Name: Backer
Race: Human or Demihuman (depending on the definition of Demihuman)
Age: Between 20 and 22
Appearance: 6 feet tall, very sturdy build, brown hair that seems to have a trace of gold in it, and eyes which comprise a rainbow of color. Every color on Backer's body and anything he wears tends to be more pronounced. This effect is even more shocking when in conditions of low light, as no matter how dark it is, Backer can always be seen as if he were standing in full daylight.
Combat: Backer has a unique combat style. He wields a magically crafted sword that resembles no other; the grip is perpendicular to the blade, which has a diamond cross section and steadily tapers down to a point from the grip. One edge of the blade continues past the grip and curls back in a small hook. How he came up with this design is unknown, but he wields it expertly. His most fearsome combat abilities, however, come from his magical talent. He is capable of channeling energy and either simply tossing it at his enemy, or imbuing his sword with it (his sword having been magically altered to support this function). The forms the energy can take on roughly correspond to the CC elements: Fire (Red), Ice (Blue), Light (White), Lightning (Yellow), or Wind (Green). By combining Fire, Ice, and Lightning energy, he is also capable of mimicking Shadow (Black) energy. Once his sword is so imbued, he can either attack with it as normal, or use it to shoot out a blast of the energy. To augment this even further, he has developed a some skill in healing magic, making him virtually unstoppable (at least to non-ZEALians).
History: In 1004 AD, the rising kingdom of Porre began an experiment involving the rainbow shell. The purpose was to imbue a child with the shell's energy, creating the ultimate spellcaster. Unfortunately, the researchers lost control of the process, and all involved were killed--except the child. The frightened child somehow disappeared from the laboratory's ruins, leading the investigators to believe he was dead, and to call the attempt a disastrous failure.
Little did they know that the project had actually succeeded in empowering this child, but at a cost to him; his mind was irreversibly altered, erasing all prior knowledge, and altering his thought processes to something has been described as both superhuman and insane. The child miraculously survived alone in the wilderness for a great while, and eventually started to reintegrate with society. He started to call himself "Backer" for unknown reasons. He acts primarily as a mercenary for hire to take out dangerous monsters, but has been known to assist law-enforcement officials from time to time in dealing with particularly violent criminals.
Personality: Backer's thoughts are so chaotic that he's learned to speak little, and to be very careful about what he says so that he doesn't sound crazy. This gives him the air of being an introspective intellectual, which clashes with his occasional outbursts of rage. Through extensive training, he's learned to repress this rage until he can unleash it in battle, making him a reckless, fearless, and powerful combatant. Throughout his life, he's been searching for a meaning for his existence, but has yet to find any answers.
EDIT: Clarified the types of energy he can wield. His magical ability ends up falling somewhere in between the CT and CC styles; he wields magic naturally like in CT, but it's based off of the CC colors. On this note, since he is already able to use magic, Spekkio won't be able to do anything for him.