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Messages - Chronomage002

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Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: ChronoTrigger Orchestra Extra soundtrack
« on: November 25, 2008, 04:44:16 pm »
i've got the Faustwolf on the case- dont worry the music will soon be available for all

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / ChronoTrigger Orchestra Extra soundtrack
« on: November 25, 2008, 01:42:46 pm »
i just got my copy of the game finally and with it came the extra soundtrack! <3  so im gonna post it up for you guys but i need to know a website to host the two songs, gimme a site. (hopefully you guys didnt mention this already and im talking old news.)

Yasunori mitsuda- is teh best- in the disc he leaves us all a heart warming message. it reads.

"It's hard to believe 13 years has gone by since Chrono Trigger was first introduced to the world. But im even more surprised this title has been blessed with so much endearment. At the time, all i could do was pour my heart and soul into creating the score for Chrono Trigger, and it came with great angst and gratification. I couldn't even fathom how the audience would percieve it, nor did it cross my mind. But after 13 years, the reality that there are so many people who are still listening proves that every moment of my effort was worthwhile, and that the words and thoughts from everyone had a massive impact in my music compostion and for that i am truely grateful.
Music is a strange thing; for each person who listens there is a different intrepretation. I wuld be honored if those who have continued to love these songs would continue to love and feel the music of chrono trigger in their own way"
~Yasunori Mitsuda

For all our dreamers our planets dream is still alive- ride on chrono trigger fans, ride on!

*cry* i just screwed up- at least now i know i have level up just a tad more than i usually do T_T



ok well im listening to everything at the moment and i wanna go through every song one by one and give a comment. lol. I have been listening to yasunori mitsuda's work for a very long time now and i love hearing reinterpretations and how his music can take different forms, and i absolutely love the piano because i play it. To bad i couldn't be part of the project... :(

tracks; (to lazy to write their titles.)

1. outstanding performance on such a small peice- if it would've featured a metronome or a ticking clock i think it might've been cooler, but then again it also might remove the point of the project lol- and take away from the rapid notes.

2. it sounds like it was done on a bad microphone- or so it seems.... lol This is my 2nd  favorite track from chrono trigger, and the microphone actually gives it a much more cave-like feeling. and i love that feeling.

3. BEAUTIFUL INTRO. the original song itself gives the feeling of a strange nostalgia, but being on the piano with such feeling gives the song a much more different feeling. as if it is a sad person traveling to right their wrongs and find answers for questions that were never answered. Very good.

4. AH GONZALEZ! lol. just like the original song this song is like a merry go round theme at a carnival. wonderful peice and perfect manifestation.

5. it sounds cheap at first but then if you compare it to the original from the game its only like that beacuse of the type of piano playing it. it carries no "UMPH" so it sounds stranger than it should. props to the artist for being able to reconstruct the original.

6.simple lol.

7. MY FAV. SONG; its a song that gives you the feeling that your heading in the wrong direction- metaphorically and in the video game lol. The artist for this song deserves a cookie for managing to keep the same tempo throughout the entire song. EXCELLENCE in other words.

8. the organ in the catherdral played with a new twist, quirky yet not bad.

9. *relives chrono chross victory*

10. DESPISE this song with all my heart. why? lol the "happy twisted pyscho feeling" is the feeling i like to stay away from. its perfect if you managed to make my eye twitch (which it did)

11.promising a time of despair and a race with "big bro" this song can envoke many feelings at certain points in time- truely a mastepeice. kudos to th artist.

12. can say much about this one- its played with a different instrument?(not really) lol

13. bleh, such an annoying song

14. PERFECT- it sounds much better on piano.

15. its like a waltz mixed with jazz (like Treno's theme from final fantasy nine). Though a new breed of music it is still by far awesome in the way it gives of the mischeivious child feeling.

16. Like a man that is angry while brushing his teeth- even on the piano- this song stills sounds like someone should die. another annoying song.


18. one of the more elegant peices from the game- the piano gives it a certain gentleness and sense of fragile woman, who's heart can be shattered by the slightest movement. beautiful peice- i can see the devotion in this peice. kudos to the artist.

19. Again the microphone sounding bad isn't a bad thing. the peice is meant to invoke your nostalgia. with the microphone the piano sounds like it was played on a black and white cartoon show and with that impression- when you remember things to this song, everything you remember comes out black and white. which in hand gives the song much more meaning. smart technique if it was on purpose or not- you just won a cookie (whoever played the song).

20. A tragic end to a much more demented feeling and back to the tragic hero. Beautiful on piano.

21.  this one the quaility doesnt help the song. this is one of my favorites, and since you cant really get the clean bass keys out the song loses alot of its "urgency". though i will say to the artist- though your recording equipment sucked you tore that song up (the right way, as in perfection to the max).

22. niffy tune...

23. "A shadow in the sky in every time period! WHAT?!?!?!?!" The album sure saved one of the best songs for last. This tune not only conjures the great demons on the black omen but has a jazzy tune (thats what makes it awesome)! Very well played. The artist sure was an expert to be able to play one of the most complex songs in the game. prop-kudos-and cookies.

24. if only it was done with much better sound quaility....

All in all i say your project was a good 97% success. almost there but not quite, but hey who gives a damn? eh? its chrono trigger and it is going on my ipod! i will show the music off! ahahahaha!  :lee:   

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: chrono trigger soundtrack
« on: November 06, 2008, 11:40:47 am »
opps i might've screwed up- i dont have the cd yet, i have to wait until the release date. but i will gladly do so Zeality once i get the cd i'll hop right onto it. unless of corse someone else gets it before me lol  :D

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / chrono trigger soundtrack
« on: November 05, 2008, 10:11:57 pm »
ok so i just preordered chrono trigger for the ds- VERY IMPORTANT; now- i recieved intell that when i preorder it i get the bonus of getting the 2 track soundtrack with it.

Ever since chrono chroos i have been a big fan of yasunori mitsuda's work- and when i heard of this and saw the interview and heard how clear and beautiful the chrontrigger music sounded- i got psyched! the countdown begins till i go pick up my awesomeness in a GAMEstop. do you guys think i wasted my time and effort in preordering chronotrigger? or was i completely awesome for doing so?


Kajar Laboratories / Chrono chross manga!!!!
« on: November 05, 2008, 10:05:04 pm »
so i realized there is none, and it made me angry so im thinking im wanna make one- or maybe not- maybe i just wanna make short mang pages that are full of funnies and inside jokes from the game, what do you guys think? should i spend the time and effort on this? will you read it if i make it? will you help with plots and jokes? plz reply- this is a must tell opinion thread


Submissions / Re: iScribble - Crono & Serge
« on: June 15, 2008, 10:11:21 am »
oy, its Rain21.  :D

Submissions / Re: iScribble - Crono & Serge
« on: June 14, 2008, 04:02:01 pm »
hey i joined the site and its kinda fun, you and i gotta collab sometime!!! lets make it a date lo j/k

Submissions / Re: chrono chross sigs.
« on: May 21, 2008, 09:05:45 am »
ah your all right, they are moving to fast. i just got a headache from staring at them. I'll edit them later today and post them again :lee: oh yeah!!!!

Submissions / chrono chross sigs.
« on: May 20, 2008, 08:00:07 pm »
my first try at making signintures. kinda lost quality in the process of being made....

here are sigs for my screenname here on the site...

here's a cool one for the chrono symponic lovers....


and my favorite, for my AIM screen name.

Submissions / Re: EVERY FAN LOOK AT THIS!!!!
« on: May 12, 2008, 09:04:11 am »
Ah yes the OVA, why...why make me watch that again?

Ditto. Seen it a few times.

Chronomage002, do you think we are rookies or something?

whopps lol forgot this was a hardcore site lol. well i never saw it until the other day so i just thought i'd share my discovery, as it made me laugh a bit. :lee:

Submissions / EVERY FAN LOOK AT THIS!!!!
« on: May 11, 2008, 01:00:35 pm »
dont waste time and watch this hilarous OVA OF CHRONO TRIGGER I FOUND WORKED ON BY THE ACTUAL ARTIST OF CHRONO TRIGGER!!!!! GO HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submissions / Re: Chronicle
« on: May 10, 2008, 12:33:33 pm »
lol very funny boo the gentleman. the non human mauin charaters will be centered on the other side of the world plotting the demise of the humans, frog will be serving as a peace worker on their behalf

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