, some of which I am sure is in reality probably bunk, but you'll have to identify what the question is in reference to before I can tell you what I mean.
You're right, but sheesh *curses his lack of ability to explain things properly*. Okay, here's the deal. Love = care -> fun -> love returned = happiness -> love not returned = sorrow and angst, but happy as long as you know the latter's happy -> depends what kinda yadda yadda
Claim love -> go emo -> intention of fun but no effort = obssession -> no love really -> blah blah I hope ya get my point.
Love is love, fun and happiness is a part of human emotions. But yeah, as long as the pain is worth holding, and you have the strength to endure it for the sake of your love it only means that love is strong enough to remove any doubts. If pain overpowers love, or if you LET that happen, then that love might not be love. Not worth it. But once again, despite the feeling love cannot be communicated unless mutual understanding exist. If you tell just anybody that you love him/her they might call you a freak. When you're able to make a comfortable environment, have their trust, befriend them, an somehow they manage to understand you they'd know your feelings. And they'd decide whether they would wanna go with ya. "Is this guy/girl worth it? Am I comfortable with it? Do I like him/her?" It all depends. Live and love! Win or lose! Rule of life!

I never said flirting was any love or a way to express love. One can flirt with friends, and ya can't necessarily say "he/she loves ya". It's playful, and enjoyable as it is, nothing more. A bit of a good communicative method to read the latter's mind well and know more about em for me, and at the same time giving off a "happy happy air" where one feels comfortable, and I do that all the time.

As for sexual relationship and thy "meal" talks, here's something you ought to know. One may not want to physically communicate with anybody other than someone one would love. It doesn't necessarily mean "lust" is not a part of love itself. Lust as in self pleasure stuff is different from lust of love, where lust of love takes place with mutual feelings, uniting the two flames, whereas the "other" only means to satisfy himself/herself. Unconditional love, true, does not hold lust at the beginning, but 90% of the time it takes place mutually when desires tend to grow stronger, either due to some accidental "heart pounding" event or just "cuddle and/or foreplay". *points at his friend and his girlfriend* If you don't believe me, that friend of mine usually was nervous when it came to sex, but is now... ya know... although he's not a pervert.


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2008, 08:41:24 pm »
The following didn't seem entirely appropriate for the "WTF? Check this link out! thread" thread, but did seem somewhat pertinent to this thread:

My contribution later, perhaps...
« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 08:42:55 pm by MsBlack »


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2008, 09:37:31 pm »
The following didn't seem entirely appropriate for the "WTF? Check this link out! thread" thread, but did seem somewhat pertinent to this thread:

My contribution later, perhaps...
Damn, that brought about tears. I can't believe he is the one who headed ALICE.


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2008, 05:24:26 pm »
He just died, probably hours after I posted.


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #36 on: July 26, 2008, 06:07:46 pm »
May that man rest in peace.

Why is it that almost every visionary the world needs dies young? It's just not right.


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #37 on: July 30, 2008, 04:58:15 am »


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #38 on: August 03, 2008, 09:19:29 pm »
For the hell of it, here are my dreams, ambitions, and goals in compressed form.


* Achieve a relationship of true love and shared existence.
* Explore the moment and improve my poetry.
* Live in the springtime of youth by maintaining an optimistic attitude backed by practical action.


* Become an Adonis in the pursuit of health through a relentless exercise program and smart eating.
* Learn Czech, then Japanese.
* Complete a Master's degree in Accounting.
* Work in the Czech Republic to expand my experiences.
* Write a book of my philosophies.
* Publish a book of my experiential, romantic poetry, and a romantic novel encapsulating my thoughts on love.


* Continue learning Czech each day.
* Read accounting textbooks ahead of time and make detailed notes on a comprehensive spreadsheet.
* [Current Fitness Goals] Achieve 200 pounds on the lats pull-down machine (I've just broken 175). Run two miles every other day and achieve under an 8 minute mile, and under 20 minutes for both. Stretch every day.


* Audit conversations up to June for philosophical research and archive e-mails with friends up to now.
* Write about the Springtime of Youth, the Emperor, and the Sledgehammer.
* Flesh out my romantic novel idea.
* Watch KPAX, Emily Rose, Frailty, and The Fall.
* Order A Vegas Christmas and Animotion CDs to obtain the long mix of Obsession.
* Buy a new scanner and scan old family pictures.
* Finish Frank Klepacki music archive.
* Download the Brak album.
* Finish Goemon's Great Adventure Featured Article.
* Get the Trammell Starks music from the Weather Channel circa 1997.
* Finish recording the fictional tennis ball Saga.
* Copy graduation videos from VHS to a more permanent format.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 09:37:51 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #39 on: August 08, 2008, 08:58:25 am »
* Complete a Master's degree in Accounting.
* Read accounting textbooks ahead of time and make detailed notes on a comprehensive spreadsheet.

Have you thought about CPA/CMA as other options?  I never considered an MBA in Accounting over a designation.  Any reason why you have chosen the MBA path?  Curious to know as I am pursuing an Accounting Designation myself.  Just finished Advanced Accounting last week...good feeling to get all that Financial Accounting out of the way!


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #40 on: August 08, 2008, 02:43:08 pm »
The CPA requires a lot of hours of higher level accounting classes, and a Master's in Accounting provides them. So I'm on track to being able to be a CPA, though I still don't know if I'll do that.


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2008, 08:59:24 pm »
Picked up my Schedule for Sophomore year today, I got into AP art! Whoohoo! CHECK!


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2008, 01:23:08 am »
I have to ask this but, the hell is the springtime of youth?


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #43 on: August 10, 2008, 03:46:38 am »
Skip the text

The springtime of youth is tons of things, but it starts with an uncontrollable desire to fulfill your dreams. It is giving 200%, exploding with passion, and exercising self-will.


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Re: Your Dreams
« Reply #44 on: August 11, 2008, 05:13:50 am »
Soooo my next question has to be . . . what's with the random anime I keep finding with the whole, springtime scenario?