Author Topic: Buzz Tracking Thread  (Read 11192 times)


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2008, 05:21:05 pm »
ZeaLitY's Questionnaire

1. Was Magus's reaction to finding Zeal done well?
2. What did you think of the status screen art and colors?
3. Was the Gaspar and Janus scene okay?
4. Did you find the Cerulean Lake before you had to go there? What did you think of it?
5. Was the Prophet's trumped-up, flowery dialogue cheesy or dramatic?
6. Was the Beast's Nest dungeon design done well? And the scene with the Lasher?
7. How about Mt. Woe; did the song make it seem imposing, cold, and sordid given the task of putting Melchior up there?
8. Did you let Melchior die?
9. How was the battle scene between Melchior and Magus? And the scene with Schala afterwards?
10. What did you think of the Ocean Palace under construction?
11. And, what did you think of the final confrontation and Dalton's eye?
12. What was your reaction to the clip show and ending art?
13. Did you find all three Oboli?
14. Have you listened to the Prophet's Guile EP after playing? Was including the soundtrack a good move?

Archive of feedback:

Quote from: Chrono Compendium

Well just beat it, and I must say it was pretty fun and enetertaining.

I only got 1 Obulous though, but I don't feel like playing it again to find the other 2. At least not right after I just played it. Maybe tomorrow. I know where one other one is, but I missed the chest on Mt. Woe.

Great work to everyone involved. Everything flowed perefctly, and I've always been a little curious as to what Magus had to do in order to set things up as the prophet. Great idea to tell that part of the story Zeality. Kudos to all of you.

Dalton had a patch in CT?

Am I that dense that I missed that? If I did and you showed Magus give it to him, then that is truely badass. Nice work!

I AM THAT DENSE! lol Great work on showing how he got that patch. I guess I never payed that close attention to it.


Very well done, you guys!
The story was good and down to the point, without killing any characterization of Magus that was created by CT. I think you have answered most all of the the questions involving this part of the game.
I'm impressed by the fact that even though you couldn't make a prophet sprite in time, you still managed to do some impressive spritework with two-eyed Dalton (I REALLY liked the idea of Magus doing that to him, by the way).
Music-wise, I like the fact that you decided to play around with the instrumentation on the original tracks, along with the remixes here and there...but some of the FFVI tracks caught my ear the hardest. Call me a purist, but I'm never a fan of crossing two game worlds together in any form, even is it just happens to be the two best games ever released on the SNES.

There are some questions I have regarding some of the ending cutscenes(posted in powder blue font color because I'm too noob to figure out the coding for spoilers in forums) :

1. In the scene where Melchior and Janus get sucked into what I hope is a gate: is this a replacement for the the scene in CT where all three Gurus and Janus are sucked in by different gates in the hall of the Mammon Machine? Or is the beforehand?
2. In the scene where Magus creates a musically synced(nice touch!) portal: Where is Magus going with that portal he made? It can't possibly be a gate since he is not the entity/lavos...

If I'm looking into this too deep, feel free to smack me upside the head via text.


I also managed to get all 3 obulous coins on my first run, and I won't spoil the surprise. Surprised

Overall, this ROM hack gets a 9/10, which is the best I've given for any ROM hack.

Chrono'99>>Ahh, thanks. I remember seeing that article but not reading it. Time for some catch up after I make this post.


1. Since you guys didn't do extremely extensive spritework to animate Magus's emotions, you only had the text to convey what was going through his head. That being said, it was well done, but in my opinion was somewhat short-lived. I like the fact that you kept Magus's thoughts to himself and tha he keeps his composure. However, it seems like after he rides up the skyway and decides to talk to Queen Zeal that he is no longer phazed by the sight of Zealians, Enhasa, Kajar and the palace. I would recommend letting Magus have a little more thought dialogue as he enters every specific building, in a way to "introduce" them. Something like what kinds of memories would come rushing back as he looks upon his own past.
2. I'm a fan of CuteLucca's art, so I have no complaints about his portrait. The menu colors were creatively done to fit Magus, but were not entirely necessary in my opinion.
3. It reminded me of a Fanfic I read some time ago that essentially covers the same period of the game as you guys, but with more focus on little Janus not being able to cast magic. I think it was called "Chronicles of the Final Days of Zeal" by Lancetheyoung. I read it on, and wondered if you got that scene from there the first time i saw it, haha. To answer your question, yes it was fine.
4. I found cerulean lake after talking to the NPC right as you exit the "warp" cave to the palace. I then realized you can still head over that way through the world map without entiering the "Cave" map and going behind the NPC first. Great use of the Zeal map, I have to say. Like you heard me say before, the only qualm I have with this map is that Daryl's theme from FF6 plays in the background. It goes well with the serenity of a lake, but to me it stands out to much by being a theme from another famous SNES title.
5. The silly thing I've always wanted to know is where the hell Magus found that cloak in the first place. I know you didn't make a functional prophet sprite, but it would have helped to see him create his getup with either fabric or his magic. It seemed that he just waltzes in on the Palace and falls in character instantly as he sees the Queen. Just a short little explanation like "I'll just put her under the illusion that I look like someone else..." or something would be a big help. As for his dialogue, it reminded me of FFXII's fancy script. It wasn't too much, but still enough. In CT, the few lines you hear Magus say as the Prophet weren't too elaborate (Woolsey translation), and the same would go for the direct Japanese translation Hack from here. So in all, it was unnecessary, but tolerable.
6. The monsters were done well, and the use of wind was a good idea. This reminded me of Death Peak(obviously), so it was good to have the same bleak feel here with the monsters as well as the music. The tiling was done well, though I saw a few places where you guys had to make due with what you had in order to fill holes, such as the tips of walls jutting out from the right direction, and those corners that every RPG tileset makes hard to reproduce. So, with that said, you did excellent on this and all other maps you have created with the limits in front of you.
7. For Mt. Woe, I liked how you created a platform to appear in the throne room to take them to the Queen's room. From here, I think the lasher should have given a more detailed set of instructions for scaling the peak other than be a leader and don't let Melchior die. Most players would take it lightly and dash around the map, leaving him behind. As for the music, I liked it. Not my definition of bleak or a cold task, but still nice nonetheless. If you wanted to make things more bleak, replace the music with wind sfx and have some more interaction with Melchior other than him being silent after he gets hit. He might pester him with some kind of remark that makes Magus remember what the three gurus did for him back when he was Janus could be cool.
8. The fist run had him get hit twice, and he didn't die. Then, I was curious to see what would happen, so on the second run I had him die intentionally.
9. Both were perfect, but I would like to see a little more tension/shock as Magus sees Schala for the first time in the story.
10. I like the fact the we were finally able to see the earthbound villagers working on the palace. They didn't seem slavedriven and overworked enough, but that's just me. The tiling on the floor was somewhat confusing and random here, and I'm going to assume that it was the "water damage" that led you to make the floors this way. Other than that, I was surprised that you gave a weak monster MP buster. Yikes!
11. Perfect.
12. Well done, and Chrono'99 answered my questions about them already.
13. I managed to find everything the first time through. The clues were more obvious than I thought, but I didn't know what to do them until after I finished the first run. The "developer's room was silly, but still nice. Once again, FF6 music in a Chrono game.
14. I couldn't since I don't have WinAMP or the pluggin to play those file types. I'd say including the soundtrack for any game is no different that putting a "music box" feature in the game itself. It's a novelty, but not much else.


I downloaded it yesterday, played through all of it nonstop and I must say it is truly a masterpiece!
My favorite CT location has always been Zeal, and thanks to you guys, everyone can experience what else happened there, and how it did!

Thanks for making this awesome hack. =)

Radox Redux

Awesome stuff.  Smile The only real complaint I had was that it didn't use the setting well enough. That period had so much more to offer, like the elemental palace, or the earthbound village, though I liked the referance to the hidden room being behind the bookcase. It was the only period in which we don't see the full map before Zeal's destruction as well. However, I understand that this was only supposed to be a small hack, so that was to be expected. Overall it was good and I liked the idea of showing Chrono's progression.

Although, like others here, I'm also wondering what all the random scenes were at the end.


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« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2008, 01:05:53 PM »
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Figured I should go ahead and answer Zeality's questions.

SPOILERS, I suppose.

1. Was Magus's reaction to finding Zeal done well?

I thought it was fine; you don't need to have a "OMG shock of my life" moment every ten seconds; him being surprised in both the Earthbound cave and the skyway was enough for me.

2. What did you think of the status screen art and colors?

I'll admit to being a bit of a "GAH DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING" type of guy, and didn't immediatly attach myself to Magus's changed portrait. For the record, I got over my initial objections pretty quick, and found it fine. The colors were a bit odd-seeming at first, but fit the area fine.

Also, changing the task bar button was a nice touch Very Happy

3. Was the Gaspar and Janus scene okay?

It was fine. I especially liked Magus's line about how he ended up going anyway.

4. Did you find the Cerulean Lake before you had to go there? What did you think of it?

I actually read (Either the ReadMe, or here) that you would need to go to Cerulean Lake before I even applied the patch, so I kept an eye out for it and found it pretty quickly. It was really nicely done, and my initial shock of "WOW, that looks great" combined with the music even teared me up a bit >.>

5. Was the Prophet's trumped-up, flowery dialogue cheesy or dramatic?

It didn't really bother me, but felt a little out of place.

6. Was the Beast's Nest dungeon design done well? And the scene with the Lasher?

The design was fine. especially with the wind added. The Lasher scene wouldn't have seemed so out-of-place in my mind if he'd actually done something if you died against the beast, though >.> Still, the scene itself was fine, so I have no real complaints there.

7. How about Mt. Woe; did the song make it seem imposing, cold, and sordid given the task of putting Melchior up there?

I don't recall the music, so I can't answer this one. Sorry.

8. Did you let Melchior die?

The first and third times through the mountain, yes. First because I had no clue what I was doing, really, and third time because the last three traps all activated; walking into the monk, being a little ahead of Melchior (Causes a Bantem Imp to appear), and the last Rubble attacking Melchior. I didn't see the imp one coming, nor the Rubble attacking, to be honest.

9. How was the battle scene between Melchior and Magus? And the scene with Schala afterwards?

Considering what you had to work with, it was great. The fight scene felt a little odd if only because the Ruby Knife seemed like it was just floating in Melchior's hand, but that was just limitation of the available sprites, so it didn't bother me that much.

10. What did you think of the Ocean Palace under construction?

It seemed fine, and nothing about it struck me as being really odd, though that MP Buster was annoying, especially considering the monsters being paired up with it and their power >.>

11. And, what did you think of the final confrontation and Dalton's eye?

The fight itself didn't feel much like a "Final battle" type thing, and I was trying to conserve my precious items the first time through. I ended up winning first time, though, thanks to Fire 2 casting and Magic Wall.

Dalton's eye, though... I felt the scene was entirely unnecesary, and delved a bit TOO much into fanon.

12. What was your reaction to the clip show and ending art?

It was a very nice touch, and the clips that played during the game itself were nice (Though I figured a way to glitch Robo into the party thanks to those; if you have a save state for the regular room inside Azala's room, for example, and load it, the next room you enter triggers the Black Tyrano sequence, and party member three joins Magus inside the Ocean Palace. It actually screws a bunch of things up, but hey - Free party member for the OP >.>)

13. Did you find all three Oboli?

It took me a while on the first one, but the other two were simple enough. The developer's room was nice, though admittedly pretty bare. I kept thinking "There's gotta be more" andcircling the room while pressing A.

14. Have you listened to the Prophet's Guile EP after playing? Was including the soundtrack a good move?

No, actually. I don't know if I can even play those files, as I don't recognize the types, and just left them alone >.>

All in all, it was really nicely done, and I applaud you. Definately my favorite hack for a game, though admittedly my experiences are somewhat limited.


I just finished my first playthrough and only found one Obulus, so I'm definitely going to have to play through it again.  Not today, though.

---SPOILER TAG (for the easily spoiled; nothing really sensitive in there)

1. Too short and combat-heavy for my taste.  I know it's not much of an RPG without fights, but I had envisioned more puzzles and dialogue choices.

2. Magus lacking his techs is anachronistic; I thought he lost those in the Ocean Palace.  Resources are too scarce to blow through everything with Dark Matter even if it were an option.

3. A few lines of dialogue felt wrong.

4. I was hoping to control the Prophet through the Ocean Palace.  Although, in retrospect, that would have been one extended forced scene rather than a game.


1. Better a short completed game than a long unfinished project.

2. The difficulty was right - not harder than a Chrono game should be, but brute force didn't work that well.

3. Good art and music.

4. Aside from a clunker or three, Magus talked like Magus and he certainly acted like Magus.

5. The cutscenes showing the main party connected the game to the main story and drove home how little time Magus had to set things up perfectly.

6. Magus's reactions to Schala and Janus were good, at least how I envisioned them based on CT.  No time for sentimentality, there's a giant space porcupine to deal with.

I'd like to see a game like this (or several) set during the Mystic wars of the 6th century, for example Cyrus's quest for the Hero Medal, but I can see how that would be a much larger project and I'd rather see Crimson Echoes.

Edit: On the second playthrough, I had no problem finding all three oboli.


I don't know if anyone has tested this on real hardware or not, so I thought I'd report my results using a copier. For reference, I have a Game Doctor SF7 with 96M of RAM.

The first thing I noticed is that the save games aren't working. Attempting to save a game will give a glitched-looking saved game for "The Trial" with three level-99 characters and glitched icons. Returning to the savegame menu later, it forgets that I had even tried to save the game and shows three blank save slots. I've been able to save my games in my other games, including other large-size games like Star Ocean, so I know my SF7's BRAM is working properly. It does work in BSNES, however, so it could be a glitch with my SF7 rather than your hack. I haven't had a chance to try the original Chrono Trigger yet, so I'll update this once I've tried that, and I'll see if there's anything else I can do to get the saves working.

I also noticed that the new music doesn't seem to work well. Although the original Chrono Trigger music sounds perfect, the new music has very glitchy-sounding samples. They sound fine in Snes9x, but BSNES has the same glitches as my real SNES. I suspect you may have inadvertantly tuned them to glitches in ZSNES's and Snes9x's SPC emulation. Here's a sample what Enhasa's music sounds like.

I didn't get very far, since it's a bit late and I didn't want to get too involved when I was unable to save. I didn't go past Enhasa for now. I'll test more later and report what I find.

I've had a chance to give the game another test on my SNES. I got as far as Mt. Woe, before losing in a somewhat embarassing manner, and decided since I can't save to just leave it there. Here's what I've found:

- Saving and loading games still isn't working. I tried loading SRMs from Prophet's Guile and the original Chrono Trigger, but neither were recognized.
- There was a sprite positioning error the first time Magus asked for an audience with Queen Zeal. After being told he could enter, he stepped back diagonally back-right instead of straight back and consequently clipped the right side of the door on the way through. My second time through that event, it didn't happen.
- When Magus was being shown the way to his room, there was a Nu standing in front of the wall where the door was hidden. It disappeared shortly before the servant opened the door. ZSNES doesn't appear to show this Nu.
- The music is mixed. Some new songs are fine others have severe problems. I'll go through them in the order of the tracklist as given in the SPC set that came with the patch; I've made recordings of new songs even when they sounded fine.

I seem to have lost my post in the process of typing this up, so let's see if I can get this redone somewhat coherently:

01 Zeal Palace - Sounds fine.
02 Lavos's Theme - Sounds fine.
03 Wind - Sounds fine.
04 Zeal - This is still my favourite song from the game. Sounds fine.
05 Enhasa - As mentioned before, this suffers from bad "mechanical" glitch sounds, though the basic melody is audible. Recording
06 Brink of Time - Sounds fine. Recording
07 Kajar - Sounds fine. Recording
08 I'm not sure if I heard this one.
09 Silent Light - Mostly sounds fine, but I noticed a few subtle divergences between the SNES and ZSNES - not glitches like the others. The volume balancing of instruments seems different; as well, am I just noticing things or is there a longer decay on background instruments on the SNES? (I think it sounds better that way.) Recording
10 Battle 1 - Sounds normal.
11 Boss 1 - Sounds normal.
12 I didn't really notice much about this one, sorry.
13 Grieve - Seems fine. I didn't get a chance to record this song, sorry.
14 Zeal 2 - More mechanical glitching. It destroys the melody in the second half of the song, unfortunately. Recording
15 Mt. Woe - Yet more glitching; it suffers basically the same problems as the others. Recording
17 Cerulean Lake - Seems to play fine, but I'm not really sure what this song is meant to sound like. Recording

I'll also give my impressions of the hack as a whole from what I've played, both answering your questions and a few points on my own:

1. His monologue came across as clichéd to me. Unfortunately, it's hard to express this kind of surprise well without having resource to facial expressions, and Magus's sprite is one of the least expressive in the game.
2. The pattern is nice, but it makes the limitations of the palette a bit too evident by ephasizing the colour banding.
3. It seemed fine.
5. Yes, and this was one of my least favourite things about the hack. He reminds me a bit too strongly of Redd White from Phoenix Wright.
- Following up on that, I also found the dialogue of the people of Enhasa to be similarly overwrought. For lack of a better word, they and the Prophet seem "fanfictiony" - they have that style that seems popular among amateur authors who want to make their characters seem regal, intellectual, or the like. They didn't seem to fit with the rest of the dialogue in the hack. In general, the wide plotting was well done and fit very well into the original game, but the actual dialogue was rough. It could have used at least one round of external copy-editing, preferably by someone from outside the fandom. (I hope this doesn't sound too harsh - I'm not meaning to insult you or your writing, Zeality. Communicating tone over the internet is difficult, and I worry about sounding the wrong way when I'm trying to make constructive criticism.)
6. It was a bit too short. I realize this is a short hack, but I would have preferred something a bit more involving. What design is there is well-done and fun, but it feels as though it ended just as I was leaving the introductory room. The boss was slightly anticlimactic as well, since it was essentially no more difficult than the regular enemies. The scene with the Lasher seemed fine, but it didn't really seem to play much of a role. It was better than having Magus leave without nothing happen.
7. The song fit the scene quite well, but see my comment later.
8. Unfortunately. There doesn't seem to be quite enough indication which enemies can be attacked with him running away safely and which will involve his being hit by the enemies.

As well, some general comments:
- It's surprisingly coherent and polished for a fangame; everything seems to fit together quite well. It fits into the plot of the original game nicely, and I can imagine it having happened there. It's certainly a better sequel than Radical Dreamers.
- The choice to include new music and arrangements was a good one, and I enjoyed those ones that worked. The Romancing SaGa songs are noticeably different from Chrono Trigger's in style, however, and they just don't seem to meld properly.

Enhasa bothered me more than Kajar. Maybe because it's the first real opportunity the player has to interact with the game, and the style of dialogue made me worry about the game as a whole, while by the time I reached Kajar I had seen better writing in the scene with Janus, Gaspar and the Lasher that made me more optimistic.

Quote from:


An excellent piece of fan work! Zeality, you and the other designers should be very proud of this one.

I'll give a bit of feedback, as you asked.

1. It was excellently done.
2. All very nice looking.
3. It was also excellently done.
4. I found it, and loved it. Truly beautiful.
5. For the most part, his dialogue was well-written, but there were a few times when his eloquence crossed the line to grandiloquence. For example, I don't know anyone, even professors, who use words like seriatim, or beryl. The word 'aetheric' isn't even in my 10 jillion page dictionary, although 'aethereal' is, and its meaning is exactly the same as 'ethereal'. *shrugs*
6. Both were very well designed.
7. The scenario and the music were both excellent.
8. I kept him safe, although I went back a second time and let him die just to see what would happen.
9. The battle scene was well done. Melchior showed little fear of Magus, and why should he? As a Guru, Melchior has powerful magic too, and obviously knows a lot about weaponry, or else could not have built the masamune.
10. Excellent in every way.
11. Some have criticised this part as interpretive rather than purely canon, but then, the entire fan-game had to be interpretive, as we had no hard facts on Magus' actions at this point, other than his donning the guise of the prophet. In any case, I liked this part very much.
12. Interesting.
13. Only one Sad
14. Excellent soundtrack, definitely a good move.

Quote from:

as a person who's played it, it's quality stuff. if you're a chrono fan then there isn't any reason not to go pick it up, it isn't super long s\but it's very rich in content.


I played through this hack and I'm impressed.  Its good to see a complete hack.  This game fits in with the storyline well.



The Prophet's "trumped-up, flowery" dialogue was as one would expect, and fit. Same for Magus as himself. When talking to the NPCs though it became a bit much though; some variation would've been nice.

Unfortunately I found only two Oboli. Sad

EDIT: One thing I'd like to point out is that on the field map (normal view) Magus is gliding, but on the overworld map he's walking.

Kiyoshi Aman

This hack is pretty short...

Maybe someone should do a Live-a-Live type hack and have side-stories for the named characters when they're not selectable for your party. We already have one for Magus, but how about one for Frog, Lucca, and the rest?


I played this yesterday and I was pretty impressed. Unfortunately, the game froze after a certain point, and I hadn't saved at all (since there were no battles at that point). This of course is due to the fact that I'm purposely using an older version of ZSNES (so I can play FF2us/FFIV without a missing section of the screen). You guys should look into fixing that.

Quote from:
Ti DragonBonjour à tous,

Aujourd'hui est une news qui sort de l'ordinaire et que nous n'avons pas l'habitude de traiter ce genre de chose sur la T.R.A.F. Mais comme il s'agit d'un travail d'une grande qualité réalisé sur un des jeux les plus mythiques de la Super NES, et qu'une fois n'est pas coutume (sans accent circonflexe, mon cher fikk) j'ai finalement décidé de vous en parler, d'autant plus que c'est un tiers qui nous l'a proposée (via le formulaire que l'on peut trouver dans le menu en haut à gauche), ce qui est une chose relativement rare. Mais, sans plus de cérémonie, voici le contenu de ses propos.

Il s'agit d'un hack de Chrono Trigger sur la 16 bits de Nintendo du nom de Chrono Trigger : Prophet's Guile qui est une nouvelle histoire centrée sur la visite mouvementée de Magus dans le royaume de Zeal, lorsqu'il se fait passer pour un prophète, gagne les faveurs de la Reine, et prépare sa deuxième tentative de vengeance sur Lavos. La plupart d'entre vous se rappelleront ce passage en plein milieu du jeu lorsque Chrono et son équipe arrivent à leur tour au royaume de Zeal. Le hack est rempli de surprises et de petites perles au niveau des graphismes, des niveaux, du son et du design ; il illustre ce qu'il est possible de faire à un haut niveau dans le domaine du hacking de Chrono Trigger. Cette aventure est d'une durée équivalente à deux ou trois chapitres du jeu original, et constitue le premier hack fini tiré de ce RPG proposant un scénario original.

Ce travail ne devrait pas manquer de ravir les fans de la série (Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamer et Chrono Cross) qui pourront alors voir de quelle manière a été interprété toute ce pan de scénario absent du jeu original (ce qui est normal, me direz-vous). N'hésitez pas à rejouer à Chrono Trigger puis à passer à ce hack au moment où Magus pénètre dans le royaume de Zeal (histoire d'avoir une continuité dans l'histoire que vous allez vivre). Cela vous fera éventuellement penser à Breath of Fire IV où, à intervalles réguliers, on interchange les héros de la lumière et des ténèbres.

Amusez-vous bien !


Super !
Ca a l'air vraiment intéressant.
Merci pour cette news ^^


Ah, on peut faire ça avec un hack?

Sinon, j'avoue que le passé de Magus, même incomplet, je ne l'ai pas encore vu sur le jeu original (qu'il va falloir que je me décide à finir un de ces jours!)
Très intéressant, je me demande si EUX accepterait de passer les codes sources à une team pour une traduction. (Ce qui simplifierait pas mal le travail pour, sait-on jamais, un projet lointain! ^^ )
Ceci dit, Français ou pas, je garde le lien!


Il y a de nombreux programmes tels que Temporal Flux ou Chrono Trigger Texteditor pour faciliter un hack de ce jeu maintenant.


Il y a aussi eu une retraduction complète de Chrono Trigger à partir du Japonais (mais je crois que j'ai déjà vu une news à ce sujet ici ?) qui méritait une version Française pour remplacer l'actuel (car il y a quand même eu pas mal de textes coupés/modifiés).


Ti Dragon

FlashPV : le codeur a en effet utilisé Temporal Flux (Geiger) pour son hack. Maintenant, même si cela "facilite" le travail, je doute qu'il soit devenu "simple" de réaliser un tel hack ^^

L'auteur propose d'ailleurs aux utilisateurs de son patch d'ouvrir la ROM dans ce logiciel afin qu'ils puissent se rendre compte du travail accompli.


Ca a l'air vraiment génial ^^


Je viens de le terminer, bien qu'un peux court (2 heures), il m'a franchement bluffé sur sa réalisation pour un projet amateur, c'est rare d'en voir de cette qualité !! On vois de suite que les développeurs se sont bien déchiré dessus, sa regorge de plein de petit clin d'oeil sur l'univert de Chrono Trigger et la fin vous réserve une belle surprise. Bref, à tester de toute urgence !! Une version française ne serais pas une mauvaise idée pour le faire découvrir au plus grand nombre :)


Oui une traduction serait la bienvenue même si c'est pas ce qui empêchera de jouer ;). Le groupe va-t-il tenter la traduction ???


Quand à ce hack, quelle surprise..

Quote from: Chrono Crisis

1. Was Magus's reaction to finding Zeal done well?
Yes, good surprise at being there yet not too wrapped up in the wonder of Zeal as he's obviously seen it before.

2. What did you think of the status screen art and colors?
Will get back to you on this, didn't look at it.

3. Was the Gaspar and Janus scene okay?
I thought it was ok, although I expected more words from Janus.

4. Did you find the Cerulean Lake before you had to go there? What did you think of it?
No, I didn't, I thought it was very nice looking.

5. Was the Prophet's trumped-up, flowery dialogue cheesy or dramatic?
I didn't think so.

6. Was the Beast's Nest dungeon design done well? And the scene with the Lasher?
I was a little surprised that the nest wasn't big, but then again the Queen wouldn't send a prophet on an assignment that was too hard.

7. How about Mt. Woe; did the song make it seem imposing, cold, and sordid given the task of putting Melchior up there?
Indeed it did, gave me chills.

8. Did you let Melchior die?
No, though he accidentally got attacked once.

9. How was the battle scene between Melchior and Magus? And the scene with Schala afterwards?
The battle scene was well done, as was the scene with Schala.

These I'll have to anser later as I haven't had the time to get ZSNES to finish the game yet.
10. What did you think of the Ocean Palace under construction?
11. And, what did you think of the final confrontation and Dalton's eye?
12. What was your reaction to the clip show and ending art?
13. Did you find all three Oboli?
14. Have you listened to the Prophet's Guile EP after playing? Was including the soundtrack a good move?


 1.Yes I thought that was very well done.
2.Also very well done.
4.Yes on accident,I was like what the hell?I thought it was very well made.
5.I actually enjoyed his dialogue.
6.Yes I was highly impressed that you guys were able to create that and the cerulean lake,as for the scene I also thought it was well done.
7.Yes very good job with the music and overall with that part of the game.
8.No actually,he lived the whole way through my first play through.
9.It was done pretty well,the scene was also good.
10.I thought it was also pretty damn cool.
11.It took awhile to kill "it" but it was cool,and the scene was also awesome.
12.Very well put together.
13.ell no,I found the final one(I think it's the last one) in the Ocean Palace,where are the other two?!
14.I actually didn't but the music in the game was pretty well composed,Not really my thing but for others I think they would see it as a great bonus.

Overall the game was pretty awesome,I hope to see future releases of side story related Chrono Trigger mini(or even long) games from you guys.


1. I never expected anything other than that "childlike" response to his appearance in Zeal. I mean, he wasn't childish, but had that childlike experience. Like when someone is overwhelmed by awesome and nice things. Also, Hope.

2. Screen Art? :3 Menu art? :3 Ending Art? :3. Vuwed all. The forest scenes were awesome too. I mean the scene with Ozzie and the others. Only thing that was apparent is the opening screen. Not the text one, but the Three pillared one.

3. At first, I wanted to avoid this question. My first impression was like: OMG, what is this? Let me atleast move around damnit. But then I understood that I was playing with Magus, and not Crono.... Well, figures.

The whole scene was nice. The Thrasher or what npc had fit its role perfectly. The lines weren't thrown together like most fanfics would do. My only problem was the map. I like the front view on the place, but damn, there were no "sideviews". If you want me to explain it, I'll do it in the next post.

4. Yes, by accident and trial and error mostly. First time, the speed up button was at fault. Then after I couldn't do anything in the palace, i went out, and guess what, A Sparkle. The only problem I'd like to point out is that it was underused. Compared to the palace.... Or is it just me expecting more content? ( I can't decide betweent that two.)

5. Sometimes even I felt his prophetesque behaviour convincing.

6. The Beast's Nest? Could've been longer, with some other encounters. But was epic either way. Detecting the Lasher was quite funny. And I couldn't help myself but feel a strange resemblance to a Megaman Game after that. XD And that's not a bad thing.

7. A very good part of the hack, a thing that i missed from the original one. I mean, how else would Melchior be sealed in Ozzie's Ice Shield? And I also wanted to be able to talk with Melchior.

8. I would never!

9. Melchior's fight with Magus was a bit strange, yet entertaining. You guys made my day with that. Schala's scene had a nice brother-sister touch to it, even if it wasn't intended. It just felt like another family reunion, if only just a little.

10. Felt a bit thrown together, but all together the enemies were nicely placed.

11. How much have you thought about how to finish it? When did this thought occured, to explain the eyepatch? Because it was Epic.

12. Reaction? All the awesomeness packed in that ending... well, what else? This is a hack that'd deserve to be a part of the original game.

13. Why did you leave us with an empty, wall-less, cloudy, black-omen entrance like developer's room? TELL ME NAO. I want to know it. And I didn't find anything else, either.

14. Getting my spc plugin again, but it is worth my time. IT was a good move.

Also, please find another solution to the credits, since taking up map space is not as nice as a scrolling, or like... well fade-in and fade-outs. (I know this was an inbetween solution.. or I think I know.)

Waiting for the next hack, to make it into an Epic collection of win and awesome.

Mt. Woe was perfect. And those encounters and the Melchior's death stuff was pretty good too. I mean, it's a cool addition to the Melchior follows you mindlessly.... (Well, as in an NPC following you with that cat-like AI.) laugh.gif

You guys caught the atmosphere of Zeal.

Radox Redux

As for Prophet's Guile. My favourite part had to have been the Zealian dialogue. It made me feel like I was back after a long absense, kinda like how Magus probably felt.

Quote from: GamesRadar

Sembra un hack divertente, stasera lo proverò =)


Interessante, ma fa parte di un progetto più ampio atto a raccontare l'intera storia di Magus?
Sono state ritoccate ambientazioni\mostri\pg o hanno riutilizzato il materiale pre-esistente?


Non l'ho provata, non ho ancora giocato a CT quindi mi astengo, ma da quel che ho letto è un hack completo al 100%, come se fosse un gioco nuovo, in effetti se guardi le immagini lo stile non sembra quello di CT (e a me non piace nemmeno tanto). Poi magari avranno anche utilizzato qualcosa di già presente, ma il resto è nuovo.

Non so se è parte di un progetto più grande, ma c'è sicuramente un certo Crimson Echoes, di cui non so nulla, che ha come scopo colmare il gap tra CT e CC...


domani se ho tempo lo provo


Onestamente non ho mai gradito i prodotti amatoriali, fatti si da appassionati della serie ma spesso troppo di parte e sicuramente non sviluppati da professionisti del settore.

Evito quindi di infarcire saghe originali su interpretazioni di fan e lascio questo al mio solo pensiero


Finito. Per il finale forse si poteva fare qualcosa di più.

Un hack interessante comunque.


Che voto gli dai?


Balmy, quanto t'è durato?


Ne ho giocato un po'ieri, e devo dire che trovo molto migliori i dialoghi con gli npc (alcuni davvero ben scritti) rispetto alle battute di Magus, che sento impersonali e poco curate.

Ci sono alcuni dettagli non canonici (o almeno così mi è parso), ma sinceramente la cosa non mi da noia, dopo tutto chi lo ha creato non pretendeva certo di porlo sullo stesso livello dell'originale ^^ Auspico una seconda versione che permetta di controllare Magus con lo sprite del Prophet (anche se ci vorrebbe qualcuno davvero abile per realizzare la cosa), unita magari ad una riscrittura di alcune scene.

Quanto dura e fino a quale punto del plot di CT arriva?


 Sephiroth  Guarda il messaggio
Che voto gli dai?
Non mi sentirei proprio di darli un voto
Ci si poteva concentrare di più sui dungeon, tre in tutto di cui uno inedito (e di uno ho il dubbio che ci fosse in CT), fatti di due o tre schermate con una manciata di nemici, o sul moveset limitato di Magus (niente magie ultrapowah purtroppo ). In parte quoto magnvs quanto detto sulle battute.
Sul finale mi sono già espresso, si interrompe un po' bruscamente e si poteva continuare a usare magus fino al risveglio di lavos ma così non è stato.
Per il resto non mi è dispiaciuto. Vista la sua durata è un'ora che si può spendere volentieri.

squall85 Guarda il messaggio
Balmy, quanto t'è durato?
Un'oretta. Se sei lento a leggere, fai level up (inutile comunque) o parli con tutti, ci impieghi due orette al massimo.

Magnvs Guarda il messaggio
Ne ho giocato un po'ieri, e devo dire che trovo molto migliori i dialoghi con gli npc (alcuni davvero ben scritti) rispetto alle battute di Magus, che sento impersonali e poco curate.

Ci sono alcuni dettagli non canonici (o almeno così mi è parso), ma sinceramente la cosa non mi da noia, dopo tutto chi lo ha creato non pretendeva certo di porlo sullo stesso livello dell'originale ^^ Auspico una seconda versione che permetta di controllare Magus con lo sprite del Prophet (anche se ci vorrebbe qualcuno davvero abile per realizzare la cosa), unita magari ad una riscrittura di alcune scene.

Quanto dura e fino a quale punto del plot di CT arriva?
Magus con la veste del prophet era previsto all'inizio, ma la cosa è stata cambiata poi

Sulla durata mi sono già espresso.
Dura fino
All'arrivo di crono e soci a Zeal



Quote from: OCR

It's an excellent hack. Canon events and everything. I sent my personal congratulations to Zeality. And I loved the nod to Chrono Resurrection.


So freaking high quality that it made me start playing through Chrono Trigger again. Played all day and just killed Dalton's Golem in the first encounter. Oddly enough, the strategy I had to adopt for the Golem in Prophet's Guile helped me out in the original game...


I see that I am not the only one who restarted Chrono Trigger because of this.

Killing the golem in Prophet's Guile did give me a great strat too. I feel foolish not thinking of it before.

Quote from: Gamekult

bien joué et belle initiative


J'ai fini le jeux, je peux vous dire que les gars qui on fait ça ont travaillé de manière très pro. Du côté du scénario, je pourrais pas vous dire ce que sa donne car je comprend pas bien l'anglais, mais au niveau de la réalisation, j'ai était bluffé. Ils ont même remixé certaines musiques et sa rend foutrement bien et la fin est dantesque franchement sa vaux le coup d'oeil avec une petite suprise à la fin

Bref à tout les fan de Chrono Trigger cette Rom est à tester d'urgence.

Attention: il est impératif de jouer sous l'emu Zsnes car sur Snes9x la rom plante au millieu de partie.

Un petit Cartmodd me tenterais bien =)

Oué y a des chances, faudrais que j'essai et ont saura fixé.

Toutefois, y a personnes ici qui possède un Linkeur Tototek et qui pourrais essayer la Rom pour voir si elle fonctionne sur la console ?


Ouais mais s'il plante sous ému, ça sent mauvais...


Le jeu passe bien chez moi


Tu as pu le finir?


Non car je suis sur Disgaea psp là


Sa à planté au moment ou Magus va dans le sous marin et qu'on vois l'équipe de Crono se batte contre le boss de la préhistoire (le tricératops).

C'est vers la fin du jeu


Ah okay, là suis dans la montagne de neige les ennemis sont trop forts


Bah tes pas loin du bug

Tiens nous au courant si sa plante ou pas.


Drapal ! Ca a l'air tout simplement magnifique  !!


pour l'instant j'aime bien

Dommage que l'émulateur sur psp soit basé sur snes9x...


J'ai testé le Hack de Chrono Trigger, il est vraiment bien fait, les dialogues se tiennent, ça respecte bien l'univers... il n'empeche que je me suis fait rétamer par le premier boss 


Je compte me le faire très bientôt,mais est-il de qualité au moins? 

Je m'y suis lancé,c'est très bon..mais franchement la difficulté est abusée!
Le créteur conseille même de rentrer un code Action Replay d'invincibilité pour pouvoir savourer..


Des retour pour ceux qui on joué sur snes pour le chrono ?


ç'a l'air fortement intéressant ça.


J'dois escalader le Mont Woe tout en escortant qui vous savez.
C'est pas évident, il passe son temps à se faire toucher, et au bout de 3, c'est Game Over.
Sinon les méchants sont plutôt balèze, mais en économisant ses objets et en Level Upant c'est jouable.
Les dialogues sont bons aussi, on a vraiment l'impression que c'est un passage du jeu, tout colle bien.

Ca me plait moi.

Par contre, je trouve le Zelda, dont quelqu'un a posté le lien plus haut, encore plus fort! Et hyper dur aussi.

Quote from: Gamefaqs

Just finished playing it, and let me say it was pure awesomeness. Gonna play again to find the first 2 coins.

Story was great. You see aspects of the characters that weren't shown in CT. The battles were moderately challenging without curing spells or being able to buy items, so that was nice. The new areas/graphic hacks were believable; nice job there. The 2 pieces of fan art were incredible. Those artists have unlimited potential.

What a pleasure to play! Thank you so much, chrono'99 and the rest of the team!

One more thing: the remixed soundtrack is pretty neat. And I never expected to hear a FF6 song.


I thought it was quite professionally done, and a welcome addition/insight to the game's story. The only thing I hoped for was that it would've lasted long enough for the event/battle at Death Cape.


Overall I enjoyed the ROM, though I do have some criticism. First, the good.

What your group did with the environments was great, the adaption of the royal chambers into the palace was nicely done and well integrated. Taking the body of water from Zeal and turning it into the Cerulean Lake was very clever as well.

The scripted action bits were particularly well done, given the limitations of the medium, and really showed Magus as a badass dark magician.

The plot was good and it dovetailed with the main CT plot. Tracking Crono and co. was fun to see and it was smart to make their interactions silent, it made sure the game was about Magus. Now for the criticism.

Too short! This isn't really criticism, but I definitely wanted more.

Limiting Magus' tech list made for some pretty uninteresting combat. Is it meant to match up to his initial tech list when you acquire him in the main game?

Finally, while I appreciate the writing, it simply doesn't capture the tone of Chrono Trigger. It's too serious, and too verbose. However there were several lines that did capture CTs lighthearted tone well.

Other than that, I liked the game. Hope the team behind it will produce something of greater length and depth in the future.


Most of Magus' scenes and backstory in the main game are dark and tragic though. So naturally his side of the story here would have to be more serious to reflect that. Also, Magus never broke character in this scenario either, which I thought accentuated his character overall.


Yeah, Magus is in character, that's all well and good but everyone in Zeal seems much different than they do in CT. Given that the events are roughly concurrent, I think this is a misstep. In CT citizens of Zeal are elitist, they think nothing can touch their perfect society and as such it's eaten away by its rulers. They're delusional and pompous. In PG everybody in zeal is way too preachy, they feel like cult members. Which is a fine way to take it, but it just doesn't jive with the originial writing.


Great "expansion" mate!

Few comments:
When it was done I was like damn already?! So that is good cuz that means I want more, which cant be said for most fan projects.

Fights were boring though since you got the same techs and just 1 guy. If you planning on expanding this exp give magus a companion or something or more techs. Also the fights were dumb since you got like med tonic heals for 200? then that turn you lose and the opponent does like 150 damage, wow I healed for 50 this turn...

Makes fights too long and tedious really.

Quote from: Jeuxvideo

Pour une fois il y a un fangame terminé et tout le monde s´en tape?


Le nombre de réponses et normalement inversement proportionnel au nombre de messages. :)

Plus sérieusement, j´avais noté ce post et apprécié la performance, mais n´ayant pas joué à la série des chrono (ouh la honte) je ne me suis pas jeté dessus. A tester dans un coin de mon cerveau!
Pour ceux que ça intéresse, une interview des devs ici :
Un peu courte, mais plutôt intéressante pour connaître l´état d´esprit dans lequel le projet a été lancé et concrétisé. Quelques liens sur le rom hacking à la fin.

Quote from: Pezman
    1. Was Magus's reaction to finding Zeal done well?

I think so.

    2. What did you think of the status screen art and colors?

That seemed so minor a point in such a short hack I can't even remember what they looked like.

    3. Was the Gaspar and Janus scene okay?

It's a nice explanation of how Janus goes from having no magic to be being badass at it.  (Some explanation of how he lost his Dark Matter ability would be nice.)

    4. Did you find the Cerulean Lake before you had to go there? What did you think of it?

No.  I saw the sparkle but actually found my way there by accident.  There wasn't much to see (I would have liked to circle the lake entirely) but it was smart to address why a floating city can have a perpetual waterfall.

    5. Was the Prophet's trumped-up, flowery dialogue cheesy or dramatic?

Use words we'll find outside the dictionary.

    6. Was the Beast's Nest dungeon design done well? And the scene with the Lasher?

Lasher was funny and informal, a nice contrast to Magus.  Beast's nest was short... would have liked a new screen before the boss.  I found the obalus by accident.

    7. How about Mt. Woe; did the song make it seem imposing, cold, and sordid given the task of putting Melchior up there?

Nice song... one of the few originals.  Should have been clearer that Melchior can actually die.  (I thought maintaining a strong lead was just within the context of the story, not gameplay)

    8. Did you let Melchior die?

I didn't realize he would, so at first I didn't make a strong effort to protect him.

    9. How was the battle scene between Melchior and Magus? And the scene with Schala afterwards?

I don't know the programmatic complexity of such an undertaking, but what would have been ideal (and awesome) would have been to have Melchior as a playable second character up the mountain, and then have a Bona Fide boss fight at the top.  It'd be unexpected and he'd be using the same attacks against you were having him use just a few seconds earlier.

Of course, I recognize that could very well be impossible without extensive hacking.  In that case, I would have liked for Giga Gaia to try and eat Melchior, and then you have to fight GG without killing Melchior, only to seal him up in ice right afterwards.  Schala convo could have been longer.

    10. What did you think of the Ocean Palace under construction?

::shrug:: Not much to say about it.  It was... the Ocean Palace... but with only a few rooms available

    11. And, what did you think of the final confrontation and Dalton's eye?

I had forgotten Dalton wore an eyepatch in the original game.  This was a nice, straightforward nod to that and it worked.  I think Dalton should have been a bit smarter (tried to come up from behind Magus instead of just charging him) but otherwise it was fine.

    12. What was your reaction to the clip show and ending art?

Nice and ominous.

13. Did you find all three Oboli?

Yes, but as I mentioned the first was by accident.

    14. Have you listened to the Prophet's Guile EP after playing? Was including the soundtrack a good move?

I don't have a chiptunes player, but free music is never a bad thing.

    15. Was there...a sense of nostalgia and return to the Chronoverse?

Yeah.  I especially enjoyed the lines that the various people of Zeal said. (although the fire/light dichotomy was a little confusing to me.  Were you talking about Luminaire?)  I thought the characters acted in character.  Overall, it was quite pleasant.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 05:55:51 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2008, 12:16:30 pm »
Hey Zeality, I don't know if you remember me, but I was the guy who put up the Guru Theory back in Winter 2005/2006.  Anyway, I just played through Prophet's Guile, and I loved it!  I'm an esteemed member of the biggest Armored Core community online now (, but there's a good amount of Chrono Trigger fans there, so I'll put the word out on the forums there and other forums I post on.  Keep up the good work! 


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2008, 02:20:48 pm »
Yep, there's no way I'd forget you. The analysis forums are pretty sparse these days, but you made a big contribution (and just did again in the "Need confirmation" thread). Thanks a ton for everything.


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2008, 01:55:07 am »
Stats for are live. Check this out: Prophet's Guile has been downloaded, from our site (not counting

18,717 people!

That's pretty damn good, I mean, fuck! The CE Demo 2 only reached around 6,000, and the Retranslation...wait for it...was downloaded only 3502 times, counting both the .zip and .7z.

Making PG is its own justification, but this adds a new layer of justification for short hacks, even when we didn't see a big hit bump for the Chrono Compendium. That's a respectable, 5-figure number of Chrono fans.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 01:57:54 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2008, 02:25:02 am »
Hot damn, that's excellent! Any way of telling what sites referred these people to the Compendium? Did Prophet's Guile get advertised on way more forums than either the Crimson Echoes demo or the Retranslation, and what other factors could be at work? We only got 2,000 or so views of the PG preview vids on Youtube counting both our videos, last I counted.


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2008, 02:26:52 am »
Both the Retrans and PG were advertised by my signature on GameFAQs. Both hit the main page, but the Retranslation was up a lot longer. And we pretty much hit the same number of forums.

I guess not so many people were hot on playing a translation, but a new game, hot damn! Hell, the Retranslation's even had a permanent spot on the site's navigation bar. It has to just be organic interest.

The other twist is that a lot of people may have downloaded the Retranslation from, but still, Destructoid's giant 1700-person bump pointed to us, not them.


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #37 on: June 21, 2008, 01:57:18 am »
Whoa, the Compendium's on  :lee:  That one was new to me.


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #38 on: June 24, 2008, 09:48:19 am »
16,972 Views on GameTrailers, wow. :shock:

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #39 on: June 24, 2008, 12:16:08 pm »
Have you guys read the forums there concerning CE?  They're totally expecting CE to get shut down by Lucif - I mean, Square-Enix.  Hahaha... little do they know...


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2008, 12:21:01 pm »
It's a testament to Crimson Echoes' quality. I think its status as a ROM hack should keep it safe. It's a good sign that Prophet's Guile hasn't made any waves with the company, though granted it's only one episode.

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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #41 on: June 24, 2008, 12:22:22 pm »
I feel like if any of this was going to get shutdown it would've already happened.  They didn't waste any time destroying CT:R...


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2008, 12:35:46 am »
They would have hit Crisis by now if 2D games were a threat.

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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #43 on: July 01, 2008, 07:50:25 am »
Crisis would've been hit but probably not Crimson Echoes - since that's been kept a dirty dark secret.  Up until I joined the Compendium and talked to some of the guys working on it I thought it was one of those mods that is worked on for a week and shelved.  I was pleased to learn otherwise.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 11:22:08 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »


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Re: Buzz Tracking Thread
« Reply #44 on: August 23, 2008, 01:11:14 am »
Some Chinese BBS thread I found a while ago. The actual thread no longer exists. I've cut out some parts because you can find them elsewhere.
2008-1-9 19:26 warrenjia
CT 预言家的欺骗 美版补丁

SNES Chrono Trigger 的一个 hack 补丁,


(link to Prophet's Guile page)

图片借用自源 URL,请谅解:

(Prophet's Guile sample pictures)

(Text of Zeality's news post announcing Prophet's Guile.)

(First question and answer in Faustwolf's interview)

[ 本帖最后由 warrenjia 于 2008-1-9 20:55 编辑 ]

2008-1-9 20:33 warrenjia
下载后解开,ips 文件有 2 个。

CTPG-Headered.ips 用于有 head 信息的 ROM 文件,

CTPG-Unheadered.ips 用于无 head 信息的 ROM 文件。

用 GoodSNES 2.04 的 Chrono Trigger (U) [!].smc 来打补丁,

先尝试了 CTPG-Headered.ips,模拟失败。

换 CTPG-Unheadered.ips,可以了。

Chrono Trigger Prophets Guile (Hack).smc
6.00 MB (6,291,456 字节)


Warning - For reasons unknown at this time, SNES9x freezes during a certain part, so you'll have to play it with ZSNES.

用 Snes9x 1.42 试了试,可以开始。

用 ZSNESW 1.51,出现第一个对话框后 feeze 了。换某旧版本 ZSNESW,可以继续下去了。

Chrono Trigger Prophets Guile (Hack).7z
2.75 MB (2,892,328 字节)


(Link to pre-patched ROM)

[ 本帖最后由 warrenjia 于 2008-1-9 20:38 编辑 ]

2008-1-9 21:15 huya



也可以用压缩包里面自带的Lunar IPS打补丁,不过要保证是经过GOOD校验的ROM,否则黑屏。

2008-1-9 21:33 warrenjia
开始不久 MAGUS 就能回家了~~


经典的【時の回廊 / Corridors of Time / Toki no Kairou】更是煽情得一塌糊涂~~

Enhasa 的 BGM 好像也 remix 过了,或许用的就是前不久发布的 SPC Editor(SPC Index Editor Version 0.78)。不过以前也听过 remix 的【時の回廊】SPC,去翻翻看。

记得上一个才开始不久就被感动的 mod / patch 是 DOS  版 PAL 的某个素质非常高的同人版续集。

今晚 CT 这个也不遑多让,看来不得不继续下去。明晚有空可能贴些图上来。

335 KB 的补丁体积算是比较大了——图像素材若几乎都是用的原来 ROM 里而没有新添多少的话,估计加入的剧情长度就很可观了。

[ 本帖最后由 warrenjia 于 2008-1-9 21:46 编辑 ]

2008-1-10 08:16 huya



2008-1-10 14:14 パクマン

2008-1-10 20:39 warrenjia

对白绝大多数没看,连按 A 键跳过,几处战斗时为了更快继续而锁定了 HP / MP。

流程不算太长,大约不到 1 个小时吧。

这次的补丁和一年半以前的“Chrono Trigger - Crimson Echoes DEMO 2.0”是同一个小组的作品,

Crimson Echoes DEMO 2.0 的 ips 文件有 511 KB。


发现自己很愚蠢——“ / Chrono_Trigger_Prophets_Guile.7z”解开之后就有完整的 spc 目录,甚至包括了自制的封面图。

今天的快速流程中听到了 FF6 的 BGM,后来看到补丁压缩包中的 spc 目录,果然,甚至还有 浪漫传说3、Radical Dreamers(这个倒算是同系列的)呢。
