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Messages - Chronocrossed

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Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: HELP NEEDE FOR A PROMISE KEPT
« on: July 20, 2009, 06:20:34 am »
I personally loved the job done by Kid's first VA, and thought it the best vocal portrayal of the character I've ever heard. On the other hand, I completely disagreed with Magil's portrayal. I keep wanting him to be this suave, debonaire, Clark-Gable-with-long-hair kind of fella so he can be a foil to Magus. But maybe it's just me.

Assassin, are you having a problem at the unzipping stage then? Are you using winzip to extract?

Believe me, as the voice for the character (and producer of the project) in retrospect I don't think I portrayed Magus/Magil/Guile/Janus as I would have were I doing it now.  In fact, if I ever get this CT drama going I certainly will be changing the voice.  It won't matter for continuity as the CT audio won't be related to the continuity of the CC dramas.  My sequel audio drama on the other hand will and I will have to decide whether to play him the same for continuity or change it.

BTW if the links ever become broken I can provide anyone with copies of the entire work of the audio dramas.  The pre-rendered files and well as the renders are backed up on my computer.

Chrono Symphonic: I have little, if any, interest in fan music.

Audio Drama: Sounds somewhat interesting. Where can I find it?

Hi, I am the creator/director of "Chrono Cross: Faraway Promise/Promise Kept" (even play a few parts in it) .  I don't post here on a normal basis but was browsing through topics and was glad to see there was interest in listening to the audio drama.  You can find both for download here on the Compendium located in the Editorials & Features section, thanks to Zeality.  Hope you enjoy listening.  

Slightly off the point, but maybe I will resume work on the sequel project or the Chrono Trigger audio project one day.  Though with these cease and desist letters going out on the fan games, I fear audio projects may be next in line of being shut down.  Well let's hope not.

All the best,

-Ben Harmer

Nice to know about the other things. One minor bit:

Lucien wanted to experiment a bit here and do something different for a robot.  We've all heard the monotonous thing before on countless robots.  Personally, I found it refreshing.
I was simply expecting a deeper, richer voice, that's all. I didn't want Robo to sound monotonous, since that would definitely not be right, but the voice seemed oddly high pitched for what I had expected. It was a great voice though, and as a voice it's splendid. Lucien Dodge is a wonderful voice actor.

By the way...I'm a bit of an amatuer voice actor myself, have a decent mic, and I would be willing to pitch in on any future radio drama you do.

I'll keep you in mind.


First of all, let me thank those who have commented thus far, I appreciate the feedback.

Okay, the audio drama? Overall, wonderful work. Occasionally some of the voice talent was sub par...and then there was the rare, frightfully bad voice talent like whoever was voicing Radius...but other than that, it worked beautifully. I loved how well the background music slipped in and through each word spoken, creating such an immersive atmosphere. I do have a few minor complaints here and there, though, such as the pronunciation of Solt and Peppor, which was pronounced incorrectly as Salt and Pepper, or Kid's accent, which wavers somewhat at times. Guile's voice is not entirely appropriate...I was expecting something smoother, more gentle. I know he turns into Magus, but still...

Not trying to make excuses for the poorer acting in some parts, but for many of the cast this was early in their voice over careers.  Yukikko who played Harle in FAP played Radius because I was having problems finding many male VAs and she was being helpful.  She'd be the first to admit though that it wasn't the best work she's done in retrospect.  As for as pronunciations go, I'll get to that later.  Guile's voice I'll admit was not probably the best idea for him.   Though since he was going to turn out to be Magus, I had to have him sound similar to how I'd voice Magus.  Of course I really don't like the voice for Magus but I'm my own worst critic.

Harle's voice on the other hand is spot on, though the accent, like with Kid's, is a bit shaky.(At least for A Faraway Promise. The voice actress for A Promise Kept was not as on target, unfortunately.) Lynx...Lynx's voice amuses me greatly. And there is an error present in the script where Janus calls Queen Zeal his step-mother, when she's not his stepmother. Simple mistake easily made due to the mistranslation in the original Chrono Trigger though.

Kid was played by several different actresses and that didn't help the accent's continuity.  Believe it or not though, Kid was played by an actual British actress in APK.  So I'm sure the accent is as correct as it could be.  Originally, I wanted to have the VA play Kid as an "Aussie", but the idea didn't stick.  Lynx's voice was basically pitch-shifting which can make the lines sound a bit silly sometimes.  But I was going for an almost inhuman voice so it was the best effect I could do.  The Step-Mother thing...I didn't know about that.  I'd always thought Janus/Magus was Schala's half-brother.

Glenn is just...odd. I'll agree to disagree about his misuse of Elizabethan English in this audio drama, but the different from what I pictured.  Now, the voice used would work if he were still a frog, but as a human, it makes no sense.

Well, I honestly can't write "Old English" worth a lick so that was the problem mostly.  My rational for the voice though was that Glenn had been a frog for so long that it would take him a while to get his voice back to normal even after regaining his true form.  Again it would have been useless information for the plot, but now you know.

Robo...I'd be laughing at Robo's voice if the situation were not as serious as it was...mainly because he sounds exactly like my sister does when she attempts such a voice...definitely not what I expected.

Lucien wanted to experiment a bit here and do something different for a robot.  We've all heard the monotonous thing before on countless robots.  Personally, I found it refreshing.

And it's Eye-la, not Ee-la! Porr-ey, not Poor!  Sshala, not Skala!  Mar-el and Har-el, not Mar-ley and Har-ley!  Gah! (Sorry, but these are minor irks. I'd complain about Magus versus Majus but I don't think anyone would agree with me about pronouncing the word as Majus.)

Okay pronunciations.  When I first played CT, I always pronounced Marle as "Mar-lee" in my head.  The RP's pronunciations are a reflection of how I envisioned they'd be pronounced and nothing more.  A little artistic license if you will.  Harle of course always rhymed with Marle in my head.  Poore probably should have been pronounced "Poo-ore" now that I think of it, but it's not important really.  The reason I did not think Ayla was "Aye-la" was because the word is missing the "E" required to make the "eye" sound.   My rationale for pronouncing Magus as "Mag-us" is simple.  We don't pronounce the word magazine as "Maj-iz-ine".  Same rational for Janus.  We don't pronounce January like "Jayne-oo-ary".  But let us agree to disagree.

Also, I must admit confusion as to why you decided to roll with the idea of Lucca and Janus in love. I've never seen why that makes any sense...even mellowing out of his Magus self Janus and Lucca are not exactly compatible. I frankly wouldn't see Lucca considering hooking up with anyone except Crono, and not even Crono since he has Marle. To me, it seems as if people just pair the two up because Lucca and Janus both "deserve" someone, but that is the same kind of fan reasoning that leads to slash fiction of, say, Kirk and Spock. Logically those two would never really hook up, and neither would Janus and Lucca.

And what happened to Orlha? She seemed to be included for no purpose and then just disappeared in A Promise Kept.

Again, as I said in the interview Zeality gave me, I based the back-story for the RP loosely on the Jeff Moore fanfic "Until the End of Time".  In that fanfic, Janus and Lucca do indeed fall in love and the story I feel does a good job of explaining it.  You should give it a read.  However, remember I said "loosely based" some characters actually die in that story that appear in the audio drama.

As for Orlha...well the simple answer is that I decided to drop the excess characters for APK.  I could figure out no rational reason for her to rejoin the team after the way she was treated by "Serge" (who was actually Dark Serge- she obviously didn't know that).  Plus I also couldn't think of any meaningful contribution she could make.  Perhaps I'll revisit her in the sequel.

You know, I recommend a potential rewrite of A Faraway Promise to blend more smoothly with A Promise Kept. Right now it blends somewhat but not entirely. It might help matters...but then A Faraway Promise is huge...well over two hours worth of dialogue that would have to be rerecorded and remixed with the rewritten script. It's up to you whether that's worth it or not.

This idea has been discussed actually.  Lucien Dodge would be willing, but I am not sure about the rest of the cast.  If I were to do it, it would be done after the sequel I'm working on.

Still, overall, I found it to be a wonderful audio drama, and I am anxious to see if you will ever produce any more.

I thank you for your review and I am glad you enjoyed it overall.

All the Best,

Ben Harmer

Yeah, I went to register thinking I did not have an account, but it told me my e-mail was used already.  That reminded me that I did indeed register a while ago.  I think it was so I could audition for some of the fan projects that required a voice.

Hello, this Ben Harmer: the producer/director of the Chrono Cross audio drama.  Just wanted to drop on by the thread and welcome anyone to let me know they they think about it and to thank The Condpedium once again for having the audio drama on the site.

Kajar Laboratories / My Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross game.
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:56:00 pm »
Quote from: Azarath
Oh, lol. Hahaha....
Oh, and Chronocompressed, am I supposed to open the game? Because when I go to open it, it says 'Cannot find file EPOCH'.

I think you've gotta import the maps into your project...or something like that.  I haven't really given a RPGMaker project file for someone to work on it before.

I hope I don't have to send the entire folder as it's 17 MB...

Kajar Laboratories / My Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross game.
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:15:49 am »
Okay, here it is.  Let me know if this links works for you:

I don't know if you'll need any of the custom CharSets I had to work it...if so you should be able to substitute in their place.

Kajar Laboratories / My Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross game.
« on: August 28, 2005, 02:26:46 pm »
A while ago, I created a CT-like battle system (unfinished) for RPGMaker 2000 for a game I was going to make.  If you'd like the unfinished code, let me know.  I don't really plan on finishing it so you may be able to make something out of it.

Kajar Laboratories / Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« on: August 27, 2005, 06:40:16 pm »
Quote from: teh Schala
Chronocrossed, you did a great job and I'm sure you'll get a few parts. :)

Thanks.  If you'd like me to do any callbacks on any of the characters, let me know.

Kajar Laboratories / Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« on: August 25, 2005, 10:33:38 pm »
I sent some auditions in.

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