Author Topic: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger  (Read 6049 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« on: December 25, 2023, 03:58:35 pm »
Welp, we're officially here! It's Christmas 2023 and I'm jumping into a playthrough of Chrono Trigger. Do you want to just keep using this thread or start a new thread?

EDIT: Regardless, I'll go ahead and kick us off...

The opening song ("Morning Sunlight") always stands out to me. It's strangely nostalgic. Really, all of the 1000AD music is stellar -- "Peaceful Times" and "Memories of Green" both have strange qualities to them that strikes me very soul. I like to just stop in the worldmap and listen to Memories of Green and watch the clouds slowly go by.

Damn, this game is a masterpiece.

I remember the first time I heard of Chrono Trigger was around Christmas in 1995; my friend David and I were in the van riding somewhere, and he was telling me all about it - specifically about the events in 2300AD with the ruined future. I was picturing Mega Man in my head, and I wasn't overly familiar with jRPGs (but had recently played LoZ: A Link to the Past, so I understood isometric view).

I remember asking my mom if we could rent it from the local game store, which she did when she was buying groceries. I came home from school and she had handed it to me. My entire family went to a basketball game, but I convinced my parents to let me stay home and play the game. I ate pizza pockets and the game rocked my world. I had never played anything like it. Like you, I spent hours exploring the Millennial Fair, trying all the various games and racking up Gold Points. I spent considerable time fighting Gato and eating that old man's lunch to refill my HP/MP.

I played for hours and eventually time traveled to 600AD. I remember it taking me me ages to find the hairpin in Manoria Cathedral; I didn't know where to go and kept running around Truce and Guardia Castle thinking that I was somehow missing something important.

Anyway, I played today and got to that spot. I haven't grabbed the hairpin yet, but will next time I play. Hopefully tomorrow.

Oh, and btw - I'm playing it on my mobile, so it's the most current PC version that includes all of the 3DS enhancements.

Anyway, I've started palying
« Last Edit: December 25, 2023, 10:44:39 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2023, 01:36:35 pm »
Hey Boo-Boo, I read your reply earlier but I knew the 502 Bad Gateway was gonna hit me so I didn’t bother writing a response immediately. I was gonna suggest starting a new thread but we can keep using this one if you want to are you gonna edit the thread title to Chrono Trigger Dualplay?

Ok, so here’s where I am I am juggling a couple of a games right now: Revelations Series Persona I am just drooling at myself w/the Poker and Big and Small. I still have to check out the other machines. Chrono Trigger I just popped in for a quick second the third mini-game at Bekkler’s it aksed me to come back, so.. I went ahead and checked out the second ground floor I fought Gato, brought the pussycat back to the lit’l girl and danced at the top-farthest-right corner of the fairgrounds. The soda I had a spot of trouble with I was using my Survivor buff to swipe the X-button back-and-forth as quick as possible but I forgot the trick is to use a, it has to be a cotton T-shirt so I have to do that. The strange girl I’m avoiding and Lucca’s not leady yet so I’ll just come back.

I’m playing Yakuza 0 ZERO its kinda RPG-esque. I’m re-playing New Game+ and doing all the things I skipped-by before for trophies and what-not.

I remember my friend Allan and I would play at his house he had a tough time beating the last boss so I was there for moral support. After he beat it he asked if I wanted to play with him / go through it again. I think I remember him using Robo and Frog. Yeah the soundtrack to CT is really nice I enjoy the overworld World Map music a lot too. I think the one I hum the most to myself in my head is Robo’s theme. I have no idea where I bought it from probably Toys ‘R’ Us.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2023, 12:14:42 am »
Let's just start a new thread. I can move our posts over.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2023, 12:20:46 am »
And here we are!

I did play a little bit more today, but not much. I spent some time grinding and battling through the cathedral, but didn't advance the story or get to the boss. I'll wait for you to catch up when you're ready -- no rush on my side, as it sounds like you have quite a few games in flight at the moment.

I'm still playing through Star Ocean: First Departure R at the moment. I'm at about 11 hours total, so it's slow-going. I've rounded out my party with the four default characters (Roddick, Millie, Ilia, and Ronyx) and chosen by other four: Ioshua, Mavelle, Ashlay, and Pericci. The last time I played this game (back when it was released on the PSP, so about 10 years ago or more), I actually got the same party except for Pericci. Instead I got the werewolf character. I think his name is T'nique.

I really like the Star Ocean series. Up until 3 it's pretty solid, although 3 really did go wild with some combat elements (such as your MP being 0 being a game over) and some story beats (4-dimensional space). I tried to play The Last Hope, but it was too cringe-y and anime-ish, and I've not been able to play any of the games since.

Unrelated, but I think I may get a Steam Deck to help me squeeze in a little more gaming.

Chat at you later, man!

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2023, 05:51:51 am »
Hey Boo, before the 502 Bad Gateway gets me...

I played a little earlier, I made it to 600 AD and just talked to everyone in Truce Village then I made my way through Guardia Forest and I saved in front of the castle. I'll continue more to the Cathedral later which's my goalpost.

Yeah, I'm busy with Revelations Series Persona right now I'm trapped in the Black Market and I have to fight up to the Harem Queen. Eerie. lol I've jacked myself out of all the Poker - Big and small. lol So I guess time to move on.

I was kinda of a playing Final Fantasy VIII but I might try to get the physical Remaster or I could just dl it.

And I'm kinda going through Final Fantasy Tactics again. I kinda wanna start doing portables on my bed so maybe after Persona/FFT I might try to bus' out my PSP and do Persona 1 and War of the Lions. lol

I'm sorta super busy with Yakuza 0 just taking my time and fine combing the streets idly-by... lol. It's kinda creepy I have so much time on my hands to do that. But whatever. Anything it takes to be a console RPG otaku.

I'm always playtesting a bunch of other RPGs. Oh! I managed to snag SEGA Genesis Classics Collection and it comes with Phantasy Star and Shining Force and those are the two games I missed-out on my generation and I hear a lot of fans talking about it a lot. Is you familiar with it at all? I'm expecting a lot of hype for it so I hope its not underwhelming when I finally boot it up. Lol

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2023, 02:03:44 pm »
Hey Boo-Boo,... I thought I'd throw everything into our playthrough this Holidays.

So, the Millennial Fair was really colorful. I really like the Present age I always have both in the game and in-RL. I just think its fine. Whenever people aks me what age I'd like to travel to I always say the Prehistoric/Jurassic though. Yeah I never really get to explore Mr. Bekkler's Tent of Horrors and there was that moment where it was just me and Marle and I could do the 3rd mini-game but I just went ahead and went ahead. I couldn't do the Soda drinking for some reason I think the SNES controller is specially-built or something and the cotton T-shirt trick doesn't work on the PlayStation controller. Hey! I was thinking after our CT Chrono Trigger playthrough I was thinking about playing Chrono Cross alone or if you want you can join me? I just think-thought hey, why not just play the sequel right after? And I already told the Discord but I still haven't gotten all the characters like Janice and prob. a few of Pip's transformations. I always wanted to get the Angel one but I always got stuck with the yellow rendition.. thing... .

I thought how they break down time travel was pretty cool. Like the Telepod resonates w/the Pendant but its really the field in-between that opens up sorta lol. Like, really cool stuff. You seem like the type to read The Timetraveler's Wife if you've read it would you recommend it? Anyway, lol, yeah .... And then everything thereafter.

I'm in 600 A.D. and its kinda bleak to steal a term from Breath of Fire. Like really sepia-toned like all of Final Fantasy III US. It's almost like a flashback. Or a remembrance of something in the present

I accidentally opened a treasure box in the kitchen but I stopped opening them when I go to the past. I'll start opening them in the future.

I made it to the part where Lucca joins. She's sorta of a my favorite character just because people diss on her so heavily online calling her Velma from Scoobey-Doo. LOL I think she's pretty cool. And she kinda reminds me of myself like being some super academic in their room, mad genius, sorta. .... And I'm super close to my Dad and Mom. I'm like your friend in that lives down the neighborhood street! :d

I made it to the Cathedral part. This's the part that confuses me cause I know Frog joins for the first time somewhere arnd. here but I don't know how to make him show up so I start wandering around to the Cathedral and back to the castle and to Zenan Bridge. I start thinking about events that happen in the same place but in different time periods.

Anyway that's all for now. Good lifes. I'm looking for his bush home.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2023, 08:21:50 pm »
Yeah, I'm busy with Revelations Series Persona right now I'm trapped in the Black Market and I have to fight up to the Harem Queen. Eerie. lol I've jacked myself out of all the Poker - Big and small. lol So I guess time to move on.

Nice! I always wanted to play the series but never have. I played the first one on emulation, but never beat it. I liked it, but didn't love it. If I remember correctly, the battle frequency was high and it definitely wasn't a chill or easy game (which was what I was wanting at the time). I remember there's a branch in the storyline with the ice queen, and after that I ended up just going to the casino to make lots of money so I could buy all the best equipment, and I got burnt out and never picked it back up.

Have you played the entire series? What's your favorite one? With all the re-releases of 3 (plus there's the upcoming remake), 4 Golden, and 5 Royal, I've been tempted to pick them up.

And I'm kinda going through Final Fantasy Tactics again. I kinda wanna start doing portables on my bed so maybe after Persona/FFT I might try to bus' out my PSP and do Persona 1 and War of the Lions. lol

Tactics is such an amazing game. I really wish they'd do another one. I've never played the Tactics Ogre games, but I think I'd like them. The FFT Advance games were good, but the storytelling just wasn't on par with the first Tactics game.

As for Chrono Trigger --

I accidentally opened a treasure box in the kitchen but I stopped opening them when I go to the past. I'll start opening them in the future.

I may be wrong, but the only chests that affect the timeline like that are the sealed chests that require the charged pendant to open. Once that happens, you'll want to go to the chest in 600ad, charge the chest, then go open it in 1000AD. Then you can return back to 600ad and grab what's inside the chest. You can get really good elemental gear this way.

... Like the Telepod resonates w/the Pendant but its really the field in-between that opens up sorta lol. Like, really cool stuff. You seem like the type to read The Timetraveler's Wife if you've read it would you recommend it? Anyway, lol, yeah .... And then everything thereafter.

Never read it. I do enjoy time travel stories, though. There's one of my favorite types of science fiction.

And as for the Marle's pendant, there's a rumor that it's a dream creature a la Masa and Mune. They have a sister named Doreen that they don't really explain, and I do think that she's actually the pendant while Masa and Mune are the sword. In the Japanese translation they're called Grand and Leon and make the Grandleon sword rather than the Masamune, which I've always liked.

Anyway, I've since finished the Cathedral and will wait for you to catch up. Did you pick up the hairpin in the Cathedral yet? It's a little sparkly (like a tab) near the stairs. Once you pick it up, the nuns will attack and ultimately Frog will join the party.

Yakra was such a turd. I remember the first time I played the game he was pretty hard, but now he's easy. His design is kinda cool, though.

Also -- don't forget to find the SECRET ROOM in the Cathedral, where there's a statue of Magus aka The Fiendlord. There's some excellent loot in that room! I don't think I learned about this until a few playthroughs in, so I missed it the first few times I played.

I always liked the song that plays in the Cathedral. It's sort of mysterious and makes me feel the feels. There's a mod for the game Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind where someone made a 3D version of Magus' Castle, including all the same enemy placements, bosses, and loot. It's a really fun mod and was amazing back in like 2001 when it first game out, but now seems pretty dated. Anyways, that mod imported this song into the game and I loved it. I think it's called "Silent Light."

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2023, 02:34:22 pm »
Hey, Boo--Just a quick update. I'm fighting off the urge to crash right now. lol I've just been kinda getting in the groove of living my fantasy console RPG otaku lifes. It's kinda easy but also a little different as I like to romanticize emulating the prisoner's life but I've been playing Yakuza 0 and kinda getting hints and you kinda have to think of social, society, what the police think you're doing lol, etc. Like I could go complete mad genius and never sign-online but I think with doing this you kinda have to make friends online and post at times just to keep your "fans" interested in what you're doing and update your life to their's. Anyways What are- Any thoughts on that?

Uh Persona is kinda iffy, hit-or-miss for me. I have most copies of the games in the series but I've never beat any except the first! ;_; I was enamored with the first game on the PSX Revelations Series Persona which's the one I'm playing right now. I kinda hated the 1st-person view in the dungeons it reminded me of Eye of the Beholder but the other game mechanics is pretty fun so I don't mind one crappy thing. lol I think it's a pretty hot game. I almost kinda think it's a DEMO? I think the physical copy is also pretty rare & expensive and hard-to-find but I got a copy from Electronics Boutique in Tanforan Mall in California, but of course the retailers wrote all over the disc probably to prevent re-selling. I dunno how they know all that stuff like 'if a RPG is gonna be rare in the future?' Anyways Yeah, I like the story and right now at this time in my life I think about High school a lot so it kinda takes me back there. It almost makes me wanna block a few more people on Face|Book to be honest, "It's Like a Game!!" Lol But yeah I like all the characters. I jacked myself out in the Black Market casino but I was thinking you don't really need the weapons that badly cause you'll be spending all your time using your personas in battle to level them up, so.. ? You can't leave the Black Market to go back to the other mall to buy defensive armor gear either so I'm kinda stuck here. It deals with a lot of that mental illness stuff that's so popular "hot topic!!!, hot topic!!!, hot topic!!!" on Tik Tok right now but whatever if little kids wanna go back and search for a old game that'll help them deal with their inner outwardly externalized demons. LOL.

I always get so excited to re-play FFT but it's so easy. I just kinda... wind up forgetting about it...

Yeah I was on both PS3 and PS4 PSN Store and was wondering about Tactics Ogre. I had a friend that preferred Tactics Ogre to FFT and it kinda went inside my head and made me think about it, LoL!!!... I also saw some other hot deals on RPGs.

Ok, I'll open the regular chests now. I made it to the Cathedral now. I wanted to level up with just Lucca but on my last re-play I remembered you can just level up quite a bit in the church and you'll be fine yeah Yakra's a easy boss. So PS3's still pretty popular here in The Philippines I think I'll try to stick on it I always think about it breaking but I think I can always just buy another replacement quick and for cheap.....

I'm actually really into my PS4,--I had a lot of time to playtest during the Christmas Holiday break--, and I've been super getting into not just Yakuza the game but like the whole Japanese console RPG otaku thing. I was thinking about blogging but that's kinda what I'm doing here with you. Plus if I make it serious I'll'd start making index cards for ea. vlog video I make and it'll get too serious and out-of-hand lol. So yeah I'm kinda really into doing that like getting serious fun in my room for a couplea hours and going and eating Cup-a-Noodles or something and have that be my fuel. I'm so into doing that kinda lifestyle.

I'm waiting for SEGA Genesis Classics Collection to come in and I'm looking forward to trying Phantasy Star & Shining Force. I started up Shadow of the Colossus for PS4 and I'm gonna try to keep it hot and do one colossus a day for the trophys list. I'm also doing Secret of Mana PS4 just to see if it still holds up to the SNES standard. So far I think its kinda ok. I'm also still doing my RPG Cookbook and pretty much SoM is all candy, chocolate and jams. LOL!!!!!!!!! Imagine living off of that to replenish your "HP" my Mom would kill me if she saw me eating condiments out of the jar. :lol

Alright, I really wanna type more and update you on all my thoughts but I'm gonna try to fake-sleep or something. Haha see you later mens


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2023, 05:18:44 am »
Envious you got to play it back then. I got my SNES Everdrive finally working and am dying to play the MMX games again to relive them, because I did the same thing there—I'd rent them from Blockbuster for a weekend and try to beat them in three days. Who knew those would be some of the most expensive and valuable carts out there now?

But I won't distract too much! Back to he party.

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2023, 12:02:22 pm »
Ah!-Zeality the prince of the Compendium. It's my pleasure. I've always been a huge no. 1 fan ever since I was a teenager I used to always visit and read your theories even though I never signed up to register for posting. I'm humbled you posted in Boo's and I's thread. hehe

Oh! I was just talking to my Dad abt. when I got my first Super Nintendo Entertainment System obvs. it was probably sometime in the early-90s and I remembered it was prob from The Good Guys we had one in the city downtown ... As for the game itself, it was one of those things where my Dad would buy it "from those small stores in the mall" while I was at school and when I got in the car he said he had a gift for me in the glove compartment and I remember it happened three times w/Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger and& Illusion of Gaia. And I'd thumb through the instruction manual on my way home My friends and I were all pretty into SNES at our school. We'd go to each other's houses for birthdays and we'd all hang out in the room playing Super Nintendo. And we'd get called out and blow the birthday cake whatever, lol.

Uhhhhh... I loved Blockbuster. Yeah that was one of my questions was how did guys beat say Final Fantasy III US with 56 hours in just a 3-day-rental? I was baffled cause I'd get maybe 2-3 hours in on a schoolnight and mine savefile was always the one they'd erase either because I got the third slot or I was quote-unquote  the "weakest" cause I'd be in the beginning at like Lv. 2. With :43 minutes. Haha I used to always wonder how video games were always popular with older guys in the neighborhood but to be honest now I think they were like cops or something that stayed awake for 18-hr.-shifts and needed something to do. Lol

Yeah, I put away my 30+ year old working SNES cause I don't want to live through it dying before mine eyes. Neither with my cartridges. Yeah They are pretty expensive. I put them away so they won't break. Up on the shelf they go!

Again nice meeting you ZeaLitY

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2023, 12:15:25 pm »
Anyways, Boo --
     I just beat the Cathedral. I found the secret room yeah I didn't know about it before either or I couldn't figure it out as a kid but I got the 2 accessories the room offered. Yakra was easier than I remember I just X Slashed the hell outta him while Lucca healed w/Tonics. I kinda love CT's battle system. I was kinda of a Final Fantasy kid growing up and I'm used to the ATB bar and waiting and waiting itself it always usually pretty strategic to me. I always put it on Wait mode though so I can go to Items if I'm in the middle of I battle if I have to answer the door or go to the bathroom lol.

     So I get that the monsters need Magus as some time of leader as the humans are fighting a war against them. Okay Lol And we rescued Leene which's pretty cool. I saved as soon as the events in the throne room were done. I just have to run up to the Queen's Room and find Marle. I was tempted to re-name Frog to Glenn but being that I'm named John I have to have default for everything (it's like a joke like being most common, / boring.) The next thing I remember is having to fight Hekran which I remember as a kid was ridiculously hard cause you're stuck in the cave and I don't think you can go back for equips you might missed. Yeah I'm always careful about going into that tidepool cave and facing him cause I was stuck there at one point when I was young.

Uhhhhh! (Fireworks going off here right now in the Philippines) As for other games I'm back at the casino haha I kinda mindlessly think about my lifes and just play Poker - Big and small. Yakuza 0 I play at like 4:00 A.M. in the morning cause I think it's kinda cool copying what's going on in the game. I kinda wanna playtest a few other PS1 RPGs.

I'm also reading a book The NeverEnding Story.

I got SEGA Genesis Classics and yeah Phantasy Star seems like exactly as I expectered. Pretty cool stuff I was thinking about Thousand Arms or God forbid!- Final Fantasy Tactics Anyway I'm all abt. PS1 RPGs I mainly keep a PS3 around so I can play them and with unlimited memory cards such as for games like SaGa Frontier which wants you to use all 15 blocks? And a few others that where it's fun to tinker around with multiple saves like if you have a theory site and need to go re-read dialogue saved in a certain slot. Okay anyways

My dogs are freakin'! I have to go for a but but I'll see ya around Boo for ya next update!!!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2024, 02:56:57 am »
Envious you got to play it back then. I got my SNES Everdrive finally working and am dying to play the MMX games again to relive them, because I did the same thing there—I'd rent them from Blockbuster for a weekend and try to beat them in three days. Who knew those would be some of the most expensive and valuable carts out there now?

But I won't distract too much! Back to he party.

Glad you got to join in, Z. This thread is for anyone that wants to participate. Every year for the past two years CC and I have been playing an old RPG and just having fun talking through the game (and through life).

I was thinking about blogging but that's kinda what I'm doing here with you. Plus if I make it serious I'll'd start making index cards for ea. vlog video I make and it'll get too serious and out-of-hand lol.

YOU TOTALLY SHOULD. I feel like you could write a guide for Survivor or about retro jRPG or something. Could be a good time! Just sayin'...

I got SEGA Genesis Classics and yeah Phantasy Star seems like exactly as I expectered. Pretty cool stuff I was thinking about Thousand Arms or God forbid!- Final Fantasy Tactics Anyway I'm all abt.

Man, I missed the whole Sega Genesis jRPG era. I focused only on the Nintendo systems (NES / SNES / GB / GBA / etc) and the PS1 in like 1998+.

PS1 RPGs I mainly keep a PS3 around so I can play them and with unlimited memory cards such as for games like SaGa Frontier which wants you to use all 15 blocks? And a few others that where it's fun to tinker around with multiple saves like if you have a theory site and need to go re-read dialogue saved in a certain slot. Okay anyways

Man, kids these days will never know the pain of having to constantly be balancing the number of blocks used on the PS1 memory cards! I remember having to buy several of them (and I remember them being $15 apiece) just to cover all the games. Legend of Mana took two slots. I rented Saga Frontier but never beat it; I got sort of bored with it and ended up returning it to Blockbuster. With the new remaster, though, I have considered playing it when it goes on sale. Same with the other Saga games - there are quite a few of them! I just never really loved that FFII-style leveling system (where you don't truly level up, you just increase stats based on what generally happens in battle).

I'm also reading a book The NeverEnding Story.

I loved the movie when I was a kid, although I've never read the book. Is it very different? Is it any good?

Anyways, Boo --
     I just beat the Cathedral. I found the secret room yeah I didn't know about it before either or I couldn't figure it out as a kid but I got the 2 accessories the room offered.

Nice! I also moved the story along and returned to 1000ad, Crono was deemed NOT GUILTY, and I saved before the end of the prison. Next up is the Dragon Tank boss. A few thoughts around this segment of the game (in case you didn't know).

-Your actions at the Millennial Fair dictate if you're deemed guilty or not guilty. The punishment is ultimately the same, however, as the Chancellor is a huge dick (and you'll find out why during Marle's end-game sidequest).
-You can actually wait out the sentence. I didn't learn this until several playthrough's into the game, when I had sat the controller down to multitask and noticed that I received a message indicating that 2 days remain." I decided to wait and was shocked that I was sprung from prison by Lucca, rather than waiting to meet her at the end of the dungeon.
-The guards with the eyes (called Sentry) are worth good points and are easily taken down once they're not hiding behind the shield.
-Don't forget to explore all the jail cells -- one of them has an opening in the wall and allows you to climb down into some other jail cells and obtain good items.
-And don't forget to free Fritz!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2024, 12:56:55 pm »
Alright, just a quick check-in. I went ahead and beat the Dragon Tank and traveled onward to 2300ad. I haven't done anything yet, though. :)

I hope you're having a great start to 2024!

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2024, 12:58:58 pm »
Hey, Boo -- I was gonna write a short, quick update earlier but it was during the 502 Bad Gateway error and I fell asleep. I've been having the hardest time scheduling my write-ups with you mostly because I pop a pill right after dinner, but tonight I fell asleep so I'm feeling brisk right-now! :)

Okay, so I just made it back to 1000 A.D.. I laughed when the soldier-knight said Frog swam back across Zenan Bridge. I was also thinking so in 400 years they drilled a hole thru Truce Canyon and laid-out a fairgrounds? That's pretty chill!! Lol. Ok, so now that I'm back in the present I have to take Marle back home but I'm gonna stop by the Fair and try to see if I can do the third minigame at Bekkler's. It seems really hard I dunno if I've ever done it or what the prize is. I also wanna see if the Cat food went down during the small trip to the Medieval Ages. lol

We're much alike--I stayed on SNES and then onto PlayStation. I had a Sega Genesis though I remember playing Mortal Kombat at my grandma's house! With the green blood and everything. Yeah I only had 2 Memory Cards and I had to juggle my entire PS1 RPG Library on it!!! Lol Hahaha Some games were a thrill to delete though like SaGa Frontier, as you said!!

Re: Neverending story. Its, The book is nice. I'm reading a chapter every late-night. I remember loving the movie when I was a little tyke tho. Apparently there's a part 2 and 3. The first movie is only about the first 10 chapters of the book which's quite hefty. But that was the best part I think. It makes me wanna read the Chronicles of Narnia next.

Are your kids into fantasy books or novels? Or what kind of books do they like to read? Do they just like to hear dad tell his stories about RPGs before bedtime or during the dinnertable?

I'll take Marle home in a little later bit. I have a lot of other RPGs juggling on my playlist, don't worry though Chrono Trigger (CT) and my dual-play w/you takes precedence. Still doing Revelations Series Persona, I just wanna beat the game and move onto Persona 2 Eternal Punishment. And maybe just trounce the whole series this year ... Some other misc. PS1 RPGs: FFT, Thousand Arms, Star Ocean 2: The Second Story.

How's Star Ocean The Second Story R, btw? I might think about getting it in the future once I master the PS1 rendition. Of course for my RPG Cookbook! I wonder if the text desc. changes!!?!

And I'm doing PS4: Yakuza 0 just f*cking around town, Secret of Mana, Shadow of the Colossus. And if I have time I might do Journey or something. Or maybe a VN (Visual Novel).

Well that's pretty much it for me Boo, I hope you and the family are doing well and had a great holidays! Everything here at the farm is doing nice, my parents are visiting they said they're gonna try to take a trip up, go grocery shopping and bring me a few things, namely vegetables and condiments we can't get (fresh) here. Kimchee, etc. Just things like that you don't always think about. Most stuff I order online though through a app called Shopee its like a way small Amazon but its cash on delivery so you can check your packages at the door before you fork the payment over.

Still doing Survivor. I'm watching Worlds Apart (Nicaragua) right now. Its season 30 I like the older classic seasons but I eventually have to move on haha! Alrite, take it easy, Boolicious!

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2024, 01:27:43 pm »
Hey, Boo —
I went ahead and beat the Dragon Tank too. I was found 2/7, ‘Not Guilty’! Ah—! What did I do to ear the ire of 2 judges? Anyways I always thought the little trial was so the most interesting part of the game. If I had my druthers, I’d suggest that the Main character always has to get arrested in every RPG. Have you noticed it happens in quite a few? Chrono Trigger is probably the most noted one of all, it happens to Alex in LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete and I was thinking about it and I think Squall gets thrown in prison for a brief amt. of time too? Do you ever think every young teenage guy kinda goes through it as a sort of rites of passage almost? Like at a rock concert or something. LOl

I have a few things I’m doing:
- Revelations Series Persona I have to go through the Karma Palace.
- Yakuza 0 I’m just f*cking d*cking arnd.
- Star Ocean: The Second Story I’m at the beginning at Cross castle in Rena’s filegame. I’m writing down all the food item desc(s). for my RPG Cookbook.
- Secret of Mana kinda of a little bit.
If I have time I’ll get to:
- Arc the Lad 1
- FFT?… maybe
- I’m at the Floating Continent in FFVI Remaster I wanted to re-visit every town in the World of Balance and say goodbye to everybody before changing the world.
- Maybe Visible Panty: Lines (Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth) This game is actually pretty good I dunno why I’m not into it I think it’s because of all the noble voices. It’s made by tri-Ace as well and you’re doing Star Ocean: The Second Story R have you ever tried playing it before?

It’s kinda random I’m not playing it but it’s made by tri-Crescendo (tri-Ace?) have you ever played Eternal Sonata? I have it for PS3 and its gorgeous. I also really need to get back into my Atelier mood. I kinda wanna get Atelier Rorona +Plus for PS4 and just demolish it.