Author Topic: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P  (Read 3483 times)


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2007, 02:41:58 pm »
My problem with Chrono being put in there is that he'll end up being a clone of all the other swordsmen already in the smash brothers series. Still, I like your idea for his final smash. :o


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2007, 05:08:39 pm »
its true, but a possible solution would be to get RID of all the other crappy sword characters :)
(minus link)


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2007, 08:59:04 pm »
Wow, this is a very interesting topic.  I agree with you that Chrono wouldn't be represented very well: he would just be the cool looking character with a sword and a couple of lightning magic.  And just as I was reading your post, I thought of Lucca being a very interesting character who utilized different artilleries in her techniques.

If I had to choose characters from Chrono Trigger, I would pick: Lucca and Robo.

From Cross: Harle (an overall interesting/mysterious character) and Pierre (hilarious).  :)

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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2007, 09:33:09 pm »
I had a post on nintendo's forum's for my ideas of some of chrono's sword moves (I thought that while using spin-cut with ^B you can also tilt the control stick at one point for Crono's elemental swords like hit >B for Ice sword, ^B for fire sword( hold till top of jump to release the second version of the attack for these two) and V B for swordstream) also his V B being he makes his opponent do a face plant ant then dose a sword plant right on their head or back (I don't know which would be more amusing). He was the main character by RPG standards back then (the character you start with is the main character,( FF XII broke this.))


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2007, 03:36:53 am »
I had a post on nintendo's forum's for my ideas of some of chrono's sword moves (I thought that while using spin-cut with ^B you can also tilt the control stick at one point for Crono's elemental swords like hit >B for Ice sword, ^B for fire sword( hold till top of jump to release the second version of the attack for these two) and V B for swordstream) also his V B being he makes his opponent do a face plant ant then dose a sword plant right on their head or back (I don't know which would be more amusing). He was the main character by RPG standards back then (the character you start with is the main character,( FF XII broke this.))
Hmm, those moves require that the other characters assist him, though. :?
If Chrono did get moves, I hope they just emphasize swordplay and his sky magic. Shining would make a good final smash.

I think that main characters shouldn't get priority for the Smash Bros games, just for variety's sake. People have favorite characters they want to kick major ass with.


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2007, 06:11:24 pm »
Crono Moveset

B moves

Standard - Cyclone: all of you are expecting it to be like Links I bet. WRONG! It's more like Jiggles' rollout attack but it u can control it's movement(I know Jiggles can to but I mean full control) or let it stand if you want.

Side - *haven't decided*

Up - Confuse - Jumps up into the air, then comes downs with a couple of slashes that are like Kirby's up B.

Down - Lightning 2 - Basically like Pikachu's down B except wider and goes from him, upwards.

Smash Moves

Side - Slash - Drags his katana across the ground and lifts it up to the air in a slash. The slash also goes and equivalent of two kirby and a half far.

Up - no name just a stab up into the air

Down - once more no name just drags the katana across the ground forward to back and forward to back

Final Smash - Luminair

If you want to help me out with a side b that would be great


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2008, 06:36:20 am »
Ok, my turn:

Lucca Moveset
Regular Attacks:
  • A: Swing her hammer from her top right to bottom left.
  • A repeatedly: Fist move is same as above, then swings the hammer from her bottom left to bottom right. Repeats as long as you are tapping A.
  • A + tilt forward: Thrusts her hammer straight out and back in.
  • A + tilt backward: Thrusts the long handle of her hammer behind her while looking over her shoulder.
  • A + crouch: Simple crouching kick meant to hit low.
  • A + tilt up: Thrusts her hammer upwards while spinning it(axis of rotation is vetically down the handle, not horizontally through the midpoint of the hammer!)
  • A + up/forward/back in midair: Holds her right hand /above her head/out at face level/outstretched behind her(left hand), with her palm facing away from her. Tiny fireballs appear and move away from her hand for a very short distance (not even punching range). This move is tappable to keep them coming out until you hit the ground. This move can burn others, but is very weak damage-wise. Meant for pushing foes back.
  • A in midair: Does tappable kick combos in midair. Nothing special.
  • A + down in midair: Holds her hammer vertically above her head while flipping upside down to fall at the ground head first, aided by a jet coming out of her backpack/helmet/whatever. Physics are like Link's midair A + down, except she falls down much faster. Bounces back up on her feet instantly after hitting down with the hammer.
  • Shielding: Has her hammer held out in front of her just like if you make her defend in Chrono Trigger.
  • Grabbing: Nothing special, just reaches out with her left hand.

Smash attacks:
  • A + Forward: The same EXACT swing as she does in Chrono Trigger. As in she swings the hammer slightly behind her bottom right(charge here), and then swings upwards to her upper left. Her left leg comes off the ground, just like in Chrono Trigger, too.
  • A + Back: Swings hammer horizontally to her right (charge here), and spins counter clockwise twice for two hits focused behind her. One stuns the enemy while the next knocks them back.
  • A + Up: Swings hammer behind her back (charge here), and jumps up while swinging the hammer over her head.
  • A + Down: Ducks down (charge here) and casts a small and speedy fire wave similar to Fire 2 in Chrono Trigger (think of Sol Badguy's[Guilty Gear X] fight intro where his arms are folded and he charges fire out of his body. It's a kinda muted down version of that). This has a short range, too. Can burn foes, but is not that strong.

  • B: Kneels down while pulling a mini version of Robo out of her bag. Charge by winding him up like a toy, and then jumps back and lets him go! Mini Robos can do a variety of things: charged forward for a Robo tackle(winding determines damage and speed), stands still and does a short range uzzi punch (winding determines duration), stays stationary to fire a lazer (winding determines damage), or marches forward and explodes on the first foe it touches(if after a certain time goes by where it does not touch anything, it explodes. The duration of its marching time is determined by winding!).
  • B + forward/back: Lucca bust out her gun! (finally!) There is a two part duration for this. First, she pulls out the gun and hold it in front of her with a click, ready to fire. Then, after about 1/4 of a second, she fires. So it would be Click, slightest pause, shoot. Since Lucca will be sporting the Wondershot, the damage will be random! Well, sort of. Like the mini robos, the Wondershot will fire off a variety of shots with their own sounds and animations. For instance, the weakest shot will fire some darts (a la the dart gun from Chrono Trigger) and will give of the same sound used for the dart gun in Chrono trigger. The best shot will sound like the Wondershot sound effect from Chrono Trigger, look like a giant ball of light, and will send the enemy flying(like Luigi's B + up or the home run bat if it was muted down a bit.). There will also be a fire shot (normal/high damage with burning), Ice shot (low damage and a chance of freezing), a sky shot (normal damage and shock), a shadow shot (higher damage), and maybe a backfire where Lucca gets hit. That's what the click-pause-shoot is for: SUSPENSE!
  • B + Down: Pulls out the gate key to open a gate and teleport like zelda/sheik. Her process is slower, but on rare occasions, items can come out with you that are relevant to a time period visited in Chrono Trigger. Mainly just chucking items, some might be capsules in disguise. Like I said, this is really slow and rare to avoid cheapness. Also is Lucca's recovery move when she falls.
  • B + up: Searches through her bag (charge here) and throws up a napalm bomb. The distance is charged like a smash attack, and the explosion range is pretty moderate. Burns foes.

Final Smash:
  • Instead of the obvious use of flare, I think she should take a page out of Fox's final smash and command the Epoch! It would be a center screen, uncontrolled final smash with the epoch dashing from a gate in the foreground into annother gate in the background while passing through the center of the stage. This means that everyone else has to run for the edges while lucca has the smash ball in her, which means you can knock them off screen with your hammer anyways!

  • T + Up: Does the same celebratory stance from Chrono trigger affter winning a battle: "Nothing can beat science!"
  • T + Down: A mini Robo pops up behind her back over her shoulder while she makes the victory sign (AKA the "peace" sign) with a big grin: "Yes!"
  • T + Foreward/Back: Remember when Lucca gets the wondershot in Chrono Trigger, and poses with her new gun? Something like that, but shorter in duration: "Awesome!"

Small Notes:
  • I consider Lucca's hammer to have a long handle. She holds it with two hands even as she swings it. I know there are pictures of her with a small one-handed hammer, but her in game sprite is what I'm basing this off of.
  • I know the quotes for the taunts suck. Don't judge me. :lol:
  • Yes, there is a lot of chance involved with her special moves. It's reminiscent of her wondershot in Chrono Trigger.


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2008, 05:54:05 pm »
Nice to see a different moveset other than Crono's.

Only qulams I have is that there is no back A smash. It's just the same as a forward smash attack.

I like the moves, expect that she requires a lot of luck. Two moves that have random damage seems a little iffy to me, but other than that nice work.

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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2008, 07:19:34 pm »
Wouldn't chrono be more like Link in SSB? They have almost the same moves.  Though Chrono has a bit more umph with moves like Cyclone or Sword strike where he jumps high in the air or sword strike 2. or all the lightning moves but practically sword wise they are almost equal..

 Plus I doubt Nintendo will do the wii points thingy because Nintendo is into Rhinoed and spit for their products even though they have the capability to not.   Good hardware has to come with good games balanced out in all ways like CT that you all know.  Or this site wouldn't exist as well without Chrono.   


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2008, 12:48:45 pm »
I picture Chrono to be more of a Roy Clone, but with sky magic instead of fire. It's all in the looks, I guess.

G-Leo>>Did you mean Back + B special, because I did make a Back + A smash. :?
If you did mean Back + B, I made it that way to put more focus on Lucca's gun, since it's her main weapon in Chrono Trigger.
I know that her Wondershot move is a gamble, but I think it's a character dynamic that's hard to find in smash. The mini Robos are mostly a novelty move, but I think they should generally be a charged forward-directed move, where charge determines damage among other things. The chance there is mostly in the physics of whether the mini Robo will stay put or move forward.


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2008, 01:06:15 pm »
No I just meant there is no such thing as a Back A Smash or a Back B Special.

There is a side A and B attack, that is the same, but depending on which direction you press it goes in that direction.
There is a Up A Smash, Side(Left/Right) A Smash, and a Down A Smash. You can't make a different move for a back smash and another move for a forward smash.

At least not yet, but maybe Brawl will change that fact. Eh, now that I think about it, you alway turn first before attacking so there will never be any back smash or back special attacks.

Ugh I sound so confusing. PM if you still don't get what I mean lol.


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Re: Oh come on...Smash Brothers again? :P
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2008, 03:16:34 am »
No worries, I got that. :lol:

I hope Brawl comes up with the back smash, just for realism's sake. Until I find out, it stays because I said so.  8)