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Messages - mcbanhas

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Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Frog's Theme Intro Recreated
« on: May 03, 2022, 10:43:47 am »
This is really nice. I would like to see a simple hack that uses this version to replace the victory theme that plays when Frog appears for the first time in the Cathedral. The intro fanfare is ideal for that scene. I do however wonder if it's possible to skip the intro in other instances when the song is queued, such as when the king is talking to Frog in Guardia Castle shortly after Leene is rescued.

Otherwise, perhaps there is a way to keep both versions? The idea here is that the version with the intro is really good for certain action scenes (such as Frog's first appearance) but has too much of a kick for quieter scenes. This makes me wonder if it was the motive why the intro was dropped in the 1st place.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: Chrono Trigger plus 2.0
« on: October 11, 2019, 08:50:36 pm »
On a word of praise, I really like the new short sequence with Lucca barging in the castle after Marle vanishes due to a time paradox. The way she corrects herself to avoid suspicion and the way the guards react is also pretty humorous and well written. Congratulations on this one. It fixes the original inconsistency with having Lucca already inside the castle by the time Crono goes downstairs, and it actually adds something of substance.

As for the princess scene I'm trying to flesh out a game that ends way too soon, but your writing isn't bad, when I get back into working on this I'll try it out and see how it feels.

I think it's more about finding the places where it should be fleshed out. In this particular case the whole sequence is kind of pointless. I find it much more satisfying for the player to be transported to a place without having no idea where he is nor were Marle is. It incentivizes you to first go to the inn and ask where you are, and slowly piece out what is happening. If you know beforehand who took Marle and why, there isn't much of point in not simply traveling straight to the castle.

Finally I would like to recommend you to keep a more detailed change log with all the scene additions and other detailed modifications. This would be a very important aid for testing purposes!

Kajar Laboratories / Re: Chrono Trigger plus 2.0
« on: October 10, 2019, 09:14:40 pm »
Gato can still be beaten before going to 600ad but given that he's a battle robot and gives the second most silver points he should not be beaten by a level 1 character mashing attack.

The point here is that Gato is very likely the first battle most players engage into. I understand what you're doing here concerning the Silver points, especially taking into accounted you lowered the amount required for Norstein Bekker's games. However, the main purpose of Gato is to serve as an introductory battle. It should be easy to win.

Some more feedback.:

*Typos and purpose of Marle's sequence*

I'm conlicted about the new sequence following Marle first entering the time gate. And the reasons are many:
1 - It adds no new relevant information - the sequence brings nothing new or of particular relevance to the plot, it only reveals some information sooner. If this is restored content, then this is a sequence that I would've understand being cut.
2 - It spoils the plot - This sequence effectively reveals the player that Marle was found by knights assuming her to be Leene. This ruins the surprise of eventually meeting her at Guardia Castle, and renders all the Dialogue at the pub and residences hinting for that to become relatively moot.
3 - It is not properly scripted - The sequence begins with Marle already standing and she can be controlled for a short while before the guards find her. I think that the short bit that Marle is controlled for is not justified for not simply having a cutscene that could do the same job better,

I personally do not think this sequence is of any use and it is in fact detrimental to storytelling. However, if you really want to keep it, I would suggest a more natural transition that does not spoil the player where and why Marle was taken:

*After the screen fades out from 1000 AD, the music stops. The screen fades back in. Marle is lying unconscious on the ground in the clearing where the gate has spawned in 600 AD. Two knights stand next to her*
Knight 1: How did you find her?
Knight 2: She was just lying here on the grass, Sir. No sign of kidnappers or anyone else.
Knight 1: Are you sure it's her? Where is the pendant?
Knight 2: I could not find it. Maybe she has lost it in the forest.
*Knight 1 briefly steps away from the body*
Knight 1: Hmm, alright, let's take her back, she does not seem to be hurt.
*The screen fades out and in back to 1000 AD*.

Last but not least, In case you want to keep it as is, there's a couple of typos in this dialogue. Please find the attached pic.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: Chrono Trigger plus 2.0
« on: October 10, 2019, 12:27:20 pm »
Ferry to Choras is extremely complicated,  overworld events are very picky and are more likely to cause huge bugs rather than what you want.

Understood. I was just wondering if there would be any improvements in the future, or if this feature was already as good as it can be.

I have the means to fix the autorun back to normal and probably will when I get the chance to work on this again.

Cool thanks!

Right now the radio in the suite in 1999 will play several different rarely used tracks.

Nice, I'll check it out once I get there. My suggestion was due to this being a minor feature that I greatly enjoyed in Pokemon games, and the general amount of readables and objects you could interact with in the environment. Compared to that CT always felt a bit dry.

From this post onwards, I will be providing feedback on some of the irks I run into during gameplay, for the sake of feedback and discussion.

*Gato damage*

I will start with a big discrepancy I found when fighting Gato in the fair. I just noticed that in CT+ he seems to be dealing very high damage!

On regular CT right after starting the game Gato damages Crono on the average of 15 HP. On CT+ that damage has been upped to +50 HP (!!!), meaning Crono simply cannot beat Gato on his own, even though he has slightly improved base stats in CT+. If this is an intentional change, this is something I disagree with. Gato should be an easily beatable enemy, not only for purposes of teaching combat, but also for getting Silver Points faster.

Please refer to attached pic.

*Death animation bug*

I just noticed if one or more of your character get taken down, the death animation will not register properly. Please see the video attached.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: Chrono Trigger plus 2.0
« on: October 09, 2019, 06:59:34 pm »
Hello, I've started playing this hack and I would like to share some initial impressions:

* Ferry to Choras - As of the moment it's a bit odd that on making the way back to Porre you're simply teleported back. Will improvements be possible in the future? If so, I would suggest adding a secondary dock to Porre so two ferries can be stationed there at the same time.
* Running patch - As p/ the previous version, I would still prefer if this one was opt-out, instead of in. This messes with the default control scheme that is present in CT and other RPGs (Golden Sun comes to mind), and so I would rather having run set up as B+directionals.
* Save Zeal by beating Lavos in the Ocean Palace - I haven't gotten to this yet, but curious if this wouldn't imply a time paradox, since the fall of Zeal is essential for the future human societies to flourish

And a couple of tiny suggestions
* Radio stations - in 1000 AD most houses are shown having a radio device. I think it would be nice if these objects could be interacted with, producing some text "You are now listening to radio X" and changing the background music like the piano player or the doll in Crono's room. Perhaps some hints could even be put on radio monologue lines.

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