Author Topic: Want to hear a sad story?  (Read 1166 times)


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Want to hear a sad story?
« on: November 14, 2006, 12:04:14 am »
This is a repost from another forum.  It's heavy shit, so don't read it if you don't give a damn.

So I've been dating my girlfriend since April, right. I've continually been willing to devote time and money to maintain a relationship with her. That ought to say that I have nothing but respect and affection for her, right?

Apparently her asstard parents don't think so.

Last weekend was my girlfriend's sister's wedding. Coincidentally, BOA Grand Nationals was the same weekend. I would have gone to watch my old high school band perform, because I still have some friends there, but I elected to go to the wedding instead, to please her family. We stayed in what was just about the most run-down inn I've ever seen in my fucking life; add that to the fact that I'm decisively not-Catholic, while everyone else there was amazingly, unrelentingly so, and you've already got a recipe for disaster. But for some reason, that particular disaster didn't happen.

Sunday morning, about 8 AM. We were sitting in this little cafe attached to the hotel, and my girlfriend came in with her other sister's kid. I start making conversation with my girlfriend, and I get to lovingly teasing her, like I do in almost every conversation we've ever had, all the while making the biggest googly-eyes at her, the kind of googly-eyes that broadcast that I love her to everyone within about 100 light-years, and she smiled back beautifully. Only problem is, this fucking tard (I'm pretty sure it was her uncle, who I already couldn't stand) takes it seriously. And later, all of a sudden her mom comes up to me screaming and yelling and ordering me to apologize for what even a complete retard should have been able to see was meant in jest. So I do, in order to avoid the violence that would have ensued had she kept pushing me. Most of the car trip back home is spent in silence to ensure that I don't get thrown out of the car, not because I couldn't get back home on my own, but because they've got all my shit in the other car. When I finally get home and try to thank them for having me along on the trip, they bite my head off. I've dealt with people doing that before, so it's no skin off my back. But the really great part is this; they know that it was meant in jest. Just about every group of good friends trades jibes with each other in good fun, often saying things that they know for a fact are blatantly untrue. Anyone who's been on this particular forum for longer than about a week should know that. And not only do good friends do such things, they often carry over into boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. And yet they all but said they're never going to let me see her again. As I turn to leave, my girlfriend gives me one of the long, lingering hugs that we tend to do, and lets me kiss her. I then plug my iPod into the car speakers and turn on Advent: One-Winged Angel. Anything with Sephiroth in it is surprisingly good for moping. All of the emo of Linkin Park without any of the whine; just pure, wholesome destroy-the-world goodness. Really, when I encounter idiocy so crippling, I get depressed even if I'm not being actively severed from something awesome.

Now, this might not be so offensive to me if a few other conditions hadn't also been in place. The first and most important condition is that I can't get enough of her. This goes without saying. The second condition is that her family, predominantly consisting of her sister and parents, regularly exercises a degree of control over her that hasn't been seen since the Inquisition. Her sister is even naive enough to think that at almost 23 years old and as cute as she is, she hasn't had sex. I can personally attest to that notion being completely false. I can also say that I wasn't her first. And I'm cool with that. But neither I nor any of my circle of friends that knows her sees any evidence to indicate that she's been allowed to make so much as a single decision for herself around her family. And as someone who prizes personal liberty, that seriously pisses me off. Third is the willful stupidity with which they've treated this whole thing, like they're simply looking for something to call me on. I'm sorry, but I categorically don't deserve that kind of treatment, and neither does anyone else she likes enough to date. I don't care that they're her parents. I don't care if they're God's own personal anti-son-of-a-bitch brigade. I have devoted an immense amount of effort to being there for her, sometimes at the expense of my schooling, and I deserve some fucking respect for that.

Let me ask this as well, regarding parents' supposed prerogatives to judge the suitability of mates for their children: how fucking deficient do you have to be to deliberately ignore the difference between a tease born of both love and humor and an actual judgment of character? If someone's that stupid, they don't deserve to breathe, much less raise a child. If someone's that stupid, I'm surprised they've ever held a steady job, though judging by the quality (or lack thereof) of the "hotel" we stayed in, I wonder. And finally, if someone's that stupid, they shouldn't be allowed to make any choices at all for anyone else, much less tell their children who's an acceptable candidate for dating. I'm not saying I'm a suitable mate at this point, or even that it would work out with her in the long run. In fact, I'd have to date someone for a minimum of two years before I'd even consider tying the knot, and even if I decided "yes", I'd have to be out of school, or at least very, very close to it, before I'd marry anyone. But you don't have to be the One (TM) to know when someone is a fucking asshole.

As I left, they actually had the fucking nerve to point-blank tell me that who she saw was their choice. I was seeing red at that moment; the only thing stopping me from dropping the both of them right there was my respect for my girlfriend. You do not get to tell a legal adult who they can and can't see. I don't care if they live under your roof or not. Hell, I'm going to be living under my parents' roof until I transfer next year, and guess what? If I wanted to go out and bone a fucking crack addict, there's jack shit they could do to stop me, because it very simply isn't any of their damn business. Sure, they have the right to not approve of me personally. I mean, hell, even ignoring the fact that I don't believe in God (and if the Christian one was proven to exist, I'd be trying to kill him) I'm already almost the antithesis of a good Christian boy. I like porn, I listen to Rage Against the Machine, I play video games until my fingers go numb, and I know the difference between kinetic and potential energy, all traits that this type of parent would hold against you. Daniel could tell you that I was like that even when I was Christian, which really wasn't that long ago.  But in the end, if they don't like me, that's fine. For them. When they think they've got the right to infringe on the personal liberty of others, even their own children, then we start to have problems. I'd expect that kind of venomous drivel out of a two-year-old trying to protect his binkie. That or a politician.

In the long run, not being allowed to see her probably won't seriously hurt me. It'll ache like a bitch for a while, but I'll get over it. There are plenty of reasons why it might not have worked as a truly long-term relationship anyway. What actually does get to me, though, is the continued fascist treatment she's going to receive at their hands. Problem is, for whatever reason, she still loves her family, who in my mind aren't people worth associating with. Anything I did to them that I actually want to do to them would make her hate me, at which point I lose by default. She's got school at about the same time I do tomorrow, so I'll probably get to see her, and it's probably going to consist almost entirely of Romeo & Juliet Bullshit (TM), except with less suicide. I'll be toting dual Winchester pocket knives, a tremendous advantage in public support, and my own brand of righteous indignation if they send anyone in an attempt to execute Redneck Justice (TM), because I honestly believe that they're unhinged enough to try something, but I'm not in the habit of making the first move. I've always believed that violence is a solution of last resort, and I'm not going to change that now. But I've also been willing to throw down when the situation warrants it.

In the short run, there's a huge blank space where my soul used to be, like someone stripped out not just the joy, but every emotion from me. The only thing I've actually felt today was anger, and that was while typing this post, the overarching message of which is fuck stupid faggots who try to lord themselves over others but have about the same mental capacity as my dick. Which is actually most people.

God, I fucking hate people.


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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2006, 12:40:26 am »
I'm sure you know this already, but just for the ether, adults have a legal right to do what they please for life, libety, and the pursuit of happiness; in some cases, teenagers have the same right if they can successfully sue for liberation. When I get angry, I get practical, and if you decide to pursue this, it will all come down to 1. The strength of the love and 2. Her own power. From the post, it seems like you had a neato relationship and weren't completely, utterly smitten yet, meaning you both may lack the motivation to fight the power. But if it is there, then it will come down to her own power to resist her own family, possible accept being disowned, and deal with other negative ramafications (the loss of financial support; a whole bevy of things). Of course, the problems of making decisions is immense. Your lives have just begun, yet you are possibly poised with bringing about sweeping changes and unbinding Frankenstein (who cannot be tied up again). If she loses her safety net and things don't pan out in the end, she's worse off. It's easy to caution you to take a conservative path, but honestly, you know the situation and again, honestly, love merits some of the most courageous, faithful, shining acts in humanity (and also some of the most vile). It's up to you and whether you have faith in yourself, in her, and in your capacity to develop a relationship. But she'll have to consider all of this too.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 02:00:45 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2006, 02:56:19 am »
Sounds like me a couple years ago. I took the conservative route and little by little her parents are starting to come around(not in the sense that they like me but in the sense that they know they are stuck with me). Long story short we are getting married once we graduate and there is nothing they can do about it because we love each other. The good news is that once her siblings have gotten to know me more they have become my friends and even her mom to a certain extent. And although her dad and I don't exactly get along he is starting to come to terms with the fact that I am going to be his new son-in-law.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2006, 03:30:25 am »
Where do you want to go from here?


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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2006, 08:00:56 am »
If they are such dumbass fucktards, I say you should just manipulate them. Make them see and hear what pleases their dull senses and they shall lick your feet as a good pet dog should.

If you really don't care for them at all, simply make them feed on your cunningness. The power of the word can achieve the impossible, what to say about the unlikely.

Seemingly these people aren't capable of not demonstrating what kinds of eye/ear candy drive them, so you would just have to evaluate what those are and give them in large scales so that they are too overjoyed with their own limited accounts to trouble you.

I have already seen many of the most over-zealous people I know crumble for a few well-placed words/actions. Being over-zealous limits your sight, your hearing, your thinking and sometimes even your feelings. It is very simple to take such uncapable sensitive system where you wish to.

There are times in which a man has to forget fixed "moral and righteousness" in order to accoomplish moral and righteousness.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 08:04:04 am by cupn00dles »


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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2006, 08:10:59 am »
If she'd let her family get in the way of being with somebody she loves, it's not really love at all, is it?

Also, haven't seen you on AIM in awhile, Hadriel.


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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 11:10:39 pm »
Update to the situation: I didn't get to see my girlfriend.  I was running a little late.  However, I was told after the fact that her family came up to school to pick her up.  And in the process, they treated the rest of my friends like shit.

I'm sorry, but I don't care how much they personally dislike me.  They do not get to come up to school, to a place that we're paying a great deal of money to be at, and demean me or mine.  One way or another, their little power fantasy is ending this Thursday if they show up.  Their behavior constitutes harassment, and if they don't end this peacefully, I'm going to slap them in the face with a lawsuit, and if it comes to that, I'm not going to rest for an instant until they're writing all their paychecks straight to me.

As for Michelle, I still think she's a beautiful and sweet person, but if she isn't going to stand up for me or herself, she isn't worth being with.  She can call me once she grows a spine.


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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2006, 11:14:30 pm »
Update to the situation: I didn't get to see my girlfriend.  I was running a little late.  However, I was told after the fact that her family came up to school to pick her up.  And in the process, they treated the rest of my friends like shit.

I'm sorry, but I don't care how much they personally dislike me.  They do not get to come up to school, to a place that we're paying a great deal of money to be at, and demean me or mine.  One way or another, their little power fantasy is ending this Thursday if they show up.  Their behavior constitutes harassment, and if they don't end this peacefully, I'm going to slap them in the face with a lawsuit, and if it comes to that, I'm not going to rest for an instant until they're writing all their paychecks straight to me.

As for Michelle, I still think she's a beautiful and sweet person, but if she isn't going to stand up for me or herself, she isn't worth being with.  She can call me once she grows a spine.

If you go ahead, remember that

is your friend. Video works better if someone can film from a covert location. File it; they'll think they can nail you right off the bat and that you won't have a case. Then present the evidence and collect your settlement.


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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2006, 02:04:21 am »
Problem is, with the passion I'm going to put into this, a jury might think I was the one disturbing the peace.

I've got a rather passionate soliloquy prepared for them.  It will cover the following items.

1) That they have no right to control who she does and doesn't see.
2) That they have no right to willfully embarrass her like they did this morning. I may possibly have embarrassed her a few times over the course of our relationship, but unlike them, I was not actively attempting to do so.
3) That they have no right to demean my friends because they don't like me. This is probably the biggest point.
4) That they are not, contrary to their own inflated opinions of their moral self-worth, the fucking Green Lantern Corps.
5) That I will nevertheless abide by any decision they make regarding whether or not I'm allowed to see her. Note that this offer only goes one way. If she comes to me, I'm not going to be responsible.
6) That they're hypocrites. One thing they may possibly have to level against me is that I swore a few times in front of my girlfriend's two-year-old niece. Unfortunately for their egos, every single one of them did it, too, and with much greater frequency. And really, they're the ones that are supposed to be setting an example.
7) That their very presence in this fashion demonstrates that they have no respect for their daughter. This is another major point.
8) That their behavior constitutes harassment, and if it happens again it's going to be met with a lawsuit. Depending on whether or not they react violently, I may end up pressing other charges as well.  And if that gets going, I will not relent until they're writing all of their paychecks straight to me.  And more than that, I'll call every lawyer from ground-floor peons to the ACLU to tear them down.  I'll make them spend money in amounts too large for them to comprehend.  I'll send their house into foreclosure, take their cars, garnish their savings and retirement funds, and have everything they own repossessed to pay damages, in addition to whatever prison sentences they might receive for a violent offense.  And why?  Simply because I hate them.  I don't respect them because of how they've treated me, but what I hate them for is what they've done to someone I love.  They've turned her into an unthinking drone.  That's unforgivable, and given half a chance, I'm going to make them pay for the rest of their lives for it.  I've seen their house, and I've seen the quality of hotels they can afford.  They don't have the money to fight off a lawsuit, especially not when its plaintiff is firmly in the right.

Quote from: Lord J esq
Where do you want to go from here?

I think you're the first person to actually ask me that.  I was kind of hoping you'd offer up a deeper analysis of the subject, but that's close enough.

In the grand scheme of things, I'd like to change the laws of physics so that they operate according to the precepts of Looney Tunes; that is to say, no one ever dies or gets seriously hurt, no one actually needs resources to live, and no one ever, ever takes themselves seriously.  In this situation, I want something similarly impossible.  I want her parents to stop being assholes and realize that their daughter doesn't need the kind of treatment they're giving her.  I want them to let me see her again.  I want her to want to see me again, which may or may not be the case.  I want everything to be right again.  But that's not going to happen.  So here I am.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2006, 03:38:37 am »
Quote from: Lord J esq
Where do you want to go from here?

I think you're the first person to actually ask me that.  I was kind of hoping you'd offer up a deeper analysis of the subject, but that's close enough.

In the grand scheme of things, I'd like to change the laws of physics so that they operate according to the precepts of Looney Tunes; that is to say, no one ever dies or gets seriously hurt, no one actually needs resources to live, and no one ever, ever takes themselves seriously.  In this situation, I want something similarly impossible.  I want her parents to stop being assholes and realize that their daughter doesn't need the kind of treatment they're giving her.  I want them to let me see her again.  I want her to want to see me again, which may or may not be the case.  I want everything to be right again.  But that's not going to happen.  So here I am.

I wish I could offer some useful advice. As it is, I can only encourage you to think hard about what you want, and why, and how you can get it...and you knew all of that already. I hope you can muster the vision and resolve to get to someplace better than where you're at now.

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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2006, 07:38:21 am »
Give them a bit of Rage Against. That'll convert 'em.


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Re: Want to hear a sad story?
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2006, 02:14:10 pm »
Alot of this is very sad. Same thing happened to me and Kristy. But I guess its just fate. You know what. I think you should make a story on this. probably a short story. I hope I didn't offend you on asking you that. But don't worry your not alone alot of us has gone through the same actions and felt the same sarrow. Those that have we stand by your side.
