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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« on: October 18, 2005, 04:08:40 pm »
Hi all. I've been referred to this place in order to find answers to all my Chrono Cross questions. I've recently completed the game, and now I want to figure the damned thing out (it's a terribly large flaw in a game that forces you to do that).

So... without further ado, here are my questions:

- Contradiction: I thought humans were in El Nido for only 100 years, and before that it was inhabited by demi-humans and dragonians. FATE seems to claim that humans have been in El Nido for 10,000 years.
- Contradiction: The spirits of Chronopolis said that they didn't know how to affect time or travel through time. But then how the hell did they create El Nido and use the Records of Fate as they describe over a period of 10,000 years?
- Contradiction: The appearing out of nowhere doesn't make sense. An earlier spirit said that Chronopolis was built when a gravitational anomaly was detected in the Sea of El Nido. Maybe Chronopolis was the gravitational anomaly? But that doesn't make any sense.
- Contradiction: Why would Lynx want to kill everyone is he's FATE? Why would he have allowed Porre to become involved in Another World if the Records of Fate still affected that world? None of this makes any sense!
- If Lynx is FATE, and Serge was just a normal human who happened to die in one world and live in another, why would Serge be his opposite? How would Lynx have been able to trade bodies with him?
- What's the relevance of Prometheus and that whole deal? What did Prometheus do as the traitor circuit? Did he call out Porre or something in Another World when the whole "rebellion" started? WTF, man? Did it cause the Flame to rebel by helping Serge? The game isn't clear about this at all.
- One Goddess of Fate? I thought there were three Goddesses of Fate. Where did the other two go?
- Um, why did Kid suddenly want to destroy everything? Why did she suddenly get so melancholy after she said she knew what she was doing? Why did the Flame start acting up after that? Did Kid do something? Did she use the Flame to call the Dragons?
- Contradiction: I thought FATE made Sky Dragon Isle, as pointed out in Chronopolis. Why is Sky Dragon Isle Terra Tower, an obviously dragonian ruin?
- Contradiction: If Chronopolis was in "down time" due to the storm, and the Flame was able to react to Serge, wouldn't the facility have been filled with actual people? Plus, how would the facility still be around after 10,000 years? It's like all these events had to have happened twice or something. ARGH! MY BRAIN HURTS!
- Contradiction: Chronopolis was in the Sea of El Nido in 7,600 BC and ever after? Why didn't Crono and friends ever see it? Plus, if it had been around for 10,000 years, why were the spirits reenacting the counter-time experiment now? Was it a constant reenactment?
- Contradiction: Lavos awakened in 12,000 BC, not 7,600 BC. This game is starting to seriously get on my nerves.
- Since when did the planet have a mind of its own?
- Where did the incomplete Time Egg come from?
- What was the point of traveling into Kid's past? I mean, really? She didn't even remember it happened, and you don't seem to have really saved Lucca or any of her friends! You didn't change a thing! In fact, by all accounts, he should have made the situation even more traumatic for her what with leaving her after all that had happened after promising to not leave her. And she said everyone was dead! I saved all the kids!
- Contradiction: Both Schala and Kid are from the same world, Another World. How can they be alternate universe versions of the same person, especially given the radical amount of time between them? (No pun intended with the world "radical.")
- Who was the giant face in Terra Tower's ceiling?
- How did Belthasar do that whole thing he did in Terra Tower?
- Contradiction: Did Chronopolis build the Dragon Isles 10,000 years ago to seal the Dragon Gods away? If so, how did Chronopolis do it and don't give me "the Flame did it." The Flame is about energy manipulation and time travel, and they hadn't even gotten the time traveling aspect to work. Why was the rest of El Nido created?
- Contradiction: How could the Sea of El Nido previously be called the Sea of Eden because of the Dragons if the Dragons and Chronopolis arrived there at the same time and the Dragons were then sealed away?
How can a second moon be "found?" Was the entire moon created when Harle was? Wouldn't the people of the world have noticed such a thing?
- Did the five Dragon stars exist prior to Dinopolis and the Dragons coming into these dimensions?
- Contradiction: Why would Harle constantly aid FATE when she was the seventh Dragon God? Was she acting as a spy or something? Wouldn't FATE have had some hint of this? How did Harle and Lynx hook up in the first place?
- Contradiction: Okay, how can there be a "true form" of the Frozen Flame? And why does Terra Tower have it? Why is it called "Struth?" This totally messes everything up! Does the Reptite dimension have its own Frozen Flame?
- Was the previous Dragon God consumed by Lavos 10,000 years ago?
- Contradiction: How exactly can Lavos be nesting in the far side of the dimensional void? How does that work? How did that happen? Lavos was destroyed!
- How does Kid know all this stuff?!
- Contradiction: Lucca said 2400 years in the future from the year 1020 in her final speech. Wouldn't that be 3420?
- Contradiction: I thought the Dragon God + Lavos was the Devourer of Time, not Schala + Lavos.
- Contradiction: Schala traveled 10,000 years into the future to try and make contact with this dimension. But it was already her dimension! Unless by "dimension" they mean "time period."
- Contradiction: The incomplete Time Egg that rewinds time a little... why did it never perform its purpose at all in the game? Kid was in life and death situations all the time!
- Whatever happened to Harle after she flew into the Frozen Flame?
- What were those Crono, Lucca, and Marle kid-things? Ghosts? Biological contructs? Were they the actual people, or unique entities? Where did they come from? Did Belthasar build them?
- How exactly did Belthasar and Lucca hook up?

I'm sorry for posting these questions if the answers are scattered throughout your site. It would take me hours to find answers to them all, but I'm going through mid-terms right now, so I really don't have the time.

From what I hear, you all could answer these questions in a flash anyway.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'll be sure to check out the encyclopedia and the like when I get the chance...


Robert Aronson


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2005, 04:18:57 pm »
Well, there's only one bit of issue here. Answering these requires layers of story that interweave; I would repeat much information to deal with them all. This is rare, but I'm going to say, read , and then ask any further questions. That article will probably answer everything by building upon itself, and achieve your aim better than disjointed questions could.


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Re: Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 04:33:05 pm »
Quote from: Shoal
- Contradiction: Why would Lynx want to kill everyone is he's FATE? Why would he have allowed Porre to become involved in Another World if the Records of Fate still affected that world? None of this makes any sense!

FATE did not have any direct control of Another besides the Records. If you remember, Lynx was frozen along with the Devas trying to get the Frozen Flame.

Quote from: Shoal
- If Lynx is FATE, and Serge was just a normal human who happened to die in one world and live in another, why would Serge be his opposite? How would Lynx have been able to trade bodies with him?

The Dragon tear allowed for Lynx to switch bodies, and he isn't Lynx's opposite. He is the arbiter, the onyl one who can access the Frozen Flame.

Quote from: Shoal
- What's the relevance of Prometheus and that whole deal? What did Prometheus do as the traitor circuit? Did he call out Porre or something in Another World when the whole "rebellion" started? WTF, man? Did it cause the Flame to rebel by helping Serge? The game isn't clear about this at all.

Most likely from the experience that Lucca gained from reparing Robo three times she made a circuit named the Prometheus Circuit. If you remember Prometheus is Robo's real name given to him by the Mother Brain of the robot factory. This circuit controlled FATE, but I don't exactly remember how, I know it had to do with the Frozen Flame somehow.

Quote from: Shoal
- Contradiction: I thought FATE made Sky Dragon Isle, as pointed out in Chronopolis. Why is Sky Dragon Isle Terra Tower, an obviously dragonian ruin?

Nope, Sky Dragon Isle was part of Dinopolis.

Quote from: Shoal
- Contradiction: If Chronopolis was in "down time" due to the storm, and the Flame was able to react to Serge, wouldn't the facility have been filled with actual people? Plus, how would the facility still be around after 10,000 years? It's like all these events had to have happened twice or something. ARGH! MY BRAIN HURTS!

Chronopolis was there for over 10,000 years and you expect people to still inhabit it?

Quote from: Shoal
- Contradiction: Chronopolis was in the Sea of El Nido in 7,600 BC and ever after? Why didn't Crono and friends ever see it? Plus, if it had been around for 10,000 years, why were the spirits reenacting the counter-time experiment now? Was it a constant reenactment?

Nothing besides Gaia's Navel existed until after the events in Chrono Trigger. The spirits were there because they were sort of pulled back in the counter time experiment.

Quote from: Shoal
- Contradiction: Lavos awakened in 12,000 BC, not 7,600 BC. This game is starting to seriously get on my nerves.


Quote from: Shoal
- Since when did the planet have a mind of its own?

When did it not?

Quote from: Shoal
- What was the point of traveling into Kid's past? I mean, really? She didn't even remember it happened, and you don't seem to have really saved Lucca or any of her friends! You didn't change a thing! In fact, by all accounts, he should have made the situation even more traumatic for her what with leaving her after all that had happened after promising to not leave her. And she said everyone was dead! I saved all the kids!

Kid would not have survived the fire if Serge did not save her.

Quote from: Shoal
- Contradiction: Did Chronopolis build the Dragon Isles 10,000 years ago to seal the Dragon Gods away? If so, how did Chronopolis do it and don't give me "the Flame did it." The Flame is about energy manipulation and time travel, and they hadn't even gotten the time traveling aspect to work. Why was the rest of El Nido created?

FATE did all of the sealing and such. So that there would be no significant change in the timeline.

Quote from: Shoal
- How does Kid know all this stuff?!

The Flame was communicating with her. I assume you are talking about the scene where she dumps a bunch of storyline.

Quote from: Shoal
- Contradiction: I thought the Dragon God + Lavos was the Devourer of Time, not Schala + Lavos.

The real DoT is Lavos, Schala, and the Dragon God. But Lavos and Schala are the two parts that make it able to devouer all space-time.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 04:52:02 pm »
Lavos did NOT awaken during 7,600 B.C...and the only time he *awakened* during 12,000 B.C. was when he destroyed Zeal...

Yes, the condensed summary would clear a lot up (though Silent did a pretty neat job answering the individual questions.)


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2005, 04:03:47 pm »
I only answered the ones I was sure of.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2005, 08:42:36 pm »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
FATE did not have any direct control of Another besides the Records. If you remember, Lynx was frozen along with the Devas trying to get the Frozen Flame. mean Home, don't you?

Quote from: SilentMartyr
Most likely from the experience that Lucca gained from reparing Robo three times she made a circuit named the Prometheus Circuit. If you remember Prometheus is Robo's real name given to him by the Mother Brain of the robot factory. This circuit controlled FATE, but I don't exactly remember how, I know it had to do with the Frozen Flame somehow.

After Serge made contact with the Frozen Flame in 1006, Prometheus engaged itself as a lock that refused to change the fact that Serge was the Arbiter, the Chrono Trigger, bla bla.

Quote from: SilentMartyr
Nothing besides Gaia's Navel existed until after the events in Chrono Trigger. The spirits were there because they were sort of pulled back in the counter time experiment.

For clatiry, this means that until you beat Chrono Trigger, Gaia's Navel was the only thing that existed. After that happened and the new, bright future came into being that housed Chronopolis, and after Chronopolis was pulled back in time 10,000 years after the Time Crash and Lavos pulled it back, they fought the Dragon Gods and Dinopolis, won, FATE seperated them and Chronopolis and FATE together built the islands you see in El Nido, excepting Gaia's Navel (as earlier stated, it was already there) and the Sky Dragon Isle (again as stated, this is actually the top of the sunken Dinopolis).

So really after the events in Chrono Trigger, everything in El Nido DID exist before everything that happens later on. How did they not see it? *shrug* I assume Chronopolis is advanced enough to create some sort of force field of invisibility over it so no one would be able to see it from the sky. Makes sense to me *shrug*

Quote from: Shoal
- Contradiction: Lavos awakened in 12,000 BC, not 7,600 BC. This game is starting to seriously get on my nerves.

You have to be clearer by what you mean when you say "awakened."

Quote from: SilentMartyr
Quote from: Shoal
- What was the point of traveling into Kid's past? I mean, really? She didn't even remember it happened, and you don't seem to have really saved Lucca or any of her friends! You didn't change a thing! In fact, by all accounts, he should have made the situation even more traumatic for her what with leaving her after all that had happened after promising to not leave her. And she said everyone was dead! I saved all the kids!

Kid would not have survived the fire if Serge did not save her.

This is where the Chrono games throw in a new kinda paradox, unlike everything else that has happened. In Chrono Trigger, they're travelling to the past and changing things really did change things. With the Kid/Serge stuff, it seems that they're time-travelling did nothing to change anything, a la Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (my favorite one ^_^).

Either that or this part of the game still confuses me o_O

Quote from: Shoal
- Contradiction: Did Chronopolis build the Dragon Isles 10,000 years ago to seal the Dragon Gods away? If so, how did Chronopolis do it and don't give me "the Flame did it." The Flame is about energy manipulation and time travel, and they hadn't even gotten the time traveling aspect to work. Why was the rest of El Nido created?

I assume the Dragon Isles were built for that purpose, yes. Who cares how they did it? They're a highly advanced technology! Ya gotta give them room to be able to do anything! ...except time travel correctly. But that specifically is something far more complex and difficult to do than anything else, I wager.

As for the rest of El Nido, they built it for experimentation. Basically flexing FATE's muscles. It was created to see much and do alot and be powerful and gather info and do something with it and bla bla bla bla. Go back to Chronopolis and find out what they say, I just played it a couple days ago and I already can't remember =p

Good job with answering accurately for the most part, Silent. Hope I don't come across as arrogant making some corrections or adding my own insights.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2005, 04:32:03 am »
I don't want to answer all of those, but I'll try a few.

1) I don't think Kid died the first time. See, now this is the confusing part. Since in the Crono Time line, before 2400AD, Would Schala have still ejected Kid?
Anyway, in the time crashed timeline, Kid probably came out by herself of the fire, because Belthasar had to send her back to 1010 and save Serge. Because she saved him *Maybe he had died but she put her pendant on him or something* and this split the dimensions. Then that Kid may have gone back to her time or died or something. Kid is later saved by Serge, but I think it simply changes what Kid may become after the dimensions re-unite. Since FATE, The Dragons etc wont be alive, Lucca may exist etc and Kid wont go on a revenge spree.

2)From what Masato Kato says about The Circuit, it may truely be Robo or his incarnate. Sad that he dies :'( And he doens't control FATE. He's like a background program, almost spy ware, that once something happens that triggers his mission, FATE was sealed off from the Flame. I have no idea why it had to be sealed form FATE if FATE had it all along. Maybe this way Harle and Lynx had to get involved with Serge so he'd die and the split would occur Oo

3) Lavos did awaken in 12,000 BC. What happened was that once Lavos died, he fell through time like Schala. Before he encountered her on the way to the DBT, he felt the presence of Chronopolis playing around with the FF and pulled it in an attempt to change the history of time completely so he could exist again. For example: If Chronopolis ended up in 12,000BC, they may have fought Zeal or something, possibly killing Crono and co in the act. Or Chronopolis was cause the ancestors of Crono and co. not to exist etc. One of the many possibilities that could make Lavos come back. Or that maybe he could regenerate with the flame

4) We can say "The Flame Did It". That atleast is better than saying the entity did it. As it is pointed out, Chronopolis terraformed (Earth fromed) most of the Islands of El Nido because FATE was specified to, and sealing the dragon gods, the islands may have been an off set of their power or something. And the FF grants wishes.

5) The inhabitants of Chronopolis had their memories wiped and were set of to live on the islands of El Nido, so one day Serge would be born possibly (That would mean that Serge himself is a child of people of a future).

6) The Planet well... No one can truely say for sure if it has a mind of it's own or not. You see, The Dragon God, the Reptites and all non-humans say that the Planet hates them, that they are it's enemy in CC. That's way different that what it said in CT. I'm actually going towards it as being correct. The Dragon God and all the non-humans have been proven to be infact closer to the planet, so their word is most likely true. And in this case, that would make the planet seem less entityish and more aware of itself, unlike how the planet acted back in CT, which it was dying and just started dreaming and causing rifts in time.

6) FATE may have also sealed the dragons because FATE is humanities protector. For instance, if the Dragons caused the CT crew not to be born, then Lavos would exist, and that is a thing that FATE may not want.

7) The Goddess of Fate things can be metaphorical or representational. I myself go with the fact that there might be the true entity of Fate that watches over everything, but FATE itself made it's own title as the Goddess of Fate because it controls the people of El Nido, or atleast manipulates mostly.

8) The spirits in Chronopolis may be temporal images of the people who exist in 2400AD. Since some people say that the whole area of the Sea of Eden is infact still in 2400AD or possibly 12400AD thanks to the time crash, the time crash to them has not happened yet. They could possibly be holograms too, created by FATE to show history or something. FATE was designed to rule El Nido after the time crash, but not to know that it would be used one day by Belthasar. The crew of Chronopolis had to cause the timecrash, and that's all they most likely knew.

9) Demi-humans may have existed in the original time line too, but were sent down to El Nido by the humans. After the time crash, humans did indeed live with the Dragonians in El Nido for that period of time. If the Demi-humans aren't indeed Mystics (never thought they were anyway), then they may be a Dragonian/Human hybrid.

10) The Flame atop of Terra Tower is the same as the one  in Chronopolis. It's called "The Real Flame" because it always was in the shape of a ball. Once it opened up and consciousally looked at them, that was it's true form, shaped as the flame.

11) Kid was created with Schala's sanity and sent off into the world before the dimensional Split. The game kind of implies that one day, Kid and Schala have to reunite, otherwise there was no point saving Schala (Belthasar doesn't care that much about the TD, it's about Schala) if she won't get her normal self back. Kid was planned to work to save Schala without actually knowing it. In RD, Schala is indeed Kid as a reincarnation thanks to the flame. The RD Kid possibly did exist in CC, but after the time crash, that's probably improbable.

12) Kid never truely died. It's kind of confusing here. It's either her pendant that does the time rewinding, or the egg. Personally, I thought that the egg was used to go back into her mind and open up the DBT because the egg itself can only ever be used once. Lucca said itself that it wasn't good enough to stabalise gates for time travel, so Kid can't have used it. It was Schala's pendant that did it. And unless Kid actually loses life, it doens't affect her.

13) Harle was reunited with the Dragon God after she took the flame. The Dragons had already re-united to make the Dragon God, but with Harle and since she was an offset of a lot of their power, caused the Lunar Dragon to be formed, even stronger than the original Dragon God. Quite sad since I love Harle. I was thinking that Harle and the Dragons would use the flame to merge themselves with Terra Tower to complete their vengance and truely become one with the living planet and destroy all humans.

14) No one is sure when Belthasar and Lucca hooked up, if they did. He possibly could have gone to Lucca, that's why she created the Prometheus Circuit, and Belthasar would have taken it, otherwise it'd have burnt in the fire. Also, Belthasar didn't warn her of Harle and Lynx, maybe because he did it on purpose to make Kid angry and help Serge out. THE DAMN BASTARD!

15) Yes, They mean time period by what Schala tried to do. That or whilst she was falling in time (possibly a link to the DBT which is like a dimension in itself), that may explain why they used dimension. Though in CT too, Gaspar called the time gates a dimensional distortion... so don't ask me...

Hope that's all you wanted, to tired to answer the rest.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2005, 03:36:05 pm »
Quote from: Mystik3eb
Quote from: SilentMartyr
FATE did not have any direct control of Another besides the Records. If you remember, Lynx was frozen along with the Devas trying to get the Frozen Flame. mean Home, don't you?

Quiet you.  8)

Quote from: Mystik3eb
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Nothing besides Gaia's Navel existed until after the events in Chrono Trigger. The spirits were there because they were sort of pulled back in the counter time experiment.

For clatiry, this means that until you beat Chrono Trigger, Gaia's Navel was the only thing that existed. After that happened and the new, bright future came into being that housed Chronopolis, and after Chronopolis was pulled back in time 10,000 years after the Time Crash and Lavos pulled it back, they fought the Dragon Gods and Dinopolis, won, FATE seperated them and Chronopolis and FATE together built the islands you see in El Nido, excepting Gaia's Navel (as earlier stated, it was already there) and the Sky Dragon Isle (again as stated, this is actually the top of the sunken Dinopolis).

So really after the events in Chrono Trigger, everything in El Nido DID exist before everything that happens later on. How did they not see it? *shrug* I assume Chronopolis is advanced enough to create some sort of force field of invisibility over it so no one would be able to see it from the sky. Makes sense to me *shrug*

Hmmm? You contradicted yourself. All of the things that FATE made did not exist in Chrono Trigger, since FATE did not exist yet.

Quote from: Mystik3eb
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Quote from: Shoal
- What was the point of traveling into Kid's past? I mean, really? She didn't even remember it happened, and you don't seem to have really saved Lucca or any of her friends! You didn't change a thing! In fact, by all accounts, he should have made the situation even more traumatic for her what with leaving her after all that had happened after promising to not leave her. And she said everyone was dead! I saved all the kids!

Kid would not have survived the fire if Serge did not save her.

This is where the Chrono games throw in a new kinda paradox, unlike everything else that has happened. In Chrono Trigger, they're travelling to the past and changing things really did change things. With the Kid/Serge stuff, it seems that they're time-travelling did nothing to change anything, a la Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (my favorite one ^_^).

Either that or this part of the game still confuses me o_O

Ooops, I forgot about the whole loop. It must be assumed that Kid got out alive on her own the first time. Check the Chronology for a detailed explination.

Quote from: Mystik3eb
Good job with answering accurately for the most part, Silent. Hope I don't come across as arrogant making some corrections or adding my own insights.

No offense taken. I have only played the game once all the way through so I still have stuff mixed up in my head. So any help is always a plus.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2005, 04:07:10 pm »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Quote from: Mystik3eb
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Nothing besides Gaia's Navel existed until after the events in Chrono Trigger. The spirits were there because they were sort of pulled back in the counter time experiment.

For clatiry, this means that until you beat Chrono Trigger, Gaia's Navel was the only thing that existed. After that happened and the new, bright future came into being that housed Chronopolis, and after Chronopolis was pulled back in time 10,000 years after the Time Crash and Lavos pulled it back, they fought the Dragon Gods and Dinopolis, won, FATE seperated them and Chronopolis and FATE together built the islands you see in El Nido, excepting Gaia's Navel (as earlier stated, it was already there) and the Sky Dragon Isle (again as stated, this is actually the top of the sunken Dinopolis).

So really after the events in Chrono Trigger, everything in El Nido DID exist before everything that happens later on. How did they not see it? *shrug* I assume Chronopolis is advanced enough to create some sort of force field of invisibility over it so no one would be able to see it from the sky. Makes sense to me *shrug*

Hmmm? You contradicted yourself. All of the things that FATE made did not exist in Chrono Trigger, since FATE did not exist yet.

Ack, I knew that would get confusing. Alright, lemme see if I can't explain this in a way that's actually comprehensible.

In the Keystone Timeline, 1999 still was the Day of Lavos, meaning Chronopolis didn't exist, didn't have the Time Crash, didn't get pulled back 10,000 years and didn't start building and maintaining El Nido. Not until after Lavos was beat in 1999 did Chronopolis get built, Time Crash, get pulled back 10,000 years, and build and maintain El Nido. However what I'm saying is that El Nido was begun several thousand years before the events in 600 AD and 1000 AD ended up happening in the new, Lavos-free timeline.

...does that make sense? Ack, I don't think so o_O

Oh well, I tried.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2005, 04:29:05 pm »
Quote from: Mystik3eb
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Quote from: Mystik3eb
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Nothing besides Gaia's Navel existed until after the events in Chrono Trigger. The spirits were there because they were sort of pulled back in the counter time experiment.

For clatiry, this means that until you beat Chrono Trigger, Gaia's Navel was the only thing that existed. After that happened and the new, bright future came into being that housed Chronopolis, and after Chronopolis was pulled back in time 10,000 years after the Time Crash and Lavos pulled it back, they fought the Dragon Gods and Dinopolis, won, FATE seperated them and Chronopolis and FATE together built the islands you see in El Nido, excepting Gaia's Navel (as earlier stated, it was already there) and the Sky Dragon Isle (again as stated, this is actually the top of the sunken Dinopolis).

So really after the events in Chrono Trigger, everything in El Nido DID exist before everything that happens later on. How did they not see it? *shrug* I assume Chronopolis is advanced enough to create some sort of force field of invisibility over it so no one would be able to see it from the sky. Makes sense to me *shrug*

Hmmm? You contradicted yourself. All of the things that FATE made did not exist in Chrono Trigger, since FATE did not exist yet.

Ack, I knew that would get confusing. Alright, lemme see if I can't explain this in a way that's actually comprehensible.

In the Keystone Timeline, 1999 still was the Day of Lavos, meaning Chronopolis didn't exist, didn't have the Time Crash, didn't get pulled back 10,000 years and didn't start building and maintaining El Nido. Not until after Lavos was beat in 1999 did Chronopolis get built, Time Crash, get pulled back 10,000 years, and build and maintain El Nido. However what I'm saying is that El Nido was begun several thousand years before the events in 600 AD and 1000 AD ended up happening in the new, Lavos-free timeline.

...does that make sense? Ack, I don't think so o_O

Oh well, I tried.

Yes that makes sense, if you are not arguing that El Nido existed in the events of Chrono Trigger and before.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2005, 05:08:19 pm »

- How exactly did Belthasar and Lucca hook up?

"We met on the Internet." ~ Stewart Gilligan Griffin

And as to your other questions, there are no contradictions. Just poorly written out translations that seem to contradict one another.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2005, 08:24:09 pm »
- Contradiction: I thought humans were in El Nido for only 100 years, and before that it was inhabited by demi-humans and dragonians. FATE seems to claim that humans have been in El Nido for 10,000 years.

Um, it was 10,000 years. Whoever said 100 is bullshitting you.

- Contradiction: The spirits of Chronopolis said that they didn't know how to affect time or travel through time. But then how the hell did they create El Nido and use the Records of Fate as they describe over a period of 10,000 years?

The spirits are recordings from before they figured out how to control time.

- Contradiction: The appearing out of nowhere doesn't make sense. An earlier spirit said that Chronopolis was built when a gravitational anomaly was detected in the Sea of El Nido. Maybe Chronopolis was the gravitational anomaly? But that doesn't make any sense.

Yes it does. The Time Crash warped Chronopolis to the past, and that surely screwed over the gravitational field of the earth.

- Contradiction: Why would Lynx want to kill everyone is he's FATE? Why would he have allowed Porre to become involved in Another World if the Records of Fate still affected that world? None of this makes any sense!

Lynx wanted to kill everyone because of temporary insanity. He allowed Porre to get involved because they didn't ultimately change much.

- If Lynx is FATE, and Serge was just a normal human who happened to die in one world and live in another, why would Serge be his opposite? How would Lynx have been able to trade bodies with him?

Serge drowned in Another, but Kid saved him in Home via time travel. Lynx lived in Another, but died in Home because he got lost in the Dead Sea. Lynx traded bodies using the magical Dragon's Tear.

- What's the relevance of Prometheus and that whole deal? What did Prometheus do as the traitor circuit? Did he call out Porre or something in Another World when the whole "rebellion" started? WTF, man? Did it cause the Flame to rebel by helping Serge? The game isn't clear about this at all.

The Prometheus Circuit makes it so that only one person can activate the Frozen Flame at a time. When Chronopolis crashed and Serge touched it, the Circuit made it so that only Serge could access it's power. And Prometheus is not a "he" it's a program.

- One Goddess of Fate? I thought there were three Goddesses of Fate. Where did the other two go?

The Goddesses are metaphors.

- Um, why did Kid suddenly want to destroy everything? Why did she suddenly get so melancholy after she said she knew what she was doing? Why did the Flame start acting up after that? Did Kid do something? Did she use the Flame to call the Dragons?

Kid kind've has a split personality, a mix between her traumatizing past (Lucca's death/abduction) and her sorta/kinda connection with the Time Devourer. Schala was an Arbiter like Serge was, and Kid has Schala's exact DNA, so it reacts to her. Kid didn't really do anything. The Dragons came because their seal was broken.

- Contradiction: I thought FATE made Sky Dragon Isle, as pointed out in Chronopolis. Why is Sky Dragon Isle Terra Tower, an obviously dragonian ruin?

FATE didn't make Sky Dragon Isle.

- Contradiction: If Chronopolis was in "down time" due to the storm, and the Flame was able to react to Serge, wouldn't the facility have been filled with actual people? Plus, how would the facility still be around after 10,000 years? It's like all these events had to have happened twice or something. ARGH! MY BRAIN HURTS!

Why would it have been filled with people? and it's around after 10,000 years because it's durable and stuff. It's 2400 technology.

- Contradiction: Chronopolis was in the Sea of El Nido in 7,600 BC and ever after? Why didn't Crono and friends ever see it? Plus, if it had been around for 10,000 years, why were the spirits reenacting the counter-time experiment now? Was it a constant reenactment?

Crono and friends didn't see it because it wasn't in there timeline. Whenever a change to history is made, a new timeline replaces the old one. Like taping over an old movie. Chrono Trigger takes place in one timeline, and after thet kill Lavos, a new timeline is born, which leads to the Time Crash, which leads to the Chrono Cross timelines(s)

- Contradiction: Lavos awakened in 12,000 BC, not 7,600 BC. This game is starting to seriously get on my nerves.

He didn't awaken in either era.

- Since when did the planet have a mind of its own?

Since when didn't it? It's Mother Earth.

- Where did the incomplete Time Egg come from?

Lucca made it.

- What was the point of traveling into Kid's past? I mean, really? She didn't even remember it happened, and you don't seem to have really saved Lucca or any of her friends! You didn't change a thing! In fact, by all accounts, he should have made the situation even more traumatic for her what with leaving her after all that had happened after promising to not leave her. And she said everyone was dead! I saved all the kids!

The point of travelling to Kid's past was because you gave her hope that just sliiiightly changed history so she could come out of her coma.

- Contradiction: Both Schala and Kid are from the same world, Another World. How can they be alternate universe versions of the same person, especially given the radical amount of time between them? (No pun intended with the world "radical.")

They're not. Kid is Schala's genetic clone. Schala created Kid.

- Who was the giant face in Terra Tower's ceiling?

No one knows. It's just a mindfuck.

- How did Belthasar do that whole thing he did in Terra Tower?

Another mindfuck.

- Contradiction: Did Chronopolis build the Dragon Isles 10,000 years ago to seal the Dragon Gods away? If so, how did Chronopolis do it and don't give me "the Flame did it." The Flame is about energy manipulation and time travel, and they hadn't even gotten the time traveling aspect to work. Why was the rest of El Nido created?

El Nido was created to give a home to the descendants of the people who made Chronopolis. Y'know, the ones who travelled to the past. and the Flame can do anything. Anything. It's supposed to make you like a god. And just a note. Terraforming counts as energy manipulation if you know your physics :D

- Contradiction: How could the Sea of El Nido previously be called the Sea of Eden because of the Dragons if the Dragons and Chronopolis arrived there at the same time and the Dragons were then sealed away?
How can a second moon be "found?" Was the entire moon created when Harle was? Wouldn't the people of the world have noticed such a thing?

No see, the second moon was brought over from the Repitite Dimension. It's part of that whole "rewriting a video tape" thing. It's always been there, but Belthasar comes from a timeline where it wasn't.

- Did the five Dragon stars exist prior to Dinopolis and the Dragons coming into these dimensions?

Yes they did. The Dragon Stars are just symbolic.

- Contradiction: Why would Harle constantly aid FATE when she was the seventh Dragon God? Was she acting as a spy or something? Wouldn't FATE have had some hint of this? How did Harle and Lynx hook up in the first place?

Harle was acting as a spy so she could get to the Frozen Flame and backstab FATE and Lynx at the last minute. I assume Harle hunted Lynx down to team up with him and FATE was unaware of her connection to the Dragons.

- Contradiction: Okay, how can there be a "true form" of the Frozen Flame? And why does Terra Tower have it? Why is it called "Struth?" This totally messes everything up! Does the Reptite dimension have its own Frozen Flame?

The Reptite dimension does not have it's own Frozen Flame because it doesn't have it's own Lavos. The True Form of the Frozen Flame is what we see when it responds to the Arbiter. Terra Tower is just another Mindfuck.

- Was the previous Dragon God consumed by Lavos 10,000 years ago?


- Contradiction: How exactly can Lavos be nesting in the far side of the dimensional void? How does that work? How did that happen? Lavos was destroyed!

Lavos was destroyed, but pay attention. He was destroyed in 1999 AD. There was a Lavos in 2300 AD. Time is rewritten like a videotape, so Lavos is in this dimensional void now.

- How does Kid know all this stuff?!

Split Personality or preprogrammed memories.

- Contradiction: Lucca said 2400 years in the future from the year 1020 in her final speech. Wouldn't that be 3420?

No, she said the year 2400, in the future.
- Contradiction: I thought the Dragon God + Lavos was the Devourer of Time, not Schala + Lavos.

Actually, it's Lavos+Schala+Dragon God=Time Devourer.

- Contradiction: Schala traveled 10,000 years into the future to try and make contact with this dimension. But it was already her dimension! Unless by "dimension" they mean "time period."

no, Schala was reaching beyond from the Dimensional Void.

- Contradiction: The incomplete Time Egg that rewinds time a little... why did it never perform its purpose at all in the game? Kid was in life and death situations all the time!

Actually it did. Just never on camera. See where Kid got killed like, three times, but is fine just another scene later?

- Whatever happened to Harle after she flew into the Frozen Flame?

She got absorbed into the Dragon God.

- What were those Crono, Lucca, and Marle kid-things? Ghosts? Biological contructs? Were they the actual people, or unique entities? Where did they come from? Did Belthasar build them?

I think they're from a dimension where Crono, Lucca, and Marle died as children, brought over to Serge's dimension(s) via the Dead Sea, and their status as ghosts give them otherworldly knowledge and crap.

- How exactly did Belthasar and Lucca hook up?

I don't think they ever did.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2005, 03:23:11 am »
@ Aura:
The Dragon Tear isn't truely "Magical". Masato Kato calls it a "System" when it's combined with the ceremonial hall. Like it's programmed to do that, well atleast constantly switch bodies.

If The Goddesses are metaphores, then is the "Dragon God" a metaphore, if they're not even a true god.

Kid's split personality has to do with half of her brain belonging to Schala.

The "Humans being in El Nido" is only technically true to the Porreans, who settled it in 900AD, but since the time crash, humans have been living long before there.

Lavos did awake in 12,000BC and destroyed Zeal.... From the time stream that he was falling to get to the DBT, he started pulling Chronopolis back in time so that he might possibly relive, but it could only have been done when Chronopolis started the counter time experiment.

I had always thought the face on Terra Tower was like the Dragon God using the tower to speak to them, or atleast the actually Tower's incarnation.

The Red moon has not been proven to be from the Reptite Dimension. If the Moon did come from it, then it'd look the same as Another/Home worlds and remember - Only Dinopolis city came from The Reptite Dimension, not the whole bloody land.

The 5 stars are symbolic, or possibly are what the dragon god derives it's energy from. Remember, the Dragon God is the pure incarnation of the elements, so if each star had a certain element of power, then it's possible.

It's weird, you'd think that someone so smart as FATE would actually know that Harle would back stack it. She sure seemed sad about doing it too, atleast to Serge.

The Time Devourer is purely Lavos and Schala. Lavos simply devoured the Dragon God for extra energy, possibly caused when the FF sealed them off. I guess you could say it is also a part of the Dragon God, but only energy wise pretty much.


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2005, 06:42:55 pm »
The Dragon Tear isn't truely "Magical". Masato Kato calls it a "System" when it's combined with the ceremonial hall. Like it's programmed to do that, well atleast constantly switch bodies.

I think it was a bit of both.

If The Goddesses are metaphores, then is the "Dragon God" a metaphore, if they're not even a true god.

That's different. The Dragon God was a crucial part of the story. The Goddesses were just mythological figures that were referenced in literary dialogue.


Kid's split personality has to do with half of her brain belonging to Schala.

Same thing.

The Red moon has not been proven to be from the Reptite Dimension. If the Moon did come from it, then it'd look the same as Another/Home worlds and remember - Only Dinopolis city came from The Reptite Dimension, not the whole bloody land.

But it hasn't been proven to not be from there. Keep in mind that when Lavos landed, he changed the entire planet.

The 5 stars are symbolic, or possibly are what the dragon god derives it's energy from. Remember, the Dragon God is the pure incarnation of the elements, so if each star had a certain element of power, then it's possible.

Yea, the Planet's power. There's no way Dragonian technology can draw power from something millions upon billions of lightyears away. Plus I think the only elements you can associate with a star is Light and Fire. If even those. The Dragon God isn't so much the incarnation of the elements as it is a biological computer made to control them.

It's weird, you'd think that someone so smart as FATE would actually know that Harle would back stack it. She sure seemed sad about doing it too, atleast to Serge.

Computers aren't all that great with judging character.

The Time Devourer is purely Lavos and Schala. Lavos simply devoured the Dragon God for extra energy, possibly caused when the FF sealed them off. I guess you could say it is also a part of the Dragon God, but only energy wise pretty much.

And Schala wasn't absorbed for the same purpose? How do you explain the Tail? How do you explain that the Dragon God you fight is called the Time Devourer?


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Questions Regarding Chrono Cross's Story
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2005, 10:01:06 pm »
I think it was a bit of both.

Yeah I guess.

That's different. The Dragon God was a crucial part of the story. The Goddesses were just mythological figures that were referenced in literary dialogue.

Well, The game does revolve around FATE, which is like giving off the idea that an entity of Fate exists. NVM, this is off topic.

But it hasn't been proven to not be from there. Keep in mind that when Lavos landed, he changed the entire planet.

How can Lavos change a moon? If he landed on the planet, the moon has been the same thing always. Especially in the reptite dimension, where he didn't even land at all. Possibly though, the Red Moon could have been changed from the white moon in the reptite dimension to represent the whole body of the Dragon God.

And Schala wasn't absorbed for the same purpose? How do you explain the Tail? How do you explain that the Dragon God you fight is called the Time Devourer?

Well, The Dragon God is really called the Lunar Dragon in the japanese version of the game. It's because it is formed with Harle. Possibly it's called the Time Devourer in the english version because with Harle and the flame, the dragon god may have wanted to gain so much power to get their body back and to kill of the humans or change time or something.
Also, what tail? Well, Lavos did get ahold of their original body to train the energy, but Schala didn't truely dissapear, her body didn't disintergrate or merge even yet. I think Serge also has something to do with that. Might be Schala+Lavos+Dragon God's power+ Serge.
