Oh! all of my notes are how to do like the math to find the pointer using TF and a hex editor. I'm not sure if its anything you don't already know/have but these are the notes:
Example: Present overworld
) Open the ROM in Temporal Flux, and open the overworld you want to add to. Note the Layer 1/2 tilesets that are used. The packet numbers are in hexadecimal.
0x6FE20 plus packet number * 3
L 1/2 Tileset
0 X3= 0
1 X 3= 3
2 X 3= 6
3 x 3= 9
4 x 3= C
5 x 3= F
6 x 3 = 12
6FE20 + 0= 6FE20
6FE20 + 3 = 6FE23
6FE20 + 6 = 6FE26
6FE20 + 9 = 6FE29
6FE20 + C = 6FE2C
6FE20 + f = 6FE2F
6FE20 + 12 =6FE32
3) Open the ROM in a Hex editor, and navigate to 0x6FE20 + the packet number * 3. That's where you will find your pointer.
4) The pointer will be three bytes, little endian (reversed byte order). For example, if you see the bytes 62 23 E5, the SNES address will be E52362. To convert to a file offset, if the value is higher than 0xC00000, subtract 0xC00000. If not, do nothing. In our example, the result will be 252362.
0x6FE20 + 0x0 = x6FE20 = 00 00 C4? = C40000-C00000= 0x40000
0x6FE20 + 0x3 = x6FE23 = B8 0E C4? = C40EB8-C00000= 0X40EB8
0x6FE20 + 6 = x6FE26 = 3A 1D C4 = C41D3A -C00000= 0x41D3A
0x6FE20 + 9 = x6FE29 = 32 2C C4 = C42C32 -C00000 = 0x42C32
0x6FE20 + C = x6FE2C = A0 3A C4 = C43AA0 -C00000 = 0x43AA0
x6FE2F = 39 48 C4 = C44839 -C00000 = 0x44839
x6FE32 = D7 55 C4 = C455D7 -C00000 = 0x455D7
I also wrote a tutorial based off this here but using the compendium's offset excel sheet vs how to find the offsets without it. Mauron makes some much-needed corrections;
https://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/index.php?topic=14138.msg236037#msg236037I don't know that either of these would help in the development of a more cohesive guide or actual plugin.
I've successfully replaced the graphics of NPCs, playable characters, adjusted palettes with SNESpal and inserted tiles into the game with tile molester and my own edits -I'm willing to help any of your projects manually but I don't know how much help i'd be otherwise?