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Messages - Feez

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General Discussion / Re: Found real incredible rpg
« on: June 08, 2007, 04:58:08 am »
I never liked the SaGa series, come to think of it. >_>

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: CHRONO COMIX
« on: April 15, 2007, 02:41:06 pm »
Mmmmm....? :lee:

If you have the Black Plate, equip it on Riddel and give her Ultranova. :lol:

Really, once you have the Black Plate on here, Dario isn't that hard. He usually only attacks her anyway.

General Discussion / Re: Gundam Seed
« on: April 02, 2007, 09:28:58 pm »
I've never seen Turn A Gundam or whatever, but maybe I should. Is it any good?

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 12
« on: April 02, 2007, 03:43:00 am »
^ I think someone just got owned. 8)

General Discussion / Re: Gundam Seed
« on: April 02, 2007, 03:42:16 am »
The Wing Zero is just cheap, plain and simple. It was designed to be ultimate. :?

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Trial
« on: March 31, 2007, 09:44:03 pm »
Don't they only leave it if you weren't found guilty? I'm pretty sure at least. It's just the people that feel sorry for you leaving you some goods. At least, that's what I assumed. If you were found guilty by the majority of the jury, I don't think you get anything.

General Discussion / Re: Gundam Seed
« on: March 31, 2007, 09:42:33 pm »
I think the rank would be something like...

Wing Zero
Strike Freedom

 :lee: :lee:

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 12
« on: March 31, 2007, 09:40:18 pm »
Chrono Cross and Vagrant Story are both WAY better than FF12. >_>;

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 12
« on: March 30, 2007, 11:46:04 pm »
As far as I'm concerned, this game is horrendously bad. It's a disgrace, really. Good thing I didn't pay for it or I would have done something drastic by now. I gave it a chance--a good 15 hours chance. And I wasn't impressed at all.

General Discussion / Re: Gundam Seed
« on: March 30, 2007, 11:44:56 pm »
Bish, Duo is the exception!  He actually was a character, not a gay robot.

Gundam SEED is tons better than GSD.  Kira had tons of development in that (SEED).  In GSD, Kira just flew around and unplugged other people's controllers.  You have Cagalli who had tons of development in Gundam SEED, and although cried the first half of GSD, came around in the end.  Athrun got worse in GSD, and didn't come around till like the final storyarc of the series.
I agree completely. :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Gundam Seed
« on: March 29, 2007, 11:23:35 pm »
Quote from: Magus068
Is that also a fact or your personal opinion that SEED destiny is a success? Unless you have something to back it out then I disagree with you.
Based on how well GSD's done in the Japanese market (although I can't say for sure), I'm pretty sure it's safe to say it's been successful. They're even making a movie.

And yeah, I agree with the rest of you guys about WING having overly-powerful Gundams, but it still does a better job than SEED Destiny. I Destiny, no one can hurt the "strongest" suits--no one, not even another one of the strongest suits. The one exception is Shinn, who actually defeated Kira (which was actually a good fight).

"Boring" characters? Though I agree to an extent, how can you not say Duo is awesome? 8) Also, Kira is one of the most static characters ever, in GSD. He's incredibly easy to follow, and everything he says is easy to predict; probably due to the fact that he says the same thing over and over again. Athrun, Shinn, and even Cagalli were better at least. Then there's people like Lunamaria who are there only for fanservice, and Meyrin, who never do anything during the whole series, become important for 1 episode, and then get cast into the shadows again. IMO, GSD is a series that started off great, could have continued its greatness, but failed.

Quote from: Rydis
Besides, the women in it were so ugly.
LOL I agree totally.

General Discussion / Re: Gundam Seed
« on: March 27, 2007, 09:39:45 pm »
Gundam Wing had the best fights....SEED fights were ok but the talking was gay. SEED Destiny had 1 or 2 good fights but most of the rest (actually, about 90% of the show) were rehashed animations from earlier in the show and even from SEED.

Right, if you think that gundams that were invincable and never hit, as a good fight. Wing also used more rehashed scenes then any other gundam.
Is this a fact? Because SEED Destiny has WAY too many reused scenes, I really doubt Wing has more rehashed scenes than Destiny. I may be wrong though, I haven't seen Wing in like 3 years.

"Gundams that were invincible and never hit"

You've got to be joking me. What do you think SEED Destiny is? >_> I'll admit that SEED may be better than Wing, but SEED Destiny, hell no. SEED Destiny only did reasonably well because it's SEED's sequel and because well, it's Gundam.

Quote from: Sentenal
And Gundam Wing didn't have rehashed animation?  It had plenty, and the quality of animation wasn't nearly up to SEED's level.
Once again, maybe when comparing it to SEED, but Destiny's animation--except for a few key moments--has incredibly bad, rehashed animation. In fact, I'd say about 60% of the fights are just rehashed animation. I'll even use examples.

Freedom does it's "All weapons unload" attack way too many times in SEED...and way too many times in Destiny as well. Even the Strike Freedom has an edited version of the attack. Freedom always has the same boring moveset which gets annoying fast.

The I. Justice has most of the original Justice's moveset except for a few animations. These new animations are rehashed twice (in the two fights its in), which looks really lame.

Basically the entire Strike Freedom vs. Legend fight is rehashed from SEED.

Destiny has 3 or 4 animations that it repeats in every single fight and gets annoying, old, boring, and stupid really really REALLY fast.

These are the most notable in my opinion. There are others like the impulse stuff, but w/e. I guess there might be a lot in Wing as well, but like i said, I haven't seen it in a while. But that's just sad if it has more rehashing than Destiny. :(

I have Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross for PSX. Trigger for SNES would make a nice collector's item, but playing on the emulator is fine enough for me.

My brother got it one day and...

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