Mormonism basically takes Christianity, and with one book, reintruptes the entire thing to something completely different from what it earlyer was.
Actually it's more of a combination of all Christianity, with a few things changed, a couple things deleted, and A LOT added, but a good part of Mormonism is like other Christian beliefs. There's just so much more substance to Mormonism than any other form of Christianity, but there's also alot more forced involvement, being it's biggest problem to me, but that also fits along with its teachings perfectly, so...*shrug*
Its absurd, and thats why its such a small religious sect in the US.
Mormonism is not only now one of the bigger sects of Christianity outside of the US (more than 12 million members worldwide), but it's also
still the fastest growing religion in the world AND the USA, and has been for several decades. And most USA converts come from other Christian religions.
Oh, and actually there are
three new books in Mormonism, not just one. One is the well-known-and-highly-criticized
Book of Mormon, supposedly an ancient American testament of Jesus Christ being the son of god, resurrected and yada yada, the
Doctrine & Covenants, which contain modern-day revelations to the prophets from God that reveal more of the 'Law of Christ' and help make members 'better people', and the
Pearl of Great Price, which contains things taken out of the original Old Testament through alot of mistranslations, corruption and stuff, revealed by revelation to the prophets from God.
As I said, Mormonism offers
way more substance than any other Christian religion, and probably any religion out there, I suppose. You can outright disagree with the Mormon church, call it Satans church or whatever, but it deserves respect, it's a damn good, loaded-to-the-brim church, and it's rate of growth only backs that up.
There, I hope someone learned something from all that, whether you agree or not.