Author Topic: Timeline and Plot Help For A Fanfiction  (Read 730 times)

A True Radical Dreamer

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Timeline and Plot Help For A Fanfiction
« on: September 16, 2006, 09:06:31 pm »
Well, I must say I'm very glad to have come across this site. I'm trying to map out a timeline and plot for a AU Chrono Cross fiction I'm starting. Originally, I was just going to go through all the articles myself and try to figure it all out...that was five days ago. My finished plotline and timeline look solid to me, but I would very much like someone to look over it and tell me if I've mucked something up or gone against Chrono canon.

Edit: It just occurred to me that I didn't include a plot summary...gods I'm scatterbrained. Anyway, here is the basic layout:

Serge is corrupted at Chronopolis by FATE instead of Wazuki. His personality takes a nosedive into the manipulative/slightly deranged for the years afterwards. Eventually, FATE calls him over to ANOTHER WORLD to enact greater control over him. Serge leads the life of Lynx in the Porre by enlisting at a young age. The main Chrono Cross story picks up when he returns to El Nido to observe General Viper's quest for the Frozen Flame.

This fiction is basically a retelling of CC with Dark Serge as the lead; thus why it is a AU fiction.

**This is just a tenitive timeline and most of the major plot points have been edited out for spoilers**

"Broken Mirror" Plot and Time Line

1003: Serge was born

1004: Kid was "born"

1005: Guardia Falls

1006: Serge, Wazuki and Miguel go to Chronopolis(1)(Dimension’s split)

1010: Serge Leaves Home as Fate's Agent and heads to Another World(2)

1015: Serge burns down Lucca's orphanage due to FATE‘s planning(3). Harley, an agent for the dragons, teams up with Kid to hunt down the Frozen Flame and cut FATE‘s power to free the Dragon Gods.

1020: Kid and Harley arrive in El Nido.

The frozen flame corrupts both Wazuki and Serge during their brief contact with it. The result being that Serge eventually leaves home before Wazuki can become insane enough to kill him and is called to ANOTHER WORLD by FATE.

*Serge’s personality is warped like Lynx's would have been. FATE, being online and aware enough to function, sends her new assistant out to combat the threat of the seventh dragon and Kid Zeal who has the ability to override the Arbiter lock and retrieve the Frozen Flame(this is another AU plot device I'm using that I know is not canon. I was thinking along the lines of Robo identifying Kid as the "daughter" of Schala Zeal and allowing her access.)

2- Serge adheres to the call of FATE in HOME WORLD when he is seven. Heading to Opassa Beach, he is lured to ANOTHER WORLD and becomes FATE’s guardian against Harley and the Dragons. He also identifies threats to Chronopolis, the Frozen Flame, and watches Porre.

*Serge gets a ride into mainland Porrie through the influence of FATE on a transport ship captain. Once there, he joins the Porrie youth division and fights the Guardia resistance while rising through the ranks. He keeps a miniature Record of FATE with him, so he can receive orders.

3. FATE, wanting Robo out of her system, orders Serge to coerce Lucca into destroying the lock on the Frozen Flame. At the orphanage, Lucca confronts Serge about his role as the Chrono Trigger and how he will always just be a pawn of FATE. Serge, in a moment of wavering faith of FATE, lets Lucca flee with the promise that he will not harm the girl named ‘Kid’ as it was Lucca‘s wish and FATE had never mentioned the girl directly before. Kid arrives just in time to see Serge light the house on fire after Lucca leaves and instantly blames him for the catastrophe. Harle watches the ordeal and decides to team-up with Kid rather than Serge.

*Lucca leaves to find and Marley to tell her of the new Chrono Trigger. Magus(Guile), heads to El Nido as an agent of Marley and Lucca. They attempt to find Kid, but Harle keeps her hidden inside of the thief gang, the Radical Dreamers.

*Chrono had already left the mainland earlier and is living in El Nido under a new name and life. Unfortunately, he is trapped in the Dead Sea as another of FATE's unwilling agents.

The thing I am not certain on, even after reading the articles on the main site, is why FATE needs access to the Frozen Flame. If 'she' can still influence the lives of people, why would it be necessary to have the flame? I feel dumb for even asking that but it's a main sticking point with my story's plot. Thanks so much to the people who decide to clear some of this up for me.

::New Edit::

Since no help was forthcoming(must be a slow day), I have attempted to answer my own questions. As such, I have a solid plotline ready and I'm presenting it here to see if anyone can poke some holes into it. I tried to guess what others would ask and try to perfect the answers to them, what do you guys think?

Plot Sticking Points

Why would FATE let Serge live? (1)
Why would Harle side with Kid? (2)
Who is Harle in this fiction? (3)

1- FATE decides to let Serge live because 'she' has a large amount of influence over him. After all, 'she' can still function well enough and a powerful pawn is hard to come by. FATE ultimately decides that a power like Serge's is worth not having access to the flame. Serge is ultimately 'her' living avatar in the world outside of El Nido and makes sure the mainland doesn't interfere with 'her' future plans to create her own species.

2- Harle is the Dark Moon Dragon tasked with undermining FATE and somehow getting the Frozen Flame away from Chronopolis. Harle deems Serge too devoted to FATE to be of any use to her.

3- Harle is Kid's biological half-sister since the Dragons used Schala as half of her DNA. She joins up with Kid since, in this fiction, Schala Zeal is recognized by the Prometheus Circuit(Robo) and is allowed access to the Frozen Flame.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 02:34:08 am by A True Radical Dreamer »


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Re: Timeline and Plot Help For A Fanfiction
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2006, 08:32:24 am »
1006: Serge, Wazuki and Miguel go to Chronopolis(1)(Dimension’s split)

1010: Serge Leaves Home as Fate's Agent and heads to Another World(2)
I think the main problem is this part. In canon, the dimension was split into Another and Home because Wazuki attempted to drown Serge in 1,010 AD (Serge died in Another, and was saved by time-traveling Kid in Home). In your story, is the 1,006 AD dimension split something you put on purpose or may it be a mistake?

The thing I am not certain on, even after reading the articles on the main site, is why FATE needs access to the Frozen Flame. If 'she' can still influence the lives of people, why would it be necessary to have the flame? I feel dumb for even asking that but it's a main sticking point with my story's plot. Thanks so much to the people who decide to clear some of this up for me.
FATE's original purpose is to watch and guide mankind, but contact with the Flame made her jealous of humans and she eventually wanted to reincarnate into her own living species:

Quote from: FATE in the Dead Sea
   I love you so much...

   That is why I
   sometimes desire to
   smash you to bits!!!
Quote from: Dark Serge/Lynx/FATE in Chronopolis
   Come, Serge!

   Show me what the purpose of
   your life on this planet is...
   Teach me what it means to be
Quote from: Crono ghost at Opassa Beach
   Perhaps even FATE itself
   dreamed of using the Flame
   to some day reincarnate
   itself into a new species.
   It is quite sad, really...
   It's like when you gaze
   into the Flame, the Flame
   gazes back into you.

A True Radical Dreamer

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Re: Timeline and Plot Help For A Fanfiction
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2006, 05:14:06 pm »
1006: Serge, Wazuki and Miguel go to Chronopolis(1)(Dimension’s split)

1010: Serge Leaves Home as Fate's Agent and heads to Another World(2)
I think the main problem is this part. In canon, the dimension was split into Another and Home because Wazuki attempted to drown Serge in 1,010 AD (Serge died in Another, and was saved by time-traveling Kid in Home). In your story, is the 1,006 AD dimension split something you put on purpose or may it be a mistake?
Ah, I knew I would make a mistake at 3 in the morning. Thanks for catching that for me.

I will remedy that by having the spit take place when Serge becomes tainted by the flame. Kid's mission from the future would then become keeping Wazuki as the only person becoming tainted thereby letting Serge live but still die later on at the hands of Lynx. The split would not be Serge dieing, it would be him turning darker and warped by the flame and FATE. He would still die in Another world as usual.

Fate would groom the Serge in Home World until 1010 and call him over then. FATE would see Serge as a better and more powerful avatar and use him instead of Lynx(she would set Lynx up to die and have Serge take over his mission).

As to the Frozen Flame, another thanks to you for clearing that up for me. I now have a good plotline to base all this on so I can start writing now! Again, thanks so much. :mrgreen:
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 05:19:05 pm by A True Radical Dreamer »


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Re: Timeline and Plot Help For A Fanfiction
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2006, 10:09:54 pm »
This sounds interesting.
Just one thing I would like to point out. You said that Magus was Guile. Did you intend that or not. I think Guile was supposed to be Magus but they cut his story because of Plot difficulties (crappy excuse).
But this sounds cool and I can't wait to see more. I like the idea of Serge and Lynx being corrupted by the flame :D