Author Topic: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger  (Read 6731 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #45 on: February 16, 2024, 10:52:19 am »
I dunno if I’ve mentioned it but I don’t do pay-to-play at all

Me either. Gatcha games and their ilk suck. During covid I got really pulled into Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius - War of the Visions. The storyline was solid, but the gatcha elements were HORRIBLE. I spent some money on it, but ultimately recognized that I wasn't even really having fun.

and I don’t go on Steam: 1) bec I am not a PC person at all, 2) I like the sticks in my hands, and I’d rather not dl games onto my computer.

I buy some physical, especially for the Switch, as I know Nintendo tends to not make many physical copies of most of their games. But since that's the only console I own (although I was gifted an Xbox S last year -- it's digital only), I mostly do Steam and PC gaming. Plus, I love the modding scene, and you can really only do that on PC. But there are downsides to Steam games -- they're the same price, plus you never truly own the games. If Steam went bottom up tomorrow, I would literally be SOL around the thousands of dollars in games I've bought over the past fifteen years or so.

I try to get physical if I can (I do sometimes think about re-sell value in the future, not gonna lie if I wanna just sell some games shrug) Philippines is super poor LOL and if I can help small video game businesses to boost the economy or get things going why not.

I love it.

Boo, it’s alright I know I talk abt. my “console RPG otaku”-locking myself in my room gaming 24/7 thing but honestly right now I’M TAKING A BREAK FROM IT ALL. I haven’t picked up CT in a few days because I’ve been working on my self-care my medication has me feeling super AMAZIN’ and after waking up I take a walk and get exercise in and most of the time awake I spend watching streaming Survivor.

No worries, man. I played a little bit but not much. I'm in Tyrano Lair still. This is such an epic part of the game, and where it really starts to gain momentum. Well, really it started with Magus' Castle and that epic battle. I think I'm going to do a strong push next week to really get through Chrono Trigger, and then I'm done with video games for a while. I really do think this is it for me.

I bought a few games recently triple AAA titles is a thing? like Horizon Zero Dawn I see it all everywhere and I got MGSV: Definitive Experience my friends know I’m an RPG whore but when I take breaks I practice on Metal Gear Solid it’s that quirky Kojima humor that I don’t make fun of and doesn’t bother me.

I played Horizon Zero Dawn and did really enjoy it. It wasn't a 10/10, but there was a lot I liked about it. I can't remember if I platinum'd it or not, but I know I came close. I haven't played the second one yet, seeing as how it's not on PC yet. I played the first three MGS games but never played the last few.

Anyway, hang in there, man. Keep investing in yourself and working on your body, mind, and soul. Glad you're in a good place.

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #46 on: February 16, 2024, 12:00:06 pm »
Aw, thank you, Boo. You know I really look forward coming here to post you’re a really nice guy (kinda like me) and after I’ve seen the kids on various Discord servers and Tik Tok & such you don’t really meet too too many uh “normal” people like us anymore, I’m not saying shit trending now or Gen Z is “ab-“normal I just miss the guys from the days of yore shitting around just talking about RPGs. But I digress.

So, Chrono Trigger,—I popped it in today and did storypoints I brought the Dreamstone and broken Masamune to Melchior, then brought the sword to Frog and opened up the Magic Cave. This area particularily brought back tons of memories cause as a kid I had such a hard time figuring out how to get Frog to join me (this’s way before I touched a faq) and I didn’t know you could go into that 2nd mountain range after giving him the sword back so I kept going to Denadoro Mountains confused me cause it was also in his flashback. I stopped there for now. …..

I was just thinking about wow, these’re the Japanese RPGs I played as a kid long before I ever even knew they were from Japan. I don’t think CT has aged badly and I kinda like how it’s slower in battle this version cause I like to drink coffee when I’m gaming so I can get a slurp or glug of caffeine in. I think I’m gonna go back to the Hunting Range Nu to farm tech points especially with Robo for his al-cure move cause I don’t want to lose to Slash, Flea and Ozzie. I really don’t wanna use Marle and Lucca and sad times Ayla’s back in Prehistoric. So that’s my thoughts so far!

I’ve been kinda having to sneak game time in lately because—I’M- A JUST BE HONEST. My body is not in the best shape right now :groan: I am pretty much normal body size as a average American we’re a little bigger than most so I have maybe 30 lbs. of vanity weight I’m targeting. I’m losing fat at a REALLY, really slow pace cause I’ve seen horror videos online of YouTubers documenting their fat loss and they go at it so hard and so fast that they have a lot of loose skin leftover cause they didn’t give their body enough time for the skin to stretch back cause it is elastic right? I’ve been so cognizant of that during my #weightlossjourney people think I’m not going hard enough but I’m playing smart.

Ok, so imagine I got most of the weight off now I’m trying to restore flexibility and mobility to my body now that I can actually move it around and get stretches in. #sedentary My problem point is probably my neck I tended to hunch over when my fat was in my stomach and man boobs sometimes I feel there’s always a crick in my neck that takes me all day to finally be able to reach. Now I’m targeting my shoulder blades, not quite so neck afterall so I thought and mainly my upper back & shoulders. It’s mainly the picking yourself up move I’m having trouble with like your arms pushing up picking up your own body. As a big guy I have a hard time finding tall enough things to lean on so I’ve been using my windowsills and the back of my bedhead and just leaning on it backwards and forwards. I try to get other stretches in but it’s mainly that for me. :/

Oh, I’m probably just gonna stick to physical console gaming. Now that I’m alone I scared as hell of falling into some type of hole and trying to save money here-and-there. I’m afraid of making one bad decision. :rabbit:

So here’s my plan. PS5 constantly hovering around. PS4 Pro I spent bank on so I think it’ll work for awhile but same time don’t want to push it. I am kinda enamored with the guys on YouTube that do gaming on the PS3 in 2024 replacing a PS3 is really cheap for me and there’s still a ton of good games for it/RPGs I have to finish like Nier I wanna play in release order, have to finish up Atelier, and tbh I kinda wanna “double-up” / stacking my trophies? like if it’s for PS3 and PS4 I wouldn’t mind getting both versions… I realize I have a lot of time on my hands and I mainly focus on gaming anyways (No T.V. 42 minute per episode, I realize I’m just not into music but I do like OSTs, 3 hour movies are too long) I literally focus on gaming time. I’m about done w/Catherine, and I’m mainly focused on the games that’re supposed to be rare, collectible and good Lollipop Chainsaw I heard is getting a remake. I mentioned wanting to do Deadrising 2 again and Red Dead Redemption, Last of Us. …..

I mentioned before the PS4 kinda excites me too much and I get a little scared. I like being understimulated so I still enjoy gaming. I have to finish up ICO/Shadow of the Colossus for PS3 before trying it again for PS4. The overstimulation kinda was what got me in trouble before I started to feel bored/tired.

I was listening to what you said about depression sneaking in sometimes and I think I kinda get that too there are days where I don’t want to get up and I hear CT’s music in my head and I get really creeped out by it. It’s usually the Middle Ages world map theme and the sealed box chime. I think to myself, …..why do I feel like this

I just wanted to tell you that I’m starting to feel more emotional lately. Games don’t really make me cry but when there’s a emotional moment when I watch Survivor I start to tear up now which I’ve never done before. As a teenager I went through life with such stoicism like school I treated like a game I never bothered with social connections, I just got the work done to start work and college. Even work I treated like a challenge and I put my all into it but when I got fired the first time I kinda just didn’t care. Sometimes I put on this hero façade where I strongly lean into just… myself and I know I can get it done if I have just me. But I guess getting to know others and making allies is part of the game too.

Ok, I babbled-rambled way too much. Take it easy, bro! (I guess this means we’re not playing Chrono Cross: Radical Dreams version next huh? =P)

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2024, 12:59:53 pm »
Hey, Boo. Just a short update don't worry! laffin'

I beat or re-beat Catherine to get my trophies back (I changed PSN accts.) it's a pretty good puzzle game with anime sequences-storyline that I greatly enjoyed the artwork was nice and so was the voice acting. I have a thing for all the localization companies in the West Coast sometimes I think they come to San Francisco and notice all the people for "inspiration" or motivation!

In Chrono Trigger, I am copying what you said w/the Nu at the Hunting Range and farming tech pts. I remember Magus gives me trouble sometimes esp. after/when he summons Lavos.

As for non-RPGs a.k.a. my self-care I have been listening to a lot of the Survivor soundtrack which's mostly just instrumentals or orchestrals done by the local indigenous tribes in ea. of the countries they visit. I lit. just watch the opening sequences on YouTube where they have a picture of each contestant and background music & sometimes I get a little teary-eyed. Survivor's been in my life since early, early highschool and it's still going on! I guess I'm surprised I love Survivor so much. They do 2 seasons a/per year so it almost timelines my life and I recollect memories and feelings as I hear the music and see all the characters, again.

I am doing a Prisoner's workout in my room. Basc. I do sets of 16 push-ups, then I take a break. Prisoners kinda only do upper body but I do core exercises like sit-ups on my bed, then I take a break. Inmates have nothing to do but workout, eat a really basic meal 3x a day and they get a lot of sleep in. I do go out and walk but I don't have time for like an hour hike but just to get blood flowing to my legs bec I always think of how sedentary I am gaming. I mostly graze all day on snacks but I do drink a lot of coffee but a TON of water. My motivation, work ethic and desire seem to be a bit more balanced now, I'm enjoying gaming (each trophy is like a dopamine hit) and I do occassionally show my face at our market area more and it feels kinda good? I dunno if it's bec ppl see me.

Still gaming, still watching Survivor & still enjoying lifes! Hope you're feeling good these days man! *ciao*

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #48 on: February 26, 2024, 02:10:17 pm »
Hey man,

Sorry for the gap in responses the past few weeks -- things have just been ramping up and I haven't had much downtime for gaming. My brother-in-laws did convince me to pick up Helldivers 2, which I have played with them a smidge (like 4 hours since it came out, and almost all of it was in one gaming session this weekend). I admit... I don't love the game, as I don't like games that require you to do missions and grind for all the things (i.e. skins or new weapons). It's a bit much and leads to FOMO, and I don't have time for that shit. But I love my BILs, and it's a good social outlet with them, so I'm staying plugged in at least a little bit.

I haven't even touched Chrono Trigger the past week or so, but on that topic...

In Chrono Trigger, I am copying what you said w/the Nu at the Hunting Range and farming tech pts. I remember Magus gives me trouble sometimes esp. after/when he summons Lavos.

If you get Crono and company to roughly Lightning 2 (5th tier), you'll have a much easier time. I remember one time even getting all of the parties techs at this point, and I stomped Magus' ass with Luminaire and Confuse. The only bad part when I did that was that the party members I did not level with TP were still back back on their third of fourth tech, haha... Plus, those high level skills take up a lot of MP and at this point you only have a Silver Stud to help reduce spell costs.

Fun fact -- Magus has 6666 hp during the battle.

I beat or re-beat Catherine to get my trophies back

Was this Catherine or the re-release that had the additional scenarios? I wanted to play the game but never have. It's sort of a visual novel with some puzzel levels scattered about, right? Tell me about the game -- what'd you think of it? What did you like/dislike about it?

In Chrono Trigger, I am copying what you said w/the Nu at the Hunting Range and farming tech pts. I remember Magus gives me trouble sometimes esp. after/when he summons Lavos.

Ok, so imagine I got most of the weight off now I’m trying to restore flexibility and mobility to my body now that I can actually move it around and get stretches in. #sedentary My problem point is probably my neck I tended to hunch over when my fat was in my stomach and man boobs sometimes I feel there’s always a crick in my neck that takes me all day to finally be able to reach.

Glad you're still on the journey of self-care, my friend! It's always a very long journey, and it's taxing and exhausting and comes with a lot of sacrifice. Doing the yoga and focusing on flexibility will help.

At this point I'm almost addicted to the "runner's high" from when I go running. I still run about every other day and do 4 to 5 miles each time. Those endorphins and serotonin and all the good chemicals help me keep my mood stabilized and keeps me sane. It takes a while to build up to it, but running may be a good option for you -- it also helped with my posture (more on that in a minute).

I used an app called C25k which stands for "Couch to 5k" and it starts out off as someone who has never run a day in your life up to being able to run 5k (a little over 3 miles) in 9 or 10 weeks. I can't recommend it enough if you decide you want to start doing some jogging/running. I've recommended it to others and just about anyone who sticks with it loves it -- even if they had to repeat some weeks. I know I had to repeat a few weeks when I was still building up my endurance and didn't think I could keep pressing upward.

Regarding the posture and pain -- sitting and playing video games can actually do horrible things to your neck/back. Even gaming chairs aren't really as great as they make it out to be. It's because often when we game we're not keeping our back straight and we're often looking down a little. Something to be mindful of, because it can get worse the older you get. I would think the yoga would help here, though. I know I like to go against a flat wall and just make my spine and neck straight -- make it so the back of your feet, your butt, your shoulders, and the back of your head are all touching the wall. It can be be awkward and comfortable, but that's ultimately what our posture *should* be in a perfect world. It helps me, anyway, so something that may or may not be useful to you.

Anyway, hope you're well buddy. Sorry my response time has been nuts - I'll try to do better this week.

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #49 on: February 28, 2024, 01:29:15 pm »
Hey, Boo-monster just a medium update on my lifes tonight.

Oh, that story reminds me of when two of my childhood friends roomed together and we went over and they were playing Gears of War like some co-op FPS and they were ogling the dudes bulges and saying the HD graphics make them jiggle so lifelike now. It was very weird, I didn’t know if they had smoked some good stuff before we came over but yeah I’m not into those types of games at all either there was one I liked I think it was Left 4 Dead that had a witch enemy that would pop out of nowhere like Nemesis and you had to kill her. That was fun.

Oh, Catherine is like mainly a puzzle game where you move around boxes and you have to climb this tower each night and in between are story segments with your girlfriend and your buddies at a bar and you can minx and mingle with the other patrons and help them with a mysterious affliction affecting young men and their dreams at night that sometimes leads to death. It’s mainly you the main character in this love triangle with another girl you met at the bar which’s the game’s namesake. I mainly liked it cause I enjoyed the story I played on easy so I could just watch the scenes right after the other and it kinda had this overtone of guys in their 30s confused about where to head to in life like do they like their job?, are they finding romantic interests in their kinda bumtown city?, most of the MC’s buddies are childhood friends so it’s this undertone of escaping your hometown life and finding true freedom on your own. My favorite part was the girlfriend she seems really responsible, I liked her voice, she’s the type of person that just knows how to manage relationships in life and can kinda read a person like a book or by slight nuance she was my favorite part. My least favorite part was it seemed like the last boss had 9 lives like the game tells you it’s almost over but you have to climb the tower sommore. 🤷🏼 It only took me 12 hours to beat and it has diff modes and stuff. You might like it! There’s a trick to the blocks and once you figure it out it makes the puzzles a cinch to climb if you’re frenzy.

I’m still farming the Nu rn I got finished with Robo and I thought if I don’t do Lucca I’ll never do Marle. I just kinda wanna breeze by Magus’s…

Dude!!! Self-care has been a journey but a triumphant one! So I dunno what it is here in The Philippines but I think it has a lot to do with the heat that’s been making me feel like a shriveled up old granny prune. I have been noticing that Asian culture has a lot of small rooms with furniture low-to-the-floor and I felt so confined within the walls basically. I got a upper back/shoulder blade back support brace and it’s helped me sorta pull my body up and open my chest up and out. I dunno how my wings got clipped. I do notice a “down” energy here I dunno if it’s bec people prefer the floor but I’m very #up and I like putting things up like on shelfs. I’ve been using the windowsills as something to lean on like I said and the back of my bedhead I’ve been using to support my weight. Boo it’s so scary what a physical change one’s body goes through during weightloss I went to turn to the side a little bit and nearly hit the ground with a stroke I can’t believe I’ve lost so much flexibility and mobility and I haven’t noticed is the thing!!! Tbh, I have been gaming hella much in a super small low to the floor chair and was just being irresponsible with how sedentary I was being. At the same time I have lost weight though others have told me so maybe that’s why I didn’t notice.

I’ve gone back to doing one-meal-a-day mostly because it makes me feel good I feel so disgusted with food but I’ve never liked eating ever since I was a kid I just wait to eat dinner and late at night I might graze on a few nibbly snacks and a little caffeine, and TONS of water. I have kinda felt like a turtle hiding in it’s shell and I’ve finally pulled my head out of my ass. After this post, I’m gonna do more physical activity—-tbh Survivor’s really helped I pop on a episode and put my backbrace on and I do stretches on my bed which’s a little more elevated. It’s helped so much the past few days I almost want to cry at how happy I’m feeling both physically and mentally—I’m just enjoying myself more and having fun. I hate to be like physicality is everything but idk it’s all I’m feeling rn.

I got the huge cricks out my neck. I crack my body a lot. I don’t know if you do. I’m just gonna keep doing the push-ups and sit-ups, and with a lot of stretching prob some more yoga. I - It was getting to the point where it was affecting my thinking my physical ailing but it was mainly the upper back brace and shoulder blade support that helped me out back there. I dunno if I have Alice in Wonderland syndrome and don’t know I really am such a big guy or ??? Tbh I’d hate to say it but maybe it was whoever built the house and all the “down” energy I feel from furniture being so low to the floor. I can’t help but notice that about Asia and Asian culture is everything’s just down. It really sucks when you’re a big guy it’s very confining like wearing a shirt that’s too small.

I’ll try to get another post with my thoughts I dunno if you like the dbl.-posts but I LOVE getting my thoughts out to you, Boo!

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2024, 10:42:14 am »
Hiya, Booster! I’ve been craving dying to let slip out another post!

So I just finished all the characters getting their techs to Lightning 2. I might just go wander inside Magus’ now. Tbh, my PS4 Pro has been acting weird I go to turn it on, the light beeps blue and it shuts off. I’m thinking it might be the power cord cause it came with this weird UK switch-plug, I’ve never seen befoe I ordered another one that’s akin to the US power cord. Anyways, so that means I’m mainly focused on Chrono Trigger now!!! It’s such a Godsend cause I put my harness on and I like or prefer being able to face the T.V. and I’m in a sorta mid-sit-up position on my bed and I’m able to stretch my neck or is it head out of my neckhole or chest from-on both sides? I just got doing it now and getting the kinks out of my body feels so just rehabilitating I dunno? Opposite of debilitating?

Yeah usually I like to grind for days in one spot in RPGs and trounce the game but I never knew where to do that in CT.

It makes me think of childhood memories. I’m in a really good place right now mentally I just kinda have fun thoughts that make me chuckle while I watch stuff or something. I might go back to watching Survivor on my PS3 Slim while I have my backbrace on and I can get more of the humours out some more, and take a break and do sit-ups, crunches and push-ups. A lot of my friends when I was in “rehab” we would often work out together at night after dinner’s settled in. We work out mainly doing push-ups and sit-ups then when it was over we hit the shower and nibble on snacks and stuff before lights out. I remember I passed out one time cause I was so out of shape it was so hilarious.

So yeah that’s the plan man!

I attached a photo of the harness so you can get a better idea instead of me TRYING to explain it. Like pulling my shoulders back and opening my chest out. One time I was at work and there was a late shipment and the truck driver had on one of those back support braces that went around his upper hips-stomach cause they say don’t lift with your back and I was drooling wanting to ask him where to get one but I never did!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2024, 10:31:58 pm »
I dunno how my wings got clipped.

Some of that's aging, dude! You're getting older! Our bodies aren't what they once were. I know I can't do what I could ten years ago, not without lots of effort, anyway. I used to run a 7:30 mile no sweat, now I'm doing about a 9:00 mile with the same amount of effort. It's just part of life!

I’ve gone back to doing one-meal-a-day mostly because it makes me feel good

Hopefully you're getting some calories outside of that one major meal, though. And drinking lots of water!

I attached a photo of the harness so you can get a better idea instead of me TRYING to explain it

Oh yeah, that's what I figured it was. I almost bought myself one, at one point.

My week was slammed, although I did play some Chrono Trigger this weekend. I actually just got the Epoch from Keeper's Dome, so I am WAY ahead of you. I went to Zeal and then got kicked back out. I may pause for a week or two to let you catch up.

A few random thoughts:
  • Can I just say that Giga Gaea (the boss of Mt. Woe) has one of the best designs in the entire game? He looks so cool, and how he comes up out of that giant crater, it's such a cool boss.
  • The Mud Imp and the two beasts was always one of the toughest bosses for me. Then I ended up getting elemental arms to keep them at bay, and that always helped a lot. The first time I played the game I was stumped on these guys for probably a week - I just wasn't able to beat them.
  • Don't forget to battle ALL the Boulders on Mt. Woe - they're worth A LOT of Tech Points... assuming you can hit them!

Anyway, not much going on in my neck of the woods. The cat brought in a bird and it's still alive, so my kids are trying to nurse it back to health. I don't have the heart to tell them that it probably won't make it -- it probably has some internal injuries. We've tried before and they haven't made it (when she caught other birds).

Hope you're well, buddy!

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #52 on: March 04, 2024, 12:59:03 pm »
One time my old dog brought me a dead bird and left it by the backyard sliding doorstep.. I was just like wtf? I was figuring he thought he was giving me a gift. LOL

It’s weird. I’m like a total Asian nerdboy and I never really cared about having a chiseled body but I was always naturally big and tall and I always relied on that. After said dog died, I quivered, and said ok John, - let’s get in shape, quit weed and get-it-together so I dropped like 30 lbs. which I guess wasn’t that much but I was 150 lbs. I swam and did yoga then when I went to rehab (this like hospital place) the nurses I guess thought I was too skinny and I was diagnosed with Food poisoning I’m guessing they tried to fatten me up and the food there was good so I gained maybe 100 lbs. in 6 months like I looked down had a belly - woomp. I’ve spent this whole time shedding it.

So I just got done doing 5 sets of 20 push-ups and a set of sit-ups. It is all I can do for now til my arms feel like Jell-O. I was doing stretches after and hit a few cricks but it felt and sounded right. I’m just gonna keep doing this everynight. I’m also battling a ailment of some sort just a scratchy throat not really feverish. So I haven’t had time to put into CT.

Here’s my plan doe: I’m waiting for my PS4 Pro’s power cord which I’m hoping is the issue otherwise I’m out a PS4 Pro but I can always tinker with it and see what’s wrong. Survivor I can just watch on my celly I know peoples is like omg John using his PS3 Slim as a DVD player noooz groan. Heh. I just wanna finish up a few more games on it and I’ll be done I’ve researched these: Akiba’s Trip, Deception IV, Lollipop Chainsaw, Puppeteer, Eternal Sonata (I feel you may have heard of this… ?), Resonance of Fate, Nier, Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, the last 2 of the 6 Atelier games for the PS3 and I kinda wanna see if I can do FFXIII-2 and Lightning Returns. Um. PS3 is still really popular here in The Philippines and some dudesters are still on it in 2024 on YouTube so I thought why not…?

3D Dot Game Heroes, Folklore I might try to get. And there’s these two elusive games I dunno you might know about, Boo: rain / Lost in the Rain and The Last Guy.

I’m still doing my Prisoner’s workout thing and one of the keys thing I guess is really not eating too much and just consistently doing push-ups. It makes me feel a little soggy in my tshirt and glistening with sweat but it’s my whole shoulders, upper arms issue that I’m targeting. I watch Survivor and they always show the most awkward shots of people in challenges like struggling and gritting their teeth and that’s how I feel like right now with the pain. It’s like sore too.

Yeah one of my biggest fears is becoming old and feeble / not being able to take care of myself and I’m starting now and trying to be consistent so when I’m say 60 I can still being able to like lift those packs of Costco water bottles or whatever. I look at my parents and they worked really hard at work but they kinda destroyed themselfs come retirement so I kinda wonder if it is totally worth it. Health or wealth?

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2024, 01:24:57 pm »
Man, I love your plan for all the upcoming games! There's so much out and coming out. I haven't touched video games in over a week, but I'm still chomping at the bit for FF7: Rebirth and Dragon's Dogma 2. I love my family, but I wish I could have a few days to just hike and play video games by myself -- I don't think I've been by myself for more than a day in like seven or eight years. So it goes.

Are you still playing Chrono Trigger once your PS4 gets sorted out? I think that was the console you were playing on. It's okay if it's sort of fallen to the wayside. If you're done, I may just do a push to the finish line and get it done. I still need to go back to Zeal after getting the Epoch and finish out events there... and I can't wait to get Magus!

Akiba’s Trip, Deception IV, Lollipop Chainsaw, Puppeteer, Eternal Sonata (I feel you may have heard of this… ?), Resonance of Fate, Nier, Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, the last 2 of the 6 Atelier games for the PS3 and I kinda wanna see if I can do FFXIII-2 and Lightning Returns.

Out of these games, I know most of them. I actually own Eternal Sonata for both my Xbox360 and the PS3 release (with added content). I never finished it, though. If it's an RPG that came out after like 2008, there's a chance I own it and haven't played it, haha... Once I got married and started having kids, those long games are really not feasible very often. You see firsthand how long it takes me to get through a smaller jRPG like Chrono Trigger or LUNAR 2! I did start the game, though, and the graphics and soundtrack were beautiful. It's sort of macabre story, and I'm really curious how the studio/writer came up with it.

Nier I played it during covid and while it had some frustrating elements, I loved it. Really solid game. The story and soundtrack were both excellent. I played the most recent re-release. Nier Automata is pretty high on my wishlist of games I need to play.

Star Ocean: The Last Hope I tried so hard to get into this game. You know I love the series, but this game just wasn't great. The storyline was mediocre at best, and it leaned really hard into anime obnoxiousness. The version of Welch in this game was by far the worst version of Welch in the entire series.

Speaking of, I did finish Star Ocean: First Departure R late last year. Somewhere around Christmas. I was going to do the optional bonus dungeon after you beat the game, but I got fed up with grinding and called it quits. I feel I got what I needed out of the game.

Did you ever play Skies of Arcadia? It was a Dreamcast jRPG that got ported to the Gamecube, and it's one of my favorite games. It's got a cult following, sort of like the LUNAR series. I WISH this game could get a remake or remaster -- it was awesome.

Alright, man, stay strong and keep on the healthy train. Take care of your mind, body, and spirit.

Talk with you soon!

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #54 on: March 12, 2024, 09:50:27 am »
As people know, I’m an only child so I’ve been alone a lot and I’ve grown to love it maybe why my psych thinks I’m an introvert.or part of it. Sometimes I think being around people the conversations can be so vapid and I just think it’s a waste of my time and I could be getting work done by myself. My doctor says to have more face-to-face relationships outside of the comfort zone of my family so I’m doing that with the people here on the farm in The Philippines. It’s mostly just whatever but I always listen to doctor’s orders even if I disagree with it or think it’s stupid. el shrugo

Yes! I am still playing Chrono Trigger don’t worry! I dled it onto my PS3 Slim and it was the PS4 Pro that shit the bed so all’s good. I know I’m way behind I just beat Magus and I’m at the Tyrano Lair I plan on playing more tonight cause playing older games really relaxes me and the thoughts I have to myself are really lifes~ and lighthearted, even melancholy and it’s a nice ambiance combined with it being nighttime and I’m trying to release energy… I dunno what that is!

Omg, everyone always axes me if I’ve played Skies of Arcadia and I actually haven’t! tears I went out LOOKING for it ‘pacifically during when I had a Dreamcast and I could only find games like Evolution, Evolution 2 and E.G.G. Everyone always says it’s tehBeSt!1one so I’m in tears whenever it’s brought up to me. I’m always on it though I keep my heel on it’s neck.

So after losing the Pro I get antsy whenever I think of games and what console I’m gonna run back to and back-up & support so I’m taking a chillpill right now and just sticking to CT. My Dad got a driver so I might make it more easier or accessible for me to make it out to the malls and check out the electronic gaming stores, I might just re-buy the Pro. I did manage to have a good time with it for the short time doe. I’m kinda just waiting on the PS5 and I’m looking at older games I dunno why I’m more interested in it’s social commentary. I bussed out my PSP Go and Vita and I might play Lunar: SSH and I do have a Switch I’ve been such a Sony boy my whole time but after losing 2 Sony consoles so far I’m fed up I might make a random strategic decision and defect back to Nintendo which was my childhood and I had such a good time with on the SNES. The only thing deterring me is lack of trophies which I personally love so I don’t know why they don’t do that?

I also have original FF7 on Go and I was scheming at the thought of being able to play it comfortably in secret (no trophies) but apart of me doesn’t want to be lulled or lured back to *that* one game. I’ve gone all these years without having re-played it I think I’m doing good. I was there we were all there when it first came out and I don’t want to lose the magic by approaching the behemoth again.

Tbh, I’m still doing my Prisoner’s workout I do 10-11 sets of push-ups at night (16-20 push-ups=1 set) and I try to get sit-ups in. My mobility and flexibility is essentially back, my upper shoulders don’t hurt anymore and I don’t have annoying-ass cricks in the left side of my neck. The key is either: not eating too much or the consistency of doing it everyday. Inmates don’t get to eat a whole lot and being in a cell for 18 hours a day they have nothing to do but push-ups, sit-ups, running in place… My friends and I would do our workout back in college arnd. nighttime like I remember having dinner just a flat steak nothing else the whole day and going to the college gym/pool. The other friends I met work out at night too. After just shower, relax, nibble on a few snacks. I was thinking I’m always a hero in games but IRL I’m just a dorky, Asian nerdboy so I want it to translate so I’m prob just gon keep this up everynight. Maybe I’m a late-bloomer? It’s also when my energy levels drop at nighttime but after a few sets I’m WIDE AWAKE and I can watch a lit’l more T.V. or maybe get gameplaying in. We do drink a lot of coffee but I dunno coffee is lifes a little bit of caffeine is awesome be up for 5 days. I mostly just watch Survivor and pump myself up in-between breaks.

Ok, Boo I’m still down for CT. ‘True to my word.’

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #55 on: March 13, 2024, 12:09:45 pm »
Hey, Boo—just a slow day at the farm got me to thinking about my old life in the US. I haven’t been keeping up with the news lately so of course I go to Tik Tok lol, I have been hearing stories about everyday Americans’ daily struggle with the economy in mass chaos with inflation/cost of living increasing. I opened up the app to check if it was really true and was bombarded with people ranting and raving about how they can’t afford groceries to feed their family, they can’t afford to go out with their kids anymore, people that can’t find jobs, layoffs… just wondering how you were doing amidst all this or what your take was?

I was kinda just melancholy and thinking about my life. In the 90s after my Mom and I had moved to the US (My Dad had already been there working) I got to see the American Dream myself and how my parents worked hard and I got to see them be able to afford better and better houses and cars. I really thought they had that new immigrant mindset of just working hard, not getting into party culture? they don’t drink or smoke, we never really took any vacations besides weekend road-daytrips to Disneyland or maybe staying in Las Vegas. I was playing CT and it almost kinda seems like the games were better then too. shrug There was a meme I saw of the Home Alone movie where Kevin buys groceries: basic essentials like bread, milk, etc and it costs $19.83 in 1990 and they compare the same groceries to the price we have to pay now and it’s $72.28. :o It just really makes me miss those days when I was a kid and tagging along with my parents going to Blockbuster, going to Safeway and the times really felt almost perfect to me.

Going back to Tik Tok I read a book in High school called Death of a Salesman and it was about this older, overworked gentlemanly father that was struggling really hard set in the late 40s, and it was mostly about how hardworking Americans sometimes don’t achieve that American Dream of finding or landing a nice job/house, dealing with a broke-down old used car, not to mention raising a family and keeping your wife and children happy so in highschool I already had this idea brewing in the back of my head that sometimes the hardest worker doesn’t get ahead and there’s more to the work+life culture that’s more complex like say maybe you have to schmooze your boss over more for a payraise? I kinda kept all that in the back of my head when I finally did start to work and realized what the atmosphere was like there.

I just kinda think about what’s going on there in comparison to what I have here: the farm’s great. How are your chickens by the way? We put up a large fenced area for the chickens and chicks to run around and play in cause there’s just way too many of ‘em it’s definitely a full grown chicken farm now. I don’t have to deal with a lot of stress mostly the biggest problem I have during the day is: “Am I gonna game today?” or, “You know I really don’t know if I should get into the Switch or not since I’m such a Sony boy?” Seriously. I just have God to thank for letting me live a comfortable lifes ; but I do still think about you guys there too and keep y’all’s in my thoughts I would never want to see someone fall out of the struggle which seems to be happeningo a lot more families now. Thing is, I’m not really a politician and a lot of news stories go over my head with the terms they use but I do get the gist of it.

Anyways, just checking in,,, Hope you’re doing good, man! Oh I just beat the Black Tyrano and Lavos crashed did Azala summon him or did he always mean to be “born” in the Prehistoric Ages?

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #56 on: March 17, 2024, 11:50:27 pm »
Hey yooooo!

I have been hearing stories about everyday Americans’ daily struggle with the economy in mass chaos with inflation/cost of living increasing. I opened up the app to check if it was really true and was bombarded with people ranting and raving about how they can’t afford groceries to feed their family, they can’t afford to go out with their kids anymore, people that can’t find jobs, layoffs… just wondering how you were doing amidst all this or what your take was?

All very, very true. I think I referenced some of this earlier in this thread - or it may have been the LUNAR thread late last year. Regardless, it's very much true. In the past two years or so, groceries have increased by probably 35% on average. Every company is trying to raise their costs "because of the economic squeeze" and yet posts record-breaking profits. It's insane.

We're okay and surviving. Luckily, I'm middle-class with a stable job and good earnings, but any pay increases I've made through promotions or merit is largely obsolete. We live mostly paycheck-to-paycheck, although I do contribute to my 401k.

... and it was mostly about how hardworking Americans sometimes don’t achieve that American Dream of finding or landing a nice job/house, dealing with a broke-down old used car, not to mention raising a family and keeping your wife and children happy so in highschool ...

I've heard of the book, although I'm not overly familiar with it. But yeah, the American Dream died in the early 80's with Ronald Reagan. In America, you can slave and slave and slave away in the hope that you'll strike it rich, but the odds are very low, and are definitely stacked against you (more now than ever). I get the impression that much of the world is operating this way now - especially in what would be deemed first-world countries.

As for the vidya...

I haven't done much recently, still no Trigger. I'll probably get motivated once you catch up to me -- not too far now! I have played Harvestella a little here and there, which is surprisingly good. I also picked up Dragon's Dogma II, although I probably won't be able to play it much when it launches.

Oh I just beat the Black Tyrano and Lavos crashed did Azala summon him or did he always mean to be “born” in the Prehistoric Ages?

I think Lavos was always fated to crash into the planet. It's just that the Reptites were advanced enough to understand what it was (compared to the cave men of the era). I think that foreknowledge makes Azala's plight that much sadder.

Anyway, I'm traveling this week and won't be back until next week, so it may be about 1.5 weeks until I can reply. Stay awesome and keep calm and carry on!

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #57 on: March 24, 2024, 09:57:48 am »
Hello, Boo I read what you wrote but I’ve been saving my post. So it’s weird because I JUST got into the news bit about the economy/grocery prices increasing/inflation woowoowoo etc. And I’m just like wondering “Is it even affecting me here?” I know people is struggling, so I don’t want to say the wrong thing in that I’ve been doing just plain ol’ great here!! We have a small market and all the Filipino ladies selling vegetables is so cute, and um whenever I go to the big grocery store I just buy the food that I know - you know I love Survivor/Big Brother so I just buy-get my absolute necessities for just myself and ooh, boy I can live off instant ramen. I’m also emulating the Prisoner’s diet and they eat a lot of Cup-a-Noodles in there and if you look at their bodies I mean it can’t be that bad if you’re looking to just want a hardbody like me. I haven’t really felt the squeeze but I don’t get the super fancy, Erewhon, I’ve only stepped foot in a Trader Joe’s once!!!! — my Mom’s always shopped at the small, Asian markets and she just gets what she needs to feed 3. If I don’t get my Cheez-Its it’s fine. I’m tryna fix my diet so rice, Filipino-Asian homefood is fine w/me. :) My Dad says “observe yourself” and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, the meds are fine and I almost like them. The farm is growing I got more workers my Dad hired a driver so I can have a chauffer that’ll drive me up-and-down The Philippines I’ve been looking to re-buy that PS4 Pro and I can finally now make it to the big city malls ‘n stuf.

Anyway. Now. In Chrono Trigger I just beat the Golem in Zeal Palace it took me 2 tries cause the first I was taking my time talking to people and ooh battle and I was just unprepared. I notice after Magus the boss battles get harder the Golem was really really hard even though I breezed through with Ruby Vests and casting Fire Sword. The game’s really fun I agree with you it is like a “masterpiece” art piece I’m kinda just like : o in awe of the game and, wow.. I’m not treating it like a regular RPG romp but just like a treat everytime I turn it, pop it on. Kinda like when you have a sweet tooth?

Back to what’s going on in the US and in the world doe, I was thinking and I almost kinda feel like I got out of there just in time like I got here Sept 2017 so I was already settling down a year and then Corona happened and a few friends online told me the lockdowns were just a disasters and kids got really sensitive to EVERYTHING!! after that, and now there’s Inflation going on for the last 2+ years. Like my heart goes out to anyone that’s struggling in these times, but speaking for myself-you know I love strategy Idk..? I feel like I made the right move for me. If it’s worth anything before I moved my lifes was not doing too good in San Francisco, I had just gotten out of rehab and even though I was (finally) clean I felt like shit at home, and there was all this weird stuff going on with my neighbors & the police department up the hill anyway, it was a crazy mess. I realized I’m too stupid to live in America I never knew how to pay for bills or even do taxes and I only managed to live on my own there for what like 4 years I just felt that America makes everything so complicated and they never taught adulting in school and I just felt people are so WEIRD about ever approaching or asking your parents for help once you’re past 18. Tbh, I’m glad I’m back home and I just belong on the farm. I’m way too simple Too be honest I got a bad feeling before I left.

Oh, I’ve been on portables I’ve been weening off my PS3 and just using it as a DVD player for Survivor and we have so many brown/blackouts here I don’t want my consoles to break. But I’m concurrently on LUNAR: Silver Star Harmony I’ve been playing it on my PS Go I rem you wrote a fanfic about the 5 Dark Princes? Anyway, You know I love lunAr so it’s given me peace of mind lately and I’m just relaxing, working out at night and its put me in a good mood. I buss’sed out my Switch and I’ve given Octopath Traveler a try

Also I’ve been doing sets everynight, like 16-16-16 push-ups and it’s taken all the annoyance I’ve been feeling with my body away.literally. My neck crick pain is gone, I’m more flexible-mobile and the workers here said I’ve lost weight. I’ve only taken one rest day so far but I do it everyday with my upperback-shoulder support on. Lifes good, man!

Take it ez, Booster!!!

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2024, 09:42:06 am »
I felt bad abt. calling myself stupid so I came back the next day to fix it!! lol Well, since everyone online is on a soapbox telling their lifes struggle, I thought hey I wanna chime in on what I do too. I kinda just wanna get it out. So I don’t think I give myself enough credit. I think ever since I started stoning I’ve felt like I was looked down on by society, only going to community college.. only ever have worked fast-food jobs. I’m not saying I “hear voices or anything” but I’ve always gotten that feeling from neighbors and the police dept in my neighborhood. I’ve noticed Americans are very dramatic, and they make a big deal abt. everything like “owning your first house.” Expensive cars, number of T.V.s you have.. Going on vacations.
I kinda wanna throw in that being a gamer makes me some sorta dreamy-eyed, lives in his own fantasy world freak, degenerate too. I just don’t think people get me. The Whole Moving to The Philippines thing was my plan all along to be able to live the lifestyle I want for myself mainly: a.) having freetime hrs to game all I want b.) get away or live somewhere where it’s socially-acceptable well into adulthood (I still think people-society looks down on video gaming, at least I’m aware of it) c.) Pretty much get away from America. I have 2 houses here. I don’t have any debt in the US. I just didn’t like how society there made me feel everyday.

Re: calling myself stupid. I look at Tik Tok and watch these people ranting about student loan or credit card debt. I don’t have any debt that followed me here. Can’t afford rent/Live in a apartment and can’t move. Everything we just mentioned like can’t afford to eat, live, function. I’m kinda sorta tryna pick myself up from being so “down” in America, to being just comfortable, still humble, kind-of-a normal life with no stress. I’m abt. to game rn, sip on coffee and a energy drink- relax, have fun.. Work out laterz on my hardbody. Lmao I can feel it right now like

I guess all I can really do is just enjoy myself here. I love strategy not just in games but big life decisions. Oh, I’m still enjoying Survivor- I get emotional now during it. Idk, why?? I got a bad feeling before I left, and I’m glad I listened to that feeling that something bad was coming. I’m by no means a rich person that just grabs food and pays whatever, just a normal dude I felt I made the right d-decision for myself at the right time. I hate to say it but I don’t miss the way America made me feel, about myself, everyday. Society? Social commentary?? “Ghruguru- I’m a loser @Chipotle do u want Buritto?” I don’t like the people in America. But you’re one of the cool dudes Boo you’re like a nice neighbor not like a nasty neighbor in the nasty neighborhood. Loser? Why do these words exist?

Anyway. I just wanted to say something about all this mess cause the easy thing for me to do is just forget my old life there and just ignore and just enjoy my life now but.. I do care for the most part ofc. Tbh I get such a kick out of watching all these Tik Tok rants while I do sets. I donno.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #59 on: March 25, 2024, 10:13:17 pm »
Naw man, you be you. This is a pretty "real" place, as in the people here are pretty authentic and not tied to fake online persona's and a pursuit of clout or money. We're all here because we love a 29-year old video game about time travel! It's okay to let your freak fly or talk about your goals / weaknesses / whatever. At least with me.

But yeah, you may very well be insulated against some of the financial issues that's happening in North America. And mostly first world countries. It's all about greed and price gauging because they can, not because they need to.

But whatevs. I just got back from vacation and haven't picked up Chrono Trigger since I left. I may just do a strong final push to the end of the game. I'm not going to do any of the optional late game stuff from the DS version - none of the Lost Sanctum or other DS content. Not sure if you've played any of it, but it's not great content. It's very grind-y and just sort of bloat.

I did play Harvestella some on my vacation. I have to be like 75% through the game, and it's turned out to be far better than I expected. I thought it would be a farming sim with some light storyline elements, but it's the other way around. It's a traditional jRPG with some light farming sim elements, haha... It's been easy to play it on the Steamdeck, though. I can pick it up and play for ten minutes at a time rather than having to be glued to the PC or a console.

I did pick up the HD remaster of Chrono Cross on PC so I can play it. I think that may be a game for us next winter, assuming I have it me. We'll see.

But yeah, I'm going to do a final push and wrap up Trigger within the next week or two. In all honesty, I'm ready to be done with it!

Other than that, there's not much new in my world. Same old, same old.